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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: self-respect

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The Popularization of True Self Tea Ceremony Using the Standard Web Protocol Technology (표준 웹 프로토콜 기술을 융합한 참나다례의 대중화)

  • Kim, In-Sook;Cho, Kwangmoon;Kim, Tae-Kook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.253-258
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    • 2017
  • Urbanization, industrialization, and informatization raised quality of life in modern society. However, many people face with social maladjustment phenomena of human alienation and loss of true self due to mechanization, competition and stress. To alleviate the social maladjustment, people should look for their true self and the self. Drinking tea may play an important role in bringing your true self and the self and be a vehicle for them to meet in daily life. Therefore, this study uses the standard web protocol technology to popularize the True Self Tea Ceremony which helps to enhance true self and self-respect. The True Self Tea Ceremony uses the basic utensils. The paper proposes the popularization of the True Self Tea Ceremony using the standard web protocol technology. Using the standard web protocol technology enhances the accessibility of users.

Analysis of the Effects of an Elementary School Meditation Program: Self-Esteem, Self-Regulation, Sustained Attention, and Self-Control (초등학교 명상 프로그램의 효과분석: 자기존종, 자기조절, 지속적주의력, 자기통제력을 중심으로)

  • Mihan Kim;Eun-Hi Choi;Hyeyoung Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a mind substraction meditation program on students' self-esteem, self-regulation, sustained attention, and self-control in an elementary school. Methods: From May 30, 2022 to June 30, 2022, the program was implemented in three elementary schools in the metropolitan city of G, with the permission of the school principal and parents. In each elementary school, one class students participated in the meditation program and the other class was a control group. There were 63 students in the intervention group and 78 in the control, with one grade in each of the three schools. There were no dropouts and no missing data. The effectiveness of the intervention and control groups was tested using paired t-tests. Results: The intervention and control groups were homogeneous on general characteristics and key variables except for sustained attention. Sustained attention was higher in the control group than in the intervention group. The effect of the meditation program in the intervention group was statistically significant for self-respect (t=-4.23, p<.001), self-regulation (t=-5.10, p<.001), sustained attention (t=-.13, p<.001), and self-control (t=-3.79, p<.001). Conclusion: This study suggested that the meditation program could be applied as part of character education in elementary schools. Therefore, it is suggested that various types of meditation programs be applied in elementary schools.

The Effects of Medication and Symptom Management Education Program Based on Self Efficacy Theory for the Psychiatric Patients

  • Shon, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.33 no.8
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    • pp.1145-1152
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    • 2003
  • Propose. An effective rehabilitation program had been developed for psychiatric patients' self management of medication and symptoms in Korea. The rehabilitation program was designed to allow the patients to understand their illness, cope with their medical regimen, and prevent a relapse by recognizing any of the symptoms when they recur. Methods. The developed program utilizes the self efficacy method reported by Bandura, it includes manuals and videotapes focusing on real life situations, small group discussions, and telephone coaching. This study investigated the effects of this program with respect to various predictable variables in psychiatric rehabilitation. Thirty eight patients were selected for this study, 18 in the experimental program and 20 as controls. Results. The results showed that the subjects who attended this educational program reported significantly more improvement in attitude toward medication compliance (p=0.033), and significantly less relapse warning symptom scores (p=0.000) than the controls. Conclusion. This program may be a useful psychoeducational resource for professionals in the field of clinical practice in psychiatry.

Tribological behaviors of polymer coated carbon composite with small surface grooves (코팅된 요철표면을 가지는 탄소/에폭시 복합재료의 마찰 및 마모 특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Su;Lee, Hak-Gu;Lee, Dai-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 2005
  • Tribological behaviors of carbon epoxy composites whose surfaces have many small grooves were compared with respect to coating method under dry sliding and water lubricating conditions. The surface coating materials were epoxy (Ep) and polyethylene (PE) mixed with self-lubricating MoS2 and PTFE powders. The wear morphology of the composites observed with a scanning electron microscopic (SEM) revealed that the surface coating layer mixed with the self-lubricating powder on the grooved surface significantly improved the wear resistance under water lubricating condition because the surface coating layer blocked water to penetrate the composite surface and the self-lubricating powder reduced the wear on the coating by suppressing the generation of blisters.

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Segmentation of the Internet Stock Trading Market Using Self Organizing Map (SOM을 이용한 인터넷 주식거래시장의 시장세분화 전략수립에 관한 연구)

  • 이건창;정남호
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2002
  • This paper is concerned with proposing a new market strategy for the segmented markets of the Internet stock trading. Many companies are providing various services for customers. However, the internet stock trading market is glowing rapidly absorbing a wide variety of customers showing different tastes and demographic information, so that it is necessary for us to investigate specific strategy for the segmented markets. General strategy so far in the Internet stock trading market has been to lower transaction fee according to the market trend. As the advent of rapidly enlarging market, however, more specific strategies need to be suggested for the segmented markets. In this respect, this paper applied a self-organizing map (SOM) to 83 questionnaire data collected from the Internet stock trading market in Korea, and obtained meaningful results.


  • Han, Zhangjia;Shi, Huaguo;Zhou, Wei
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.2079-2087
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    • 2013
  • An SQNS-group G is a group in which every proper subgroup of G is either s-quasinormal or self-normalizing and a minimal non-SQNS-group is a group which is not an SQNS-group but all of whose proper subgroups are SQNS-groups. In this note all the finite minimal non-SQNS-groups are determined.

Cracking of Fiber-Reinforced Self-Compacting Concrete due to Restrained Shrinkage

  • Kwon, Seung-Hee;Ferron, Raissa P.;Akkaya, Yilmaz;Shah, Surendra P.
    • International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-9
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    • 2007
  • Fiber-reinforced self-compacting concrete (FRSCC) is a new type of concrete mix that can mitigate two opposing weaknesses: poor workability in fiber-reinforced concrete and cracking resistance in plain SCC concrete. This study focused on early-age cracking of FRSCC due to restrained drying shrinkage, one of the most common causes of cracking. In order to investigate the effect of fiber on shrinkage cracking of FRSCC, ring shrinkage tests were performed for polypropylene and steel fiber-reinforced SCC. In addition, finite element analyses for those specimens were carried out considering drying shrinkage based on moisture diffusion, creep, cracking resistance of concrete, and the effect of fiber. The analysis results were verified via a comparison between the measured and calculated crack width. From the test and analysis results, the effectiveness of fiber with respect to reducing cracking was confirmed and some salient features on the shrinkage cracking of FRSCC were obtained.

Developing an Intelligent Health Pre-diagnosis System for Korean Traditional Medicine Public User

  • Kim, Kwang Baek
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2017
  • Expert systems for health diagnosis are only for medical experts who have deep knowledge in the field but we need a self-checking pre-diagnosis system for preventive public health monitoring. Korea Traditional Medicine is popular in use among Korean public but there exist few available health information systems on the internet. A computerized self-checking diagnosis system is proposed to reduce the social cost by monitoring health status with simple symptom checking procedures especially for Korea Traditional Medicine users. Based on the national reports for disease/symptoms of Korea Traditional Medicine, we build a reliable database and devise an intelligent inference engine using fuzzy c-means clustering. The implemented system gives five most probable diseases a user might have with respect to symptoms given by the user. Inference results are verified by Korea Traditional Medicine doctors as sufficiently accurate and easy to use.


    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.1945-1962
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    • 2015
  • This paper is mainly concerned with the formation of delta standing wave for the scalar conservation law with a linear flux function involving discontinuous coefficients by using the self-similar viscosity vanishing method. More precisely, we use the self-similar viscosity to smooth out the discontinuous coefficient such that the existence of approximate viscous solutions to the delta standing wave for the Riemann problem is established and then the convergence to the delta standing wave solution is also obtained when the viscosity parameter tends to zero. In addition, the Riemann problem is also solved with the standard method and the instability of Riemann solutions with respect to the specific small perturbation of initial data is pointed out in some particular situations.

Social-Cultural Adjustment of North Korean Defectors by Self-Esteem and Internal Attribution (새터민의 자아존중감 및 내적귀인성향에 따른 사회문화적 적응)

  • Chin, Mee-Jung;Lee, Soon-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.7 s.221
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2006
  • This study explores the social-cultural adjustments of North Korean defectors with respect to their self-esteem and internal attribution. The data were obtained from a survey of 195 North Korean defectors who had recently entered South Korea. The respondents had moderate difficulties in their social-cultural adjustment consisting of social activity restriction, discrimination, and social exclusion. Their social-cultural adjustment was positively associated with internal attribution. Those with internal attribution tended to have fewer problems in adjusting to the social systems and culture of South Korea. The findings of this study imply that psychological resources play a role in enhancing the social-cultural adjustment of North Korean defectors.