• Title/Summary/Keyword: road structure

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Fire Suppression Test using the Automatic Monitor System for Double-Deck Tunnel (복층터널 자동 모니터 소화설비를 이용한 화재진압 실험)

  • Park, Jin-Ouk;Yoo, Yong-Ho;Kim, Hwi-Seung;Park, Byoung-Jik;Kim, Yang-Kyun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2017
  • As one of the solutions to deal with economic loss caused by traffic congestion in metropolitan area, a deep underground road has been planned and implemented at home and abroad. The part of them has been pushed ahead with a double-deck scheme which has an advantage in constructability and cost efficiency comparing to traditional road tunnel. However, the double-deck tunnel has a lower floor height than the general road tunnel due to the special structure used as the upper and lower lines by installing the middle slab on one excavation section. Therefore, it is relatively weak against fire accidents and ventilation problems occurring in tunnels. Thus study to develop the life safety system optimized to a double-deck tunnel has been systematically carried out in order to overcome their weak point. In this study, automatic monitoring fire extinguisher (AMFE) is developed to suppress a fire and prevent its spread at early stage of tunnel fire, conducting the performance test through vehicle fire tests as verification. The tests were conducted with AMFE being 30 m apart from the vehicle and 10 m apart from engine room. As a results, it was confirmed that AMFE enables to suppress a fire and prevent its spread in both cases.

Development of Computation Model for Traffic Accidents Risk Index - Focusing on Intersection in Chuncheon City - (교통사고 위험도 지수 산정 모델 개발 - 춘천시 교차로를 중심으로 -)

  • Shim, Kywan-Bho;Hwang, Kyung-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.61-74
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    • 2009
  • Traffic accident risk index Computation model's development apply traffic level of significance about area of road user group, road and street network area, population group etc.. through numerical formula or model by countermeasure to reduce the occurrence rate of traffic accidents. Is real condition that is taking advantage of risk by tangent section through estimation model and by method to choose improvement way to intersection from outside the country, and is utilizing being applied in part business in domestic. However, question is brought in the accuracy being utilizing changing some to take external model in domestic real condition than individual development of model. Therefore, selection intersection estimation element through traffic accidents occurrence present condition, geometry structure, control way, traffic volume, turning traffic volume etc. in 96 intersections in this research, and select final variable through correlation analysis of abstracted estimation elements. Developed intersection design model taking advantage of signal type, numeric of lane, intersection type, analysis of variance techniques through ANOVA analysis of three variables of intersection form with selected variable lastly, in signal crossing through three class intersection, distinction variable choice risk in model, no-signal crossing risk distinction analysis model and so on develop.

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A 3D ground penetrating radar imaging of the heavy rainfall-induced deformation around a river levee: a case study of Ara River, Saitama, Japan (폭우에 의해 발생된 강 제방 주변 변형의 3차원 GPR 영상화: 일본 사이타마현의 아라강에 대한 현장적용사례)

  • Yokota, Toshiyuki;Inazaki, Tomio;Shinagawa, Shunsuke;Ueda, Takumi
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes a three-dimensional ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey carried out around a levee of the Ara River in Saitama, Japan, where deformation of the ground was observed after heavy rainfall associated with the typhoon of September 2007. The high-density 3D GPR survey was conducted as a series of closely adjacent four directional sets of 2D surveys at an area surrounding vertical cracks on the paved road caused by deformations induced by heavy rain. The survey directions of the 2D surveys were 0, 90, 45, and -45 degrees with respect to the paved road and the intervals between lines were less than 0.5 m. The 3D subsurface structure was accurately imaged by the result of data processing using Kirchhoff-type 3D migration. As a result, locations and vertical continuities of the heavy rainfall induced cracks in the paved road were clearly imaged. This will be a great help in considering the generation mechanisms of the cracks. Moreover, the current risk of a secondary disaster was found to be low, as no air-filled cavities were detected by the 3D GPR survey.

Driving Methology for Smart Transportation under Longitudinal and Curved Section of Freeway (스마트교통시대의 종단 및 횡단 복합도로선형 구간에서의 가감속 시나리오별 최적주행 방법론)

  • Yoon, Jin su;Bae, Sang hoon
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2017
  • As of December 2016, the number of registered automobiles in Korea exceeds 21million. As a result, greenhouse gas emission by transportation sector are increasing every year. It was concluded that the development of the driving strategy considering the driving behavior and the road conditions, which are known to affect the fuel efficiency and the greenhouse gas emissions, could be the most effective fuel economy improvement. Therefore, this study aims to develop a fuel efficient driving strategy in a complex linear section with uphill and curved sections. The road topography was designed according to 'Rules about the Road Structure & Facilities Standards'. Various scenarios were selected. After generating the speed profile, it was applied to the Comprehensive Modal Emission Model and fuel consumption was calculated. The scenarios with the lowest fuel consumption were selected. After that, the fuel consumption of the manual driver's driving record and the selected optimal driving strategy were compared and analyzed for verification. As a result of the analysis, the developed optimal driving strategy reduces fuel consumption by 21.2% on average compared to driving by manual drivers.

Implementation of GIS-based Application Program for Circuity and Accessibility Analysis in Road Network Graph (도로망 그래프의 우회도와 접근도 분석을 위한 GIS 응용 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Kiwon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.84-93
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    • 2004
  • Recently, domain-specific demands with respect to practical applications and analysis scheme using spatial thematic information are increasing. Accordingly, in this study, GIS-based application program is implemented to perform spatial analysis in transportation geography with base road layer data. Using this program, quantitative estimation of circuity and accessibility, which can be extracted from nodes composed of the graph-typed network structure, in a arbitrary analysis zone or administrative boundary zone is possible. Circuity is a concept to represent the difference extent between actual nodes and fully connected nodes in the analysis zone. While, accessibility can be used to find out extent of accessibility or connectivity between all nodes contained in the analysis zone, judging from inter-connecting status of the whole nodes. In put data of this program, which was implemented in AVX executable extension using AvenueTM of ArcView, is not transportation database information based on transportation data model, but layer data, directly obtaining from digital map sets. It is thought that computation of circuity and accessibility can be used as kinds of spatial analysis functions for GIS applications in the transportation field.

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Incident Detection for Urban Arterial Road by Adopting Car Navigation Data (차량 궤적 데이터를 활용한 도심부 간선도로의 돌발상황 검지)

  • Kim, Tae-Uk;Bae, Sang-Hoon;Jung, Heejin
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2014
  • Traffic congestion cost is more likely to occur in the inner city than interregional road, and it accounts for about 63.39% of the whole. Therefore, it is important to mitigate traffic congestion of the inner city. Traffic congestion in the urban could be divided into Recurrent congestion and Non-recurrent congestion. Quick and accurate detection of Non-recurrent congestion is also important in order to relieve traffic congestion. The existing studies about incident detection have been variously conducted, however it was limited to Uninterrupted Traffic Flow Facilities such as freeway. Moreover study of incident detection on the interrupted Traffic Flow Facilities is still inadequate due to complex geometric structure such as traffic signals and intersections. Therefore, in this study, incident detection model was constructed using by Artificial Neural Network to aim at urban arterial road that is interrupted traffic flow facility. In the result of the reliability assessment, the detection rate were 46.15% and false alarm rate were 25.00%. These results have a meaning as a result of the initial study aimed at interrupted traffic flow. Furthermore, it demonstrates the possibility that Non-recurrent congestion can be detected by using car navigation data such as car navigator system device.

Analysis of Chloride Ion Penetration Properties into Concrete on Road Facilities Depending on the Deterioration Environments (국도 상 도로시설물 대상 열화환경 조건 별 콘크리트 염화물 침투 특성 분석)

  • Min, Jiyoung;Lee, Jong-Suk;Lee, Tack-gon;Cha, Ki-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.102-113
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    • 2021
  • The deterioration environments caused by de-icing salt and airborne chlorides in the seashore, evaluated in the "Detailed guideline for safety and management practice of facilities (performance evaluation)", were reviewed in terms of penetrated chlorides into concrete on various road facilities. Target concrete structures, in this study, were 4 concrete barriers in Gangwon area, 3 concrete barriers and 1 retaining wall in Busan area, and 4 bridges in Gangwon-do, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Busan. The deterioration environments were classified into three categories: direct and indirect de-icing salt attack, and airborne salt attack depending on the distance to seashore and the height of pier, and the penetrated chlorides in to concrete were analyzed. The results showed that (1) the regional deterioration environments were clearly classified by de-icing salt sprayed days (snowfall days), (2) the penetrated chlorides increased significantly when leakage occurred through slabs or expansion joints, and (3) the airborne chlorides affected to a height of 20 m concrete in the seashore, Busan. From these, it could be confirmed that the chloride ion penetration properties depend on the exposed aging environment, member location and height, and deterioration status, even on the same structure, so the selection of target members and location is very important in the inspection and maintenance. If the database of penetrated chlorides properties in various deterioration environments is constructed, it is expected that the proactive durability management on concrete structures will be possible in the field.

China's 'One Belt and One Road' Initiative and Strategy: Development and Limitations (중국의 '일대일로'(一帶一路) 구상과 전략: 발전과 한계)

  • Heur, Heung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.335-347
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    • 2019
  • China's 'One Belt and One Load' initiative is a mega-infrastructure project that connects China and the Eurasian Economies Area by overland and sea routes. Therefore, if it goes smoothly, It will be a new engine for economic development in China and the world, and It is expected to be a factor that will change the structure of the international economy. Especially, the Eurasian continent is likely to develop into the center of the global economy. But China's 'One Belt and One Load' initiative is not only macro and long-term, but also implies complexity, making it hard to be optimistic about development. China's 'One Belt and One Load' initiative is not only strongly promoted as a long-term national development strategy to be completed by 2049, but also strong economic complementarity between China and 'One Belt and One Load' consecutive countries. And many of the successive countries are expecting 'One Belt and One Load' construction. Therefore, there is no possibility at all. In particular, the possibility of development can not be completely ruled out, given the various policies of 'One Belt and One Load' currently being pursued by China. Even if it doesn't go smoothly, the process alone will have significant economic effects on China and neighboring countries, so it will be meaningful. With the help of information technology.

Defining the Role of Seosan-Daesan Port Considering New Northern Policy (신북방정책을 대비한 서산 대산항의 발전 전략)

  • Lee, Tae-Hwee;Kim, Sungkuk;Yun, Kyong Jun
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.21-36
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    • 2019
  • To ensure that Korea continues to grow, past governments have been consistent in following a policy of advancing into Russia, Mongolia, and Eurasia. The northern economy can expect to achieve synergistic growth because its economic structure complements that of Korea, which has high energy demand and industrial development. There is also an opportunity to accelerate the growth of the China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor, which is based on Russia's Look East Policy, China's One Belt One Road, and the Mongolian Steppe Road initiative. The Korean government is pursuing a New Northern Policy to achieve the goal of economic cooperation and peace building with other nations, including North Korea; this policy succeeds the Northern Policy pursued by the previous government. As international economic cooperation requires transportation infrastructure, the demand for shipping, which offers more advantages than road and rail transportation, will increase; thus, it is necessary to prepare for it. Korea's port cities, which have a port that serves as the nodal point for maritime transportation, need to prepare for the New Northern Policy. In this paper, the long-term development of Seosan-Daesan port in the was planned and the North Korea's opening-op plan was considered in accordance with the New Northern Policy. Because international cooperation between the government and the provincial cities is required, cooperation with the Port Authority is needed, along with the proactive attitude of Seosan City, Chungcheongnam-do. The Seosan-Daesan port, which is the center of the liquid energy cargo center, can become the base of the New Northern Policy Region; further, the port can be an opportunity to establish its position as a peaceful economic hub on the west coast of Korea.

Characteristics of the Expanded Road Embankment Constructed by Lightweight Air-Mixed Soils for a Short-Term (경랑기포혼합토로 단기간에 시공된 확폭도로성토체의 특성)

  • Hwang, Joong Ho;Ahn, Young Kyun;Lee, Young-Jun;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.4D
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to find out the characteristics of the expanded road embankment constructed by the lightweight air-mixed soil (slurry density $10kN/m^3$) for a short-term without any ground improvement. Compression strength, capillary rise height of the lightweight air-mixed soil and settlement behavior of soft ground were studied. Compression strengths of the specimens sampled at the site after 1 and 5 months of construction were all satisfied the required strength 500 kPa. However, it was not convinced the homogeneity construction, because the values of strength were depending on the sampled location. Also, strength difference between laboratory and site specimens were found about 19%, and thus it should be considered for mixing design. Capillary rise reached about 20 cm for 70 hours because of a numerous tiny pores existed inside the lightweight air-mixed soil. Relationship between settlement and time of the soft ground placed underneath the expanded embankment was estimated by using the measured data and back analysis technique. The current average consolidation ratio and the final settlement after 120 months later were estimated about 32% and 4.5cm, respectively. This settlement is much less value than the allowable settlement 10cm for this structure.