• Title/Summary/Keyword: resources evaluation

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Evaluation and Comparison of Effects of Air and Tomato Leaf Temperatures on the Population Dynamics of Greenhouse Whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) in Cherry Tomato Grown in Greenhouses (시설내 대기 온도와 방울토마토 잎 온도가 온실가루이(Trialeurodes vaporariorum)개체군 발달에 미치는 영향 비교)

  • Park, Jung-Joon;Park, Kuen-Woo;Shin, Key-Il;Cho, Ki-Jong
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.420-432
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    • 2011
  • Population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), were modeled and simulated to compare the temperature effects of air and tomato leaf inside greenhouse using DYMEX model simulator (pre-programed module based simulation program developed by CSIRO, Australia). The DYMEX model simulator consisted of temperature dependent development and oviposition modules. The normalized cumulative frequency distributions of the developmental period for immature and oviposition frequency rate and survival rate for adult of greenhouse whitefly were fitted to two-parameter Weibull function. Leaf temperature on reversed side of cherry tomato leafs (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Koko) was monitored according to three tomato plant positions (top, > 1.6 m above the ground level; middle, 0.9 - 1.2 m; bottom, 0.3 - 0.5 m) using an infrared temperature gun. Air temperature was monitored at same three positions using a Hobo self-contained temperature logger. The leaf temperatures from three plant positions were described as a function of the air temperatures with 3-parameter exponential and sigmoidal models. Data sets of observed air temperature and predicted leaf temperatures were prepared, and incorporated into the DYMEX simulator to compare the effects of air and leaf temperature on population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly. The number of greenhouse whitefly immatures was counted by visual inspection in three tomato plant positions to verify the performance of DYMEX simulation in cherry tomato greenhouse where air and leaf temperatures were monitored. The egg stage of greenhouse whitefly was not counted due to its small size. A significant positive correlation between the observed and the predicted numbers of immature and adults were found when the leaf temperatures were incorporated into DYMEX simulation, but no significant correlation was observed with the air temperatures. This study demonstrated that the population dynamics of greenhouse whitefly was affected greatly by the leaf temperatures, rather than air temperatures, and thus the leaf surface temperature should be considered for management of greenhouse whitefly in cherry tomato grown in greenhouses.

Ecological Health Assessments on Turbidwater in the Downstream After a Construction of Yongdam Dam (용담댐 건설후 하류부 하천 생태계의 탁수영향 평가)

  • Kim, Ja-Hyun;Seo, Jin-Won;Na, Young-Eun;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.130-142
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    • 2007
  • This study was to examine impacts of turbid water on fish community in the downstream of Yongdam Dam during the period from June to October 2006. For the research, we selected six sampling sites in the field: two sites were controls with no influences of turbid water from the dam and other remaining four sites were the stations for an assessment of potential turbid effects. We evaluated integrative health conditions throughout applications of various models such as necropsy-based fish health assessment model (FHA), Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) using fish assemblages, and Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI). Laboratory tests on fish exposure under 400 NTU were performed to find out impact of turbid water using scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results showed that fine solid particles were clogging in the gill in the treatments, while particles were not found in the control. This results indicate that when inorganic turbidity increases abruptedly, fish may have a mechanical abrasion or respiratory blocking. The stream health condition, based on the IBI values, ranged between 38 and 48 (average: 42), indicating a "excellent" or "good" condition after the criteria of US EPA (1993). In the mean time, physical habitat condition, based on the QHEI, ranged 97 to 187 (average 154), indicating a "suboptimal condition". These biological outcomes were compared with chemical dataset: IBI values were more correlated (r=0.526, p<0.05, n=18) with QHEI rather than chemical water quality, based on turbidity (r=0.260, p>0.05, n=18). Analysis of the FHA showed that the individual health indicated "excellent condition", while QHEI showed no habitat disturbances (especially bottom substrate and embeddeness), food-web, and spawning place. Consequently, we concluded that the ecological health in downstream of Yongdam Dam was not impacted by the turbid water.

Genetic Diversity and Relationship of the Walleye Pollock, Theragra chalcogramma Based on Microsatellite Analysis (Microsatellite marker 분석을 이용한 명태(Theragra chalcogramma) 5 집단의 유전적 다양성 및 유연관계 분석)

  • Dong, Chun Mae;Kang, Jung-Ha;Byun, Soon-Gyu;Park, Kie-Young;Park, Jung Youn;Kong, Hee Jeong;An, Cheul Min;Kim, Gun-Do;Kim, Eun-Mi
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1237-1244
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    • 2016
  • A comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity and relationship of the cold-water fishery walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), the most abundant economically important fishery resource in the East sea of Korea, has not been carried out, despite its importance in Korea. The present study assessed the genetic diversity and relationship between five walleye pollock populations (Korean population, Russian population, USA population, and Japanese populations) of T. chalcogramma using eight microsatellite DNA (msDNA) markers to provide the scientific data for the preservation and management of the Pollock fishery resource. The results of the analysis of 186 individuals of the Pollock revealed a range of 7.13-10.63 numbers of alleles (mean number of alleles=9.05). The means of observed heterozygosity ($H_O$), expected heterozygosity ($H_E$) were 0.732 and 0.698, respectively. The results of genetic distance, Pairwise $F_{ST}$, UPGMA (UPGMA: un-weighted pair-group method with an arithmetical average) (the phylogenetic tree), PCA (PCA: Principal Coordinate analysis) analysis pointed to significant differences between the Korean population, Russian population, USA population, and Japanese populations, although small (p<0.05). These results shed light on the genetic diversity and relationships of T. chalcogramma and can be utilized for research on the evaluation and conservation of Korean T. chalcogramma as genetic resources.

A Study on Quality Characteristics of Pleurospermum kamtschaticum as a Functional Food Resource (누룩치의 기능성 식품재료화를 위한 품질특성에 관한 연구)

  • 조순덕;최돈하;김건희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1212-1217
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study was to investigate Quality characteristics of Pleurospermum kamtschaticum to increase the value of functional food resources. To examine Quality characteristics of Pleurospermum kamtschaticum, various factors such as color, texture, fiber, minerals, tannin, crude proteins, crude lipids and sensory quality, were determined using physicochemical methods. The contents of dietary fiber were 0.57% and 0.54% in each 100 g of leaf and stem parts (freeze drying base). In mineral content, potassium was the highest value in both of leaf and stem parts (freeze drying base). The contents of tannin were 108.1 $\mu$g/mL and 20.9 $\mu$g/mL in leaf and stem parts (fresh base) respectively. Blanching stems showed significant difference in hardness from freeze-drying leaves. The antioxidative activity in ethanol extracts of Pleurospermum kamtschaticum was investigated using peroxide value and free radical scavenging activity. Free radical scavenging activity in ethanol extracts of Pleurospermum kamtschaticum was 43.5% in a 100 $\mu$g/mL level, and the antioxidative index was 1.09 in a 500 $\mu$g/mL level. For functional food using Pleurospermum kamtschaticum the contents of crude proteins and lipids were about 9% and 26%, respectively. The results from sensory evaluation of each treatment older age showed a better acceptability.

A PLS Path Modeling Approach on the Cause-and-Effect Relationships among BSC Critical Success Factors for IT Organizations (PLS 경로모형을 이용한 IT 조직의 BSC 성공요인간의 인과관계 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Hoon;Shin, Taek-Soo;Lim, Jong-Ho
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.207-228
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    • 2007
  • Measuring Information Technology(IT) organizations' activities have been limited to mainly measure financial indicators for a long time. However, according to the multifarious functions of Information System, a number of researches have been done for the new trends on measurement methodologies that come with financial measurement as well as new measurement methods. Especially, the researches on IT Balanced Scorecard(BSC), concept from BSC measuring IT activities have been done as well in recent years. BSC provides more advantages than only integration of non-financial measures in a performance measurement system. The core of BSC rests on the cause-and-effect relationships between measures to allow prediction of value chain performance measures to allow prediction of value chain performance measures, communication, and realization of the corporate strategy and incentive controlled actions. More recently, BSC proponents have focused on the need to tie measures together into a causal chain of performance, and to test the validity of these hypothesized effects to guide the development of strategy. Kaplan and Norton[2001] argue that one of the primary benefits of the balanced scorecard is its use in gauging the success of strategy. Norreklit[2000] insist that the cause-and-effect chain is central to the balanced scorecard. The cause-and-effect chain is also central to the IT BSC. However, prior researches on relationship between information system and enterprise strategies as well as connection between various IT performance measurement indicators are not so much studied. Ittner et al.[2003] report that 77% of all surveyed companies with an implemented BSC place no or only little interest on soundly modeled cause-and-effect relationships despite of the importance of cause-and-effect chains as an integral part of BSC. This shortcoming can be explained with one theoretical and one practical reason[Blumenberg and Hinz, 2006]. From a theoretical point of view, causalities within the BSC method and their application are only vaguely described by Kaplan and Norton. From a practical consideration, modeling corporate causalities is a complex task due to tedious data acquisition and following reliability maintenance. However, cause-and effect relationships are an essential part of BSCs because they differentiate performance measurement systems like BSCs from simple key performance indicator(KPI) lists. KPI lists present an ad-hoc collection of measures to managers but do not allow for a comprehensive view on corporate performance. Instead, performance measurement system like BSCs tries to model the relationships of the underlying value chain in cause-and-effect relationships. Therefore, to overcome the deficiencies of causal modeling in IT BSC, sound and robust causal modeling approaches are required in theory as well as in practice for offering a solution. The propose of this study is to suggest critical success factors(CSFs) and KPIs for measuring performance for IT organizations and empirically validate the casual relationships between those CSFs. For this purpose, we define four perspectives of BSC for IT organizations according to Van Grembergen's study[2000] as follows. The Future Orientation perspective represents the human and technology resources needed by IT to deliver its services. The Operational Excellence perspective represents the IT processes employed to develop and deliver the applications. The User Orientation perspective represents the user evaluation of IT. The Business Contribution perspective captures the business value of the IT investments. Each of these perspectives has to be translated into corresponding metrics and measures that assess the current situations. This study suggests 12 CSFs for IT BSC based on the previous IT BSC's studies and COBIT 4.1. These CSFs consist of 51 KPIs. We defines the cause-and-effect relationships among BSC CSFs for IT Organizations as follows. The Future Orientation perspective will have positive effects on the Operational Excellence perspective. Then the Operational Excellence perspective will have positive effects on the User Orientation perspective. Finally, the User Orientation perspective will have positive effects on the Business Contribution perspective. This research tests the validity of these hypothesized casual effects and the sub-hypothesized causal relationships. For the purpose, we used the Partial Least Squares approach to Structural Equation Modeling(or PLS Path Modeling) for analyzing multiple IT BSC CSFs. The PLS path modeling has special abilities that make it more appropriate than other techniques, such as multiple regression and LISREL, when analyzing small sample sizes. Recently the use of PLS path modeling has been gaining interests and use among IS researchers in recent years because of its ability to model latent constructs under conditions of nonormality and with small to medium sample sizes(Chin et al., 2003). The empirical results of our study using PLS path modeling show that the casual effects in IT BSC significantly exist partially in our hypotheses.

Reconsideration of Rare and Endangered Plant Species in Korea Based on the IUCN Red List Categories (IUCN 적색목록 기준에 의한 환경부 멸종위기 야생식물종에 대한 평가)

  • Chang, Chin-Sung;Lee, Heung-Soo;Park, Tae-Yoon;Kim, Hui
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.305-320
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    • 2005
  • Recently 64 species in Korea have been ranked as rare and endangered taxa by the Ministry of Environment using two categories, I and II. The original threat categories produced by the Ministry of Environment were developed to provide a standard for specifying animals and plants in danger of extinction and has been influential sources of information used in species conservation in Korea. However, the criteria by Ministry of Environment were applied to the whole taxa only by regional boundaries, especially in South Korea, rather than international context, and it also lacked an explicit framework that was necessary to ensure repeatability among taxa because of the absence of quantitative criteria to measure the likelihood of extinction. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has developed quantitative criteria for assessing the conservation status of species. The threatened species categories, the 2000 IUCN Red List, proposed by SSC (Species Survival Commission) of IUCN have become widely recognized internationally. Details of threatened Korean plants, identified by applying the IUCN threat categories and definitions, were listed and analyzed. The number of species identified as threatened was only 34 out of 64 taxa (48.4%), while the rest of taxa were rejected from the original lists. Many of the species (51.6%, 33 taxa) excluded from the original list proposed by Ministry of Environment do not qualify as Critically Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable because these taxa were widely distributed either in Japan or in China/far eastern Russia and there is no evidence of substantial decline in these countries. An evaluation of taxa in Korea has been carried out only based on subjective views and qualitative data, rather than quantitative scientific data, such as rates of decline, distribution range size, population size, and risk of extinction. Therefore, the national lists undermine the credibility of threatened species lists and invite misuse, which have been raised by other cases, qualitative estimate of risk, political influence, uneven taxonomic or geographical coverage. The increasing emphasis on international responsibilities means that global scale is becoming more significant. The current listings by Environment of Ministry of Korea should be challenged, and the government should seek to facilitate the resolution of disagreements. Especially the list should be flexible enough to handle uncertainty and also incorporates detailed, quantitative data. It is suggested that the highest priorities for the Red List should be given to endemic species in Korea first. After setting up the list of endemic species to Korea, quantitative data on population size and structure, distributional range, rated of decline, and habitat fragmentation should be collected as one of long term projects for the Red list categories. Transparency and accountability are the most important key factors. Also, species assessors are named and data sources referenced are required for the future objective evaluations on Korean plant taxa.

Effect of mixed Cropping with Legume and using fermented Cattle Manure on Productivity of Whole Crop Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and Organic Hanwoo feeding Capacity in Gyeongbuk Region of Korea (경북지역에서 콩과 사료작물의 혼파 재배와 발효 우분의 시용이 청보리의 생산성과 유기 한우 사육능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Ik-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.525-537
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    • 2016
  • This study was aimed to grow organic forage as a prime requirement for organic Hanwoo cattle production over a period of 3 years (2012~2015) in Gyeongbuk region, Korea through mixed cropping of winter fodder barley with legume and application of fermented cattle manure. The effect of barley-legume mixed cropping and application of different levels of fermented cattle manure was studied on forage productivity of whole-crop barley (WCB) and evaluation of feeding capacity of Korean native cattle (Hanwoo) per unit area. The collected data was analyzed using SAS 9.3 software. Barley-legume mixed cropping increased (P<0.05) yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) as compared to those of sole WCB as monoculture. Similarly, acid detergent fiber (ADF) contents and relative feed value (RFV) were also higher (P<0.05) in barley-legume mixed sowing forage compared with those of sole WCB as monoculture. In case of manure application, yields of DM, CP and TDN were also found (P<0.05) highest in 100~150 kg N/ha. However, varying cattle manure levels did not influence (P>0.05) CP and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents. In response to increasing nitrogen application level, ADF content increased (P<0.05) but TDN content and RFV decreased (P<0.05). The Barley-legume mixed sowing and increasing application levels of fermented cattle manure also significantly enhanced (P<0.05) feeding capacity of organic Hanwoo (head/ha) having 450 kg body weight with 400 g of daily gain. Findings of present study indicated that barley-legume biculture not only cut nitrogen application level of fermented cattle manure by over 50 kg per ha but also increased their feed value and productivity of forage as compared to WCB monoculture. This would be contribution to the diversity of forage resources as well as production of organic animal product by creating low cost and high quality organic forage.

Effects of Manufacturing Methods of Broiler Litter and Bakery By-product Ration for Ruminants on Physico-chemical Properties (육계분과 제과부산물을 이용한 반추가축용 완전혼합사료(TMR) 제조 시 가공처리 방법이 물리화학적 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, W.S.;Yoon, J.S.;Jung, K.K.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.593-606
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to develop effective manufacturing methods of a total mixed ration(TMR) composed of broiler litter(BL) and bakery by-product(BB) for ruminants. Five experiments included a small-scaled manufacture of TMR using a deepstacking method(Exp. 1), its pelletization(Exp. 2), its field-scaled manufacture(Exp. 3), a field-scaled manufacture using an ensiling method(Exp. 4), and a mixing process of deepstacked BL and BB prior to feeding(Exp. 5). BL and BB were mixed at a ratio which makes total digestible nutrients of the TMR 69%. For each experiment, temperature, appearance and physico-chemical properties were recorded and analyzed. The chemical composition data revealed that the mixture of BL and BB showed nutritionally additive balance which resulted from a considerable increase(P<0.05) of organic matter and a desirable decrease(P<0.05) of protein and fiber up to the requirement level for growing ‘Hanwoo’ steers. Deepstacking of BL and BB in Exp. 1 and 3 resulted in a sufficient increase of stack temperature for pasteurization, little chemical losses, appearance of white fungi on the surface, and partial charring due to excess stack temperature. For Exp. 2, its pelleting, which was successful using a simple, small-scaled pelletizer, resulted in a little loss(P<0.05) of organic matter and an increase(P<0.05) of indigestible protein(ADF-CP). Ensiling the mixture in Exp. 4 made little effect on chemical composition; however, one month of the ensiling period was not enough for favorable silage parameters. Deepstacking BL alone in Exp. 5 tended(P<0.1) to decrease true protein : NPN ratio and hemicellulose content and increase ADF-CP content due to the heat damage occurred. Deepstacking or ensiling of BL-BB mixtures and simple incorporating of BB into deepstacked BL prior to feeding could be practical and nutrients-preservative methods in TMR manufacture for beef cattle, although ensiling needed further hygienic evaluation.

유청단백질로 만들어진 식품포장재에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Seong-Ju
    • 한국유가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.59-60
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    • 2002
  • Edible films such as wax coatings, sugar and chocolate covers, and sausage casings, have been used in food applications for years$^{(1)}$ However, interest in edible films and biodegradable polymers has been renewed due to concerns about the environment, a need to reduce the quantity of disposable packaging, and demand by the consumer for higher quality food products. Edible films can function as secondary packaging materials to enhance food quality and reduce the amount of traditional packaging needed. For example, edible films can serve to enhance food quality by acting as moisture and gas barriers, thus, providing protection to a food product after the primary packaging is opened. Edible films are not meant to replace synthetic packaging materials; instead, they provide the potential as food packagings where traditional synthetic or biodegradable plastics cannot function. For instance, edible films can be used as convenient soluble pouches containing single-servings for products such as instant noodles and soup/seasoning combination. In the food industry, they can be used as ingredient delivery systems for delivering pre-measured ingredients during processing. Edible films also can provide the food processors with a variety of new opportunities for product development and processing. Depends on materials of edible films, they also can be sources of nutritional supplements. Especially, whey proteins have excellent amino acid balance while some edible films resources lack adequate amount of certain amino acids, for example, soy protein is low in methionine and wheat flour is low in lysine$^{(2)}$. Whey proteins have a surplus of the essential amino acid lysine, threonine, methionine and isoleucine. Thus, the idea of using whey protein-based films to individually pack cereal products, which often deficient in these amino acids, become very attractive$^{(3)}$. Whey is a by-product of cheese manufacturing and much of annual production is not utilized$^{(4)}$. Development of edible films from whey protein is one of the ways to recover whey from dairy industry waste. Whey proteins as raw materials of film production can be obtained at inexpensive cost. I hypothesize that it is possible to make whey protein-based edible films with improved moisture barrier properties without significantly altering other properties by producing whey protein/lipid emulsion films and these films will be suitable far food applications. The fellowing are the specific otjectives of this research: 1. Develop whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films and determine their microstructures, barrier (moisture and oxygen) and mechanical (tensile strength and elongation) properties. 2. Study the nature of interactions involved in the formation and stability of the films. 3. Investigate thermal properties, heat sealability, and sealing properties of the films. 4. Demonstrate suitability of their application in foods as packaging materials. Methodologies were developed to produce edible films from whey protein isolate (WPI) and concentrate (WPC), and film-forming procedure was optimized. Lipids, butter fat (BF) and candelilla wax (CW), were added into film-forming solutions to produce whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films. Significant reduction in water vapor and oxygen permeabilities of the films could be achieved upon addition of BF and CW. Mechanical properties were also influenced by the lipid type. Microstructures of the films accounted for the differences in their barrier and mechanical properties. Studies with bond-dissociating agents indicated that disulfide and hydrogen bonds, cooperatively, were the primary forces involved in the formation and stability of whey protein/lipid emulsion films. Contribution of hydrophobic interactions was secondary. Thermal properties of the films were studied using differential scanning calorimetry, and the results were used to optimize heat-sealing conditions for the films. Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) was used to study the nature of the interfacial interaction of sealed films. All films were heat sealable and showed good seal strengths while the plasticizer type influenced optimum heat-sealing temperatures of the films, 130$^{\circ}$C for sorbitol-plasticized WPI films and 110$^{\circ}$C for glycerol-plasticized WPI films. ESCA spectra showed that the main interactions responsible for the heat-sealed joint of whey protein-based edible films were hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds involving C-0-H and N-C components. Finally, solubility in water, moisture contents, moisture sorption isotherms and sensory attributes (using a trained sensory panel) of the films were determined. Solubility was influenced primarily by the plasticizer in the films, and the higher the plasticizer content, the greater was the solubility of the films in water. Moisture contents of the films showed a strong relationship with moisture sorption isotherm properties of the films. Lower moisture content of the films resulted in lower equilibrium moisture contents at all aw levels. Sensory evaluation of the films revealed that no distinctive odor existed in WPI films. All films tested showed slight sweetness and adhesiveness. Films with lipids were scored as being opaque while films without lipids were scored to be clear. Whey protein/lipid emulsion edible films may be suitable for packaging of powder mix and should be suitable for packaging of non-hygroscopic foods$^{(5,6,7,8,)}$.

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Evaluation of Fungicides for Preventive and Curative Effects against Powdery Mildew on Oriental Melon (참외 흰가루병에 대한 살균제의 예방 및 치료효과 검정)

  • Chang, Tae-Hyun;Ryu, Yeon-Ju;Lim, Hye-Jung;Lim, Su-Jin;Choi, Mi-Young;Jeong, Byeong-Ryong;Kim, Cheol-Woong;Lee, Yong-Se
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2006
  • Fungicides including keroxym-methyl (strobilurin fungicide), fenarimol and trifulmizole (DMI, boscalid (anilide) and metrafenone (benzophenone) were evaluated for preventive and curative efficacies against powdery mildew on oriental melon. The fungicides were applied preventatively at 7 days, 3 days and 3 hours before inoculation. Curative applications were made by applying fungicides three times at the interval of one week when infected leaves by powdery mildew were about 16% or 30%. Then preventative and curative efficacies were evaluated one week after inoculation and final application, respectively. Boscalid and metrafenone showed preventive efficacies of 74.3 and 68.3% against powdery mildew development respectively, when treated at 7 days before inoculation. They showed 89.4 and 87.2% efficacies when treated at 3 days before iniculation and 98.5 and 93.2% at 3 hours before inoculation respectively. However, there were no preventive efficacies in kresoxym-methyl, triflumizole and femarimol (DMI fungicides) when trebled at both 7 and 3 days before inoculation. At the preventive treatment 3 hours before inoculation, they indicated 59.0, 42.5, and 37.2% efficacies, respectively. When leaves were infected about 30% by powdery mildew, curative application of boscalid and metrafenone showed 85.9 and 74.0% of efficacies, respectively. Curative efficacies of kresoxym-methyl, tiflumizole and fernarimol were 5.5, 23.0 and 46.7% respectively. When leaves were infected about 16%, curative application of boscalid and metrafenone showed 100 and 97.5% of efficacies, respectively. However, the triflumizole and fernarimol showed relatively low curative efficacies of 30.8 and 51.6%, respectively. Microscopic observation of mycelial growth and conidia formation after detection of powdery mildew disease indicated lysis of mycelium and these lysis suppression of conidia formation showed tendency in accordance with curative efficacies of fungicides.