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Defining the Role of Seosan-Daesan Port Considering New Northern Policy  

Lee, Tae-Hwee (경남과학기술대학교 유통학과)
Kim, Sungkuk (경남과학기술대학교 유통학과)
Yun, Kyong Jun (인천대학교 동북아물류대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Port Economic Association / v.35, no.2, 2019 , pp. 21-36 More about this Journal
To ensure that Korea continues to grow, past governments have been consistent in following a policy of advancing into Russia, Mongolia, and Eurasia. The northern economy can expect to achieve synergistic growth because its economic structure complements that of Korea, which has high energy demand and industrial development. There is also an opportunity to accelerate the growth of the China-Russia-Mongolia economic corridor, which is based on Russia's Look East Policy, China's One Belt One Road, and the Mongolian Steppe Road initiative. The Korean government is pursuing a New Northern Policy to achieve the goal of economic cooperation and peace building with other nations, including North Korea; this policy succeeds the Northern Policy pursued by the previous government. As international economic cooperation requires transportation infrastructure, the demand for shipping, which offers more advantages than road and rail transportation, will increase; thus, it is necessary to prepare for it. Korea's port cities, which have a port that serves as the nodal point for maritime transportation, need to prepare for the New Northern Policy. In this paper, the long-term development of Seosan-Daesan port in the was planned and the North Korea's opening-op plan was considered in accordance with the New Northern Policy. Because international cooperation between the government and the provincial cities is required, cooperation with the Port Authority is needed, along with the proactive attitude of Seosan City, Chungcheongnam-do. The Seosan-Daesan port, which is the center of the liquid energy cargo center, can become the base of the New Northern Policy Region; further, the port can be an opportunity to establish its position as a peaceful economic hub on the west coast of Korea.
New Northern Policy; Economic Corridor; Port City; Economic Cooperation;
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