• Title/Summary/Keyword: second-order

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Regeneration of a defective Railroad Surface for defect detection with Deep Convolution Neural Networks (Deep Convolution Neural Networks 이용하여 결함 검출을 위한 결함이 있는 철도선로표면 디지털영상 재 생성)

  • Kim, Hyeonho;Han, Seokmin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2020
  • This study was carried out to generate various images of railroad surfaces with random defects as training data to be better at the detection of defects. Defects on the surface of railroads are caused by various factors such as friction between track binding devices and adjacent tracks and can cause accidents such as broken rails, so railroad maintenance for defects is necessary. Therefore, various researches on defect detection and inspection using image processing or machine learning on railway surface images have been conducted to automate railroad inspection and to reduce railroad maintenance costs. In general, the performance of the image processing analysis method and machine learning technology is affected by the quantity and quality of data. For this reason, some researches require specific devices or vehicles to acquire images of the track surface at regular intervals to obtain a database of various railway surface images. On the contrary, in this study, in order to reduce and improve the operating cost of image acquisition, we constructed the 'Defective Railroad Surface Regeneration Model' by applying the methods presented in the related studies of the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). Thus, we aimed to detect defects on railroad surface even without a dedicated database. This constructed model is designed to learn to generate the railroad surface combining the different railroad surface textures and the original surface, considering the ground truth of the railroad defects. The generated images of the railroad surface were used as training data in defect detection network, which is based on Fully Convolutional Network (FCN). To validate its performance, we clustered and divided the railroad data into three subsets, one subset as original railroad texture images and the remaining two subsets as another railroad surface texture images. In the first experiment, we used only original texture images for training sets in the defect detection model. And in the second experiment, we trained the generated images that were generated by combining the original images with a few railroad textures of the other images. Each defect detection model was evaluated in terms of 'intersection of union(IoU)' and F1-score measures with ground truths. As a result, the scores increased by about 10~15% when the generated images were used, compared to the case that only the original images were used. This proves that it is possible to detect defects by using the existing data and a few different texture images, even for the railroad surface images in which dedicated training database is not constructed.

Comparative Analysis of Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurship Programs in American Universities: Focusing on Major Entrepreneurship Centers in 7 Universities in the United States (미국 대학의 창업교육 및 창업프로그램 비교분석: 미국 7개 대학 주요 기업가정신센터를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sung Ho;Nam, Jung Min
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.67-79
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed the start-up education curriculum and start-up education programs of seven universities in the U.S. to find out what courses are provided, what various programs exist, and what the characteristics of start-up education in each university are. California State University, San Bernardino / University of California, Irvine / Drexel University / Oklahoma State University / Florida State University / San Diego State University / University of Southern California where entrepreneurship education based on the Entrepreneurship Degree Course is being established based on the Entrepreneurship Center of seven universities in the United States, which is not well introduced in Korea. This study examined how the start-up education courses and start-up support systems at seven universities in the U.S. are progressing at the undergraduate, MBA, master's and doctoral levels, and comparative levels. Through the case studies of the universities presented, the primary analysis was carried out to explore the various characteristics of American university start-up education. The implications of start-up education at American universities in this study are as follows. First, in order for universities to take the initiative in providing start-up education, they should be organized to suit the course of start-up education suitable for the characteristics of universities and introduce support programs. Second, it is necessary to establish an independent center within domestic universities to be operated autonomously. Third, the start-up education of universities should include building university-industry partnerships, operating entrepreneurship degree courses and collaboration between departments of universities. Fourth, the independent center should lead the active participation of alumni and local start-ups and start-up-related programs should be operated based on this. Fifth, Differentiated programs for each university's characteristics should be introduced and applied to universities. Although case studies have limitations that cannot be generalized, they can provide a useful framework. Therefore, it is necessary to design a systematic start-up education that reflects the correct design direction and characteristics of each university.

The Verification of Physique and Physical Fitness Differences Through Bone Age and Chronological Age Among Adolescents (청소년들의 골연령과 역연령을 통한 체격과 체력의 차이 검증)

  • Kim, Dae-Hoon;Yoon, Hyoung-Ki;Oh, Sei-Yi;Lee, Young-Jun;Kim, Buem-Jun;Choi, Young-Min;Song, Dae-Sik;An, Ju-Ho;Seo, Dong-Nyeuck;Kim, Ju-Won;Na, Gyu-Min;Oh, Kyung-A
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.318-331
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted on the assumption that bone age would be more effective when it comes to physique and physical fitness assessment for adolescents, and the purpose of this study was to identify the differences in physique and physical fitness for students in their adolescence through bone age and chronological age in order to contribute to the well-balanced physique and physical fitness development in adolescents and the health improvement in students. Total 874 adolescents(483 males, 391 females) aged 11~16 were selected as subjects out of the total population of 1100 adolescents aged 6~16 based on the PAPS(Physical Activity Promotion System) and age standards of the TW3 method; and skeletal maturation, which symbolize the indicators of biological maturation, were evaluated by using the TW3(Tanner-Whitehouse 3) method after hand-wrist radiographs, and birth date was used for chronological age. A stadiometer and InBody 270 (Biospace, Korea) were used to measure 2 components in physique. A total of 7 components in physical fitness, which included muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, power, cardiovascular endurance, balance, agility, were measured as well. A independent samples t-test was conducted for data processing using SPSS 25.0, and the significance level was set at p< .05. The study results are as follows. First, bone age and chronological age used for physique comparison in males aged 11 and 12, height and weight showed significant difference; in males aged 13, weight showed signicant difference. Weight and height in females aged 11, and height in females aged 12 showed significant difference. Second, bone age and chronological age used for physical fitness comparison in males aged 11, muscular strength, power, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance showed significant difference; in males aged 12, muscular strength. power, cardiovascular endurance; in males aged 13, flexibility showed significant difference. Muscular strength, power, flexibility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance in females aged 11, and flexibility in females aged 14 showed significant difference. As a result, this study concluded that in a period of rapid skeletal growth, evaluating physique and physical fitness based on bone age is more accurate than evaluating based on chronological age.

Development and Implementation of a Process-Based Evaluation Program on School Space Design: Focusing on the Housing Life Area of Home Economics Curriculum in Middle School (학교 공간 디자인을 주제로 한 과정중심평가 프로그램 개발 및 실행: 중학교 가정교과 주생활 영역을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Eun Young;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.81-101
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a process-based evaluation program with the theme of school space design in the housing area of the middle school home economics. In order to achieve For thispurpose, a process-based evaluation program based on the theme of school space design was developed following the ADDIE instructional design model, and the program was executed to a total of 93 students. A questionnaire survey and in-depth interview were conducted for the evaluation of the program. The results of this study are as follows. First, based on the results of a 2015-Revised Curriculum analysis, a school space design program evaluation plan was established, and two evaluation tasks were developed. Accordingly, scoring criteria were prepared and 8 evaluation materials for students and 2 evaluation materials for teachers were developed. A total of 9 sessions were developed for teaching and learning activities and evaluation-linked operation procedures to perform evaluation tasks. As a result of an expert validity test for the program, all items were verified to be appropriate in content validity and content composition with an average of 3.6 to 4 points (4 points). Second, after conducting the school space design program, a survey on students were conducted, and as a result, all three areas of school space design class, process-based evaluation, interest scored high in average scores of 4.12 to 4.27 out of 5. According to the survey and interview results, the program provided new learning opportunities for school space design, the students were able to reach the suggested achievement goals, and the self-assessment, peer evaluation and teacher feedback positively affected the students during the learning process so that they could reflect on their learning and actively participate in the subsequent learning activity. This study has a limitation in generalizability in that the program was conducted on a limited number of students, and future studies are expected to expand the scope in terms of research participants, evaluation criteria, and school space design classes. This study laid the foundation for theory and practice by developing and implementing a process-based evaluation program for home economics education, and it has contribution in that it suggested the possibility that teachers and students can take the initiatives in school space design, focusing on the housing content elements of home economics.

A Composition and Role of Urban Water System in Connection with Historic City Structure - Focusing on Gyeongju, Gaegyeong, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong - (역사도시구조와 연계한 도시수체계의 구성형태와 역할에 관한 연구 - 경주, 개경, 한양, 수원화성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, In-Ae;Lee, Kyung-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2021
  • This study intends to examine the characteristics of the construction method of the urban water system in the historical cities of Korea, focusing on Gyeongju, Gyeongju, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Suwon Hwaseong, which were created as new towns in the late Joseon Dynasty. It examines the meaning of waterways in connection with the urban skeletal structure, focusing on the location of cities, roads, and arrangement of urban facilities, and analyzes the compositional form of the water system. We tried to derive the relationship with the structure. In particular, it can be seen that water and natural water systems act as key factors in determining the location of a city, and have a close relationship with the urban structure, urban development process, and urban structure. In addition to the symbolic meaning of water in harmony with the geographical concept, realistic demands in terms of water level and water retention are an important background. In order to respond to various demands related to water space, various planning and technical elements for managing water space were introduced in the process of city formation and development. The planning elements of the urban water system in the process of urban formation and development are summarized as follows through the analysis of the research site. First, in the process of building the urban water system in Gyeongju, Goryeo, Goryeo, Hanyang, and Hwaseong, Suwon, which were selected as the research destinations, the water system in consideration of drainage and disaster is common, but the water system construction method and usability are common. shows the difference. Second, water and natural water systems act as symbolic elements to secure the legitimacy of the city location, and as a key factor in determining the location of the city in harmony with the geographical concept and determining the left direction of the city. Third, the natural water system prior to the formation of a city works as a basis for determining the compositional form of the urban water system constructed in the process of urban formation and development in harmony with the topographical conditions. Fourth, the urban water system built on the basis of natural water systems is constructed by linking natural waterways and planned artificial waterways. Fifth, the urban water system is being built in a planned manner in consideration of the utility in connection with the urban structure, such as securing of urban land, arrangement of urban facilities and areas, composition of functional areas, and land division, in addition to the perspective of drainage system and flood control in consideration of disasters.

Comparison between Different Industrial GDPs to Understand the Importance of the Industry: Focusing on the Food, Medical & Drug Industry (산업별 GDP 중요도 비교 분석: 식의약 산업 부문 GDP를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sohye;Kim, Jinmin;Kim, Jaeyoung;Kang, Byung-Goo
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2021
  • Gross Domestic Product(GDP) is affected by the economic power of each industry. Therefore, using statistical data related to the food and drug industry, we tried to determine the proportion of GDP and analyzed the impact of the food, medical & drug industry on the domestic economy through comparison with other industries. The food, medical & drug industry has a wide range of industries among domestic industries and is closely related to the lives of the people. In addition, human lifespan is increasing, and recently, due to the spread of an infectious disease called COVID-19, the bio sector belonging to the food, medical & drug industry is in the spotlight. Attention is needed to the industry as the competitiveness of the food, medical & drug industry is expected to increase. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety provides statistics on the food, medical & drug industry, but does not provide a systematic share of GDP. Since it is difficult to determine how influential the industry is compared to other industries, this study attempts to obtain the share of GDP in the food, medical & drug industry and compare it with other industries. In the process of obtaining GDP in the food, medical & drug industry sector, there was a difficulty in that the figures in statistical data were not unified by time point. In order to overcome the limitations, statistical data as a standard are determined. The GDP of the Food, Medical & Drug Industry was estimated using total added value, production, sales, and added value by industry. Compared to other industries, the Food, Medical & Drug Industry's GDP ranked second after the GDP of the manufacturing industry. As a result, it suggests that the food, medical & drug industry has a great influence on the national economic power among domestic industries.

A Study on the Frame of Reference of the Korean Welfare State Model Focusing on Esping-Anderson's Wel fare State Regime (에스핑-앤더슨의 복지국가체제를 중심으로 한국형 복지국가의 준거 틀에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Hyun-Kyung
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to study Esping-Anderson's theory of welfare state system, develop a model of welfare state suitable for Korea's situation, and apply it to reality. In this research method, basic research and analysis of ideology is used, focusing on Esping-Anderson's welfare state system theory, and applying it appropriately to the Korean situation. Studies on the model of the welfare state have been studied after the classification of complementary and institutional models asserted by Willensky and Lebo in 1965. In addition, Esping-Andersen asserts three things as a model of the welfare state according to ideology. First, the role of the market is central to the liberal welfare system that best fits the image of classical capitalism, and individualistic solidarity through the market. The role of the state or family, which can be a hindrance, is actually marginalized. In addition, in order to maximize individualistic solidarity through the market, de-commodification in the national domain tends to be minimized. Second, the conservative welfare system has a strong familistic element, so the source of social solidarity is the family, and the state plays a role of supporting and supplementing the characteristics of this family. In the conservative system, de-commodification appears to be high among household heads, or the welfare system takes on a corporatist and nationalistic form, it can be said that these characteristics are reflected. Third, in the social democratic welfare system, the source of social solidarity is the state. Therefore, the role of the state is large, the state has a high possibility of decommodification, and it has the characteristics of substitutes for the family and the market through universalist intervention. This study applies Esping-Anderson's three welfare state models to study a model suitable for the Korean situation. In conclusion, Esping-Anderson's three welfare state models can be classified into a market-oriented model based on a liberal welfare system, a status-oriented model based on a conservative corporatist welfare system, and a solidarity-oriented model based on a social-democratic welfare system, presented a compromise between liberalism and conservatism as a Korean model.

Development of the forecasting model for import volume by item of major countries based on economic, industrial structural and cultural factors: Focusing on the cultural factors of Korea (경제적, 산업구조적, 문화적 요인을 기반으로 한 주요 국가의 한국 품목별 수입액 예측 모형 개발: 한국의, 한국에 대한 문화적 요인을 중심으로)

  • Jun, Seung-pyo;Seo, Bong-Goon;Park, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.23-48
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    • 2021
  • The Korean economy has achieved continuous economic growth for the past several decades thanks to the government's export strategy policy. This increase in exports is playing a leading role in driving Korea's economic growth by improving economic efficiency, creating jobs, and promoting technology development. Traditionally, the main factors affecting Korea's exports can be found from two perspectives: economic factors and industrial structural factors. First, economic factors are related to exchange rates and global economic fluctuations. The impact of the exchange rate on Korea's exports depends on the exchange rate level and exchange rate volatility. Global economic fluctuations affect global import demand, which is an absolute factor influencing Korea's exports. Second, industrial structural factors are unique characteristics that occur depending on industries or products, such as slow international division of labor, increased domestic substitution of certain imported goods by China, and changes in overseas production patterns of major export industries. Looking at the most recent studies related to global exchanges, several literatures show the importance of cultural aspects as well as economic and industrial structural factors. Therefore, this study attempted to develop a forecasting model by considering cultural factors along with economic and industrial structural factors in calculating the import volume of each country from Korea. In particular, this study approaches the influence of cultural factors on imports of Korean products from the perspective of PUSH-PULL framework. The PUSH dimension is a perspective that Korea develops and actively promotes its own brand and can be defined as the degree of interest in each country for Korean brands represented by K-POP, K-FOOD, and K-CULTURE. In addition, the PULL dimension is a perspective centered on the cultural and psychological characteristics of the people of each country. This can be defined as how much they are inclined to accept Korean Flow as each country's cultural code represented by the country's governance system, masculinity, risk avoidance, and short-term/long-term orientation. The unique feature of this study is that the proposed final prediction model can be selected based on Design Principles. The design principles we presented are as follows. 1) A model was developed to reflect interest in Korea and cultural characteristics through newly added data sources. 2) It was designed in a practical and convenient way so that the forecast value can be immediately recalled by inputting changes in economic factors, item code and country code. 3) In order to derive theoretically meaningful results, an algorithm was selected that can interpret the relationship between the input and the target variable. This study can suggest meaningful implications from the technical, economic and policy aspects, and is expected to make a meaningful contribution to the export support strategies of small and medium-sized enterprises by using the import forecasting model.

Cesium Sorption to Granite in An Anoxic Environment (무산소 환경에서의 화강암에 대한 세슘 수착 특성 연구)

  • Cho, Subin;Kwon, Kideok D.;Hyun, Sung Pil
    • Korean Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.101-109
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    • 2022
  • The mobility and transport of radioactive cesium are crucial factors to consider for the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste disposal sites in granite. The retardation of radionuclides in the fractured crystalline rock is mainly controlled by the hydrochemical condition of groundwater and surface reactions with minerals present in the fractures. This paper reports the experimental results of cesium sorption to the Wonju Granite, a typical Mesozoic granite in Korea, performed in an anaerobic chamber that mimics the anoxic environment of a deep disposal site. We measured the rates and amounts of cesium (133Cs) removed by crushed granite samples in different electrolyte (NaCl, KCl, and CaCl2) solutions and a synthetic groundwater solution, with variations in the initial cesium concentration (10-5, 5×10-6, 10-6, 5×10-7 M). The cesium sorption kinetic and isotherm data were successfully simulated by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model (r2= 0.99) and the Freundlich isotherm model (r2= 0.99), respectively. The sorption distribution coefficient of granite increased almost linearly with increasing biotite content in granite samples, indicating that biotite is an effective cesium scavenger. The cesium removal was minimal in KCl solution compared to that in NaCl or CaCl2 solution, regardless of the ionic strength and initial cesium concentration that we examined, showing that K+ is the most competitive ion against cesium in sorption to granite. Because it is the main source mineral of K+ in fracture fluids, biotite may also hinder the sorption of cesium, which warrants further research.

Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries in Naver News by Web Crolling : Based on Keyword Analysis and Semantic Network Analysis (웹 크롤링에 의한 네이버 뉴스에서의 한국농수산대학 - 키워드 분석과 의미연결망분석 -)

  • Joo, J.S.;Lee, S.Y.;Kim, S.H.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to find information on the university's image from words related to 'Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries (KNCAF)' in Naver News. For this purpose, word frequency analysis, TF-IDF evaluation and semantic network analysis were performed using web crawling technology. In word frequency analysis, 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth', 'university', 'business', 'rural', 'CEO' were important words. In the TF-IDF evaluation, the key words were 'farmer', 'dron', 'agricultural and livestock food department', 'Jeonbuk', 'young farmer', 'agriculture', 'Chonju', 'university', 'device', 'spreading'. In the semantic network analysis, the Bigrams showed high correlations in the order of 'youth' - 'farmer', 'digital' - 'agriculture', 'farming' - 'settlement', 'agriculture' - 'rural', 'digital' - 'turnover'. As a result of evaluating the importance of keywords as five central index, 'agriculture' ranked first. And the keywords in the second place of the centrality index were 'farmers' (Cc, Cb), 'education' (Cd, Cp) and 'future' (Ce). The sperman's rank correlation coefficient by centrality index showed the most similar rank between Degree centrality and Pagerank centrality. The KNCAF articles of Naver News were used as important words such as 'agriculture', 'education', 'support', 'farmer', 'youth' in terms of word frequency. However, in the evaluation including document frequency, the words such as 'farmer', 'dron', 'Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs', 'Jeonbuk', and 'young farmers' were found to be key words. The centrality analysis considering the network connectivity between words was suitable for evaluation by Cd and Cp. And the words with strong centrality were 'agriculture', 'education', 'future', 'farmer', 'digital', 'support', 'utilization'.