• Title/Summary/Keyword: softening curve

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Determination of the Tension-Softening Curve of Concrete at Different Strength Level using Fictitious Crack Model (가상균열모델에 의한 강도 수준이 다른 콘크리트의 인장연화곡선 결정)

  • 오성진;박현재;김희성;진치섭
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.125-130
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    • 2002
  • The most important material parameters are fracture energy and the stress-crack opening displacement($\sigma$-w) curve to determine the behavior of concrete. Especially, the relationship between the $\sigma$-w curve is strongly important to determine the load-displacement curve of concrete that has a major influence on the fracture behavior of a concrete. In this paper, notched plain concrete beams with different strength level were tested under three-point bending and fracture energy, the load-deflection curve, and the load-crack mouth opening displacement(CMOD) curve were obtained from the experimental data. Also, the fictitious crack model(FCM) was applied to determine the load-deflection curve of notched plain concrete beams using various types of $\sigma$-w curve model proposed by Petersson and we compared experimental results with numerical ones carried out by Finite Element Method(FEM).

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An Experimental Study on Fracture Energy of Plain Concrete

  • Lee, Jaeha;Lopez, Maria M.
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.129-139
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the concrete fracture energy was obtained using the three point notched beam test method developed by Hillerborg et al. (Cem Concr Res 6(6):773-782, 1976). A total of 12 notched concrete beams were tested under two different loading conditions: constant stroke control and constant crack mouth opening displacement (CMOD) control. Despite individual fracture energies obtained from the two different loading conditions showing some variation, the average fracture energy from both loading conditions was very similar. Furthermore, the results obtained support the idea that a far tail constant "A" could change the true fracture energy by up to 11 %, if it is calculated using CMOD instead of LVDT. The far tail constant "A" is determined using a least squares fit onto a straight line according to Elices et al. (Mater Struct 25(148):212-218, 1992) and RILEM report (2007). It was also observed that the selection of the end point can produce variations of the true fracture energy. The end point indicates the point in the experiment at which to stop. An end point of 2 mm has been recommended, however, in this study other end points were also considered. The final form of the bilinear softening curve was determined based on Elices and Guinea's methods (1992, 1994) and RILEM report (2007). This paper proposes a bilinear stress-crack opening displacement curve according to test results as well as the CEB-FIP model code.

Analysis of bridging Stress Effect of Polycrystlline Aluminas Using Double Cantilever Beam Method (Double Cantilever Beam 방법을 이용한 다결정 알루미나의 Bridging 응력효과 해석 III. 다결정 알루미나의 Bridging 응력분포)

  • 손기선;이성학;백성기
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.602-615
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of the present study is to investigate the microstructural effect on the R-curve behavior in three aluminas with different grain size distributions by analyzing the bridging stress distribution. The crack opening displacement (COD) according to the distance behind the stationary crack tip was measured using an in situ SEM fracture method. The measured COD values in the fine-grained alumina agreed well with Wiederhorn's sollution while they deviated from Wiederhorn's solution in the two coarse-grained aluminas because of the increase of the crack closure due to the grain interface bridging in the crack wake. A numerical fitting procedure was conducted by the introduction of the power-law relation and the current theoretical model together with the measured COD's in order to obtain the bridging stress distribution. The results indicated that the bridging stress function and the R-curve computed by the current model were consistent with those computed by the power-law relation providing a reliable evidence for the bridging stress analysis of the current model. The strain-softening exponent in the power-law relation n, was calculated to be in the range from 2 to 3 and was closely related to the grain size distribution. Thus it was concluded from the current theoretical model that the grain size distribution affected greatly the bridging stress distribution thereby resulting in the quantitative analysis of microfracture of polycrystalline aluminas through correlating the local-fracture-cont-rolling microstructure.

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A Study on Prediction of Die Life of Warm Forging by Wear(I) -Construction of Die Wear Model- (마멸에 의한 온간단조의 금형수명 예측에 관한 연구(I) -금형 마멸 모델의 정립-)

  • 강종훈;박인우;제진수;강성수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1998.03a
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 1998
  • The service life of tools in metal forming process is to a large extent limited by wear, fatigue fracture and plastic deformation. In warm forging processes wear is the predominant factor for operating lives of tools. To predict tool life by wear, Archard's wear model is generally applied. Usually hardness of die is considered to be a function of temperature in Archard's wear model. But hardness of die is a function of not only temperature but also operating time of die. To consider softening of die by repeated operations, it is necessary to express hardness of dies by a function of temperatures and operating time. By experiment of reheating of dies, die softening curves were obtained. Finally modified Archard's wear model in which hardness of die was expressed as a function of main tempering curve was proposed.

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Effect of fiber volume fraction on the tensile softening behavior of Ultra High Strength Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (섬유혼입률이 초고강도 강섬유 보강 콘크리트의 인장연화거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Su-Tae;Park, Jung-Jun;Lee, Si-Young;Park, Gun;Hong, Sung-Wook;Kim, Sung-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.421-424
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    • 2008
  • Ultra high strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete is characterized with high tensile strength and ductility. This paper revealed the influence of fiber volume fraction on the tensile softening behaviour of ultra high strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete and developed tensile softening model to predict the deformation capacity by finite element method analysis with experimental results. The initial stiffness of ultra high strength steel fiber-reinforced concrete was constant irrespective of fiber volume fraction. The increase of fiber volume fraction improved the flexural tensile strength and caused more brittle softening behaviour. Finite element method analysis proposed by Uchida et al. was introduced to obtain the tensile softening curve from three point notched beam test results and we proposed the tensile softening model as a function of fiber volume fraction and critical crack width.

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Performance of Rock-socketed Drilled Shafts in Deep Soft Clay Deposits

  • Kim, Myung-Hak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.10a
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    • pp.409-429
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    • 2006
  • In designing rock-socketed drilled shaft, bearing capacity evaluation is very important because the maximum values of base and side resistance are not generally mobilized at the same value of displacement, FHWA and AASHTO code suggest different ultimate bearing capacity formular according to rock type and shaft settlement. In domestic code suggest base resistance and side resistance can be added on condition that after confirming the result of field load test with axial load transfer test. This paper shows that static load test and hi-directional load test result analysis of deep rock-socketed drilled shaft in three different sites. Load-settlement curve, t-z, and q-w curve in rock-socketed part were calculated and compared. t-z curve in weathered and soft rock showed no deflection softening behavior in pretty large strain (about 2-3% of diameter). Ultimate resistance could be the summation of side resistance and base resistance in rock-socketed drilled shaft in domestic sites.

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Prediction of Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Panels Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 철근 콘크리트 막요소의 전단거동 예측)

  • 이정윤
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes an analytical method to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beams subjected to reversed cyclic loading. The proposed method is based on the compatibility aided truss model and adopts the stress vs. strain curve of concrete which considers the softening effects. This model Is verified by comparing to the six reinforced concrete panel tests.

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Fracture Analysis of Concrete Structures using Boundary Element Method (경계요소법에 의한 콘크리트 구조물의 진행성 파괴해석)

  • 송하원;전재홍
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 1996
  • This paper is about a progressive fracture analysis of concrete by boundary element method. From both displacement boundary integral equation and traction boundary integral equation of solids with cracks, a boundary integral equation for crack problem is derived. For the analysis of progressive fracture of concrete, fracture process zone is modelled based on Dugdale-Barenblatt model with linear tension-softening curve. By using the boundary element modeling, the progressive fractures of concrete beam and compact-tension specimens with various loading conditions are analyzed and compared with experiments. The analysis results show that the technique in this paper can predict the maximum strength and the nonlinear behavior of concrete including post-peak behavior.

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An improved radius-incremental-approach of stress and displacement for strain-softening surrounding rock considering hydraulic-mechanical coupling

  • Zou, Jin-Feng;Wei, Xing-Xing
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2018
  • This study focused on the mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of underwater tunnels based on Mohr-Coulomb (M-C), Hoek-Brown (H-B) and generalized H-B failure criteria. An improved approach for calculating stress, displacement and plastic radius of the circular tunnel considering hydraulic-mechanical coupling was developed. The innovation of this study was that the radius-incremental-approach was reconstructed (i.e., the whole plastic zone is divided into a finite number of concentric annuli by radius), stress and displacement of each annulus were determined in terms of numerical method and Terzaghi's effective stress principle. The validation of the proposed approach was conducted by comparing with the results in Brown and Bray (1982) and Park and Kim (2006). In addition, the Rp-pin curve (plastic radius-internal supporting pressure curve) was obtained using the numerical iterative method, and the plastic radius of the deep-buried tunnel could be obtained by interpolation method in terms of the known value of internal supporting pressure pin. Combining with the theories in Carranza and Fairhurst (2000), the improved technique for assessing the reliability of the tunnel support was proposed.

A simple prediction procedure of strain-softening surrounding rock for a circular opening

  • Wang, Feng;Zou, Jin-Feng
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.619-626
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    • 2018
  • A simple prediction procedure was investigated for calculating the stresses and displacements of a circular opening. Unlike existed approaches, the proposed approach starts each step with a radius increment. The stress for each annulus could be obtained analytically, while strain increments for each step can be determinate numerically from the compatility equation by finite difference approximation, flow rule and Hooke's law. In the successive manner, the distributions of stresses and displacements could be found. It should be noted that the finial radial stress and displacement were equal to the internal supporting pressure and deformation at the tunnel wall, respectively. By assuming different plastic radii, GRC and the evolution curve of plastic radii and internal supporting pressures could be obtained conveniently. Then the real plastic radius can be calculated by using linear interpolation in the evolution curve. Some numerical and engineering examples were performed to demonstrate the accuracy and validity for the proposed procedure. The comparisons results show that the proposed procedure was faster than that in Lee and Pietrucszczak (2008). The influence of annulus number and dilation on the accuracy of solutions was also investigated. Results show that the larger the annulus number was, the more accurate the solutions were. Solutions in Park et al. (2008) were significantly influenced by dilation.