• Title/Summary/Keyword: soil information DB

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Develoment of Railroad Geotechnical Information Database (철도 지반정보 자료의 표준화 DB 개발)

  • Kim Jung-Moo;Kim Hyun-Ki;Lee Seong-Hyeok;Hwang Seon-Keun
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.388-392
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    • 2003
  • In this study, various railroad geotechnical informations were standardized. The standardization was progressed by classifying the informations as basic properties, railroad vibrations and design plans. Basic informations included soil properties(27), dynamic property(1), geophysical prospecting(1), and elastic wave prospecting(4). Specification for 'human exposure to whole-body vibration' was used to construct the information of railroad vibration. And in the case of the information of design plan, the way to save by graphic files was chosen. Thus standardized informations examined their application by setting up database. Entity-Relation(E-R) model was used in the design of database and by this, the database system was constructed. This database system will be able to serve the performance enhancement of railroad system.

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A Method of Developing a Ground Layer with Risk of Ground Subsidence based on the 3D Ground Modeling (3차원 지반모델링 기반의 지반함몰 위험 지반 레이어 개발 방법)

  • Kang, Junggoo;Kang, Jaemo;Parh, Junhwan;Mun, Duhwan
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.22 no.12
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2021
  • The deterioration of underground facilities, disturbance of the ground due to underground development activities, and changes in ground water can cause ground subsidence accidents in the urban areas. The investigation on the geotechnical and hydraulic factors affecting the ground subsidence accident is very significant to predict the ground subsidence risk in advance. In this study, an analysis DB was constructed through 3D ground modeling to utilize the currently operating geotechnical survey information DB and ground water behavior information for risk prediction. Additionally, using these results, the relationship between the actual ground subsidence occurrence history and ground conditions and ground water level changes was confirmed. Furthermore, the methodology used to visualize the risk of ground subsidence was presented by reconstructing the engineering characteristics of the soil presented according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in the existing geotechnical survey information into the internal erosion sensitivity of the soil, Based on the result, it was confirmed that the ground in the area where the ground subsidence occurred consists of more than 40% of sand (SM, SC, SP, SW) vulnerable to internal erosion. In addition, the effect of the occurrence frequency of ground subsidence due to the change in ground water level is also confirmed.

Empirical Estimations of Soil Constants Using Standard Penetration Test N Value (표준관입시험 N값을 활용한 지반정수의 경험적 산정)

  • Gang, ByeungJu;Hwang, Bumsik;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2018
  • Domestic design manuals provide various empirical relationships of design parameters of soils with N values from the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), which can be widely used in the basic design process as well as during the construction process. However, the currently used empirical relationships are based on the data from foreign countries and are rarely evaluated with domestic data with currently used site investigation techniques. Therefore, in this study, those empirical relationships and conversion tables are evaluated with the geotechnical information in the Integrated DB Center of National Geotechnical Information and new empirical relationships are newly proposed with the consideration of domestic geotechnical conditions.

Automatic Analysis Model for Support Emergency Medical Helicopter Landing Zone Using Geographic Information System (GIS를 이용한 비상 의료지원 헬리콥터 착륙지점 자동 분석 모델)

  • Park, Jong-kook;Lee, Eun-seok;Kim, Jong-hee;Kim, Jeong-su;Kim, Jong-bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.338-340
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this research is to support decision making of emergency rescue system with GIS which selects landing point of emergency rescue for emergency situation on mountains and dropping point when landing is impossible. The area of research was limited to Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do. The results were divided into two values; landing point of helicopter on mountains and dropping point. Digital map, forest type map and forest soil map were utilized as fundamental data. Factors of landing point were slope, topographical characteristics, vegetation characteristics and area of helicopter landing point by helicopter data. And, for dropping point, slope and vegetation characteristics were divided as factors and GIS intersect function was utilized for the analysis. But, this research was conducted by excluding factor values of wind direction, wind velocity, etc. In the future, it's necessary to improve effectiveness of the analysis more by making a connection with Meteorological Agency DB.

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Identification of Workflow for Potential Contaminants and their Physicochemical Properties (불특정 오염부지에 대한 잠재적 오염물질 선정 및 물리·화학적 특성 정보화)

  • Kim, Yoon Ji;Kim, Youn-Tae;Han, Weon Shik;Lee, Seunghak;Choung, Sungwook
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.8-22
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    • 2019
  • Among numerous chemicals used globally, the number of emerging contaminants is increasing. Numerical modeling for contaminant fate and transport in the subsurface is critical to evaluate environmental and health risk. In general, such models require physicochemical properties of contaminants as input values, which can be found in numerous chemical databases (DB). However, there exist lack of information specific to recently emerging contaminants, which requires estimation of physicochemical properties using regression programs. The purpose of the study is to introduce the workflow for identifying physicochemical properties of potential contaminants utilizing numerous chemical DBs, which frequently lists up potential contaminants for estimating chemical behavior. In this review paper, details of several chemical DBs such as KISChem, TOXNET, etc. and regression programs including EPI $Suite^{TM}$, ChemAxon, etc. were summarized and also benefit of using such DBs were explained. Finally, a few examples were introduced to estimate predominant phase, removal ratio, partitioning, and eco-toxicities by searching or regressing physicochemical properties.

Establishment of Database and Distribution Maps for Biomass Resources (바이오매스 자원 DB 구축과 분포도 작성)

  • Kim, Yi-Hyun;Nam, Jae-Jak;Hong, S. Young;Choe, Eun-Young;Hong, Seung-Gil;So, Kyu-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to understand the national and regional distribution of the biomass resources produced in Korea annually via establishing database (DB) and distribution maps of biomass resources data including as livestock manures, food wastes and agricultural by-product. The information of the annual production of each biomass resources was obtained from Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MIFAFF), Ministry of Environment (MOE) and National Statistical Office (NSO). Based on biomass resources data, we established database architecture table about livestock manures and food wastes. The distribution maps for the total amount of manures produced from each livestock animal were built up in both national and regional scales and used for analysis of the space-based and time-based distribution of the manure resources. Distribution maps for food wastes and agricultural by-product were also produced, respectively. It was shown that the analysis through resource mapping can be used to identify the sources of collectable biomass feasibly determining suitable region for establishment of a biomass-energy production. The biomass distribution maps graphically provide the information regarding biomass resources to policy-makers, farmers, general users and it was expected to be utilized for policy-making of environmental-friendly agriculture and bio-energy.

Landslide Risk Assessment in Inje Using Logistic Regression Model (로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 인제군 산사태지역의 위험도 평가)

  • Lee, Hwan-Gil;Kim, Gi-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2012
  • Korea has been continuously affected by landslides, as 70% of the land is covered by mountains and most of annual rainfall concentrates between June and September. Recently, abrupt climate change affects the increase of landslide occurrence. Gangwon region is especially suffered by landslide damages, because the most of the part is mountainous, steep, and having shallow soil. In this study, a landslide risk assessment model was developed by applying logistic regression to the various data of Duksan-ri, Inje-eup, Inje-gun, Gangwon-do, which has suffered massive landslide triggered by heavy rain in July 2006. The information collected from field investigation and aerial photos right after the landslide of study area were stored in GIS DB for analysis. Slope gradient entered in two ways-as categorical variable and as linear variable. Error matrix for each case was made, and developed model showed the classification accuracy of 81.4% and 81.9%, respectively.

A Study on Assessment of Land Characteristics using Geographic Information Contents (지리정보콘텐츠를 활용한 토지특성의 평가 방안)

  • Kim, Hang-Jib
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.170-174
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    • 2004
  • Land assessement is a procedure that assesses developmental, agricultural or heritage suitability of land parcel according to such criteria as soil, location and usability. There are much problems to execute land assessment by law. Problems include inadequate basic data, lack of linkage with the spatial planning system, and inefficiency in operation. The purpose of this study is to investigate methods of developing land assessment as a sustainable land use management tool in a Korean context, using case study. In the case study, land assessment will be executed through GIS- based assessment method. On the basis of the results of this case study, practical and institutional problems are described, and technical and institutional solutions are suggested.

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Rice Crop Monitoring Using RADARSAT

  • Suchaichit, Waraporn
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.37-37
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    • 2003
  • Rice is one of the most important crop in the world and is a major export of Thailand. Optical sensors are not useful for rice monitoring, because most cultivated areas are often obscured by cloud during the growing period, especially in South East Asia. Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) such as RADARSAT, can see through regardless of weather condition which make it possible to monitor rice growth and to retrieve rice acreage, using the unique temporal signature of rice fields. This paper presents the result of a study of examining the backscatter behavior of rice using multi-temporal RADARSAT dataset. Ground measurements of paddy parameters and water and soil condition were collected. The ground truth information was also used to identify mature rice crops, orchard, road, residence, and aquaculture ponds. Land use class distributions from the RADARSAT image were analyzed. Comparison of the mean DB of each land use class indicated significant differences. Schematic representation of temporal backscatter of rice crop were plotted. Based on the study carried out in Pathum Thani Province test site, the results showed variation of sigma naught from first tillering vegatative phase until ripenning phase. It is suggested that at least, three radar data acquisitions taken at 3 stages of rice growth circle namely; those are at the beginning of rice growth when the field is still covered with water, in the ear differentiation period, and at the beginning of the harvest season, are required for rice monitoring. This pilot project was an experimental one aiming at future operational rice monitoring and potential yield predicttion.

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Typical Seismic Intensity Calculation for Each Region Using Site Response Analysis (부지응답해석을 이용한 지역별 대표 진도 산출 연구)

  • Ahn, Jae-Kwang;Son, Su-Won
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2020
  • Vibration propagated from seismic sources has damping according to distance and amplification and reduction characteristic in different regions according to topography and geological structure. The vibration propagated from the seismic source to the bedrock is largely affected by the damping according to the separation distance, which can be simply estimated through the damping equation. However, it is important to grasp geological information by location because vibration estimation transmitted to the surface are affected by the natural period of the soil located above the bedrock. Geotechnical investigation data are needed to estimate the seismic intensity based on geological information. If there is no Vs profile, the standard penetration tests are mainly used to determine the soil parameters. The Integrated DB Center of National Geotechnical Information manages the geotechnical survey data performed on the domestic ground, and there is the standard penetration test information of 400,000 holes. In this study, the possibility of quantitation the amplification coefficient for each region was examined to calculated the physical interactive seismic intensity based on geotechnical information. At this time, the shear wave column diagram was generated from the SPT-N value and ground response analysis was performed in the target area. The site coefficients for each zone and the seismic intensity distribution for the seismic motion present a significant difference according to the analysis method and the regional setting.