• Title/Summary/Keyword: scalable vector graphics

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A Study on Fashion Pieces Goods Information Indexing and Searching Structured Documents Using XML (XML을 이용한 의상 피스 정보의 구조적 문서 생성 및 탐색을 위한 색인기법에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Jin-Ei;Yang Ok-Yul;Nam Myung-Woo;Lee Yong-Ju;Jung Sung-Tea;Joung Suck-Tea;Lee Won-A
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 웹기반 3차원 패션몰 구축에서 의류에 대한 정보를 보다 세부적이고 전문적인 정보로 제공하기 위하여 의상 정보를 2차원 재단 패턴의 피스(piece) 정보로 구분한다. 구분된 피스는 의상에 따라 상하종속관계에 해당하는 피스정보별 상세정보를 가중치에 따라 검색하여 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) 파일 형태로 제공하도록 설계하였다. 이러한 의상 상세정보를 통해 디자이너가 의상구조의 다양한 조합으로 새로운 제품 디자인이 용이해지고 유사한 형태의 의상 표현이 가능해진다. 이를 통해 패션몰 상품에 대한 전문가적인 의상 분석도 가능해진다. 또한 SVG 형식의 파일을 이용하기 때문에 부하가 많은 쇼핑몰의 정보 표현에도 용이하다. 이를 위해 구축된 정보는 XML로 표준화 할 수 있도록 DTD(Document Type Definition)를 정의하여 검색 시스템을 설계하였다.

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A Study on Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications (전자해도 활용을 위한 SVG 변환 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2006
  • Electronic Navigational Charts(ENCs) are official nautical charts which are equivalent to paper charts with supplementary information. Although their main purpose is to be used for the safe navigation of ships, they also contain much information on coasts and seas which may be interesting to ordinary people. However, there is no easy way to access them because of therir specialized data format, access method and visualization. This paper proposes on implementation of SVG for the access and services of ENCs. SVG(Scalable Vector Graphic) makes it possible to make use of Vector graphics for servicing maps in basic internet browsing environment. Implement of SVG for ENC applications by this research is free of special server side GIS mapping system and client side extra technology. The implementation of SVG for ENC Applications can be summarized as follows: Firstly, SVG provides spatial information to possess searching engine to embody SVG map. Secondly, SVG can provide high-quality vector map graphics and interactive facility without special Internet GIS system. It makes it possible to use services with very low cost. Thirdly, SVG information service targeting on maritime transportation can be used as template, so it can be used dynamically any other purpose such as traffic management and vessel monitoring. Many good characteristics of SVG in mapping at computer screen and reusability of SVG document provide new era of visualization of marine geographic information.

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A Study on Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications (전자해도 활용을 위한 SVG 변환 연구)

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Seo, Ki-Yeol;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.1930-1936
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    • 2007
  • Electronic Navigational Charts(ENCs) are official nautical charts which are equivalent to paper charts with supplementary information. Although their main purpose is to be used for the safe navigation of ships, they also contain much information on coasts and seas which may be interesting to ordinary people. However, there is no easy way to access them because of their specialized data format, access method and visualization. This paper proposes m implementation of SVG for the access and services of ENCs. SVG(Scalable Vector Graphic) makes it possible to make use of Vector graphics for map services in basic internet browsing environment. Implementation of SVG for ENC applications by this research is free of special server side GIS mapping system and client side extra technology. The Implementation of SVG for ENC Applications can be summarized as follows: Firstly, SVG provides spatial information to possess searching engine to embody SVG map. Secondly SVG can provide high-quality vector map graphics and interactive facility without special Internet GIS system. It makes it possible to use services with very low cost. Thirdly, SVG information service targeting on maritime transportation can be used as template, so it can be used dynamically any other purpose such as traffic management and vessel monitoring. Many good characteristics of SVG in mapping at computer screen and reusability of SVG document provide new era of visualization of marine geographic information.

Wall Painting System using Robot (로봇을 이용한 벽화 시스템)

  • Jang, Ho-Yeon;Ryoo, Seung-Taek;Park, Jin-Wan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.592-599
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, I explain the design and implementation of an automated drawing system by communicating with a user. I made a system providing an UI for virtual environmental actual robot to interwork with environment to make a drawing that I was able to read work, and to help convenience of a user in computers. The UI of a system was used the AWT(Abstract Window Toolkit) in NetBean tools. To draw images, I got image information from SVG vector files. This system can make images according to the demand of users by using real-time communication. Also this kind of drawing process can be an artists performance, not only the final image as a result of the work. So I suggest that this real-time drawing process which is operated by user’s command can be considered as an artists performance.

SVG Based Realtime Drawing Using NXT Robot (NXT 로봇을 이용한 SVG 기반 실시간 드로잉)

  • Jang, ho-yeon;Ryoo, seung-taek;Park, jin-wan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.146-151
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    • 2009
  • A reward of the work which used physical computing in fields artistic modern installation is becoming large. But the example that used a robot cannot try to easily look it up on a tool of the drawing which isn't robot use for interaction. I will mention it about a user and a drawing system design and the developmental process which I can communicate with at these papers. I used a Mindstorm NXT system to have been said in Lego companies in the robot which composed working environment, and I classified it to virtual environments that I forecasted environmental actual drawing this, and I did simulate. I used an Icommand library to control a NXT system, and drawing used a processing library in actual environments for the purpose of in order to to express to virtual environment. I got image information, and I expressed to a vector method SVG file to bases for line drawing. This system can have already made it according to demand of a user as real-time communication is possible by bluetooth working together. These figures can work to one performance not being stopping to the results of already in processes doing drawing.

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Waveform Biosignal Interface based on International Standard MEER (MFER 표준을 적용한 생체신호정보 공유시스템 개발)

  • Cho, Hune;Kim, Seon-Chil
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.164-171
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    • 2008
  • Recently, many of hospitals have hurried to computerize the resulting data from medical devices, in order to introduce Electric Medical Record(EMR). In terms of the linkage between medical devices and hospital information systems, however, many difficulties have arisen due to some reasons such as the variety of prescription input, the format difference of the resulting data sheet, and the interface difference between medical devices from different companies. To solve these problems, many researches on standardization of the resulting data of medical devices have been performed. In this study, the linkage between hospital information systems and resulting datum in Electrocardiogram(ECG) generating biosignal waveform was tested by applying Medical waveform Format Encoding Rules(MFER) Version 1.02, which has more advantages than existing global standard. MFER viewer, in addition, was made to display the resulting data on a screen. The MFER viewer was tested and compared to the existing Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Viewer. The results showed that this method is more effective in the interface the data storage and application, because of simplicity and easiness in data applications. And the results show that the MFER is convenience and effective for physician. It is considered that the role of MFER as the interface in biosignal waveform including Electrocardiogram medical devices would expand in the near future.

Web GUI system for the Seomjin River Estuary based on MGIS (MGIS기반 섬진강 하구역 Web GUI 시스템 구축)

  • Park, Sang-Woo;Kim, Jong-Kyu;Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.231-234
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    • 2007
  • This study proposes a Web GUI system using MGIS-based three-dimensional data models and hydrodynamic model. The study of Web GUI (Graphic User Information) system based on the MGIS (Marine Geographic Information System) is mainly performed on effective methodologies which transform real world data to computing world data. Finally, we design a Seomjin River Estuary Web GUI system integrating above data models. It must adds more ecological information and the various service item for approach more easily in order to user.

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Design and Implementation of a Integrated web Multimedia Contents Server and Client System (웹 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 서버/클라이언트 통합 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Won, Duck-Jae;Kim, Se-Young;Noh, Kang-Rae;Shin, Yong-Tak;Shin, Dong-Kyoo;Shin, Dong-Il
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.04b
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    • pp.611-614
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    • 2001
  • 최근 인터넷 사용의 폭발적인 증가로 인하여 웹 상에서 유기적으로 통합된 멀티미디어 컨텐츠에 대한 서비스 제공의 필요성이 대두되었다. 이에 1998년 W3C(World Wide Web Consortium)는 통합 멀티미디어 표현 언어인 SMIL(Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language)을 발표하였고, SMIL-Boston으로 진행했던 SMIL 1.0 확장 프로젝트를 SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics)의 애니메이션 기능의 도입 및 기능 확장으로 2000년 9월 SMIL 2.0으로 최종 Working Draft안을 발표하게 되었다. 이에 본 논문에서는 SMIL컨텐츠 저작을 위한 자동 생성 모듈 및 전용 저작 도구를 제공하고, SMIL 컨텐츠 데이터베이스 서버 및 재생기와의 통합으로 원활한 SMIL 컨텐츠 서비스 환경을 제공하는 웹 멀티미디어 컨텐츠 서비스를 위한 서버/클라이언트 통합 시스템을 설계 및 구현하였다.

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Managing and Modeling Strategy of Geo-features in Web-based 3D GIS

  • Kim, Kyong-Ho;Choe, Seung-Keol;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.75-79
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    • 1999
  • Geo-features play a key role in object-oriented or feature-based geo-processing system. So the strategy for how-to-model and how-to-manage the geo-features builds the main architecture of the entire system and also supports the efficiency and functionality of the system. Unlike the conventional 2D geo-processing system, geo-features in 3B GIS have lots to be considered to model regarding the efficient manipulation and analysis and visualization. When the system is running on the Web, it should also be considered that how to leverage the level of detail and the level of automation of modeling in addition to the support for client side data interoperability. We built a set of 3D geo-features, and each geo-feature contains a set of aspatial data and 3D geo-primitives. The 3D geo-primitives contain the fundamental modeling data such as the height of building and the burial depth of gas pipeline. We separated the additional modeling data on the geometry and appearance of the model from the fundamental modeling data to make the table in database more concise and to allow the users more freedom to represent the geo-object. To get the users to build and exchange their own data, we devised a file format called VGFF 2.0 which stands for Virtual GIS File Format. It is to describe the three dimensional geo-information in XML(eXtensible Markup Language). The DTD(Document Type Definition) of VGFF 2.0 is parsed using the DOM(Document Object Model). We also developed the authoring tools for. users can make their own 3D geo-features and model and save the data to VGFF 2.0 format. We are now expecting the VGFF 2.0 evolve to the 3D version of SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) especially for 3D GIS on the Web.

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A Framework for Electronic Navigational Chart Systems Based on the Web (웹 기반의 전자해도 시스템을 위한 프레임워크)

  • Lee Seong-Dae;Park Hyu-Chan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.8
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    • pp.1449-1458
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    • 2006
  • Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) are digital charts which contain a great variety of data on coast and sea regions. Although they contain much information that ordinary people are interested in, there is no easy way to access because they are coded in the specialized data forma, and can be visualized by using specialized system. Therefore, supporting systems need to be developed for ordinary people to easily access ENCs. This paper proposes a framework for the ENC systems based on the Web. It relies on quite general standards such as Ceography Markup Language (GML) and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). In the framework, ENCs coded in S-57 format are first translated into GML to be stored in a database. Once the database is built, users can request to the database what they want. According to the user request, relevant data are retrieved, and then translated into SVG to be displayed on the Web browser. By using the framework, ordinary people may easily access coast and sea information contained in the ENCs. Furthermore, the framework may provide interoperability by virtue of XML-based standards such as GML and SVG, and efficiency by virtue of database. To validate the feasibility of proposed framework, a prototype system is developed and tested.