• 제목/요약/키워드: site period

검색결과 2,639건 처리시간 0.029초

국산훈련기 신뢰성기반 정비주기 연장방안 연구 (A Study for Maintenance Period Extension based on Reliability of Korea Trainer)

  • 조인탁;박종훈
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2020
  • Currently, there are two types of trainer in Korea : basic and advanced. Both models have been in operation for more than 10 years, and compared to the early stage of operation, reliability has gradually improved and failure rates have also entered a trend of stabilization. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the maintenance period considering economic feasibility. This study investigates the three maintenance period calculation methods: NAVAIR 00-25-403 [17], DOD, U.S. [4], CERL and US Army [3], with intention to extend the maintenance period of the trainer from current 200 hours to 400 hours. In addition, the maintenance period was calculated by the three methods with actual operational data. Common standards and procedures were established to apply operational data to the existing maintenance period calculation methods, the required reliability indicators were derived, and the maintenance periods was calculated based on the results, additionally, a review on the field applicability of the three maintenance cycles was conducted. An on-site interviews were conducted with the calculation results, and 11 out of the 15 items were expected to be extended by 400 hours. It was suggested that the remaining 4 items could be extended to 400 hours by supplementing the inspection method through additional analysis such as functional analysis, inspection content verification, and site connection.

군포 산본동 청화백자요지 이전 복원 (Transformation and restoration of Underglaze Blue-White porcelain Kiln site at SanBon-Dong, GunPo)

  • 김병호
    • 보존과학연구
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    • 통권15호
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 1994
  • To restore the Under glaze Blue -White porcelain kiln site of choson period, where is located at 114, SanBon 2 Dong GunPo city. it was used to the conservation method, particularly F.R.P.(Fiber glass Reinforced plastic) for moving the kiln site from the present area to historic site No. 342 after restoration.

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100만평문화공원 조성을 위한 주민참여활동 (Citizen Participation of the Million Amenity Park)

  • 김승환
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.22-39
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    • 2006
  • This paper is the study on the activity of citizen participation in the movement of Million Amenity Park's creation which was proposed by citizen participation for large scale's flat park within city. This park was proposed by the Busan Green Plan, commission study in 1999. The location of Park site was finally proposed at Dunchi-do, Bonglim-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan and neighbor areas. The area of park site is approximately 500ha included the surface area of West-Nakdong River. Citizen's organization for Million Amenity Park which has 3,500 members, was established in 2001 in order to compose Million Amenity Park The development processes of this study were found to have quickening period, germination period, the 1st growing period, and the 2nd growing period, and then the results of this activity was also arranged by the researcher of this study. The movement for this park was found to have a positive activity for participating and understanding all the citizens during 7 years. And then the activities for this park were as follows: every information, fund-raising campaign, organization, purchase of park site, contribution of purchasing park site to Busan city. The results of this study, through the movement of citizen's participation such as this park movement were 1) respectively found to have the settlement in the movement of NGO, 2) the possibility of large scale's park fostering by public and civil partnership, and 3) the model presentation of frontier park in the citizen participation's types which will be able to introduce the development of city.

제주 서광지역에 대한 풍력에너지의 장기간 (10년) 특성 (Characteristics of Wind Energy for Long-term Period (10 years) at Seoguang Site on Jeju Island)

  • 고경남;김경보;허종철
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2008
  • In order to clarify characteristics of variation in wind energy over a long-term period, an investigation was carried out at Seoguang site on Jeju island. The wind data for 10 years from Automatic Weather System (AWS) were analyzed for each year. The variation in the annual energy production (AEP) for the 2 MW wind turbine was estimated through statistical work. The result shows that the range of the yearly average wind speed at 15 m above ground level for 10 years was from -22.6% to +13.7%, which is wider range than that in Japan. The coefficient of variation for the AEP was 22.7%, which is about twice of that for the yearly average wind speed. Therefore, for estimating the wind energy potential accurately at a given site, the wind data should be analyzed over a long-term period based on the data from the meteorological station.

MCP방법을 이용한 장기간 풍속 및 풍력에너지 변동 특성 분석 (Variability Characteristics Analysis of the Long-term Wind and Wind Energy Using the MCP Method)

  • 현승건;장문석;고석환
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제33권5호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • Wind resource data of short-term period has to be corrected a long-term period by using MCP method that Is a statistical method to predict the long-term wind resource at target site data with a reference site data. Because the field measurement for wind assessment is limited to a short period by various constraints. In this study, 2 different MCP methods such as Linear regression and Matrix method were chosen to compare the predictive accuracy between the methods. Finally long-term wind speed, wind power density and capacity factor at the target site for 20 years were estimated for the variability of wind and wind energy. As a result, for 20 years annual average wind speed, Yellow sea off shore wind farm was estimated to have 4.29% for coefficient of variation, CV, and -9.57%~9.53% for range of variation, RV. It was predicted that the annual wind speed at Yellow sea offshore wind farm varied within ${\pm}10%$.

사육기간에 따른 오리사 내 오리 생산성 분포도 조사 (Investigation of Duck Production Distribution in Duck Housing As a Function of Breeding Period)

  • 최인학
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.289-293
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of duck production in duck housing as a function of the breeding period. The items in duck production distribution included body weight, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and average duck production. All data were based on eight cycles (June and December, 2017; February, June, August, September, and November, 2018; February, 2019) at Farm Site 1 through 7. The most optimal results in the duck production distribution were observed at Site 1 for weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency. This could be explained by the fact that Site 1 was well managed in environmental improvement and sustainability. Based on these data, selective alternatives to improve duck production in duck farms are recommended as follows: first, proper management and recording of litter used as a flooring material are required, and second, continuous management such as temperature, relative humidity and ventilation is needed. Lastly, it is necessary to change duck facilities by introducing environmental management techniques. Furthermore, efforts to improve the overall facilities and management of duck breeding farms through additional field studies are needed in the future.

서울 평야 지역에 대한 부지 고유의 지진 증폭 특성 평가 (Evaluation of Site-Specific Seismic Amplification Characteristics in Plains of Seoul Metropolitan Area)

  • 선창국;양대성;정충기
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2005
  • 서울의 두 평야 지역 4km${\times}$4km에 대한 부지 고유의 지진 응답 특성 평가를 위하여 대상 지역내 총 350개의 시추 자료를 활용하였다. 국내 내륙 지역의 공내 탄성파 시험의 자료와 시주 자료를 이용하여 $N-V_s$ 상관관계를 도출하고, 이를 토대로 선정된 350 시추 위치에서의 깊이별 전단파 속도(Vs) 분포를 결정하여 등가선형 기법의 부지 응답 해석을 수행하였다. 현행 지반 분류 기준인 심도 30m까지의 평균 Vs (Vs30)는 대상 지역 내에서 250${\~}$550 m/s의 분포를 보였고, 그에 따라 대부분의 부지가 지반 분류 C와 D로 분류되었다. 서울 평야 지역의 부지 고유 주기는 국내 지반 증폭 계수의 근간인 미국 서부 지역에 비해 매우 작은 0.1${\~}$0.4초의 분포를 보였다. 비록 몇몇 부지에서 토사 층 내에 연약한 지층이 존재함에 따라 기저 고립 효과가 발생하여 현행 단주기 증폭 계수가 지반 운동을 과대평가하기도 하지만, 미국 서부 지역과의 지반 조건 차이로 인해 전반적으로 서울 평야 지역에서는 현행 국내 내진 설계 기준의 단주기(0.1${\~}$0.5초) 증폭 계수(Fa)는 지반 운동을 과소평가하고 중장주기(0.4${\~}$2.0초) 증폭 계수(Fv)는 지반 운동을 과대평가하고 있다.

이동통신회사의 임차료에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석을 통한 임차비용 관리방안 연구 (Lease management in the wireless industry through analysis of factors influencing cell site leases)

  • 이장호;곽춘종
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2013
  • A cell site lease is a legal agreement by which the owner of a building or a piece of land allows a wireless carrier to use part of it for a cell tower for a period of time in return for money. Wireless carriers spend significant money for cell site leases. This paper tries to find factors affecting cell site leases and management solutions to save lease costs. In other words, this research identifies any factor influencing cell site leases among age, gender, and geographical area in the first problem and determines management priorities using an importance-satisfaction model in the second problem. This paper can provide wireless carriers with effective decision making tools and a basis for negotiation of cell site leases, as they do not have enough bases for negotiation.

국내 지반특성에 적합한 설계응답스펙트럼 개선을 위한 증폭계수 재산정에 대한 연구 (Modification of Design Response Spectra Considering Geotechnical Site Characteristics in Korea)

  • 윤종구;김동수;방은석
    • 한국지진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지진공학회 2006년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2006
  • Despite the site classification method was improved in the previous study, the response spectrum would be required to be modified by adjusting the integration interval to calculate the site coefficients because the response spectra did not match well the average spectral accelerations obtained by site response analyses in the range of long periods. In this paper, new response spectra for each site categories were determined by adjusting the integration interval of long-period site coefficient $F_{v}$ from $0.4{\sim}2.0$ to $0.4{\sim}1.5$ second. It matched well the average spectral accelerations and new response spectrum, and it was also improved compared to the current site classification system.

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Effects of CO2 and Climate on water use efficiency and their linkage with the climate change

  • Umair, Muhammad;Kim, Daeun;Choi, Minha
    • 한국수자원학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국수자원학회 2019년도 학술발표회
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    • pp.149-149
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    • 2019
  • Gross Primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET) are the two critical components of carbon and water cycle respectively, linking the terrestrial surface and ecosystem with the atmosphere. The ratio between GPP to ET is called ecosystem water use efficiency (EWUE) and its quantification at the forest site helps to understand the impact of climate change due to large scale anthropogenic activities such as deforestation and irrigation. This study was conducted at the FLUXNET forest site CN-Qia (2003-2005) using Community land model (CLM 5.0). We simulated carbon and water fluxes including GPP, ecosystem respiration (ER), and ET using climatic variables as forcing dataset for 30 years (1981-2010). Model results were validated with the FLUXNET tower observations. The correlation showed better performance with values of 0.65, 0.77, and 0.63 for GPP, ER, and ET, respectively. The model underestimated the results with minimum bias of -0.04, -1.67, and -0.40 for GPP, ER, and ET, respectively. Effect of climate 'CLIM' and '$CO_2$' were analyzed based on EWUE and its trend was evaluated in the study period. The positive trend of EWUE was observed in the whole period from 1981-2010, and the trend showed further increase when simulated with rising $CO_2$. The time period were divided into two parts, from 1981-2000 and from 2001 to 2010, to identify the warming effect on EWUE. The first period showed the similar increasing trend of EWUE, but the second period showed slightly decreasing trend. This might be associated with the increase in ET in the wet temperate forest site due to increase in climate warming. Water use efficiency defined by transpiration (TR) (TWUE), and inherent-TR based WUE (IT-WUE) were also discussed. This research provides the evidence to climate warming and emphasized the importance of long term planning for management of water resources and evaporative demand in irrigation, deforestation and other anthropogenic activities.

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