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Fast Join Mechanism that considers the switching of the tree in Overlay Multicast (오버레이 멀티캐스팅에서 트리의 스위칭을 고려한 빠른 멤버 가입 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Yean;Rho, Kyung-Taeg;Park, Myong-Soon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.10C no.5
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    • pp.625-634
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    • 2003
  • More than a decade after its initial proposal, deployment of IP Multicast has been limited due to the problem of traffic control in multicast routing, multicast address allocation in global internet, reliable multicast transport techniques etc. Lately, according to increase of multicast application service such as internet broadcast, real time security information service etc., overlay multicast is developed as a new internet multicast technology. In this paper, we describe an overlay multicast protocol and propose fast join mechanism that considers switching of the tree. To find a potential parent, an existing search algorithm descends the tree from the root by one level at a time, and it causes long joining latency. Also, it is try to select the nearest node as a potential parent. However, it can't select the nearest node by the degree limit of the node. As a result, the generated tree has low efficiency. To reduce long joining latency and improve the efficiency of the tree, we propose searching two levels of the tree at a time. This method forwards joining request message to own children node. So, at ordinary times, there is no overhead to keep the tree. But the joining request came, the increasing number of searching messages will reduce a long joining latency. Also searching more nodes will be helpful to construct more efficient trees. In order to evaluate the performance of our fast join mechanism, we measure the metrics such as the search latency and the number of searched node and the number of switching by the number of members and degree limit. The simulation results show that the performance of our mechanism is superior to that of the existing mechanism.

Effect of Mixture Rate of Used Media and Perlite on Physico-Chemical of Properties Root Media and Seedling Quality in Fruit Vegetables Plug Nursery System (공정육묘시 재활용 상토에 신규상토 및 펄라이트의 혼합비율이 상토의 이화학적 특성과 과채류 묘소질에 미치는 영향)

  • Byun, Hyo-Jeung;Kim, Young Shik;Kang, Ho-Min;Kim, Il Seop
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2012
  • Improving the physico-chemical properties of used media by mixing ratio of new plug media (NPM), used plug media (UPM) and perlite is necessary to improve seedling quality. In this study, five treatments were designed to investigate mixing ratio of UPM and NPM by ratio of volume 0 : 100, 25 : 75, 50 : 50, 75 : 25, 100 : 0, respectively. On the other hand, nine treatments were designed to investigate of perlite volumes were added to UPM and mixed media (UPM : NPM (50 : 50)) with 0, 5, 10, and 20% of ratio volume. The physicochemical properties of all mediums and their effect on growth response of tomato and cucumber seedlings were determined. The result indicates that physical properties was improved when NPM was mixed with UPM and at mixed ratio of volume 50 : 50 (v : v) has similar pore spare, bulk density and water retention to NPM. Seedling quality of tomato and cucumber in mixed media (50 : 50) are better than other mixed ratio and similar to NPM. Addition perlite to UPM and mixed media 50 : 50 (v : v) increased the pore space and water retention. Physical properties such as particle density, pore space and bulk density were increased when perlite volume increased. However, the best of seedling quality was observed by the addition at 10% volume of perlite. These results suggested that optimum of mixed ratio for recycled used media is new media and used media 1 : 1 mixed.

Exploring the Temporal Relationship Between Traffic Information Web/Mobile Application Access and Actual Traffic Volume on Expressways (웹/모바일-어플리케이션 접속 지표와 TCS 교통량의 상관관계 연구)

  • RYU, Ingon;LEE, Jaeyoung;CHOI, Keechoo;KIM, Junghwa;AHN, Soonwook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2016
  • In the recent years, the internet has become accessible without limitation of time and location to anyone with smartphones. It resulted in more convenient travel information access both on the pre-trip and en-route phase. The main objective of this study is to conduct a stationary test for traffic information web/mobile application access indexes from TCS (Toll Collection System); and analyzing the relationship between the web/mobile application access indexes and actual traffic volume on expressways, in order to analyze searching behavior of expressway related travel information. The key findings of this study are as follows: first, the results of ADF-test and PP-test confirm that the web/mobile application access indexes by time periods satisfy stationary conditions even without log or differential transformation. Second, the Pearson correlation test showed that there is a strong and positive correlation between the web/mobile application access indexes and expressway entry and exit traffic volume. In contrast, truck entry traffic volume from TCS has no significant correlation with the web/mobile application access indexes. Third, the time gap relationship between time-series variables (i.e., concurrent, leading and lagging) was analyzed by cross-correlation tests. The results indicated that the mobile application access leads web access, and the number of mobile application execution is concurrent with all web access indexes. Lastly, there was no web/mobile application access indexes leading expressway entry traffic volumes on expressways, and the highest correlation was observed between webpage view/visitor/new visitor/repeat visitor/application execution counts and expressway entry volume with a lag of one hour. It is expected that specific individual travel behavior can be predicted such as route conversion time and ratio if the data are subdivided by time periods and areas and utilizing traffic information users' location.

Improvement of Seed Germination in a Spontaneous Autotetraploid of Poncirus and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Seedlings in Salt Stress (동질 사배체 탱자의 종자 발아 증진과 염류 과잉에 따른 엽록소 형광 반응)

  • Chae, Chi Won;Yun, Su Hyun;Park, Jae Ho;Kim, Min Ju;Han, Seung Gab;Kang, Seok Beom;Koh, Sang Wook;Han, Sang Heon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.1079-1087
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    • 2013
  • Speed germination success and robust vegetative growth of citrus rootstock through improved sowing methods and fertilizer inputs offer the usage of root system for the citrus. The current study evaluated the influence of seed coat removal and different fertilizer concentrations on plant germination and plant growth of spontaneous rootstock siblings. Decoated and coated seeds of diploid and tetraploid plants were sown in tubes. Commercial fertilizer concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10gl1 were added. The experimental layout followed a randomized block 2×6 factorial design (seed coat removal × fertilizer concentration) for each rootstock. Fertilizer concentrations were 0, 10, 20 and 30gl1 of the fertilizer for the resistance of the strength on the salt level. The germination rate of seeds without testa sown in vitro was improved (67-80%) compared to that of nontreated seeds. The eventual tree height of the seeds without testa in the diploid group was increased due to higher fertilization compared to that in the nontreated group. The removal of seed testa promoted the seed germination of both diploid and tetraploid trifoliate orange and resulted in greater height. Their vegetative development was also increased due to the increased fertilization of the rootstock. The Fv/Fm value for the diploid plants was 0.4 and 0.8 for the tetraploid ones under salt stress after 11 days of treatment. The removal of seed testa may improve the seed germination of trifoliate orange. Tetraploid trifoliate orange appears to possess resistance to salt stress compared to the diploid variety.

Comparison Study of Water Tension and Content Characteristics in Differently Textured Soils under Automatic Drip Irrigation (자동점적관수에 의한 토성별 수분함량 및 장력 변화특성 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Hak-Jin;Ahn, Sung-Wuk;Han, Kyung-Hwa;Choi, Jin-Yong;Chung, Sun-Ok;Roh, Mi-Young;Hur, Seung-Oh
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.341-348
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    • 2013
  • Maintenance of adequate soil tension or content during the period of crop growth is necessary to support optimum plant growth and yields. A better understanding of soil tension and content for precision irrigation would allow optimal soil water condition to crops and minimize the adverse effects of water stress on crop growth and development. This research reports on a comparison of soil water tension and content variations in differently textured soils over time under drip irrigation using two different water management methods, i.e. pulse time and required water irrigation methods. The pulse time-based irrigation was performed by turning the solenoid valve on and off for preset times to allow the wetting front to disperse in root zone before additional water was applied. The required water estimation method was a new water control logic designed by Rural Development Administration that applies the amount of water required based on a conversion of the measured water tension into water content. The use of the pulse time irrigation method under drip irrigation at a high tension of -20 kPa and high temperatures over 30C was not successful at maintaining moisture tensions within an appropriate range of 5 kPa because the preset irrigation times used for water control could not compensate for the change in evapotranspiration during day and night. The response time and pattern of water contents for all of the tested soils measured with capacitance-based sensor probes were faster and more direct than those of water tensions measured with porous and ceramic cup-based tensiometers when water was applied, indicating water content would be a better control variable for automatic irrigation. The required water estimation-based irrigation method provided relatively stable control of moisture tension, even though somewhat lower tension values were obtained as compared to the target tension of -20 kPa, indicating that growers could expect to be effective in controlling low tensions ranging from -10 to -20 kPa with the required water estimation system.

Influences of the devastated forest lands on flood damages (Observed at Chonbo and the neighbouring Mt. Jook-yop area) (황폐임야(荒廢林野)가 수해참상(水害慘狀)에 미치는 영향(影響) (천보산(天寶山)과 인접(隣接) 죽엽산(竹葉山)을 중심(中心)으로))

  • Chung, In Koo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.4-9
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    • 1966
  • 1. On 13 September 1964 a storm raged for 3 hours and 20 minutes with pounding heavy rainfalls, and precipitation of 287.5 mm was recorded on that day. The numerous landslides were occured in the eroded forest land neighbouring Mt. Chunbo, while no landslides recorde at all on Mt. Jookyup within the premise of Kwangnung Experiment Station, the Forest Experiment Station. 2. Small-scalled Landslides were occured in 43 different places of watershed area (21.97 ha.) in which the survey had already been done, in and around Mt. Chunbo (378 m a.s.l.). The accumulated soil amount totaled 2,146,56m3 due to the above mentioned landslides, while soil accumulated from riverside erosion has reached to 24,168.79m3, consisting of soils, stones, and pebbles. However, no landslides were reported in the Mt. Jook yup area because of dense forest covers. The ratio of the eroded soil amount accumulated from the riversides to that of watershed area was 1 to 25. On the other hand, the loss and damage in the research area of Mt. Chonbo are as follows: 28 houses completly destroyed or missing 7 houses partially destroyed 51 men were dead 5 missing, and 57 wounded. It was a terrible human disaster However, no human casualties were recorded at all, 1 house-completly destroyed and missing, 2 houses-partially destroyed. Total:3 houses were destroyed or damaged, in The area of Mt. Jookyup 3. In the calculation of the quanty of accumulated soil, the or mula of "V=1/3h (a+ab+b)" was used and it showed that 24, 168.79m of soil, sands, stones and pebbles carried away. 4. Average slope of the stream stood 15 at the time of accident and well found that there was a correlation between the 87% of cross-area sufferd valley erosion and the length of eroded valley, after a study on regression and correlation of the length and cross-area. In other works, the soil erosion was and severe as we approached to the down-stream, counting at a place of average (151) and below. We might draw a correlation such as "Y=ax-b" in terms of the length and cross-area of the eroded valley. 5. Sites of char-coal pits were found in the upper part of the desert-like Mt. Chunbo and a professional opinion shows that the mountain was once covered by the oak three species. Furthermore, we found that the soil of both mountains have been kept the same soil system according to a research of the soil cross-area. In other words, we can draw out the fact that, originally, the forest type and soil type of both Mt. Chunbo (378m) and Mt. Jookyup (610m) have been and are the same. However, Mt. Chunbo has been much more devastated than Mt. Jookyup, and carried away its soil nutrition to the extent that the ratios of N. P2O5K2O and Humus C.E.C between these two mountains are 1:10;1:5 respectively. 6. Mt. Chunbo has been mostly eroded for the past 30 years, and it consists of gravels of 2mm or larger size in the upper part of the mountain, while in the lower foot part, the sandy loam was formulated due to the fact that the gluey soil has been carried and accumulated. On the hand, Mt. Jookyup has consitantly kept the all the same forest type and sandy loam of brown colour both in the upper and lower parts. 7. As for the capability of absorbing and saturating maximum humidity by the surface soil, the ratios of wet soil to dry soil are 42.8% in the hill side and lower part of the eroded Mt. Chunbo and 28.5% in the upper part. On the contrary, Mt. Jookyup on which the forest type has not been changed, shows that the ratio in 77.4% in the hill-side and 68.2% in the upper part, approximately twice as much humidity as Mt. Chunbo. This proves the fact that the forest lands with dense forest covers are much more capable of maintaining water by wood, vegitation, and an organic material. The strength of dreventing from carring away surface soil is great due to the vigorous network of the root systems. 8. As mentioned above, the devastated forest land cause not only much greater devastation, but also human loss and property damage. We must bear in mind that the eroded forest land has taken the valuable soil, which is the very existance of origin of both human being and all creatures. As for the prescription for preventing erosion of forest land, the trees for furtilization has to be planted in the hill,side with at least reasonable amount of aertilizer, in order to restore the strength of earth soil, while in the lower part, thorough erosion control and reforestation, and establishments along the riversides have to be made, so as to restore the forest type.

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Origin and Storage of Large Woody Debris in a Third-order Mountain Stream Network, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 산지계류 내 유목의 기원과 현존량)

  • Kim, Suk Woo;Chun, Kun Woo;Seo, Jung Il;Lim, Young Hyup;Nam, Sooyoun;Jang, Su Jin;Kim, Yong Suk;Lee, Jae Uk
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to provide reference material for effective forest management techniques at the catchment scale, based on the field investigation of large woody debris (LWD) in 11 streams within a third-order forest catchment in Gangwon Province, Korea. To achieve this aim, we analyzed the morphological features of LWD pieces, and the storage and distribution status of LWD by stream order throughout the entire investigation. As a result, a total of 1,207 individual pieces of LWD were categorized into three types as follows: (ⅰ) 1,142 pieces (95%) as only trunk and 65 pieces (5%) as a trunk with root wad, (ⅱ) 1,015 pieces (84%) as non-thinned and 192 pieces (16%) as the thinned, and (ⅲ) 1,050 pieces (87%) as conifer and 157 pieces (13%) as broadleaf. Additionally, in-stream LWD loads (㎥/ha) decreased with increasing stream order, yielding 105.4, 71.3, and 35.6 for first-, second-, and third-order streams, respectively. On the other hand, the ratio of LWD jams to the total LWD volume increased with increasing stream order, yielding 11%, 43%, and 49% for first-, second-, and third-order streams, respectively. Finally, a comparison of the in-stream LWD load with previous studies in several countries around the world indicated that in-stream LWD load was positively correlated with forest stand age even though the climate, topography, forest soil type, forest composition, stand growth rate, disturbance regime, and forest management practices were different. These results could contribute to understanding the significance of LWD as a by-product of forest ecosystems and an indicator of riparian forest disturbance. Based on this, we conclude that advanced forest management techniques, including treatment of thinning slash and stand density control of riparian forest by site location (hillslope and riparian zone, or stream order), should be established in the future, taking the forest ecosystem and the aquatic environment from headwater streams to low land rivers into consideration.

Comparison of Plant Growth Characteristics and Biological Activities of Four Asparagus Cultivars by Cultural Method (재배방법에 따른 아스파라거스 4 품종의 생장과 생리활성 비교)

  • Kim, Ho Cheol;Heo, Buk Gu;Bae, Jong Hyang;Lee, Seung Yeob;Kang, Dong Hyeon;Ryu, Chan Seok;Kim, Dong Eok;Choi, I Jin;Ku, Yang Gyu
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.495-503
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    • 2016
  • In the present study, we investigated the plant growth characteristics and biological activity of four asparagus cultivars grown using two cultural methods and tested the possibility of domestic open field. The number of shoots, buds, roots, shoot and root fresh and dry weights, and total dry weight of the four asparagus cultivars grown in a plastic house were higher than those of the same cultivars grown in an open field. Of the cultivars grown in the open field, Jersey Giant had greater shoot number than the other cultivars. In plastic house cultivation, the number of buds in Jersey Supreme was greater than the other cultivars. The total flavonoid content of the Jersey Giant was greater than the other cultivars, but cultural method was unaffected. The total polyphenol contents in asparagus cultivars grown in the plastic house were higher than those of cultivars grown in the open field. The total polyphenol content of the Jersey Giant grown the plastic house was significantly higher than those of other cultivars. Antioxidant activity such as catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POX) did not differ significantly with cultural methods and among the cultivars. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity of asparagus cultivars grown in the open field was higher than that of cultivars grown in the greenhouse; the highest APX activity was detected in UC157. Thus, greenhouse cultivation is expected to improve plant growth characteristics and biological activities of asparagus cultivars; each cultural method should be considered when selecting a suitable cultivar for high yield and high bioactive compound content.

The Change of Heart Rate Variability in Anxiety Disorder after Given Physical or Psychological Stress (불안장애 환자에서 육체적 및 정신적 스트레스 시 심박변이도의 변화)

  • Cho, Min-Kyung;Park, Doo-Heum;Yu, Jaehak;Ryu, Seung-Ho;Ha, Ji-Hyeon
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: This study was designed to assess the change of heart rate variability (HRV) at resting, upright, and psychological stress in anxiety disorder patients. Methods: HRV was measured at resting, upright, and psychological stress states in 60 anxiety disorder patients. We used visual analogue scale (VAS) score to assess tension and stress severity. Beck depression inventory (BDI) and state trait anxiety inventories I and II (STAI-I and II) were used to assess depression and anxiety severity. Differences between HRV indices were evaluated using paired t-tests. Gender difference analysis was accomplished with ANCOVA. Results: SDNN (Standard deviation of normal RR intervals) and low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) were significantly increased, while NN50, pNN50, and normalized HF (nHF) were significantly decreased in the upright position compared to resting state (p < 0.01). SDNN, root mean square of the differences of successive normal to normal intervals, and LF/HF were significantly increased, while nHF was significantly decreased in the psychological stress state compared to resting state (p < 0.01). SDNN, NN50, pNN50 were significantly lower in upright position compared to psychological stress and nVLF, nLF, nHF, and LF/HF showed no significant differences between them. Conclusion: The LF/HF ratio was significantly increased after both physical and psychological stress in anxiety disorder, but did not show a significant difference between these two stresses. Significant differences of SDNN, NN50, and pNN50 without any differences of nVLF, nLF, nHF, and LF/HF between two stresses might suggest that frequency domain analysis is more specific than time domain analysis.

Allium hookeri Extract Improves Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in C57BL/KSJ Db/db Obese Mouse via Regulation of Hepatic Lipogenesis and Glucose Metabolism (삼채 추출물의 인슐린 저항성 개선 효과 및 기전 탐색)

  • Kim, Ji-Soo;Heo, Jin-Sun;Choi, Jong-Won;Kim, Gun-Do;Sohn, Kie-Ho
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1081-1090
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    • 2015
  • Diabetes has been one of major health risks in industrialized countries. Allium hookeri is a wild herb distributed in India and Myanmar. The root of the plant has been used as food and medicine in Southeast Asia. We investigated Allium hookeri extract improves type 2 diabetes mellitus in C57BL/KSJ db/db obese mouse. C57BL/KSJ db/db obese mouse arise out of Type 2 diabetes and we treated Allium hookeri methanol extract 400 mg/kg (AH 400), 800 mg/kg (AH 800), positive control group (thiazolidinedine;TZDs) were administered orally for 8weeks. AH treated group normalized lipid enzyme system (triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol) and serum glucose, HbA1c and plasma insulin level. AH treated group recovered β-cell damage by hyperglycemia and fatty liver disease. AH treated group significantly up regulated expression of Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ), pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase4 (PDK4), Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP 1) and fork head box O1 (FOX 01) proteins in C57BL/KSJ db/db obese mouse liver. And we found that AH treated group decreased hepatic malondialdehyde formation in C57BL/KSJ db/db obese mouse liver. These results indicate that Allium hookeri methanol extract might be a potential anti-diabetic agent and could be useful in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.