• Title/Summary/Keyword: sand liquefaction

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Evaluation of Input Parameters in Constitutive Models Based on Liquefaction Resistance Curve and Laboratory Tests (액상화 저항곡선과 실내실험에 기반한 구성모델 입력변수의 산정)

  • Tung, Do Van;Tran, Nghiem Xuan;Yoo, Byeong-Soo;Kim, Sung-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 2020
  • The input parameters for numerical simulation of the liquefaction phenomenon need to be properly evaluated from laboratory and field tests, which are difficult to be performed in practical situations. In this study, the numerical simulation of the cyclic direct simple shear test was performed to analyze the applicability of Finn and PM4Sand models among the constitutive models for liquefaction simulation. The analysis results showed that the Finn model properly predicted the time when the excess pore water pressure reached the maximum, but failed to simulate the pore pressure response and the stress-strain behavior of post-liquefaction. On the other hand, the PM4Sand model properly simulated those behaviors of the post liquefaction. Finally, the evaluation procedure and the equations of the input parameters in the PM4Sand model were developed to mach the liquefaction cyclic resistance ratio corresponding to design conditions.

Influence of grain size ratio and silt content on the liquefaction potentials of silty sands

  • Sonmezer, Yetis Bulent;Kayabali, Kamil;Beyaz, Turgay;Fener, Mustafa
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.167-181
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    • 2022
  • Soil liquefaction has been one of the most important concerns in geotechnical earthquake engineering in recent years, due to its damages to structures and its destructive effects. The cyclic liquefaction of silty sands, in particular, remains of great interest for both research and application. Although many factors are known that affect the liquefaction resistance of sands, the effect of fine grain content is perhaps one of the most studied and still controversial. In this study, 48 deformation-controlled cyclic simple shear tests were performed on BS and CS silt samples mixed with 5%, 15% and 30% by weight of Krk085, Krk042 and Krk025 sands in constant-volume conditions to determine the liquefaction potential of silty sands. The tests were carried out at 30% and 50% relative density and under 100 kPa effective stress. The results revealed that the liquefaction potential of silty sand increases with increasing average particle size ratio (D50sand / d50silt) of the mixture for a fixed silt content. Furthermore, for identical base sand, the liquefaction potentials of coarse grained sands increase with increasing silt content, while the respective potentials of fine grained sands generally decrease. However, this situation may vary depending on the silt grain structure and is affected by the nature of the fine grains. In addition, the variation of the void ratio interval was shown to provide a good intuition in determining the liquefaction potentials of silty sands, while the intergranular void ratio alone does not constitute a criterion for determining the liquefaction potentials of silty sands.

Liquefaction Judgement on Saemangeum with GIS (새만금지역에서 GIS를 이용한 광역액상화 판정)

  • Song, Byung-Woong;Kim, Gun-Ho;Yoo, Jin-Ho;Kim, Hong-Taek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2010.09a
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2010
  • Earthquake-induced liquefaction on saturated loose sand is well known in the world. Since Saemangeum Dike Project has a plan to be reclaimed with dredged sand on wide river, possibility of liquefaction should be checked. Section Dongjin5 was selected to evaluate possibility of liquefaction. Estimating method follows as 1) determination of PL value with SPT results, passing curve, and soil properties, 2) prediction for maximum earthquake acceleration, 3) calculation for FL value on depth with Korean specification for highway bridges, 4) visualization for possibility of liquefaction on all of project area with GIS 5) comparison with Japanese specification for highway bridges, Youd and Idriss method, and Andrus and Stokoe II method for verification, 6) ascertainment for the potential liquefaction with cyclic triaxial test. 7) establishing for countermeasure if needed. From the results, even though most of area covered with sand, no potential liquefaction exists except some areas. Those need to soil improvement with grout or attaching measurement on substructure.

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Evaluation of Liquefaction Potentional on Saturated Sand Layers in Korea (on the Development of Constitutive Relationships) (우리나라 포화사질지반의 액상화 포텐셜 평가 (구함관계 개발을 중심으로))

  • 도덕현;장병욱
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 1990
  • To investigate the liquefaction potential of sands, a series of untrained cyclic triaxial compression tests is carried out on the samples of Ottawa, Joomoonjin, Hn river and Hongseung sands. The constitutive equations of sands are derived to explain the mechanical behavior of sands under cyclic stresses, and are applicable to liquefaction analysis. The following results are obtainded in this study. 1. Sands with the lower confining pressure or relative density are to be easily liquefied, and when the amplitude of cyclic stress are large, liquefaction takes places over only a few cycles. 2. Stress ratio, porewater pressure ratio and cyclic shear strains are to be good criteria to evaluate liquefaction potential of sands. 3. Hongseung sands which contains some silty clay shows higher dynamic properties than other sands. 4. The dynamic behaviors of undisturbed Hongseung sand are about same as those of dense sands. It is noted that undisturbed Hongseung sand shows higher liquefaction potential than the samples made by pluviation under same relative density, 5. The constitutive equations of soils under cyclic loads are developed based on the theory of elasto-plasticity, logarithmic stress-strain rela'tionship, non-associated flow rule and the concept of the boundary surface. The derived equations is applicable to predict the behavior of sands under cyclic loads and liquefaction potential with a higher accuracy. 6. Based on results of the study it may be concluded that cracks of the foundations and dislocation of the structures at Hongseung earthquakes(Oct. 7, 1978, Richter scald 5.2) are not brought by the liquefaction process.

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Simplified Estimation of Settlement in Silty Sand Grounds Induced Liquefaction (액상화에 의한 실트질 모레지반의 침하 산정)

  • Rhee, Min-Ho;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Lee, Song
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2000
  • When subjected to earthquake shaking, saturated sandy soil may generate excess pore pressure. And a time may come when initial confining pressure will equal to excess pore pressure. Depending on the characteristics of the soil and the length of the drainage path, excess pore pressure was dissipated after earthquake. For this reason, it was induced settlement in grounds and fatal damage of various structures. In this study, settlement in silty sand grounds induced earthquake was evaluated using post-liquefaction constitutive equation between volumetric strain and shear strain from previous study. Using that, it was proposed that simplified estimation of settlement in silty sand grounds induced liquefaction.

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Liquefaction Behaviour and Prediction of Deviator Stress for Unsaturated Silty Sand

  • Lee, Dal-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.48 no.7
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the liquefaction behaviour and predict deviator stress with matric suction, of unsaturated silty sand. The unsaturated soil tests were conducted using a modified triaxial cell and specimens were prepared using the moisture tamping method. The axis translation technique was used to create the desired matric suctions in the specimen. Undrained triaxial compression tests were carried out at matric suction of 0, 2, 5, 10 and 25 kPa. The specimens were sheared to axial strains of about 20% to obtain steady state conditions. The results showed that liquefaction of silty sand only occurs at matric suction of 0 kPa and 2 kPa. The results also show that at matric suctions of 5, 10 and 25 kPa, the resistance to liquefaction increases. As the suction increases, the undrained effective stress path approached the drained stress path. Also, the predicted and measured maximum deviator stress for unsaturated soils using the effective stress concept showed good agreement as matric suction increases. The deviator stress increase is nonlinear as matric suction increases.

A Fundamental Study on Vibrated Crushed-stone Pile for the Improvement of Liquefaction Resistance (액상화 방지를 위한 진동쇄석말뚝에 관한 기초적 연구)

  • 천병식
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.105-111
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    • 2000
  • If a saturate sand is subjected to ground vibrations it tends to compact and decrease in volume. if drainage is unable to occur the tendency to decrease in volume results in an increase in pore water pressure and if the pore water pressure build up to the point at which it is equal to the overburden pressure the effective stress becomes zero the sand loses its strength completely. This phenomenon is called "Liquefaction" It is associated primarily but not exclusively with saturated cohesion soils. The attention and study on liquefaction have been growing since the earthquake in Niigita Japan in 1964. Many researchers on liquefaction effect have been carried out in many countries under the potential influence of earthquake including Japan. However little research on liquefaction has been reported in Korea because Korea has been considered to be safe from earthquake. The term "liquefaction" is only known among geotechnical engineers,. In this paper overview of liquefaction and the evaluation on the applicability of vibrated crushed-stone pile as a liquefaction prevention method are presented.ethod are presented.

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Study on small resistance regions in post-liquefaction shear deformation based on soil's compressive properties

  • Jongkwan Kim;Jin-Tae Han;Mintaek Yoo
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.295-301
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    • 2024
  • Understanding the post-liquefaction shear behavior is crucial for predicting and assessing the damage, such as lateral flow, caused by liquefaction. Most studies have focused on the behavior until liquefaction occurs. In this study, we performed undrained multi-stage tests on clean sand, sand-silt mixtures, and silty soils to investigate post-liquefaction shear strain based on soil compressibility. The results confirmed that it is necessary to consider the soil compressibility and the shape of soil particles to understand the post-liquefaction shear strain characteristics. Based on this, an index reflecting soil compressibility and particle shape was derived, and the results showed a high correlation with post-liquefaction small resistance characteristic regardless of soil type and fine particle content.

The Effect of Cyclic Load Frequency on the Liquefaction Strength of Fine Containing Sands (세립분을 포함하는 모래질 흙의 액상화강도에 미치는 재하속도의 영향)

  • 황대진
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 1994
  • Undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on silt contained in the sand in order to investigate the effect of silt contents on the liquefaction strength and shear characterist ifs of the sand. As the result of this experiment, the weakest percentage of silt contained in the sand was 30% for all the relative density considered in the test. Also, the same bests were performed to find the effect of cyclic speed applied ranging from 0.1Hz to 5Hz on the liquefaction strength. The more the silt is contained in the sand, the greater the liquefaction strength was affected by cyclic speed, While the silt -containing sand was far less influenced by the cyclic speed than clay containing sand. These results are believed to be caused by the change of pore water pressure of the effective stress path.

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A Study on the Liquefaction Strength of Silt Containing Sands (실트를 포함하는 모래질 흙의 액상화강도에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Dae Jin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.243-252
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    • 1993
  • Undrained cyclic simple shear tests and undrained cyclic triaxial tests were performed on silt containing sand in order to investigate the effects of silt contents on the liquefaction strength and shear characteristics of the sand. From the view that the difference of liquefaction strength for different content of silt stems from dilatancy characteristics of the sand, stress-dilatancy relation of the sand was obtained from drained triaxial test in which the mean stress was kept constant. Considerations on liquefaction behaviors were made by comparing the drained and undrained behaviors of sands during static shear test. It is concluded that ${\lambda}$-value of the stress-dilatancy relation will be closely related to the liquefaction strength.

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