• Title/Summary/Keyword: road sign management system

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Development of Web GIS Based Road Sign Integrated System for Enhancing Management Efficiency (도로표지 관리 효율성 향상을 위한 Web GIS기반 통합시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Woo-Sik;Na, Joon-Yeop;Woo, Je-Yoon
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.335-346
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    • 2007
  • Road sign is one of the road attached facilities to provide conveniences to motor drivers. The setup of location information according to the related regulation and the inclusion of various attributes such as place names, route numbers, symbols, bearings, distances to the place of interest distinguish the road sign from other facilities. These features give advantages to the informationization of road sign. Presently there established about 130,000 road signs on each class of roads, and about 280 road management offices have controlled these road signs independently, but there are plethora of ineffectiveness such as the lack of consistency, recognition, connectivity, and location suitability etc. These are the major factor of confusions rather than providing conveniences, and arisen a lot of public grievances. Accordingly, in this research the road signs throughout the nation were databased and the web-GIS based road sign management system was established to ameliorate the problems reveled. Since the road sign management system we developed reflected the demands of the persons in charge and users, the management effectiveness might be enhanced and the public inconveniences will be reduced.

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The Road Traffic Sign Recognition and Automatic Positioning for Road Facility Management (도로시설물 관리를 위한 교통안전표지 인식 및 자동위치 취득 방법 연구)

  • Lee, Jun Seok;Yun, Duk Geun
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.155-161
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    • 2013
  • PURPOSES: This study is to develop a road traffic sign recognition and automatic positioning for road facility management. METHODS: In this study, we installed the GPS, IMU, DMI, camera, laser sensor on the van and surveyed the car position, fore-sight image, point cloud of traffic signs. To insert automatic position of traffic sign, the automatic traffic sign recognition S/W developed and it can log the traffic sign type and approximate position, this study suggests a methodology to transform the laser point-cloud to the map coordinate system with the 3D axis rotation algorithm. RESULTS: Result show that on a clear day, traffic sign recognition ratio is 92.98%, and on cloudy day recognition ratio is 80.58%. To insert exact traffic sign position. This study examined the point difference with the road surveying results. The result RMSE is 0.227m and average is 1.51m which is the GPS positioning error. Including these error we can insert the traffic sign position within 1.51m CONCLUSIONS: As a result of this study, we can automatically survey the traffic sign type, position data of the traffic sign position error and analysis the road safety, speed limit consistency, which can be used in traffic sign DB.

Automatic Identification of Road Sign in Mobile Mapping System (모바일매핑시스템을 이용한 도로표지판 자동 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Jae-Seung;Jeong, Dong-Hoon;Kim, Byung-Guk;Sung, Jung-Gon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.221-224
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    • 2007
  • MMS(Mobile Mapping System) generates a efficient image data for mapping and facility management. However, this image data of MMS has many difficulties in a practical use because of huge data volume. Therefore the important information likes road sign post must be extracted from huge MMS image data. In Korea, there is the HMS(Highway Management System) to manage a national road that acquire the line and condition of road from the MMS images. In the HMS each road sign information is manually inputted by the keyboard from moving MMS. This manually passive input way generate the error like inaccurate position, mistaking input in this research we developed the automatic road sign identifying technique using the image processing and the direct geo-referencing by GPS/INS data. This development brings not only good flexibility for field operations, also efficient data processing in HMS.

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A Methodology for Standard Establishment of Spatial Impact Zone according to Place Names of Road Sign in Urban Regions - Using the Road Sign Management System Database - (도시부 도로표지 안내지명에 따른 공간적 영향권 기준 설정방법에 관한 연구 - 도로표지관리시스템 데이터베이스를 활용하여 -)

  • Jung, In-Taek;Chong, Kyu-Soo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2016
  • Place names of road sign mean various place names being used on road signs for path guidance of drivers such as administrative district, facility, road, etc. It is very important that not only the choice method of place names for connectivity of road signs but standard establishment of spatial impact zone according to place names. However this standard are not established currently, so it is difficult to fix the spatial range for changing place names around the main facility according to the new construction or relocation of main facility in urban region. Considering the use of big data, one of the Government 3.0, we need to utilize actively the road sign management system database. This paper suggested a methodology for standard establishment of spatial impact zone according to place names of road sign in urban regions based on the road sign management system database. To perform a case study, we selected a major facility ("City Hall") which is the most frequently used the place name of road signs and presented standard of spatial impact zone by urban size in 84 cities.

The Satisfaction Analysis of Mount Tai Mountaineering Road Sign System Using Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (퍼지 종합 평가를 활용한 태산(泰山)등산로 사인시스템 만족도 분석)

  • Yu, Ying;Jung, Taeyeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2020
  • Sign system is one of the most widely used guide media in scenic spots. It plays vital role in introducing cultural values of destinations to tourists with better visit experience. The purpose of this study is to derive the influence factors of the sign system of Mount Tai scenic area for tourists, analyze the satisfaction of tourists, and provide suggestions for the sign system of Mount Tai Mountaineering Road to improve tourists' satisfaction in the future. The evaluation items of Mount Tai Mountaineering Road sign system were derived from the previous studies and then subdivided comprehensively. Survey by questionnaires was carried out to obtain the influence factors. In order to understand the satisfaction degree of tourists, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation was implemented. The research results of this study are summarized as follows. First, four influence factors of the sign system on Mountaineering Road of Mount Tai were concluded as the interpretation content, appearance modeling, interpretation methods and layout management. Second, the order of weight values of influence factors was the interpretation content, appearance modeling, interpretation methods and layout management respectively from high to low, which means that tourists paid more attention to practicality and aesthetics. Third, the satisfaction degree of the tourists on the sign system was different. The satisfaction level for the three factors (interpretation content, appearance modeling, layout management) was good, while the satisfaction for interpretation method was medium. The reason was that it failed to deepen the understanding of tourists on the natural and cultural values of Mount Tai Mountaineering Road. These results indicate great significance to provide theoretical basis for the later readjustment and design of the sign system and to improve the overall satisfaction of tourists on tourism experience.


  • Kwon Soon-Wook;Kim Kyoon-Tai;Han Jae-Goo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.5 no.4 s.20
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2004
  • Resent removal work for road signs has been labor intensive and required times since it has been done manually using shaving type equipment. While traditional process is conducting, there are traffic jams caused by the passing control, and happened unexpected accidents to workers working at dangerous road circumstance. Besides, in current shaving method, there are high potentialities on the air pollution as well as the explosive accident occurred by using a propane gas. So, as an alternative, we have studied to develop the automatic erasing equipment made up with a high pressure water-jet system and automatic control system, mobile system; Wate-rjet system consists of an intensifier and nozzles to give a high pressure and spray on the sign, and automatic control system is composed of one axis robot using a hydraulic servo actuator controlled by a lever, And as a mobile system, a truck plays an important role for the transport of equipment and the forward movement in a removal process. In this paper, we have analyzed the characteristics of road signs and have investigated current erasing methods in the field. And we have organized and designed automatic erasing equipment, and we have made a basic experiment to find out the optimal spray condition as like the spray distance, spray angle and injection pressure.

Enhancing Connectivity of Guiding Points at Road Signs (도로표지 안내지명의 연계성 확보 방안)

  • Kim, Eung-Cheol;Lee, Tae-Yoon;Kwon, Young-In
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.8 no.4 s.30
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2006
  • The road sign is one of street furnitures functioning to guide directions for drivers. The road sign should be employed and designed to help drivers find their destinations easily and accurately. It is obvious that the road sign is one of the main components that enhance efficiency and safety of driving environments. The current way of guiding strategy at road signs in Korea is a system for mainly guiding 'points' although a new system guiding 'road names' and 'street numbers' with the introduction of new address system is now being introduced on urban areas. When the regional territory management offices and local governments try to employ current road sign systems, they are supposed to follow the sign regulations which contains standard project processes, selection methods of guiding points, character size and design, and location selection for each road sign. However, the current road sign regulations are very complex to understand and unclear for a person in charge to do tasks described above. Especially, selection process and criteria of guiding points are cumbersome and controversial. Furthermore, non sufficient ways of selecting guiding points considering road functions and geographic characteristics decrease the connectivity of guiding points. This study develops enhanced ways of increasing connectivity of successive guiding points through three case studies. Developed ways will help highway agencies and officials understand how to improve the connectivity of road signs.

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Gradation Image Processing for Text Recognition in Road Signs Using Image Division and Merging

  • Chong, Kyusoo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2014
  • This paper proposes a gradation image processing method for the development of a Road Sign Recognition Platform (RReP), which aims to facilitate the rapid and accurate management and surveying of approximately 160,000 road signs installed along the highways, national roadways, and local roads in the cities, districts (gun), and provinces (do) of Korea. RReP is based on GPS(Global Positioning System), IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit), INS(Inertial Navigation System), DMI(Distance Measurement Instrument), and lasers, and uses an imagery information collection/classification module to allow the automatic recognition of signs, the collection of shapes, pole locations, and sign-type data, and the creation of road sign registers, by extracting basic data related to the shape and sign content, and automated database design. Image division and merging, which were applied in this study, produce superior results compared with local binarization method in terms of speed. At the results, larger texts area were found in images, the accuracy of text recognition was improved when images had been gradated. Multi-threshold values of natural scene images are used to improve the extraction rate of texts and figures based on pattern recognition.

Analysis on Spatial Impact Zone of the place_name on the Direction Sign in Urban Using the Road Sign Management System Database In Changwon city (도시부 방향표지 안내지명의 공간적 영향권 설정방안 연구 - 창원시 도로표지관리시스템 DB를 활용하여 -)

  • Jung, In-Taek;Rhee, Kyoung-Ah;Chong, Kyu-Soo;Lee, Young-In
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2014
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) Affairs of Korean government improved RSMS to be linked with GIS data and now we have research foundation. In case of expressway and rural national highway, there is a referenced place-name for direction road sign, but there is no reference in urban road and is only a guideline. Direction signs in urban could not have consistent place-name and it is vary difficult to select the proper place-name. Based on the change of analysis environment and perception of road sign - related problem, This study is aimed to suggest how to deduce the spatial impact zone of place-name from DB and GIS in RSMS of Changwon City. The results indicated that there is a spatial difference between place-names according to whether is near or far on the road sign. It is expected that this method would be effectively used in case of new road sign and so the process to select the place-name would be simple.

The Study on an Automated Generation Method of Road Drawings using Road Survey Vehicle (도로교통안전점검차량을 이용한 도로의 자동도면화 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Jun Seok;Yun, Duk Geun;Park, Jae Hong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : This study is to develop a automate road mapping system using ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) for road management. METHODS : The road survey van named ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) was used to generate highway drawings for Korea National Road number 37 automatically. In order to generate the highway drawings for purpose of road management, it is required to acquired the information for highway alignment, road width and road facilities such as safety barrier and road sign. Therefore the survey van acquired and analyzed the road width, median and guardrail data using rear side laser sensor of ARASEO and recognized the traffic control sign and chevron sign using foreside camera images. Also the highway alignment which is the basic information for highway drawing can be analyzed by acquisition the every 1m positional and attitude data using GPU and IMU sensor and developed algorithm. Finally, in this research the CAD based drawing software was developed to draw highway drawing using the analysis result from ARASEO. RESULTS : This study showed the comparison result of the surveyed road width and drawing data. To make the drawing of the road, we made the Autocad ARX program witch run in CAD menu interface. CONCLUSIONS : Using this program we can create the road center line, every 500m horizontal and vertical ground plan drawing automatically.