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Taxonomic Characteristics of Korean-native Anacardiaceae (한국산(韓國産) 옻나무과(科)의 분류학적(分類學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Sam Sik;Chung, Jae Min
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.2
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    • pp.151-165
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to establish a systematized taxonomic problems of through the leaf morphological characters and leaf venation patterns, and stomatal cell patterns and cell characteristics of abaxial and adaxial surface of the leaflets by SEM, of 6 native species in Korea and 2 foreign species of the Genus Rhus in the Family Anacardiaceae. The results obtained from this study are summarized as followings: 1. Morphological study measured 32 characters of leaves from herbarium specimen and field-collected samples for each species. The results of cluster analysis based on the Euclidean distance showed that the species could be classified into 3 groups: R. sylvestris. R. typhina, R. succedanea: R. trichocarpa. R. chinensis. R. verniciflua: and R. ambigua. R. radicans subsp. orientale, Analysis of principal components showed 5 groups: The major factors in the first principal component group was length of petiole of the terminal leaflets, that in the second group angle of left side in the terminal leaflet bash, that in the third group area ratio between first and terminal leaflets, that in the forth group angle ratio between right and left side in the terminal leaflet base, and that in the fifth group was angle of main and secondary vein at midrib of terminal leaflet. Cumulative contribution by the first, second and third principal component group was explained with 82.6%, a large percent of all information. 2. The leaf venation pattern investigated using soft X-ray photography revealed clado-and reticulo-camptodromous types according to branching angle of the secondary vein. And three groups by the developing degree of secondary vein were R. trichocarpa, R. ambigua. R. chinensis, R. typhina; R. radicans subsp. onentale, R. succedanea, R. verniciflua: and R. sylvestris. Classification key for the Rhus of Korean-native Anacardiaceae was made by the venation pattern and devevoping degree of the secondary vein. 3. The stomatal cell patterns were greatly classified into paracytic and anomocytic types, specific among species according to stomatal and subsidiary cell patterns, and various differences among the species was determined. Microstructure of the adaxial and abaxial surfaces could be divided into synclinal and anticlinal cell wall patterns, and were specific-species. Stomatal cells of R. chinensis were surrounded with characterized villus-like cells.

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Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Characterisitics of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome in Preschool Children (학동전 아동에서 Wolff-Parkinson-White 증후군의 심전도 소견에 따른 유형 및 심초음파 소견)

  • Chu, Jeoung Min;Sim, Hyun Sup;Cho, Soo Chul;Joo, Chan Uhng
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.1097-1105
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : This study was conducted to estabilish the prevalence, clinical features and relationship between ECG findings and echocardiographic findings of Wolff-Parkinsion-White(WPW) syndrome in asymptomatic preschool children. Methods : An electrocardiographic screening study was performed on 77,824 preschool children in Jeonbuk province from April, 1999 to August, 2001. Patients with WPW syndrome underwent echocardiographic study. Results : Twenty three patients with WPW syndrome were discovered by electrocardiographic screening of preschool children. The prevalence rate was 2.9 per 10,000 preschool children and there was no significant sexual difference. Two patients had a history of symptoms related to tachyarrythmia. According to the ECG classification of Rosenbaum et al., five patients were type A and 18 were type B. Utilizing the criteria of Gallagher et al, right anterior, 12 patients; right anteiror paraseptal, four patients; left anteiror, three patients. Nineteen of 23 patients underwent echocardiographic study. Four of five patients with type A WPW syndrome had abnormal early systolic anterior motion of left ventricular posterior wall. Twelve of 14 patients with type B had abnormal interventricular septal motion characterized by early sytolic posterior motion immediately after inscription of the delta wave. Conclusion : The prevalence rate of preschool children in Jeonbuk province was 2.9/10,000. By the classification according to the electrocardiographic findings, the accessory pathway location was dominant right side than left side. In the echocardiographic study, type A WPW syndrome showed abnormal left ventricular posterior wall motion and type B WPW showed abnormal interventricular septal motion.

Clinical Analysis of Patients with Abdomen or Neck-penetrating Trauma (복부와 경부 관통상 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Noh, Ha-Ny;Kim, Kwang-Min;Park, Joon-Beom;Ryu, Hoon;Bae, Keum-Seok;Kang, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.107-112
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Recently, the change to a more complex social structure has led to an increased frequency of traumas due to violence, accident and so on. In addition, the severity of the traumas and the frequency of penetrating injuries have also increased. Traumas to cervical and abdominal areas, what are commonly seen by general surgeons, can have mild to fatal consequences because in these areas, various organs that are vital to sustaining life are located. The exact location and characteristics of the injury are vital to treating patients with the trauma to these areas. Thus, with this background in mind, we studied, compared, and analyzed clinical manifestations of patients who were admitted to Wonju Christian hospital for penetrating injuries inflicted by themselves or others. Methods: We selected and performed a retrospective study of 64 patients who had been admitted to Wonju Christian Hospital from January 2005 to December 2009 and who had cervical or abdominal penetrating injuries clearly inflicted by themselves or others. Results: There were 51 male (79.7%) and 13 female (20.3%) patients, and the number of male patients was more dominant in this study, having a sex ratio of 3.9 to 1. The range of ages was between 20 and 86 years, and mean age was 43.2 years. There were 5 self-inflicted cervical injuries, and 19 self-inflicted abdominal injuries, making the total number of self-inflicted injury 24. Cervical and abdominal injuries caused by others were found in 11 and 29 patients, respectively. The most common area involved in self-inflicted injuries to the abdomen was the epigastric area, nine cases, and the right-side zone II was the most commonly involved area. On the other hand, in injuries inflicted by others, the left upper quadrant of the abdomen was the most common site of the injury, 14 cases. In the neck, the left-side zone II was the most injured site. In cases of self-inflicted neck injury, jugular vein damage and cervical muscle damage without deep organ injury were observed in two cases each, making them the most common. In cases with abdominal injuries, seven cases had limited abdominal wall injury, making it the most common injury. The most common deep organ injury was small bowel wounds, five cases. In patients with injuries caused by others, six had cervical muscle damage, making it the most common injury found in that area. In the abdomen, small bowel injury was found to be the most common injury, being evidenced in 13 cases. In self-inflicted injuries, a statistical analysis discovered that the total duration of admission and the number of patients admitted to the intensive care unit were significantly shorter and smaller, retrospectively, than in the patient group that had injuries caused by others. No statistically significant difference was found when the injury sequels were compared between the self-inflicted-injury and the injury-inflicted-by-others groups. Conclusion: This study revealed that, in self-inflicted abdominal injuries, injuries limited to the abdominal wall were found to be the most common, and in injuries to the cervical area inflicted by others, injuries restricted to the cervical muscle were found to be the most common. As a whole, the total duration of admission and the ICU admission time were significantly shorter in cases of self-inflicted injury. Especially, in cases of self inflicted injuries, abdominal injuries generally had a limited degree of injury. Thus, in our consideration, accurate injury assessment and an ideal treatment plan are necessary to treat these patients, and minimally invasive equipment, such as laparoscope, should be used. Also, further studies that persistently utilize aggressive surgical observations, such as abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography, for patients with penetrating injuries are needed.

Comparison of Changes in Cell Wall Characteristics during Storage in 'Niitaka' and 'Pingguoli' Pear Fruits (동양배 '신고'와 '사과배' 과실의 저장 중 세포벽 특성의 변화 비교)

  • Kim, Jin-Gook;Piao, Yilong;Chun, Jong-Pil;Kataoka, Ikuo;Hwang, Yong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • The characteristics of fruit ripening and cell wall modifications of two oriental pear fruits were compared during storage. The loss of fresh weight was lower in 'Pingguoli' than 'Niitaka', probably due to the difference in wax accumulation and skin structure. 'Pingguoli' produced much higher amount of ethylene and showed climacteric ripening pattern, but this response was not found in 'Niitaka'. A significant difference in soluble pectin contents was found, thus, the amount of water soluble pectins were much higher in 'Niitaka' at harvest but this difference was not significant at later stage of storage. A severe loss of water soluble pectins in 'Niitaka' was confirmed whereas a similar tendency was not found in CDTA soluble ones. Even the amount of Na2CO3 soluble pectins was relatively low, 'Pingguoli' contained approximately 2 times higher than 'Niitaka' and both cultivars showed an increasing tendency in Na2CO3 soluble polymers at later stage of storage. No significant difference in alkali soluble polysaccharides (hemicelluloses fraction) was found between both cultivars. There was a significant change in gel filtration profiles regardless of cultivars, especially in water soluble pectins resulting from severe depolymerization probably due to degradation of higher molecular weight pectins and loss of their side chains. In gel filtration profiles of Na2CO3 soluble pectins, neutral sugars were evenly distributed regardless of molecular size of pectic polymers but the decrease of high molecular weight fraction was found. In comparison of alkali soluble polymers, a similar trend was found, that is, there was no difference in gel filtration profiles but 'Niitaka' seemed to have longer side chains in alkali soluble polysaccharides in both 4% and 24% of KOH soluble fractions.

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Pharmaco-mechanical Thrombectomy and Stent Placement in Patients with May-Thurner Syndrome and Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombosis (May-Thurner 증후군과 동반된 하지 심부정맥혈전환자에서 혈전제거술과 스텐트삽입술)

  • Jeon, Yonh-Sun;Kim, Yong-Sam;Cho, Jung-Soo;Yoon, Yong-Han;Baek, Wan-Ki;Kim, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Joung-Taek
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.757-762
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    • 2009
  • Background: Compression of the left common iliac vein by the overriding common iliac artery is frequently combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in patients with May-Thurner Syndrome. We evaluate the results of treatment with thrombolysis and thrombectomy followed by stenting in 34 patients with May-Thurner Syndrome combined with lower extremity deep venous thrombosis. Material and Method: The authors retrospectively reviewed the records of 34 patients (mean age: 65±14 year old) who had undergone stent insertion for acute deep vein thrombosis that was caused by May-Thurner syndrome. After thrombectomy and thrombolysis, insertion of a wall stent and balloon angioplasty were performed to relieve the compression of the left common iliac vein. Urokinase at a rate of 80,000 to 120,000 U/hour was infused into the thrombosed vein via a multi-side hole thrombolysis catheter. A retrieval inferior vena cava (IVC) filter was placed to protect against pulmonary embolism in 30 patients (88%). Oral anticoagulation with warfarin was maintained for 3 months, and follow-up Multi Detector Computerized Tomography (MDCT) angiography was done at the date of the patients' hospital discharge and at the 6 months follow-up. Result: The symptoms of deep venous thrombosis disappeared in two patients (4%), and there was clinical improvement within 48 hours in twenty eight patients (82%), but there was no improvement in four patients (8%). The MDCT angiography at discharge showed no thrombus in 9 patients (26%) and partial thrombus in 21 (62%), whereas the follow-up MDCT at 6.4±5.5 months (32 patients) revealed no thrombus in 23 patients (72%), and partial thrombus in 9 patients (26%). Two patients (6%) had recurrence of DVT, so they underwent retreatment. Conclusion: Stent insertion with catheter-directed thrombolysis and thrombectomy is an effective treatment for May-Thurner syndrome combined with acute deep vein thrombosis in the lower extremity.

A Study on the Formation and Landscape Meaning of Noksan in Gyeongbokgung Palace (경복궁 녹산(鹿山)의 성립과 경관적 의의)

  • Lee, Jong-Keun;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2020
  • Noksan is a green area in the form of a hill located inside Gyeongbokgung Palace, unrecognized as a cultural heritage space. This study analyzed the literature and the actual site to derive its landscape meaning by examining the background for the formation of Noksan and how it changed. As a result, the identity of Noksan was related to the geomagnetic vein, pine forest, and deers, and the following are its landscape meaning. First, several ancient maps, including the 「Map of Gyeongbokgung Palace」 depicted the mountain range continuing from Baegaksan(Bugaksan) Mountain to areas inside Gyeongbokgung Palace, and Noksan is a forest located on the geomantic vein, which continues to Gangnyeongjeon Hall and Munsojeon Hall. On Bukgwoldo(Map of Gyeongbokgung Palace), Noksan is depicted with Yugujeong Pavilion, Namyeogo Storage, office for the manager of Noksan, the brook on north and south, and the wall. It can be understood as a prototypical landscape composed of minimal facilities and the forest. Second, the northern palace walls of Gyeongbokgung Palace were constructed in King Sejong's reign. The area behind Yeonjo(king's resting place) up to Sinmumun Gate(north gate of the palace) was regarded as the rear garden when Gyeongbokgung Palace was constructed. However, a new rear garden was built outside the Sinmumun Gate when the palace was rebuilt. Only Noksan maintained the geomantic vein under the circumstance. However, the geographical features changed enormously during the Japanese colonial era when they constructed a huge official residence in the rear garden outside the Sinmumun Gate and the residence of the governor-general and road in the site of the Blue House. Moreover, Noksan was severed from the foothill of Baegaksan Mountain when 'Cheongwadae-ro(road)' was constructed between the Blue House and Noksan in 1967. Third, the significant characteristics and conditions of the forest, which became the origin of Noksan, were identified based on the fact that the geomatic state of the northeastern side of Gyeongbokgung Palace, the naecheongnyong area in geomantic terms(the innermost 'dragon vein' among the veins that stretched out from the central mountain toward the left side), and they planted pine trees to reinforce the 'ground vein' and the fact that it was expressed as the 'Pine Field' before the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. The pine forest, mixed with oaks, cherries, elms, and chestnuts, identified through the excavation investigation, can be understood as the original vegetation landscape. Noksan's topography changed; a brook disappeared due to mounding, and foreign species such as acacia and ornamental juniper were planted. Currently, pine trees' ratio decreased while the forest is composed of oaks, mixed deciduous trees, some ailanthus, and willow. Fourth, the fact the name, 'Noksan,' came from the deer, which symbolized spirit, longevity, eternal life, and royal authority, was confirmed through an article of The Korea Daily News titled 'One of the seven deers in Nokwon(deer garden) in Gyeongbokgung Palace starved to death.'

Surgery Alone and Surgery Plus Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Patients with pT3N0 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Invading the Chest Wall (흉벽을 침범한 pT3N0 비소세포폐암 환자에서 수술 단독과 수술 후 방사선치료)

  • 박영제;임도훈;김관민;김진국;심영목;안용찬
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.10
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    • pp.845-855
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    • 2004
  • Background: No general consensus has been available regarding the necessity of postoperative radiation therapy (PORT) and its optimal techniques in the patients with chest wall invasion (pT3cw) and node negative (N0) non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). We did retrospective analyses on the pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients who received PORT because of presumed inadequate resection margin on surgical findings. And we compared them with the pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients who did not received PORT during the same period. Material and Method: From Aug. of 1994 till June of 2002, 22 pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients received PORT-PORT (+) group- and 16 pT3cwN0 NSCLC patients had no PORT-PORT (-) group. The radiation target volume for PORT (+) group was confined to the tumor bed plus the immediate adjacent tissue only, and no regional lymphatics were included. The prognostic factors for all patients were analyzed and survival rates, failure patterns were compared with two groups. Result: Age, tumor size, depth of chest wall invasion, postoperative mobidities were greater in PORT (-) group than PORT (+) group. In PORT (-) group, four patients who were consulted for PORT did not receive the PORT because of self refusal (3 patients) and delay in the wound repair (1 patient). For all patients, overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), loco-regional recurrence-free survival (LRFS), and distant metastases-free survival (DMFS) rates at 5 years were 35.3%, 30.3%, 80.9%, 36.3%. In univariate and multivariate analysis, only PORT significantly affect the survival. The 5 year as rates were 43.3% in the PORT (+) group and 25.0% in PORT (-) group (p=0.03). DFS, LRFS, DMFS rates were 36.9%, 84.9%, 43.1 % in PORT (+) group and 18.8%, 79.4%, 21.9% in PORT(-) group respectively. Three patients in PORT (-) group died of intercurrent disease without the evidence of recurrence. Few suffered from acute and late radiation side effects, all of which were RTOG grade 2 or lower. Conclusion: The strategy of adding PORT to surgery to improve the probability not only of local control but also of survival could be justified, considering that local control was the most important component in the successful treatment of pT3cw NSCLC patients, especially when the resection margin was not adequate. Authors were successful in the marked reduction of the incidence as well as the severity of the acute and late side effects of PORT, without taking too high risk of the regional failures by eliminating the regional lymphatics from the radiation target volume.

Mid-Silla Buddhist Art of Bunhwangsa Temple Seen through the Record of Samgukyusa (『삼국유사』를 통해 본 분황사(芬皇寺)의 중대신라 불교미술)

  • Choe, Song-eun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.136-161
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    • 2014
  • This paper investigates the Buddhist sculpture and wall-painting enshrined in the halls of Bunhwangsa (Bunhwang temple) at Gyeongju in the mid-Silla period, which are thoroughly unknown to us except through textual records of Samgukyusa compiled by Priest Ilyeon in the late thirteenth century. According to Samgukyusa, a clay portrait-sculpture of Monk Wonhyo, made by his son Seolchong, was placed in Bunhwangsa. This image faced to the side, because he turned his body toward Seolchong when Seolchong bowed to this image. This story suggests that the portrait image of Wonhyo was most likely made after the Vimalakirti images, which were popular in China from the Six Dynasties period on, especially the Vimalakirti images of the early Tang period, turning his head and body toward Bodhisattva Manjusi seated opposite. The Vimalakirti image of Seokkuram might show the portrait image of Wonhyo. A wall-painting of a Thousand-Armed Avalokiresvara who has a thousand arms with a thousand eyes, called by the name 'Great Mercy with a Thousand Hands', was enshrined on the north wall of the left hall of Bunhwangsa. During King Gyeondeok's reign, Himyeong and her five-year-old blind child prayed before this image, and the blind child gained eyesight. While praying, they sang a song pleading for one of the thousand eyes which the Bodhisattva had in his hands. This song implies that Thousand-Armed Avalokiresvara had a thousand eyes, one painted on each hand. The fact that Thousand-Armed Avalokiresvara of Bunhwangsa was called 'Great Mercy with a Thousand Hands' indicates that this painting was based on the scripture Thousand-Armed Avalokiresvara Sutra translated by Bhagavaddharma in about 655, in the Tang period, which also has 'Great Mercy' in its title. In the year 755, a gilt bronze image of Medicine Buddha was made in Bunhwangsa, using nearly 61 tons of bronze to cast. The huge amount of bronze suggests it includes not only the Buddha statue but many other images such as two attendant Bodhisattvas of Suryaprabha and Candraprabha, Eight Great Bodhisattvas, or Twelve Guardians. Seven images of Medicine Buddha might have been made in accordance with the scriptural text of Seven Medicine Buddha Sutra translated by Monk Yijing. Textual evidence and recent excavation have revealed that seven images of Medicine Buddha and their whole attendant images based on Seven Medicine Buddha Sutra were made in the Nara period from 751 to 762 when Queen Gomyo contructed Sinyakusiji temple for the recovery of her husband Shomu. It is fair to assume that one or seven Medicine Buddhas and a whole group of his (their) attendant images were made for the main hall of Bunhwangsa temple in 755.

The History of the Josadang and Its Meaning as Seen Through the Murals of Josadang Hall in Buseoksa, Yeoungju (부석사 조사당 신장 벽화를 통해 본 조사당 건립의 배경과 의미)

  • SHIM Yeoung Shin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.64-78
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    • 2023
  • This article examines the background and meaning of the construction of Josadang Hall in Buseoksa Temple, Yeongju, by Seolsan Cheonhee(1307~1382) in the late 14th century through the characteristics of the hall's mural. Six guardian deities(the Four Heavenly Kings in the center, Indra and Brahma on each side of the kings) are depicted on the southern wall(location of the entrance) of the Josadang, facing the statue of the great monk Uisang(625~702 AD) on the north wall. This mural is the oldest among Korean temple murals and exhibits very unique characteristics. In general, scenes from the scriptures are depicted on the back wall of the central statue. In contrast, the Josadang mural depicts only the guardian deities facing the main statue with no scene description. The appearance of the deities, who seem to protect the main statue of the monk Uisang, and their expressions, as if drawn from relief statues, are not seen in other murals. Nevertheless, it is similar to the stupas of the Seon(Ch. Chan 禪) sect monks established from the late Silla(57 BC~935 AD) through early Goryeo(918~1392 AD), with guardian deities on their surface. The iconography of the deities is a classic form of the late Silla to early Goryeo. The fact that the Josadang was built to commemorate Uisang, who founded the Korean Hwaeom sect(Ch. Huayan sect, 華嚴宗), and that guardians were placed to protect Uisang's statue reveals the concept of worship for the monk who founded the sect. As a result, the reason Cheonhee built the hall can also be understood as an extension of the ideology behind the construction of the stupas of the Seon sect monks. The problem, however, is that Cheonhee is a monk of the Hwaeom sect, and Buseoksa is a representative temple of the Hwaeom sect, not the Seon sect. Therefore, to better understand the background of the hall's construction, this article examined the situation of Goryeo Buddhism in the 14th century as well as the activities of Seolsan Cheonhee. Since Ganhwa Seon(Ch. Kanhua Chan, 看話禪) was dominant in the 14th century, Cheonhee went to study in the Yuan Dynasty(1271~1368 AD) at the age of 58 and was approved by Chinese Ganhwaseon monks before taking the position of Guksa(國師 national monk). However, he was eventually pushed to Buseoksa Temple, where he worked hard to rebuild it. Cheonhee most likely sought to expand the Hwaeom sect, which had been shrinking compared to the Seon sect, by enhancing power with the reconstruction of Buseoksa. The desire that the Hwaeom sect, which was losing its power due to the rise of the Seon sect in the 14th century, attempted to develop it by building Josadang hall, is well revealed by the Josadang murals.

Reproducibility of Adenosine Tc-99m sestaMIBI SPECT for the Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease (관동맥질환의 진단을 위한 아데노신 Tc-99m sestaMIBI SPECT의 재현성)

  • Lee, Duk-Young;Bae, Jin-Ho;Lee, Sang-Woo;Chun, Kyung-Ah;Yoo, Jeong-Soo;Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Ha, Jeoung-Hee;Chae, Shung-Chull;Lee, Kyu-Bo;Lee, Jae-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.473-480
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: Adenosine myocardial perfusion SPECT has proven to be useful in the detection of coronary artery disease, in the follow up the success of various therapeutic regimens and in assessing the prognosis of coronary artery disease. The purpose of this study is to define the reproducibility of myocardial perfusion SPECT using adenosine stress testing between two consecutive Tc-99m sestaMIBI (MIBI) SPECT studies in the same subjects. Methods: Thirty patients suspected of coronary artery disease in stable condition underwent sequential Tc-99m MIBI SPECT studies using intravenous adenosine. Gamma camera, acquisition and processing protocols used for the two tests were identical and no invasive procedures were performed between two tests. Mean interval between two tests were 4.1 days (range: 2-11 days). The left ventricular wall was divided into na segments and the degree of myocardial tracer uptake was graded with four-point scoring system by visual analysis. Images were interpretated by two independent nuclear medicine physicians and consensus was taken for final decision, if segmental score was not agreeable. Results: Hemodynamic responses to adenosine were not different between two consecutive studies. There were no serious side effects to stop infusion of adenosine and side effects profile was not different. When myocardial uptake was divided into normal and abnormal uptake, 481 of 540 segments were concordant (agreement rate 89%, Kappa index 0.74). With four-grade storing system, exact agreement was 81.3% (439 of 540 segments, tau b=0.73). One and two-grade differences were observed in 97 segments (18%) and 4 segments (0.7%) respectively, but three-grade difference was not observed in any segment. Extent and severity scores were not different between two studios. The extent and severity scores of the perfusion defect revealed excellent positive correlation between two test (r value for percentage extent and severity score is 0.982 and 0.965, p<0.001) Conclusion: Hemodynamic responses and side effects profile were not different between two consecutive adenosine stress tests in the same subjects. Adenosine Tc-99m sestaMIBI SPECT is highly reproducible, and could be used to assess temporal changes in myocardial perfusion in individual patients.