• Title/Summary/Keyword: software project data

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Develop a Correct Scaled Body Figure Templates for Technical Flat (도식화 제작을 위한 연령그룹별 바디 템플릿 개발)

  • Yoon, Mi-Kyung;Nam, YunJa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.211-223
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    • 2018
  • In global apparel product development, flat is one of the most important key factor for technical design communication. Proportionally correct flats based on correct scaled human body figures are imperative to be successful in the fashion business. In this study the researchers were to develop body templates for flats for Korean women body types using data from 'Size Korea 2004 (5th)', which is a Korean government apparel sizing project to analyze women's body measurements (age range 7-49). We measured 13 height measurements, 6 width measurements, 8 circumference measurements, 6 length measurements, 3 angle measurements and 5 body measurements. A body figure (i.e., schema) for each group was created by Pattern Design Software (PAD) System 4.1. Muscle was added to the schema created by Adobe Illustrator to ensure a better visualization and convenience for industry uses for flats. Developed body figure template of representative type had the largest difference in height level compared to exiting figures. It had a bigger head, lower crotch level, and longer crotch depth and hip length than existing figures.

Corescanner (코아스캐너)

  • 김중열
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 1997
  • Through the Korea-Germany joint project, a novel method, that is, an optical Corescanner (Stereophotogramrnetry) of acquisition, evaluation and display of struct-ural elements of drill cores has heen realized. AH scannable cores can he digitally stored on a storage device(dat tape, optical disc etc.) and available for further an-alysis using diverse software facilities. The use of this scanning technique was d-emonstrated on the cores derived from the metamorphosed sedimentary rocks in our country. Recent studies showed a great potential of using the Corescanner with high resolution not only for avoiding ambiguities of drill log interpretation due to the capability of accurate quantative analysis of structural elements, but also for replacing the cores themselves as a data-base one via completely copying of the core outlook.

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A Study on the Digital Map Production and Water Supply management in GIS (GIS에 의한 수치지도 제작과 상수도 관리에 관한 연구)

  • 강준묵;윤희천;한승희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 1993
  • Since society rapidly change, we need accurate and rapid information. Due to complication and rapid change of national infrastructure system, we meet a limitation of 2-D information management. Currently most digital cartographic data is acquired by manual digitizing with a tablet. Recently high cost scanner is widely used and preprocessing and postprocessing software of scanning are developed, so we expect its availability. In this study, we know that scanning is more convenient than digitizing with a tablet for digital mapping, also, possibility of 3-D modeling of vectorized document is suggested. Because information rapidly provided in the planning and implementation, operation efficiency and advance are archived in water supply project. Improvement of service for need of citizen and possibility combined information system connected with other system is presented.

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Logistical Simulation for On-site Concrete Waste Management in Decommissioning

  • Lee, Eui-Taek;Kessel, David S.;Kim, Chang-Lak
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.389-403
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    • 2019
  • Large amounts of concrete waste are likely to arise from the decommissioning of a Kori-1 nuclear power plant. Several studies have been conducted on decommissioning concrete waste in recent decades, however, they have been limited to contaminated concrete issues or were small pilot-scale experiments. This study constructed two industrial-scale models of on-site concrete waste management for clean as well as contaminated concrete. To evaluate the performance of both the models, simulations were conducted using the Flexsim software. The concrete particle size distribution of Kori-1 and concrete processor properties based on widely used construction equipment were used as sources of input data for the simulations. It was observed that it may take over two years to complete the on-site concrete management processes owing to the performance of existing processors. In addition, it was demonstrated that it is essential to identify bottlenecks in the system and enhance the performance of the relevant processors to avoid delays of the decommissioning schedule. Our results suggest that this novel approach can contribute to developing schedules or expediting delayed activities in the Kori-1 decommissioning project.

A Development of the CobiT-Based Framework for University IT Governance (대학정보화 거버넌스를 위한 CobiT 기반 프레임워크 개발)

  • Choi, Jae Jun;Kim, Chi Su
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.367-376
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    • 2018
  • University IT center usually has led IT system and headquarters have been working as a separate organization. If we apply the governance framework that is unique to the university system for IT governance in university IT project, IT transparency and efficiency are increased, and IT is no longer a simple tool but a university IT governance it will be stabilized. To improve existing problems, UCC was developed a unique framework of university organization based on CobiT Cube. So it can use effectively University IT on various side. I propose a method that can be applied to university information system sequentially through UCSP spiral process so that information service is classified into 5 areas and process is gradually applied.

Gene Set Analyses of Genome-Wide Association Studies on 49 Quantitative Traits Measured in a Single Genetic Epidemiology Dataset

  • Kim, Jihye;Kwon, Ji-Sun;Kim, Sangsoo
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2013
  • Gene set analysis is a powerful tool for interpreting a genome-wide association study result and is gaining popularity these days. Comparison of the gene sets obtained for a variety of traits measured from a single genetic epidemiology dataset may give insights into the biological mechanisms underlying these traits. Based on the previously published single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data on 8,842 individuals enrolled in the Korea Association Resource project, we performed a series of systematic genome-wide association analyses for 49 quantitative traits of basic epidemiological, anthropometric, or blood chemistry parameters. Each analysis result was subjected to subsequent gene set analyses based on Gene Ontology (GO) terms using gene set analysis software, GSA-SNP, identifying a set of GO terms significantly associated to each trait ($p_{corr}$ < 0.05). Pairwise comparison of the traits in terms of the semantic similarity in their GO sets revealed surprising cases where phenotypically uncorrelated traits showed high similarity in terms of biological pathways. For example, the pH level was related to 7 other traits that showed low phenotypic correlations with it. A literature survey implies that these traits may be regulated partly by common pathways that involve neuronal or nerve systems.

Remote monitoring of urban and infrastructural areas

  • Bortoluzzi, Daniele;Casciati, Fabio;Elia, Lorenzo;Faravelli, Lucia
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.449-462
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    • 2014
  • Seismically induced structural damage, as well as any damage caused by a natural catastrophic event, covers a wide area. This suggests to supervise the event consequences by vision tools. This paper reports the evolution from the results obtained by the project RADATT (RApid Damage Assessment Telematics Tool) funded by the European Commission within FP4. The aim was to supply a rapid and reliable damage detector/estimator for an area where a catastrophic event had occurred. Here, a general open-source methodology for the detection and the estimation of the damage caused by natural catastrophes is developed. The suitable available hazard and vulnerability data and satellite pictures covering the area of interest represent the required bits of information for updated telematics tools able to manage it. As a result the global damage is detected by the simple use of open source software. A case-study to a highly dense agglomerate of buildings is discussed in order to provide the main details of the proposed methodology.

A Study on the GPS Auto-surveying system and work procedure to perform a precise three dimensional topographic survey (GPS를 응용한 3D 지형/현황도 작성용 측량자동화 시스템 구성과 그 작업절차에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Kee-Boo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the ideal Auto-surveying system and to establish the standard of work procedure involved with completing a precise three-dimensional topographic survey with RTK GPS equipment, a pen based personal computer, and real time CADD software. The fieldwork was done at a golf course which could be regarded as a heavy civil project site such as the reclamation and the site preparation work in December of 1997. The proposed Auto-surveying system and the work procedure in this paper is based on the data processing and the resultant topographic map of the golf course.

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Implementation of Adaptive Movement Control for Waiter Robot using Visual Information

  • Nakazawa, Minoru;Guo, Qinglian;Nagase, Hiroshi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.01a
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    • pp.808-811
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    • 2009
  • Robovie-R2 [1], developed by ATR, is a 110cm high, 60kg weight, two wheel drive, human like robot. It has two arms with dynamic fingers. It also has a position sensitive detector sensor and two cameras as eyes on his head for recognizing his surrounding environment. Recent years, we have carried out a project to integrate new functions into Robovie-R2 so as to make it possible to be used in a dining room in healthcare center for helping serving meal for elderly. As a new function, we have developed software system for adaptive movement control of Robovie-R2 that is primary important since a robot that cannot autonomously control its movement would be a dangerous object to the people in dining room. We used the cameras on Robovie-R2's head to catch environment images, applied our original algorithm for recognizing obstacles such as furniture or people, so as to control Roboie-R2's movement. In this paper, we will focus our algorithm and its results.

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Accidents involving Children in School Zones Study to identify the key influencing factors (어린이보호구역내 어린이 교통사고 발생에 미치는 영향요인 분석)

  • Park, Sinae;Lim, Junbeom;Kim, Hyungkyu;Lee, Soobeom
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2017
  • PURPOSES: This study aims to analyze the impact of the implementation of a school zone traffic safety improvement project on the number of accidents involving children in these zones. METHODS : To analyze the correlation between school zone traffic safety features of roads in the zone and the number of accidents involving children, we developed an occurrence probability model of traffic accidents involving children by using a binary logistic regression model with SPSS 23.0 software. Two separate models were developed for two zones: interior block and arterial road. RESULTS :The model depicted that in the case of the interior block, shorter sidewalk width, speed bump, and an elevated crosswalk were key factors affecting the occurrence of accidents involving children. In the case of arterial roads exceeding a width of 12 m, the speed limit, roadside barriers, and red paving of road surfaces were found to be the key factors. CONCLUSIONS:The results of this study can serve as the elementary research data to help improve the effectiveness of school zone traffic safety improvement projects and school zone road repair projects in future.