• Title/Summary/Keyword: spatial access structure

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Multi-view Video Codec for 3DTV (3DTV를 위한 다시점 동영상 부호화 기법)

  • Bae Jin-Woo;Song Hyok;Yoo Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.3A
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    • pp.337-344
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose a multi-view video codec for 3DTV system. The proposed algorithm is not only to reduce the temporal and spatial redundancy but also to reduce the redundancy among each view. With these results, we can improve the coding efficiency for multi-view video sequences. In order to reduce the redundancy of each view more efficiently, we define the assembled image(AI) that is generated by the global disparity compensation of each view. In addition, the proposed algorithm is based on MPEG-2 structure so that we can easily implement 3DTV system without changing the conventional 2D digital TV system. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs very well. It also performs better than MPEG-2 simulcast coding method. The newly proposed codec also supports the view scalability, accurate temporal synchronization among multiple views and random access capability in view dimension.

An Efficient Distributed Shared Memory System for Parallel GIS (병렬 GIS를 위한 효율적인 분산공유메모리 시스템)

  • Jeong, Sang-Hwa;Ryu, Gwang-Yeol;Go, Yun-Yeong;Gwak, Min-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.700-707
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문에서는 GIS 관련 연산을 실시간에 효율적으로 처리하기 위한 분산공유메모리 기반 병렬처리 시스템을 제안한다. 본 논문의 분산공유메모리 시스템은 메시지전달 방식의 분산메모리 MIMD 컴퓨터 상에 소프트웨어 기반 분산공유메모리 모듈을 탑재함으로써 구현되었다. 또한 GIS 연산의 기본이 되는 공간 객체를 공유의 기본 단위로 설정하고, GIS 데이타의 특성을 반영하여 읽기전용 공유데이타 타입을 추가하였으며, 네트워크 오버헤드를 줄이기 위하여 복수의 객체를 한번에 읽어오는 bulk access가 가능하도록 하였다. 본 시스템에서는 GIS 데이타의 효율적인 분배를 위하여 부하균등화 기법으로 guided self scheduling을 사용하였다. 실험결과 본 시스템은 네트워크 캐쉬의 효율적인 활용을 통하여 소프트웨어 기반 분산메모리 시스템의 오버헤드에도 불구하고 MPI 기반 메시지전달 방식에 비하여 향상된 성능을 얻을 수 있었다.Abstract In this paper, we propose a distributed shared memory(DSM) based parallel processing system to process GIS related computations efficiently in real time. The system is based on a software DSM module implemented on top of a distributed MIMD computer. In the DSM system, spatial object, which is a fundamental structure to represent GIS data, is used as a basic unit for sharing, and a read-only shared data type is added to reflect the characteristics of GIS data. In addition, a bulk access to multiple shared data is made possible to reduce the network overhead. A guided self scheduling method is devised for efficient load balancing in distributing GIS data to parallel processors. The experimental results show that the DSM system performs better than an MPI based message-passing system through the efficient utilization of network cache in spite of the system's software overhead.

Structural study on storytelling of VR contents (VR 콘텐츠의 스토리텔링에 대한 구조적 연구)

  • CHO, Il-hyun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2019
  • Modern society is the era of convergence, and storytelling requires the necessity of storytelling in which two types of data types, emotional stories and information, are fused. Particularly, in the case of VR contents, the user must directly participate in the content and select the information through the process of freely searching $360^{\circ}$ space, so that the user can interact with the content immediately. Therefore, there is a limit to access to the existing storytelling method, and it is considered that the implementation of 'convergent storytelling' that meets two areas of sensitivity and information is considered to be an urgent genre. In this paper, we focus on the spatial characteristics of VR contents, and then, as a way to effectively implement 'convergent storytelling' in VR contents, We propose a custom system by organizing the type into a circle structure. Based on this, it is expected that the technology will be developed into a research of a personalized system that meets two areas of emotion and information by utilizing the context recognition process for VR content and interaction in the fourth industrial revolution era.

A Study on the Common Space Characteristics of Early Housing by Hayakawa Kunihiko - Focusing on Labyrinth housing in Tokyo - (하야카와 쿠니히코 초기 공동주택의 공용공간 특성에 관한 연구 - 도쿄 라비린스(ラビリンス)를 중심으로 -)

  • Ki, Yu-Mi;Jun, Byung-Kweon;Kim, Kyoung-Yon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2019
  • Hayakawa Kunihiko introduced community space as an open space in Housing in Japan for the first time. We can find the continuity of his architectural intent from his three works (Atrium, Steps, Labyrinth) during the early period of his Housing buildings, In particular, from Labyrinth, his intent was expanded to cities through 'Urban Void', seeking communication and harmony. Accordingly, based on the architectural overview and a field survey of Labyrinth, an analysis was conducted using Space Syntax to investigate whether the space of an inner courtyard is being used as a community space for neighbors who pass through the courtyard and whether the courtyard plays the role of 'Urban Void' as intended by the architect. For this investigation, according to VGA, the courtyard showed the role of great visual connectivity and integration and facilitated connections to the center of the entire space. On the other hand, according to J-Graph, the access stairway connected to each household from the courtyard helped secure privacy in the midst of common space. Step Depth noted that a hierarchy of space was formed to ensure visual privacy within each unit household in addition to privacy for each household.

A Study on the Applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Underwater Cultural Heritage Survey in Intertidal Zones (조간대에서의 수중문화재 조사를 위한 무인항공기의 적용 가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Young-Hyun Lee;Dong-Won Choi;Sang-Hee Lee;Sung-Bo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.4_2
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    • pp.697-703
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    • 2023
  • Intertidal zones, akin to tidal flats, are among the potential areas where underwater cultural heritage might be submerged. However, the shallow depths in these regions present challenges for conventional vessel-based survey methods. Moreover, during low tides, intertidal zones transform into tidal flats, limiting the efficiency of survey efforts due to restricted access and potential risks. As a result, proper underwater cultural heritage surveys encounter difficulties in these environments. In recent times, extensive research is underway to address these issues by investigating underwater cultural heritage surveys in intertidal zones, encompassing diverse fields, including equipment-based investigations. This study aimed to explore the feasibility of utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to conduct intertidal cultural heritage surveys, employing aerial photography and 3D mapping to create detailed orthoimages and 3D models. The study focused on assessing the potential application of these techniques for cultural heritage surveying within intertidal zones. Notably, the survey conducted in Jindo's Naesan-ri demonstrated high-resolution capabilities, enabling the distinction of actual pottery fragments mixed within gravel fields. Similarly, in the survey of Jindo's Byeokpa-hang, it was found that a wooden pillar structure existed in a section about 200m long. The integration of various sensors, including LiDAR, with UAVs allows for diverse investigation possibilities, including bathymetric measurements, and is expected to facilitate the acquisition of varied datasets for further research and assessment.

A New Integrative Approach to Geography Education in the Social Studies Subject - with respect to Replacement of Geographical Contents in the Elementary-leveled Learning - (지리 교과의 통합교육적 접근방안 - 초등 사회과 학습 내용 조직을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2001
  • The curriculum of integrated social studies is not conceptually established, but various forms pursuing so-called perfect integrated subject have appeared from elementary school to high school. But we cannot find out desirable integration in the elementary school though the apparent goal is to integrate all kinds of social concepts into one unit. The current method of integration has some problems over advantages people initially expected by integration. It is problematic in that students learn fragmental knowledges of geography without capturing the whole geographical concept structure or obtaining their own geographical viewpoint. Therefore, we purpose to reinterpret integration of social studies and reorganize the current textbook into the right direction under the assumption that simple mixture of knowledges is far from our goal of true integration. For this purpose, we suggest a new method for social studies as an integrated subject. Instead of providing knowledges unrelated to each other into one bundle, it helps students to see the real world in his own knowledge framework equipped with geographical viewpoint. The text we claim will show students that geography consists of three key concepts: physical environment, man and environment, and spatial structure. With this text, they will have an easy access to the relationships between key concepts and details, and between geographical concepts and similar concepts from other disciplines. The proposal contributes to both upcoming textbook development and classroom teaching by eliminating problems in the current social studies teaching.

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A Study on the Web-based Map Algebraic Processor (웹 기반 지도대수 처리기에 관한 연구)

  • 박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.147-160
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    • 1997
  • "The "Map Algebra", beeing recognized as a viable theoretical framework for GIS (Geographica Infonnation System), models map layers as "operands" which are the basic unit of geo-processing, and a variety of GIS commands as "operators." In this paper, we attempt at lifting some limitations of map algebras proposed in GIS literature. First, we model map layer as "function" such that we may employ the notion of meta operator (or, higher-order funtion) available in the functional programming paradigm. This approach provides map algebraic language with "programmability" needed in GIS user language. Second, we extend the semantics of, and improve on the sytactic structure of map algebraic language. Mer the data model and language associated with map algebra are formalized, we proceed to design and implement a prototype of map algebraic processor. The parser of the language in our prototype plays the role of transforming the native and heterogeneous user language of current GISs into a canonical map algebraic language. The prototype, named "MapSee" is a proof-of-concept system for the ideas we propsed in this paper. We believe that the uniform interface based on the map algebraic language will make promising infrastructure to support "Internet GIS." This is because the uniform but powerful interface through the Web clients allow access to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.to both geo-data and geo-processing resources distributed over the network.

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Recent Advancement in the Differentiation of Tissues and Organs and Regulation of Gene Expression (조직.기관의 분화와 유전자 발현의 조절, 최근의 진보)

  • Harn, Chang-Yawl
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-35
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    • 1997
  • Fertilized egg, by successive cell divisions, differentiates into different tissues and organs with various structures and functions. Different cells and tissues contain different proteins, products of selective gene expression. Not all the genes in any genomes are equally active, temporal and spatial gene expression being the general rule. Present paper attempts to review the tanscriptional mechanisms or the initiations of transcription from several angles. In some of the organisms the genes in the process of transcription or the genes in the inactive state can be seen under the light microscope. Some bands of Drosophila polytene chromosomes may exhibit a swollen or puff appearance under certain conditions. A puff, unfolded or decondensed form of chromomere, represents sets of intense transcriptional activity or RNA synthesis. The heterochromatic X chromosome whose genes remain inactive in the female mammals can be visualized as a dark staining structure called Barr body, Configuration of chromatin differs between transcribed and nontranscribed chromatin. Modification to the chromatin facilitates RNA synthesis. The movement of large polymerase molecule along the DNA would probably be facilitated if some modifications of the chromatin configuration is effected. Methylation of cytosines in CG sequences is associated with inactive genes. Methylation can play a role in determination of mammalian cells during embryogenesis. Demethylation is necessary for the gene to be expressed during development A histone modification that is also known to be correlated with transcriptional capacity of chromatin is acetylation of the lysine residues of the core histones. Chromatin containing a high level of histone acetylation is very sensitive to DNase 1. For the transcription to occur TBP must first bind to the TATA box. Another TF, TF IIB, then binds to the promoter-TBP complex, facilitating the access of RNA polymerase to the transcription initiation site. As recently as eight years ago researchers assumed that histones were irrelevant to the regulation of gene expression. Histones combine with the DNA to form nucleosome of the chromatin. Histones are vital participant in gene regulation. Histone and basal factors compete for access to TATA box. When DNA is exposed to basal factors before histones are introduced, the basal factors assemble on TATA boxes preventing the access of histones, allowing transcription to occur, for transcription to begin, activator protein at the upstream activation sequence or enhancer must interact with the tail of histone H4 at TATA box and cause the histone role particle to dissociate from the TATA box leading to partial breakup of the histone core particle and allowing the basal factors to bind to the TATA box. New concept of genomic flux in contrast to the old concept of static genome has been developed based on the powerful new molecular techniques. Genomic changes such as repetitive DNAs and transposable elements, it is assumed but not yet proved, may affect some of the developmental patterns that characterize particular cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. In the last decade or so remarkable achievement have been made in the researches of the structures and functions of TFs and the specific target sequences located in promoters or enhancers where these TFs bind. TFs have independent domains that bind DNA and that activate transcription. DNA binding domain of TFs serves to bring the protein into the right location. There are many types of DNA binding domains. Common types of motifs can be found that are responsible for binding to DNA. The motifs are usually quite short and comprise only a small part of the protein structure. Steroid receptors have domains for hormone binding, DNA binding, and activating transcription. The zinc finger motif comprises a DNA binding domain. Leucine zipper consist of a stretch of amino acids with a leucine residue in every seventh position Two proteins form a dimer because they interact by means of leucine zippers on similar α-helical domain. This positions their DNA binding basic domains for interaction with the two halves of a DNA sequence with dyad symmetry of TGACTCA, ACTGAGT.

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Studies on the Spacial Compositions and the Characteristics of the Alter System at Daebodan in the Changdeok Palace (창덕궁 대보단(大報壇)의 공간구성과 단제(壇制) 특성에 관한 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo Jin;Sim, Woo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.318-345
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out with a focus on the factor on the periodical space organization of Daebodan (大報壇: the altar of great recompense) in Changdeok Palace, which is significant in terms of political history in the late Chosun Dynasty, and consider the factors in the formation of the structural system through historical records and drawings. Daebodan has the ideology of righteousness to the Ming Dynasty which the hierarchy of the Joseon Dynasty. who felt the crisis of the domination order, imposed as a solution after the Manchu war of 1636. In addition, Daebodan was built by complex factors that entailed the self-esteem of the 'Joseon Centralism Ideology (朝鮮中華)' and the desire of the sacrificial rituals for Heaven that were imminent to the kings of Joseon. Superficially, Daebodan has the spatial organization of the Sajik (社稷) Altar and the placement of an annex building, but had the applied placement due to limited topography and access to the backyard. Furthermore, the lateral structure of Daebodan multiply accepted various factors of the nine step's stairs, the hight of five cheok (尺), the circumstance of two floors that were showed in the altar and platform with small fences and an imperial order including the internal form of Hwangjangbang (黃帳房). Moreover, the name of the alter came from 'the Jiaote Sheng Book of Rites(禮記 郊特牲)' representing 'the suburban sacrifice ritual for Heaven (郊天)', and it was built by not only combining the system of the Sajik Altar in the Joseon Dynasty and China but also avoiding 'excessive etiquette (僭禮).' The point is a remarkable feature shown by the structural system of Daebodan. Thus, it is considered that the 'Notion of Confucian-Cultural Succession (中華繼承意識)' and the desire of the sacrificial rituals for Heaven were expressed by the structure and form of altar. This study examined the process of the creation, expansion, decline and disposal of Daebodan in a chronological order, and found that the ruling ideology of the governing elite by the political and cultural background of the era at each transitional point was reflected in the spatial formation of the altar. On the other hand, as a result of performing a field survey to find the location in accordance with Daebodan in drawing materials, there remains items such as worked stones from Daebodan, precast pavers and fragments of proof tile discovered in the surrounding of tora vine (Actinidia arguta) which is a natural monument of Changdeok Palace. As such, verification through future excavation and investigation is required.

The Influence of Information Commons on User Traffic Patterns and Perceptions of the Library (정보공유공간이 이용자 유동패턴과 도서관인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ji-Hong;Park, Jinhee;Nam, Eunkyung;Lee, Seoha
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.93-110
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    • 2013
  • During the last decade, increasing use of technology that facilitates information access has changed academic library services. The emergence of information commons is one of the key changes. Most previous studies on information commons have focused on its conception and role. Whereas, considering information commons as a spatial service, this study aims to examine the influence of information commons on user traffic patterns within the library and perception of the library. As the information commons grew into main library service space and facility, it is necessary to explore what influences information commons have on the behavior and recognition of users. Two methods were used. First, observation method was used to record traffic pattern and user behavior. Second, twenty undergraduates and twelve graduates were interviewed regarding the use and recognition of the information commons and the library. The results of the study show that the traffic patterns were different between undergraduate students and graduate students; the location and structure of facilities influences their movement and behaviors; and the recognition of information commons tends to affect the perception of the entire library. The findings may help librarians improve and plan for library spaces to meet user demands.