• Title/Summary/Keyword: scenic landscape agriculture

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A Study on the Landscape adjective characteristics for the Major Landscape Elements in Organic farming (유기농업단지 주요경관요소의 경관형용사 특성에 관한 연구)

  • An, Phil-Gyun;Eom, Sung-Jun;Kim, Nam-Chun;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2020
  • Up to date, the majority research on the major landscape elements in organic farming has been mainly focused on the practice of seeking efficiency. The problem is that this type of study contributes to polluting the agricultural environment and damaging the ecological circulation system. As an alternative, there is a growing body of research on organic farming, but it is not widely applied that research on how to manage the landscape considering the scenic characteristics of farming villages practicing organic farming. Hence, in this paper we utilized landscape adjectives as a way to enhance the objectivity of the organic agricultural complex landscape assessment. More specifically, not only this study used a landscape image of an organic agricultural complex to identify a landscape adjective suitable for the landscape elements but also this study confirmed the suitability of landscape adjectives comparing to the opinions of experts and the public. To carry out, this study performed the experts survey which is composed of 12 major landscape elements, including rice paddies and fields, monoculture and diverse crops, dirt roads, windbreak trees, accent planting, dum-bung(small pond), natural small river, natural waterways, plastic film houses, one-storied houses, and pavilion. As a result of deriving the landscape adjectives from the main landscape elements, there were nine landscape adjectives that were consistent with experts and the public, including "clear" and "Artless" for rice paddies and fields, while the mismatched landscape adjectives were 'traditional'. The accent planting was a combination of landscape adjectives such as 'natural' and 'clear', while the windbreak trees was a consensus of all landscape adjectives. Only two adjectives, 'friendly' and 'wild', agreed on the dirt load, nine dum-bung(small pond), ten natural small river, nine duckery, eight one-storied houses, 10 pavilion, eight monoculture and diverse crops, and three natural waterways. The most common landscape adjectives were windbreak trees, pavilions, and natural small river, all 10 landscape adjectives. However, it is considered that only three of the 10 landscape types on the dirt road and the natural number are matched. Thus, additional management measures will be needed. In addition, it was analyzed that the most common landscape adjectives were "Artless" and "friendly" 13 times. The landscape adjectives of the organic farming complex responded by experts were analyzed to be suitable for natural, clear, zingy, silent, traditional, artless, friendly, wild and Leisurely, and consistent with the general public's opinion.

A Study on the Techniques for Analysis of Natural Landscape (자연경관(自然景觀)의 해석기법(解析技法)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Kun Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.2
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 1987
  • This study discusses the concepts of landscape structure, landscape indices, interrelationships between indices, prediction of change in forest Landscape and forest management as a scenic resource, and other relevant problems. To illustrate the methods of national landscape interpretation, a case study was carried out for Ashinoko bridge in Fujihakoneizu National Park, Japan. Although the exact form of computer-generated landscape planning may vary, depending on the type of computers and users involved, users of these computer systems should be aware of problems that may be encountered when assessing the quality of computer perspectives without the aid of a detailed field survey. Nevertheless, it is expected that computer systems for analysis and management of forest landscape will become effective and economic tools to promote human health and provide more recreational opportunities in forest and national park planning.

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The Research Regarding the Visual Continuity of the Green in the Re-development Area by Using the Aerial Photograph

  • Lee Hyuk-Hae;Koshimiz Hajime
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.2
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2004
  • In the city of Asia like Seoul and Tokyo, aggregate power is poured into the city making which is suitable in new age. Large-scale re-development is active in various places as the present condition, As for the various East Asian cities, high-level utilization conversion of the land and high conversion of the building are advanced. As for these realities, the re-development is advanced in the situation that has not been clarified enough though it is true that green of the city has decreased. This research was aimed at the clarifying the allocation of greenery when proceeding with town planning projects by quantifying the possibility of allocating greenery in the form of rooftop landscaping in redeveloped areas. Moreover, the distribution of the green in the re-development region was calculated and the coexistence level of green space was calculated, The realities of a desirable green were clarified in the spectacle by understanding a sight and spatial continuousness in the green. In order to clarify the potentiality of roof greenery revaluating, the research was conducted by analyzing from aerial photographs, in Tokyo and Seoul, And the flow of the research was conducted by selection of research object area, taking pictures, acquisition of the aerial photography, rearrangement the data and the analysis. As a result, I was able to prepare a land vegetation coverage classification chart and obtain data pertaining to the level of urban and green tract of land for the researched cities of Tokyo and Seoul. By analyzing this data, we were able to indicate patterns of greenery unable to be obtained through data from ratio of vegetation coverage and ascertain the effectiveness of rooftop landscaping.

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Vitalization of Ecological, Scenic, Participative aspects of Urban Agriculture - Focusing on Population Characteristics and Individual Recognitions - (생태, 경관, 참여 측면의 도시농업 활성화 방안 모색 - 인구집단 특성과 개인의 주관적 인식 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Chang, Insu;Suh, Tongju;Kim, Hong sok(Brian)
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically investigate the experiences and subjective opinions of urban agriculture in order to explore ways to vitalize urban agriculture. More specifically, we divides environmental value into three categories of ecology, landscape, and participation, and defines a function of urban agriculture to improve environmental values related to the three categories mentioned above. The main results of the empirical analysis using the survey data are summarized as follows. First, the probability of gathering information about urban agriculture is higher in metropolitan cities than small cities, and the larger the residence size, the higher the probability of actual urban agriculture participation. Second, the positive response rate was high for the three categories of urban agriculture, while the negative response rate was high for the surrounding environment. The implications derived from the analysis are as follows. First, the opposite results of experiences of urban agriculture suggests that local governments should further promote urban agriculture-based investment policies. In addition, these policies need to be preceded by analysis of the characteristics of population groups in the region Also, it is necessary to improve the environment through urban agriculture.

Mountainous Landscape Management Value by Landscape Recognition (경관인식에 따른 산지경관 관리 가치 연구)

  • Min, Su-Hui;Jang, Hyo-Jin;Jeung, Yoon-Hee;Song, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.70-78
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the conservation of mountainous landscape and compensation for diverse demands for mountain areas such as leisure, recreation and welfare are under discussion. The purpose of this study is to investigation the perception of mountainous landscapes by those who view and recognize the landscapes and to estimate economic value by estimating the willingness to pay for the management of mountainous landscapes. This study will provide data for the management of mountainous landscapes. As a result of comparing the perception between the territorial landscape and the mountain landscape, the mountain scenery was 3.96, the management level satisfaction was 3.28, and the management necessity was 4.38, which was higher than the national landscape, while the national landscape was satisfactory but the management level was insufficient. Jeju Island (39.0%) and Gangwon (38.6%) were chosen as the most scenic areas with beautiful forest and mountainous landscape resources. The aesthetic characteristics of the vast skyline of mountain scenery, the background of the area, and the mountainous landscape that forms the landmark were evaluated highly. And, it is considered that consciousness of mountainous landscape management is heightened by 86.8% of respondents, who positively answered the Mountainous Landscape Visual Impact Assessment before the development project. The per capita payment amount for mountainous landscape management was calculated to be 3,742 won and, based on the number of visitors to the mountain National Parks in 2016, it is estimated to have an economic value of about 169.5 billion won. Policymakers have limitations in the mountainous landscape management policies of the administrative subject. Establishing a consensus on the importance and necessity of landscape management by diagnosing the status of public perception is expected to help create more effective policy direction and implement strategies for the management of these areas.

The Landscape Value of Asan Oeam-ri's Folk Village as Cultural Heritage (아산 외암마을 토속경관의 문화유산적 가치)

  • Shin, Sang Sup
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.30-51
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    • 2011
  • During the process of modernization, many rural villages in Korea have experienced degeneration and breakdown, losing sustainability. However, Oeam village in Asan City, South Chungcheong Province (State-designated cultural heritage, Important Folk Material No. 236) has established itself as a unique folk village, which evolves with sustainability, pursuing the revival of Neo-traditionalism. Oeam village is a tribal village of the Yis from the Yean region and has maintained environmental, economic, and social sustainability and soundness for over five centuries. Thus, the village has sustained itself well enough to be a cultural asset with 'Outstanding Universal Value', in terms of its value as world cultural heritage. The village maintains its own identity, filled with a variety of traditional and scenic cultural assets that symbolize a gentry village. Those assets include Confucian sceneries (head family houses, ancestral shrines, tombs, gravestones, commemorative monuments, and pavilions), various assets of folk religion (totem poles, protective trees at the entrance of a village, shrines for mountain spirits, village forests), tangible and intangible cultural assets related to daily lives (vigorous family activities, rigorous ancestral rituals, family rituals, collective agriculture and protection of ecosystem), which have all been well preserved and inherited. In particular, this village is an example of a well-being community with a well-preserved folksy atmosphere, which is based on environmentally sound settlements (nature + economy + environment + community) in a village established according to geomancy, East Asia's unique principle of environmental design. In addition, the village has kept the sustainability and authenticity for more than 500 years, combining restraint towards the environment and the view of the environment which respects the natural order and cultural values (capacity + healthy + sustainability). Therefore, the Oeam folk village can be a representative example of a folksy and scenic Korean community which falls into the category of IV (to exemplify an outstanding type of building, architectural or technological ensemble, or landscape which illustrates significant stages in human history) and V (to exemplify an outstanding traditional human settlement, land-use, or sea-use which is representative of cultures, or human interaction with the environment especially when it has become vulnerable under the impact of irreversible change) of Unesco's World Cultural Heritage.

Fundamental Model Development for Rehabilitation of the Roadside Slopes (도로(道路)비탈면의 경관안정(景觀安定)을 위한 기본(基本)모델 설정(設定)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.61 no.1
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 1983
  • To develope the fundamental models suitable for slope stabilization and scenic effect improvement of the roadside slopes, this study has continuously been conducted for last about 10 years through the field survey and observations on the roadside slopes of 100 plots located in the Capital region. The results obtained could be summarized as follows: 1) In general, due to unsuitable treatments and constructions to the man-made bare slope characteristics of the roadsides, the treatment aims for stabilizing and improving the scenic beauty of the slopes have not been successfully reached in the surveyed regions. 2) Particularly, because of insufficiency of the follow-up maintenance techniques to the roadside slopes treated, denudations of slope scenery established as well as the withering of the vegetation planted have been accelerated for the most part of the slopes treated. 3) 6 fundamental models for the roadside slope treatments have been developed and could be edaptable to the nation-wide purposes. The fundamental models are the model of forest scenery match plantation, roadside scenery establishment, denuded land rehabilitation, rock slope greenification, absolute stabilization, and environmental plantation belt establishment, respectively.

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Analysis of Current Status and Utilization of Protected Trees in Gyeongsan City (경산시 보호수의 현황분석 및 활용방안)

  • Kim, Keun-Ho
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2011
  • The aim of the research was to provide basic information for a suitable management and utilization of protected trees by law. To achieve this aim, this study investigated the current state, management status and utilization of protected trees by law in Gyeongsan city. The result of the current state of protected trees indicated that there were 55 protected trees designated since 1982. These trees consisted of 8 species which were located at 41 places. Major species was Sophora japonica (30.9%), followed by Zelkova serrata (23.6%). The protected trees have been used as sacred trees (45.5%) in the villages, followed by scenic trees (36.7%). 38.2% of the protected trees were 200 to 300 years old and 54.6% of the trees were 15 to 30 m in height. 34% of the protected trees were located in the villages, followed by beside road (19.5%). Single trees (78%) were mostly planted. The result of the management status indicated that 58.5% of the root area in protected trees were covered with bare ground, followed by gravel mulch (19.5%). The average of soil hardness was 9.64 mm. The safety fence of tree was installed at 9 places (22%) and a stone wall was built at 22 places (53.7%). 70.9% of the protected trees had a surgical operation to prevent cavities and to cure decay. Granite stone signs were installed at 33 places. The result of the utilization of protected trees indicated that 13 places were used as a rest area in the villages. It consisted of shelters, benches, athletic facilities and outdoor tables. The research suggested potential places for a mini park(pocket park) to recover a local community by using surrounding available land and improving current rest areas of protected trees. The research presented here is a first step towards a more comprehensive analysis of protected trees in Gyeongsan and further research is needed.

A Study on Forestation for Landscaping around the Lakes in the Upper Watersheds of North Han River (북한강상류수계(北漢江上流水系)의 호수단지주변삼림(湖水団地周辺森林)의 풍경적시업(風景的施業)에 관(関)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ho, Ul Yeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 1981
  • Kangweon-Do is rich in sightseeing resources. There are three sightseeing areas;first, mountain area including Seolak and Ohdae National Parks, and chiak Provincial Park; second eastern coastal area; third lake area including the watersheds of North Han River. In this paper, several methods of forestation were studied for landscaping the North Han River watersheds centering around Chounchon. In Chunchon lake complex, there are four lakes; Uiam, Chunchon, Soyang and Paro from down to upper stream. The total surface area of the above four lakes is $14.4km^2$ the total pondage of them 4,155 million $m^3$, the total generation of electric power of them 410 thousand Kw, and the total forest area bordering on them $1,208km^2$. The bordering forest consists of planned management forest ($745km^2$) and non-planned management forest ($463km^2$). The latter is divided into green belt zone, natural conservation area, and protection forest. The forest in green belt amounts to $177km^2$ and centers around the 10km radios from Chunchon. The forest in natural conservation area amounts to $165km^2$, which is established within 2km sight range from the Soyang-lake sides. Protection forest surrounding the lakes is $121km^2$ There are many scenic places, recreation gardens, cultural goods and ruins in this lake complex, which are the same good tourist resources as lakes and forest. The forest encirelng the lakes has the poor average growing stock of $15m^3/ha$, because 70% of the forest consists of the young plantation of 1 to 2 age class. The ration of the needle-leaved forest, the broad-leaved forest and the mixed forest in 35:37:28. From the standpoint of ownership, the forest consists of national forest (36%), provincial forest (14%), Gun forest (5%) and private forest(45%). The greater part of the forest soil, originated from granite and gneiss, is much liable to weathering. Because the surface soil is mostly sterile, the fertilization for improving the soil quality is strongly urged. Considering the above-mentioned, the forestation methods for improving landscape of the North Han River Watersheds are suggested as follows: 1) The mature-stage forest should be induced by means of fertilizing and tendering, as the forest in this area is the young plantation with poor soil. 2) The bare land should be afforested by planting the rapid growing species, such as rigida pine, alder, and etc. 3) The bare land in the canyon with moderate moist and comparatively rich soil should be planted with Korean-pine, larch, ro fir. 4) Japaness-pine stand should be changed into Korean-pine, fir, spruce or hemlock stand from ravine to top gradually, because the Japanese-pine has poor capacity of water conservation and great liability to pine gall midge. 5) Present hard-wood forest, consisting of miscellaneous trees comparatively less valuable from the point of wood quality and scenerity, should be change into oak, maple, fraxinus-rhynchophylla, birch or juglan stand which is comparatively more valuable. 6) In the mountain foot within the sight-range, stands should be established with such species as cherry, weeping willow, white poplar, machilus, maiden-hair tree, juniper, chestnut or apricot. 7) The regeneration of some broad-leaved forests should be induced to the middle forest type, leading to the harmonious arrangement of the two storied forest and the coppice. 8) For the preservation of scenery, the reproduction of the soft-wood forest should be done under the selection method or the shelter-wood system. 9) Mixed forest should be regenerated under the middle forest system with upper needle-leaved forest and lower broad-leaved forest. In brief, the nature's mysteriousness should be conserved by combining the womanly elegance of the lakes and the manly grandeur of the forest.

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