• 제목/요약/키워드: remaining strength

검색결과 266건 처리시간 0.021초

굴 패각을 잔골재로 활용한 내화모르타르의 잔존강도 특성 (Remaining Strength of Fireproof Mortar using the Oyster Shell as a Fine Aggregate)

  • 정의인;김봉주
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 산업폐기물로 발생되는 굴 패각을 세척, 건조 및 가공하여 3개의 입도범위로 분급하였다. 이를 이용해 일정한 비율로 잔골재를 대체한 모르타르 실험체를 제작하였으며, 28일 재령을 기준으로 $300^{\circ}C$, $600^{\circ}C$, $900^{\circ}C$의 가열조건에 의해 실험체를 가열하였다. 재령 28일에서 Plain 휨 강도는 9.2MPa로 나타났으며, O 0.15에서는 대체율에 따라 7.9~4.4MPa로 나타났다. O 1.2~2.5에서는 대체율에 따라 7.7~4.4MPa으로 나타났으며, 마지막으로 O 2.5~5.0의 경우에는 대체율에 따라 8.8MPa,~6.1MPa로 나타났다. 재령 28일 압축강도의 경우, O 0.15에서는 대체율에 따라 23.6~43.2MPa의 차이를 나타냈으며, O 1.2~2.5에서는 대체율에 따라 20.4~45.1MPa의 차이로 나타났고, 마지막으로 O 2.5~5.0의 경우 17.1~40.4MPa의 차이가 나타났다. 가열을 통해 잔존강도를 측정한 결과 굴 패각 잔골재 O 0.15 이하를 100% 대체한 경우 강도감소율이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과를 통해 굴 패각의 가공 및 적정 배합을 통한 내열성능 발휘가 가능할 것으로 예상된다.

견직물의 광열화 거동 (Photo-Degradation Behavior of Silk Fabrics)

  • 이학정;권영숙;장정대;이상준;조현혹
    • 한국염색가공학회지
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2006
  • Researches to preserve and restore the remaining fabrics as costume heritages have been carried out. In this study, in order to artificially restore an excavated silk fabrics, degummed silk fabrics and safflower dyed silk fabrics were prepared for an experiment. These fabrics were photo-degraded by the Xenon arc beam to have various strength retention(100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%). The fine structure and physical properties of Xenon arc treated fabrics were investigated with various techniques such as tensile test, weight loss, wide-angle X-ray diffraction, yellowness, color, SEM etc. Tensile strength and the crystal diffraction intensity of silk fabrics decreased as Xenon arc hem treatment time increased. Weight loss increased slightly. Strength retention was decreased as the Xenon arc beam treatment time goes by. (Yellowness of the undyed silk fabrics and $L^*$ of the dyed silk fabrics increased. Whiteness of the undyed silk fabrics and $b^* of the dyed silk fabrics decreased.) SEM results of the silk fabrics treated Xenon arc beam show that surface was a little damaged.

Symptom-based reliability analyses and performance assessment of corroded reinforced concrete structures

  • Chen, Hua-Peng;Xiao, Nan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권6호
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    • pp.1183-1200
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    • 2015
  • Reinforcement corrosion can cause serious safety deterioration to aging concrete structures exposed in aggressive environments. This paper presents an approach for reliability analyses of deteriorating reinforced concrete structures affected by reinforcement corrosion on the basis of the representative symptoms identified during the deterioration process. The concrete cracking growth and rebar bond strength evolution due to reinforcement corrosion are chosen as key symptoms for the performance deterioration of concrete structures. The crack width at concrete cover surface largely depends on the corrosion penetration of rebar due to the expansive rust layer at the bond interface generated by reinforcement corrosion. The bond strength of rebar in the concrete correlates well with concrete crack width and decays steadily with crack width growth. The estimates of cracking development and bond strength deterioration are examined by experimental data available from various sources, and then matched with symptom-based lifetime Weibull model. The symptom reliability and remaining useful life are predicted from the predictive lifetime Weibull model for deteriorating concrete structures. Finally, a numerical example is provided to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed approach for forecasting the performance of concrete structures subject to reinforcement corrosion. The results show that the corrosion rate has significant impact on the reliability associated with serviceability and load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete structures during their service life.

열중합(熱重合) 의치상(義齒床) Resin과 합성수지인공치(合成樹脂人工齒)의 결합강도(結合强度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (Bonding of acrylic resin teeth to hear-cured denture base resins)

  • 이명곤
    • 대한치과기공학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1986
  • One of the primary advantage of acrylic resin teeth is their ability to bond chemically to the denture base resins. But, occasionally, failure have been observed in which acrylic resin teeth break lose from the denture, indicating that chemical bonding does not always occur. The most probable explanation for this type of failure was the presence of a trace of wax remaining as a residue on the surfaces of the teeth after the boiling-out procedure which adgered to the tooth surface and prevented bonding. The purpose of this stdy was preparing the specimens of denture base resin with acrylic resin teeth that four treatment method to ridge lap portion of the tooth and investigated bond between the teeth and denture base resin with tensile strength. Compared results of tensile strength on test specimens were as follows: 1. The mean of strength among the four test groups showed the difference was significant enough(P 0.01). The order of its strength mean was methylene chloride treatment group, detergent solution treatment group, kerosene-ether treatment grgoup, boiling water only group. 2. In compared results between the wax eliminating method groups, there were significant difference between the boiling water only group and other groups(P 0.01), no significant difference were found in the wax eliminating method groups except boiling water only group(P 0.05).

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다기능성 멀칭지의 개발 및 적용성 평가(제 2 보)-강도개선, 시제품 생산 및 농작물 재배에의 적용결과 - (Development of Multi-functional Mulch Papers and Evaluation of Their Performance(II))

  • 이학래;이진희;이변우
    • 펄프종이기술
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2000
  • As a method to reduce the sue of agricultural chemicals mulching with thin plastic films has been commonly practised for many years. Although use of plastic films for mulching is very effective in preventing herb growth it is almost impossible to remove all of the plastic films from the agricultural lands and the remaining films eventually contaminate the soils. Therefore, it is very imperative to develop a mulching material that decomposes completely to prevent soil pollution problems and to enhance the competitive edge of domestic agriculture. In this paper the possibilities of using strength resins for improving strength properties of mulch papers made from old corrugated containers were examined. Also mulch papers have been produced and applied for practical farming in upland as well as paddy field. Result showed that the usage of 0.7% of wet strength additives was effective for wet and dry strength of mulch paper. Changes of various process parameters including freeness, cationic demand, one pass retention, nitrogen content, etc. that occurred during trial production of mulch paper have been examined and discussed . It was found that paper mulching was very effective for weed control both in upland field and paddy filed.

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Probabilistic shear strength models for reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement

  • Song, Jun-Ho;Kang, Won-Hee;Kim, Kang-Su;Jung, Sung-Moon
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.15-38
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    • 2010
  • In order to predict the shear strengths of reinforced concrete beams, many deterministic models have been developed based on rules of mechanics and on experimental test results. While the constant and variable angle truss models are known to provide reliable bases and to give reasonable predictions for the shear strengths of members with shear reinforcement, in the case of members without shear reinforcement, even advanced models with complicated procedures may show lack of accuracy or lead to fairly different predictions from other similar models. For this reason, many research efforts have been made for more accurate predictions, which resulted in important recent publications. This paper develops probabilistic shear strength models for reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement based on deterministic shear strength models, understanding of shear transfer mechanisms and influential parameters, and experimental test results reported in the literature. Using a Bayesian parameter estimation method, the biases of base deterministic models are identified as algebraic functions of input parameters and the errors of the developed models remaining after the bias-correction are quantified in a stochastic manner. The proposed probabilistic models predict the shear strengths with improved accuracy and help incorporate the model uncertainties into vulnerability estimations and risk-quantified designs.

Prediction of compressive strength of bacteria incorporated geopolymer concrete by using ANN and MARS

  • X., John Britto;Muthuraj, M.P.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제70권6호
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    • pp.671-681
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    • 2019
  • This paper examines the applicability of artificial neural network (ANN) and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) to predict the compressive strength of bacteria incorporated geopolymer concrete (GPC). The mix is composed of new bacterial strain, manufactured sand, ground granulated blast furnace slag, silica fume, metakaolin and fly ash. The concentration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is maintained at 8 Molar, sodium silicate ($Na_2SiO_3$) to NaOH weight ratio is 2.33 and the alkaline liquid to binder ratio of 0.35 and ambient curing temperature ($28^{\circ}C$) is maintained for all the mixtures. In ANN, back-propagation training technique was employed for updating the weights of each layer based on the error in the network output. Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm was used for feed-forward back-propagation. MARS model was developed by establishing a relationship between a set of predictors and dependent variables. MARS is based on a divide and conquers strategy partitioning the training data sets into separate regions; each gets its own regression line. Six models based on ANN and MARS were developed to predict the compressive strength of bacteria incorporated GPC for 1, 3, 7, 28, 56 and 90 days. About 70% of the total 84 data sets obtained from experiments were used for development of the models and remaining 30% data was utilized for testing. From the study, it is observed that the predicted values from the models are found to be in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values and the developed models are robust and reliable.

Compressive Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete-Filled Steel Columns at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures

  • Tao, Zhong;Cao, Yi-Fang;Pan, Zhu;Hassan, Md Kamrul
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.327-342
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    • 2018
  • Geopolymer concrete (GPC), which is recognised as an environmentally friendly alternative to ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete, has been reported to possess high fire resistance. However, very limited research has been conducted to investigate the behaviour of geopolymer concrete-filled steel tubular (GCFST) columns at either ambient or elevated temperatures. This paper presents the compressive test results of a total of 15 circular concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns, including 5 specimens tested at room temperature, 5 specimens tested at elevated temperatures and the remaining 5 specimens tested for residual strength after exposure to elevated temperatures. The main variables in the test program include: (a) concrete type; (b) concrete strength; and (c) curing condition of geopolymer concrete. The test results demonstrate that GCFST columns have similar ambient temperature behaviour compared with the conventional CFST counterparts. However, GCFST columns exhibit better fire resistance than the conventional CFST columns. Meanwhile, it is found that the GCFST column made with heat cured GPC has lower strength loss than other columns after exposure to elevated temperatures. The research results highlight the possibility of using geopolymer concrete to improve the fire resistance of CFST columns.

인장부에 강섬유 보강 콘크리트가 부분적으로 대체된 보의 반복하중 거동 (Behavior under repeated loads of beam partially superseded with steel fiber reinforced concrete in tension part)

  • 박대효;박재민
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2004년도 추계 학술발표회 제16권2호
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    • pp.437-440
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    • 2004
  • In this study, dual composites concrete beam(DCC beam) partially superseded with steel fiber reinforced concrete in tensional part and normal strength concrete in compressive and remaining part is proposed. Based on flexural test under static loads, structural behaviors under repeated loads are investigated.

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유산소운동과 근력운동이 노인의 하지근력과 통증, 균형에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Aerobic and Muscle Strength Exercises on Pain, Balance, and Muscular Strength in the Lower Extremities among Elderly People)

  • 안성자;안소윤
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2017
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to improve the quality of life of people aged 65 and over by reducing musculoskeletal pain and increasing balance and muscular strength in their lower-extremities through aerobic exercises and the use of Thera-Bands and gym balls. Method : Fifteen out of 30 women who used a welfare center for the elderly in C City performed exercises using Thera-Bands and gym balls, and the remaining 15 elderly women did aerobic exercises. Both groups performed their respective exercises three times a week over a four-week period, for 50 minutes each time. Pain (VAS), balance (TUG), and lower extremity muscular strength were measured as evaluation tools. The data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed to compare the differences within each group, and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the two groups in terms of their differences both before and after the participants' respective exercise programs. Results : No differences were found between the two groups, although there were some differences within each group in terms of levels of pain, muscular strength, and balance. Conclusion : The aerobic and muscle strength exercise programs had positive effects on all variables, including pain, balance, and muscular strength in the lower extremities. Therefore, the combination of aerobic and muscle strength exercises may be effective in improving the quality of life of elderly people.