• Title/Summary/Keyword: space intersection

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A Numerical Analysis on the Determination of Shock Loss Coefficient at Flared Intersection of Network-type Double-deck Road Tunnel (네트워크형 복층 도로터널 확폭구간에서의 충격손실 계수 결정을 위한 수치해석 연구)

  • Park, Yo Han;Lee, Seung Jun;Kim, Jin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.111-124
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze ventilation design factor for network-type double-deck road tunnel that have been developed actively around the world. A numerical analysis was carried out through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to derive shock loss coefficient that occurs due to the change in cross sectional area at both merging section and diverging section. The model used for the numerical analysis is real-scale model and the reliability of the result is secured by comparing with the coefficient of the previous studies. As a result of this study, shock loss coefficient was calculated depending on the change in cross-sectional area ratio and was higher than the result of previous studies in case of both merging section and diverging section. It is considered that the characteristics of the geometrical structure of network-type double-deck road tunnel have a great impact on shock loss coefficient. Therefore, the result of this study is expected to be helpful for more accurate ventilation design of network-type double-deck road tunnel.

Urban Vitality Assessment Using Spatial Big Data and Nighttime Light Satellite Image: A Case Study of Daegu (공간 빅데이터와 야간 위성영상을 활용한 도시 활력 평가: 대구시를 사례로)

  • JEONG, Si-Yun;JUN, Byong-Woon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.217-233
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated the urban vitality of Daegu metropolitan city in 2018 using emerging geographic data such as spatial big data, Wi-Fi AP(access points) and nighttime light satellite image. The emerging geographic data were used in this research to quantify human activities in the city more directly at various spatial and temporal scales. Three spatial big data such as mobile phone data, credit card data and public transport smart card data were employed to reflect social, economic and mobility aspects of urban vitality while public Wi-Fi AP and nighttime light satellite image were included to consider virtual and physical aspects of the urban vitality. With PCA (Principal Component Analysis), five indicators were integrated and transformed to the urban vitality index at census output area by temporal slots. Results show that five clusters with high urban vitality were identified around downtown Daegu, Daegu bank intersection and Beomeo intersection, Seongseo, Dongdaegu station and Chilgok 3 district. Further, the results unveil that the urban vitality index was varied over the same urban space by temporal slots. This study provides the possibility for the integrated use of spatial big data, Wi-Fi AP and nighttime light satellite image as proxy for measuring urban vitality.

Design and Implementation of Driving Pattern based Map Matching on Smart Phone (스마트폰에서 운전자 이동패턴을 이용한 맵매칭 설계 및 구현)

  • Hwang, Jae-Yun;Choi, Se-Hyu
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2015
  • Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people who use the smart-phone navigation for using various latest functions such as group driving and location sharing. But smart-phone has a limited storage space for one application, since a lot of applications with different purposes are installed in the smart-phone. For this reason, road network data with a large space of memory used for map matching in the device for navigation cannot be stored in the smart-phone for this reason map matching is impossible. Besides, smart-phone which doesn't use the external GPS device, provides inaccurate GPS information, compared to the device for navigation. This is why the smart-phone navigation is hard to provide accurate location determination. Therefore, this study aims to help map matching that is more accurate than the existing device for navigation, by reducing the capacity of road network data used in the device for navigation through format design of a new road network and conversion and using a database of driver's driving patterns. In conclusion, more accurate map matching was possible in the smart-phone by using a storage space more than 80% less than existing device at the intersection where many roads cross, the building forest that a lot of GPS errors occur, the narrow roads close to the highway. It is considered that more accurate location-based service would be available not only in the navigation but also in various applications using GPS information and map in the future Navigation.

Spatial Analysis to Capture Person Environment Interactions through Spatio-Temporally Extended Topology (시공간적으로 확장된 토폴로지를 이용한 개인 환경간 상호작용 파악 공간 분석)

  • Lee, Byoung-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.426-439
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    • 2012
  • The goal of this study is to propose a new method to capture the qualitative person spatial behavior. Beyond tracking or indexing the change of the location of a person, the changes in the relationships between a person and its environment are considered as the main source for the formal model of this study. Specifically, this paper focuses on the movement behavior of a person near the boundary of a region. To capture the behavior of person near the boundary of regions, a new formal approach for integrating an object's scope of influence is described. Such an object, a spatio-temporally extended point (STEP), is considered here by addressing its scope of influence as potential events or interactions area in conjunction with its location. The formalism presented is based on a topological data model and introduces a 12-intersection model to represent the topological relations between a region and the STEP in 2-dimensional space. From the perspective of STEP concept, a prototype analysis results are provided by using GPS tracking data in real world.

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Optimization of Drag-sail Storage Inspired from Blossom Method (개화형상을 모사한 가항력 돛 수납최적화)

  • Kim, Heekyung;Jung, Jinwon;Lee, Gunhee;Lee, Dongyun;Choi, Junwoo;Kim, Byungkyu
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.16-21
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a new folding method (the blossom method) to increase storage efficiency of drag-sail. To resolve the issue caused by increase in the thickness of the sail, we allowed margin space (offset) along the folding line and made holes at the intersection of offset lines to prevent distortion of film. In addition, to verify applicability of the blossom method, we fabricated quarter of the sail by using Mylar film and conducted a deployment experiment. If the blossom method is applied, storage ratio (storage volume: deployed area) is 1: 68.64, that is approximately 1.88 times more than the z-fold method of folding sailing.

Characteristics of Block Hydraulic Conductivity of 2-D DFN System According to Block Size and Fracture Geometry (블록크기 및 균열의 기하학적 속성에 따른 2-D DFN 시스템의 블록수리전도도 특성)

  • Han, Jisu;Um, Jeong-Gi
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.450-461
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    • 2015
  • Extensive numerical experiments have been carried out to investigate effect of block size and fracture geometry on hydraulic characteristics of fractured rock masses based on connected pipe flow in DFN systems. Using two fracture sets, a total of 72 2-D fracture configurations were generated with different combinations of fracture size distribution and deterministic fracture density. The directional block conductivity including the theoretical block conductivity, principal conductivity tensor and average block conductivity for each generated fracture network system were calculated using the 2-D equivalent pipe network method. There exist significant effects of block size, orientation, density and size of fractures in a fractured rock mass on its hydraulic behavior. We have been further verified that it is more difficult to reach the REV size for the fluid flow network with decreasing intersection angle of two fracture sets, fracture plane density and fracture size distribution.

Shift from Developmentalism to Neoliberalism and Changes in Spatial Policy in S. Korea (발전주의에서 신자유주의로의 이행과 공간정책의 변화)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.82-103
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    • 2007
  • Neoliberalism can be seen as a path-dependent, hybrid and contradictory project that operates actually (not just ideologically) through intervention of the state that has been not weakened in its strength but different in its strategies, especially through neoliberal policies of remaking urban space. This paper seeks to characterize the development of neoliberalism and urban policies in S. Korea, by examining the trajectory of neoliberalism generated in its contextually specific way since the late 1980s, by illuminating the intersection between new neoliberal programs and the existing developmentalism of the state and changes in spatial policy with its effects, which can be divided into two phases: the first from the late 1980s to the economic crisis in 1997, and the second from the crisis to the present. This paper finally identifies several paths in which the state and the market would be interrelated, and argues that the vision of national development and spatial policy should be welfare(i.e. human)-oriented, not industry(i.e. capital)-oriented.

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A Convex Layer Tree for the Ray-Shooting Problem (광선 슈팅 문제를 위한 볼록 레이어 트리)

  • Kim, Soo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.753-758
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    • 2017
  • The ray-shooting problem is to find the first intersection point on the surface of given geometric objects where a ray moving along a straight line hits. Since rays are usually given in the form of queries, this problem is typically solved as follows. First, a data structure for a collection of objects is constructed as preprocessing. Then, the answer for each query ray is quickly computed using the data structure. In this paper, we consider the ray-shooting problem about the set of vertical line segments on the x-axis. We present a new data structure called a convex layer tree for n vertical line segments given by input. This is a tree structure consisting of layers of convex hulls of vertical line segments. It can be constructed in O(n log n) time and O(n) space and is easy to implement. We also present an algorithm to solve each query in O(log n) time using this data structure.

Teaching Architectural Design in Post-War America - Gyorgy Kepes' Basic Course at MIT's Department of Architecture - (20세기 후반 MIT의 건축설계 교육과 기요르기 케피쉬의 기초디자인 프로그램의 특성과 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Pai, Hyung-Min
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 2006
  • Focusing on the emergence of the basic course in American schools of architecture, in particular Gyorgy Kepes' courses at MIT, this paper studies the transformation of architectural pedagogy during the years after World War II. Kepes centered his architectural pedagogy on the picture plane, which was to function as the primary media for applying the principles of Gestalt psychology, that is the identification of the whole and its parts and the reciprocity between the internal human organism and the outside world. Kepes hence introduced a set of unconventional visual practices that were not readily assimilated to architectural conventions. Paralleling the establishment of the basic course, MIT also formulated a functionalist and spatial pedagogy with its two initial design studios, courses 4.721 and 4.722. These studios shared the notion that architectural design evolved from the inside toward the outside, an idea that took hold not just in the pragmatic environment of MIT's studios but also in conservative academic programs as well as in popular magazines, picture books, and exhibitions for the consumer public. The architectural surface became inseparable from the objects of art, furniture, and design, all of which were to be the generators of space. Hence, during the 1950s, the architectural surface provided a specific locus of intersection between the visual fundamentals of the basic course and the working principles of architectural design. Kepes, however, had by this time become disillusioned with architecture's potential as the medium of unity. Though he maintained the Gestalt logic of identity, he expanded it toward the goal of grander synthesis of society and consciousness freeing himself from the constraints of disciplinary instruction. In the case of Kepes, the mediating role of the picture plane was foregone in a regressive turn toward a primal, innocent, and direct experience.

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Study on the Geological Characteristics and Slope Stability of Nammyeon reservoir in Bonghwa County, Kyungpook Province (경북 봉화군 남면저수지 일대의 지질특성 및 비탈면 안정성 검토)

  • Ihm, Myeong Hyeok;Park, Jin Young
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2017
  • The geology of the study area is composed mainly of conglomerate, sandstone, and shale and basalt. It is a rock that has been observed to move relatively recently through various brittle deformation and various stress fields during the recent period. To form a gentle terrain with severe crushing. The slope is located at the intersection of the Taegok Fault in the north-northeast direction and the Bukok Fault in the western north-west direction, and many faults, fault zones and fracture zones of various sizes are developed in the rock bed. In this study, the geological characteristics of the slope are investigated and the countermeasure method is suggested. It is suggested that periodical measurement and analysis should be performed by installing a measuring instrument according to each structure for safety management of the surrounding roads and grounds during construction or reinforcement by the countermeasure method for the slope of the study area.