• Title/Summary/Keyword: solidified soil

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Removal of Heavy Metals by Cladophora sp. in Batch Culture: The Effect of Wet-mixed Solidified Soil (loess) on Bioremoval Capacities

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Lak;Kim, Sook-Chan;Kim, Han-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.537-545
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    • 2007
  • The heavy metal removal capacity of filamentous green alga Cladophora sp. cultured together with wet-mixed solidified soil (loess) was tested. A Cladophora sp. was cultured for 5d, with added Chu No. 10 medium, in stream water contaminated by high concentration of heavy metals from a closed mine effluent. Heavy metal ion concentrations of the medium and in algal tissue were measured every day during the experiment. Dissolved metals (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn) in medium were rapidly removed (over 90% elimination) within 1-2d when alga and loess were added. Dissolved heavy metals dropped by only 10% when algae were cultured without loess. The Cladophora sp. accumulated much more heavy metals when cultured with loess than when the alga was cultured alone. Cladophora sp. exhibited a maximum uptake capacity for Al ($17,000{\mu}g^{-1}$ algal dry weight). The metal bioremoval capacities of the algae were in the order Al, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and Cd. The heavy metal removal capacity of Cladophora sp. showed significant increases when wet-mixed solidified soil was added to culture media.

The Engineering Characteristics of the Sludge Mixed Soil (슬러지 혼합토의 공학적 특성)

  • Kim, JungUn;Kim, MyeongKyun;Bae, WooSeok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2011
  • As a result of population growth and economic growth, household and industrial wastes continue to rapidly increase every year. Especially, sewage sludge produced at final stage is increasing with the constant construction and putting in good order of the sewage plant. In addition to the government's prohibition for filling up the sludge, it became more and more difficult to discharge wastes to the sea as London Dumping Convention '96 came into effect. And sewage sludge and the livestock wastes are expected to be thoroughly prohibited from discharging to the sea from 2012. So we need desperately economical and useful alternatives to compact and reuse these wastes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the utilization of solidified sludge-soil mixture as an enhancement and covering material. To determine the proper mixed ratio of solidified sludge, this study conducted basic physical properties tests, compaction tests, uniaxial compression tests, and permeability test. It was found that the higher the ratio of solidified sludge, the lower the coefficient of permeability. Upon the results of particle size distribution, the mixed ratio of solidified sludge that meet the enhancement material condition was 59% or lower for SP granite soil and 48% or lower for SM granite soil respectively.

Transitional Patterns of Vegetation in Reclaimed Land Applied with Solidified Sewage Sludge (하수슬러지 고화물을 처리한 매립예정 간척지토양의 잡초발생 양상변화)

  • Um, Kyoung Ran;Jang, Yun-Hui;An, Gi Hong;Cha, Young-Lok;Yu, Gyeong-Dan;Lee, Ji-Eun;Moon, Youn-Ho;Ahn, Joung Woong
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2015
  • This study was firstly conducted to investigate changes of vegetation and soil characteristics in reclaimed land applied with solidified sewage sludge for the cultivation of bioenergy crops. Each vegetation survey site was approximately $15m{\times}3m$ on the inside of each experimental plot that consisted of 50% (A-1), 30% (A-2), 15% (A-3), and 5% (A-4) mixture of solidified sewage sludge, and original reclaimed soil (ORS). After the application of solidified sewage sludge, we monitored the changes of vegetation and soil properties for three years. In first year, soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and exchangeable $Ca^{2+}$ content was 9.4~10.8, $9.10{\sim}14.41\;dS\;m^{-1}$, and $62.1{\sim}204.2\;cmol\;kg^{-1}$, respectively, while three years later, it decreased to 8.1~8.4, $1.65{\sim}5.98\;dS\;m^{-1}$, and $21.9{\sim}43.1\;cmol\;kg^{-1}$, respectively. These results indicated that several of soil chemical elements which have nagative impacts on the plant growth in the plots of mixtures of solidified sewage sludge, steadily declined as the years go by. The vegetations in each survey site were recorded as 6 families and 12 species in 2014, while the vegetations were not occurred at all survey sites in 2012, and only halophytes as Phragmites australis and Suaeda asparagoides were observed in 2013. Diversity of vegetation, which was calculated by shannon index (H'), increased as the season progressed at each experimental plot applied with solidified sewage sludge. In original reclaimed soil, however, there was showed the high community similarity of vegetation due to the fact that P. australis and S. asparagoides were only occurred for survey periods.

Immobiliztion Experiment of Soil Wastes (토양폐기물 고정화 특성실험)

  • 최영조;곽지훈;강기두;신상운;오원진
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.32-37
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    • 2003
  • The amount of 4,500 drums of soil waste are temporarily stored in KAERI. In order to develop a technology for safe treatment of the soil waste, a number of tests were performed by applying cement and polymer as solidifier. Immobilization specimens were adequately made by mixing soil waste with cement or polymer Compressive strength and leaching tests were performed in order to see the fulfillment to standard of disposal following the storage. A compressive strength, about 5,300psi was obtained from both solidifiers of cement containing 40% of soil waste and polymer containing 60%. The obtained leaching index was larger than 11, which was satisfied with the relevant standard. It was shown that the integrity of the solidified waste much depends on homogenization in solidifying process and hardness of the specimen. Volume reduction of solidified waste with polymer was better than that of cement by 20%.

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Growth of Bioenergy Crop Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 on Barren Reclaimed Land Applied with Solidified Sewage Sludge in Landfill Sites (하수슬러지 고화물을 처리한 유휴 간척지토양에서 바이오에너지작물 거대 1호의 생육특성 연구)

  • An, Gi Hong;Jang, Yun-Hui;Um, Kyoung Ran;Yu, Gyeong-Dan;Lee, Ji-Eun;Cha, Young-Lok;Moon, Yun-Ho;Ahn, Jong Woong
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.374-380
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    • 2015
  • This study firstly provides basic data for selection of cultivatable bioenergy grass in barren reclaimed lands applied with solidified sewage sludge. The experimental plots consisted of a plot containing reclaimed land mixed with solidified sewage sludge (MSS 50), a plot covered by solidified sewage sludge (CSS 100), and an original reclaimed soil plot (ORS). The growth, biomass production of bioenergy grasses and soil chemical properties were investigated in each experimental plot for 5 years. The organic matter (OM) and total nitrogen (T-N) content in both MSS 50 and CSS 100 were considerably higher than those in ORS. In bioenergy grasses, M. sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 showed an excellent growth and adaptability on reclaimed land applied with solidified sewage sludge. The application of solidified sewage sludge may provided soil nutrition in the reclaimed land due to the fact that bioenergy crops grew better in soils applied with solidified sewage sludge than in untreated soils, and treated soils had higher OM and T-N content than untreated soils. This study suggests that M. sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 is the most suitable biomass feedstock crop for biomass production and that solidified sewage sludge may be used as a soil material for cultivation of bioenergy grass on reclaimed lands.

Applicability of Solidified Soil as a Filling Materials in the Drilling of the Bored-precast Pile (매입말뚝 시공시 현장토를 활용한 고화처리 충전재의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Kim, Khi-Woong;Park, Jeong-Jun;Han, Byung-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2014
  • The use of filling material based on cement paste is inefficient at field construction because it needs a lot of the charging mass. In addition, it has environmental problem according to the large amount of cement use because its strength is also larger than criterion. The excavated soil with stabilizer can be used as the filling materials when the bored pile is constructed. Therefore, this paper describes field application of solidified soil for economical efficiency and environment-friendly. The static axial load tests and the load-transfer measurements were performed to examine the axial resistant behavior of the piles. As results, the flowability, segregation and bleeding, and bond strength of filling materials was a good performance than that of the existing cement paste. But the skin friction of pile by PDA was slightly decreased than that of the existing cement paste. However, as pile filling materials, and in terms of economics and environment, the applicability of filling material is considered very effective.

Chemical Compatibility of Solidified Liner Materials (매립장 고화차수재의 화학용액과의 반응특성)

  • 정하익;조진우;임재상;김상길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.03a
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    • pp.343-346
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    • 2002
  • The chemical compatibility of leachate with the two natural materials was analyzed by performing the hydraulic conductivity test. The selected liner materials were natural marine clay and weathered soil sampled from Kimpo wastefill and Daehwa Dong, Kyonggi Do, respectively. PARAFIX, which is mainly composed of paraffin, cement, stearic acid, PVA etc., was used as solidifying agent. The chemical solutions used in the test were 10% acetic acid, 10% methanol, and real leachate from Kimpo wastefill and the results of tests were compared with that of distilled water. The results of tests show that hydraulic conductivity of solidified clay was increased slightly with permeation of acetic acid, methanol and the increase of hydraulic conductivity was not shown with permeation of leachate, distilled water and in case of weathered soil. Based on the tests, it is ascertained that the tested liner materials can be stable with the solution of low concentration.

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Durability of the Solidified Mine Tailing-Hydrated Lime Mixture Against Repeated Freezing and Thawing (폐광미-소석회 고화체의 동결융해 내구성에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Kyoung-Won;Lee, Hyun-Cheol;Kim, Tae-Poong
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.28 no.B
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2008
  • The tailings piled in abandoned mines are well-known potential sources of soil contamination. Hydrated limes were applied as cementing materials to solidify heavy metal contaminated tailings for the purpose of reducing their toxicity and migration rates. The optimum mixing ratio of tailings, hydrated lime, and water was determined through a preliminary test. The mixtures of mine tailings and hydrated lime solidified through pozzolanic reaction were tested for their durability against repeated freezing and thawing processes. After repeated freezing and thawing, the uniaxial compressive strengths of all the solidified mixture specimens decreased in comparison with those before test but still higher than $3.5kgf/cm^2$, the standard recommended for land reclamation solids by EPA(Environmental Protection Agency), which suggested that hydrated lime be a potential material to treat the abandoned mine tailings for the environmental purpose.

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Gas Transmit Characteristic of Waste Recycling a Large Landfill Cover (폐기물 재활용 대형복토재의 가스투과 특성)

  • Jung, Ha-Ik;Song, Bong-Joon;Kim, Sang-Keun;Kang, Suk-Joo;Lee, Jae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.1396-1399
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    • 2005
  • Gas permeability of the solidified sewage sludge needs to be characterized in order to use as a large-scale landfill cover material. Four different types of the samples were prepared for gas permeability experiments: (1) granite soil, (2) dried sewage sludge, (3) solidified sewage mixed with slag and (4) solidified sewage mixed with granite soils. The experimental instrumentation and measurement devices were newly designed and created to effectively evaluate gas permeability of the samples.

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