• Title/Summary/Keyword: science teaching models

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Analysis of Middle School Science Teachers' Orientations toward Teaching Science based Instructional Strategies (중학교 과학교사의 교수전략을 통한 교수지향 분석)

  • Bang, Eun-Jung;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.274-289
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    • 2012
  • The purposes of this study were to analyze instructional strategies of science teachers, science teachers' orientations toward science teaching by the reason which instructional strategies was used in middle school science classes, and the relations among PCK elements for suggesting a direction of improvement of PKC models. For this purpose, we selected three of middle school teachers as participants who had various teaching experience periods. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were gathered for data. From the data collected, we analyzed the type of instructional strategies of science teachers. On the base of these, we identified characteristics of the teachers' orientations toward teaching science. From the reason that instructional strategies was used, we could ascertain that knowledge of science curriculum and knowledge of students' learning which was component of PCK crucially affected instructional strategies of science teachers. Therefore we assured that analysis of practical instructional strategies of science teachers that showed through science instruction was the most effective method that could find out science teacher's orientation of teaching science internalized, and that knowledge of science curriculum and knowledge of students' learning was the basic component of PCK that formed instructional strategies of science teachers. On the basis of the result, a necessity for improvement of PCK models was presented.

Research on Characteristics of Teacher Professionalism by the Type of Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge (과학과 교과교육학 지식 유형별 교사 전문성의 특징 연구)

  • Kwak, Young-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.592-602
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this research is to explore types of pedagogical content knowledge (PCK, hereafter) for effective science teaching. In this research, we explored three science teachers' PCK on light, who were effective in teaching the topic with particular students. The data analysis consisted of identifying the three teachers' unique PCK and ways to improve each teaching episode through the teacher meetings. These analyses, which consisted of verbal exchanges among the participants, were identified on the basis of our understanding. Using grounded theory methods, the types of science PCK drawn from this research are: (1) teaching through curriculum reconstruction, (2) teaching to help students build their own explanation models about surrounding nature, (3) teaching for learning the social language of science, (4) teaching to motivate students' learning needs based on relevance of science to students, (5) teaching through lowering students' learning demand by providing scaffolding, (6) teaching based on the teacher's understanding of students, (7) teaching through inquiry with argumentation, (8) teaching through reification of abstract science concepts, and (9) teaching none marginalized science. Common features of science teachers with quality PCK and their professionalism in teaching are discussed.

Development of a teaching-learning model for effective algorithm education (효과적인 알고리즘 교육을 위한 교수-학습 모형 개발)

  • Han, Oak-Young;Kim, Jae-Hyoun
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2011
  • The importance of algorithm education has been emphasized for creative problem-solving capability. Especially, algorithm teaching materials related with mathematics and science are under development to enhance logical thinking. However, there are not enough teaching-learning models applicable in the field of education. Therefore, this paper proposed a teaching-learning model for effective algorithm education. The teaching-learning model reflects two characteristics : an algorithm learning process is spiral, and algorithm education is based on logical thinking. Furthermore, a survey was conducted for students' satisfaction, and the result was a mixed teaching-learning model with PBL, SDL, and peer tutoring. Based on the proposed model, examples of classes for mathematics and science are suggested to show the feasibility of effective algorithm education.

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Response of High School Students on Development of Gradually-Processing Completion Concept Map and It's Application - Case Study on 'Diastrophism in Earth Science I'- (점진적 완성 개념도의 개발과 적용에 따른 고등학생들의 반응 -지구과학 I 지각변동 단원에의 적용 사례 -)

  • Cho, Kyu-Seong;Cho, Sung-Ho;Kim, Cheong-Bin;Chung, Duk-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.140-150
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    • 2008
  • In this study, a new teaching model was developed using concept maps and applied to the Earth Science I unit on diastrophism. We analyzed the effects of this model on students' scholastic achievement, ability to construct concept maps, and attitudes towards concept map lessons, in comparison to traditional teaching methods. The data was sampled from 128 second-year male high school students in Gyunggido, Korea. Although the results are not statistically significant, the new teaching model seems to have contributed to an increase in scholastic achievement as opposed to the traditional teaching models. We also found that the students to whom the new teaching model was applied showed both significant and positive effects in terms of scholastic achievement, the ability to construct a concept map, and changes in attitudes towards concept map lessons.

Development of a Teaching-Learning Model for Science Ethics Education with History of Science (과학사 활용 과학 윤리 수업 모형 개발)

  • Shin, Dong-Hee;Shin, Ha-Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.346-371
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities of science ethics education with history of science (HOS) and to develop its teaching and learning model for secondary school students. A total of 72 cases about science ethics were extracted from 20 or more HOS books, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These cases were categorized into 8 areas, such as forgery, fabrication, violation of bioethics in testing, plagiarism and stealth, unfair allocation of credit, over slander, conjunction with ideologies, and social responsibility problems. The results of this study are as follows. First, research forgery, occurring in the process of the research, was the most frequent in HOS. Second, we developed eight teaching lesson plans for each area. Third, we proposed a teaching and learning model based on the developed lesson plans as well as related teaching and learning models in the fields of science ethics education, ethics education, and history education. Our model has five steps, 'investigating-suggesting casesclarifying problems-finding alternatives-summarizing'.

$7^{th}-12^{th}$ Grade Students, Pre-service Teachers and Science Teachers' Views on the Dissolution of Salt in a Liquid

  • Won, Jeong-Ae;Kang, Dae-Hun;Paik, Seoung-Hey
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2008
  • In this study, a survey was conducted of students in grades 7 through 12, student teachers enrolled in their senior year at teachers' colleges, and science teachers. Subjects were surveyed on their conceptions of phenomenon related with dissolution, saturation, and extraction. The models and analogies used by student teachers and science teachers to explain dissolution were sought. The highest percentage of students thought of dissolution as a phenomenon in which particles broke into the spaces between other particles. The models or analogies used by the highest percentage of science teachers were similar. They generally conceived of dissolution phenomenon through what we call the 'space conception'. A conception of dissolution phenomenon as 'hydration through attraction of solvent and solute' was held by more student teachers than science teachers; there were some differences, however, according to their academic background. The percentage of teachers professing this view decreased when they attempted to explain the process of extraction of matter in a solution after other matter had dissolved or after the solution was cooled, indicating that the 'hydration' conception was not firmly established in the student teachers' cognition. Therefore, it can be inferred that the conceptions of dissolution as 'hydration' were transformed into the conceptions of dissolution as 'space' after teaching dissolution phenomenon as practicing teachers. This finding should be considered in teacher-training courses.

Construction of cooperative teaching system to support dynamics in gifted students' social studies learning (영재학생들의 사회과 학습의 역동성을 지원하는 협력교수 체제의 구안)

  • Park, Hae-Jin;Back, Sun-Hwa;Nam, Youl-Soo;Noh, Kyung-Hyun;Lee, Su-Seong
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.11-36
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    • 2005
  • Cooperative teaching emerged as one of the interesting topics on curriculum administration and teaching-learning method in BSA(Busan Science Academy). The purpose of this study is to do research on social studies learning with respect to cooperative teaching, and to develop the model of cooperative teaching. The results of this study are as follows: First, We surveyed both the concept of cooperative teaching in all aspects and the methodological application on cooperative teaching. Second, We searched all teaching-learning methods in BSA in terms of cooperative teaching. Third, We studied cooperative teaching system on social studies considering current environmental factors. Forth, We performed seminar class which is constructed as one of the cooperative teaching models. The topic of seminar was 'The distortion and falsification of Koguryeo history in China'. The participants of seminar were volunteer students and social studies teachers whose subjects were geography, history, social studies, and ethics. And the participants conducted the research and cooperative learning based on teacher's subjects and subtopics. Fifth, The interactions between teacher and teacher, student and student, and teacher and student in the process of seminar preparation and publication were conducted very excitedly. Especially we found the possibility of cooperative teaching by the interaction between teachers. Finally, students developed the mind-frame to participate in social studies learning actively, and learned the method to research social affairs for themselves, and extended the eyes to approach social affairs with different opinions.

A Study on the Analysis of Variables Affecting Teacher Librarians' Practice Teaching in Korea (사서교사 교유실습의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.183-203
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an effective development of teacher librarians' practice teaching and to identify how much teacher librarians' practice teaching affects their expertise in Korea. For this, two research models are constructed. The first model is to analyze the relationship of variables between the effect of practice teaching and the following variables: pretraining, practice program, advisory teacher, training condition and organizational atmosphere. The second model is to analyze how much the practice teaching affects their role perception and expertise compared with training courses and field experiences. The result is as follow: It is the training program that greatly affects teacher librarians' practice teaching among those variables. And the practice teaching has a positive effect on the ability of role performance. According to the above result, the practice teaching is effective in developing teacher librarians' expertise. And more systematic practice teaching program, enough pretraining and the efforts of advisory teacher are necessary to enhance the effect of teacher librarians' practice teaching.

Teaching-Learning Method and Evaluating Method on Free Inquiry (자유탐구에서 교수.학습 방법 및 평가 방안)

  • Kim, Yong-Gwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to device the teaching-learning method and the evaluating method on 'free inquiry' which is newly introduced in 2007 revised curriculum. The teaching-learning models which apply 'free inquiry' are 'group investigation', 'PBL', 'project investigation' and 'IIM'. And the unit which apply 'free inquiry' on the fourth grade and the second semester in the elementary science. The results of this study are as follows: First, The person leading the lesson is not a teacher but learners. The focus of teaching-learning is not a unit but topic, problem or project on the science textbook. A teacher's role is not the deliverer of knowledge but the guide of learning. Second, the outcome of applying group investigation, PBL project investigation and IIM to 'free inquiry' is improvements of the problem-solving ability and the self-directed learning ability as well as building scientific attitude and social skills as educational effect in commonly. Third, to apply 'free inquiry' efficiently, teachers should understand each subject very well, teach a class with a thorough and concrete plan, and try to evaluate objectively.

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Renzulli 수학 영재 교수-학습 모형 적용에 관한 연구

  • Nam, Young-Man;Park, Dong-Am
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.379-397
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    • 2009
  • In this paper we apply to Renzulli's Teaching and Learning models for mathematically gifted students based on the gifted science education center in university. Gifted students were very positive reaction in solving problems creatively using this program, and they were challenging and very confident performing new tasks. They reacted variously in debates with their classmates, in self-initiative studying. So more positive changes are needed for the activities using the gifted learning-teaching program to let each student have full use of his or her possibility and potential.