• 제목/요약/키워드: relevant factors

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Comparison between effects of buying factors on two consumer segments by innovative behavior for digital convergence product (혁신성으로 구분된 두 소비자 집단에서 디지털 컨버전스 제품의 구매요인 영향력 비교)

  • Joo, Young-Jin;Lee, Myung-Jong
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.169-191
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we examined the difference of the effects of buying factors in two consumer segments divided by the innovative behavior for digital convergence products, and developed relevant managerial implications. As the digital convergence product could be understood as a innovative bundling product, the buying factors of the digital convergence products were clustered in 3 groups : common innovation-bundling factors, innovation factors and bundling factors. Tests for the difference of regression coefficients of the purchasing factors in the two markets show that (1) the early market is affected by both of the common innovation-bundling factors and the innovation factors, while the mainstream market is affected by all of the common innovation-bundling factors. the innovation factors and the bundling factors, (2) the early market is more affected by the technical benefit, while the mainstream market is more affected by the pragmatic benefit, and (3) both of the two markets are affected by the compatibility and the message communicability. The relevant managerial implications for the successive diffusion of the digital convergence products can include (1) in the entire period of the diffusion. enhancing the compatibility between consumer and product concept, performing constant and differentiated marketing communication activities, (2) in the early market of the diffusion, introducing unique innovative product which provides obvious and differential synergy through the convergence, appealing to the technical benefit, and (3) in the mainstream market of the diffusion, improving the qualities and features of individual products for the digital convergence product, appealing to the pragmatic benefit, reducing the complexity of product.

A Comparative Status Analysis of Elementary and Middle School Students Preference for Science (초ㆍ중학생의 과학선호도 실태 비교 분석)

  • Yoon, Jin;Jeon, Woo-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.65-80
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this research was to survey and compare the status of science preference of elementary school students with that of middle school students. Preference for science was defined theoretically. According to theoretical model, a questionnaire was developed with piloting and consisted of three parts. First part was for background information, second part, for measurement of science preference and third for measurement of the relevant factors of science preference. The questionnaire was modified for primary school students. In July 2002, the questionnaire was administered to one class per grade of randomly selected 8 elementary and 8 middle schools all over the country and analyzed result of collected 696 elementary school students and 819 middle school students. Middle school students' science preference was low compared with elementary school students, especially in 'emotional response and 'valuational comprehension'. The preference for science became lower especially from 4th to 5th grade and from 8th to 9th grade. The differences of mean science preference were significant by gender. perception of science achievement. and future career choice. The average of science preference relevant factors of middle school students also became lower than elementary students, especially in 'educational factor'. Multiple regression analysis on the science preference showed that important factors were personal ability, the personal traits, rewards in school science and contents of school science, slightly different in elementary and secondary school. The way to promote students' preference for science was suggested on the analysis result.

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A Study on the Factors Affecting Career Patterns of Korean Female Librarians (한국 여성사서의 직력유형(職歷類型)에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Eun Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.21
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    • pp.103-140
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    • 1991
  • Knowledge about career patterns of women In any profession and about factors which influence these career patterns becomes increasingly necessary because of the influx of ever-increasing numbers of women into the labor force, and the need for the development and utilization of the creative productivity of women. This study alms to investigate Korean female librarians' overall career patterns and verify relevant factors which might affect to their career patterns. As an instrument, self-reported questionnaires were sent to 1,251 full-time Korean female librarians throughout the country with regular librarian's certificate, currently engaging in public, college or university, and special libraries. Based on the data gathered, the interrelationship between their career pattern inclination and its influential factors were examined through hypothesis testing. Major findings of the survey are outlined in the following: 1). Female librarians' career patterns were classified into five categories with the group represented as Categories-2 (single; wishes to continue working after marriage; places an emphasis on the sense of occupational accomplishment and social prestige) accounted for the highest proportion$(33.4\%)$. 2). The result of the hypothesis testing revealed that there is no significant relationship statistically between social factors(parents' socio-economic status, etc.) and female librarians' career patterns. So the hypothesis concerning social factors were rejected. 3). In psychological factors(job satisfaction ; self-concept sex role attitude ; role conflict ; and achievement motivation), all except for self-concept were shown to be relevant with female librarians' stable career pattern. So the hypotheses concerning psychological factors were supported. 4). According to the result of multiple discriminant analysis conducted between the above four statistically significant psychological factors and career patterns, the most influential factor for female librarians' career patterns was job satisfaction and sex role. In conclusion, the following recommendations were made: For overall enhancement of Korean female librarianship, earlier career guidance and concrete sex role education for young women is urgent which enable them to establish correct viewpoint for their occupational career female librarians themselves' constant endeavor In maintaining positive attitude toward their job is required.

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A Study on the Dynamics of the Quality, Satisfaction, and Reuse Intention of Community Social Services (지역사회서비스 품질, 만족도, 재이용의사의 동태성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Sung-Sook
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to comprehensively understand the dynamics between the factors related to service quality, satisfaction and reuse intention. The contents of the study are as follows. First, it draws the limitations of the existing studies by reviewing the literature related to the relationships between service quality, satisfaction and reuse intention. Second, it highlights the characteristics of System Dynamics as a means of overcoming their shortcomings as well as examining the dynamic mechanism of the relevant factors. Third, it explores the feedback loops of the relevant key variables and the feedback structure of the system. Lastly, it concludes with the suggestions and implications of the key research findings. This study is expected to emphasize the importance of the feedback mechanism operating around the service quality, satisfaction, and reuse intention. Further, the causal loop diagram developed can be a basic material for the diverse levels of governments as well as service providers to refer to for improving the service quality of Community Social Service Investment Program.

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A study on a forecasting the demand for the future mobile communication service by integrating the mobile communication technology (이동통신기술과의 연관성을 고려한 차세대 이동통신서비스의 수요예측에 관한 연구)

  • 주영진;김선재
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.74-78
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we have developed a technology-service relationship model which describes the diffusion process of a group of services and relevant technologies, and have applied the developed model to the prediction of the number of subscribers to the next generation mobile service. The technology-service relationship model developed in this paper incorporates the developing process of relevant technologies, a supply-side factor, into the diffusion process of specific services, while many diffusion models and multi-generation diffusion models in previous researches are mainly reflect the demand-side factors. So, the proposed model could effectively applied to the telecommunication services where the developing of the relevant technologies are very essential to the service penetration. In our application, the proposed model provides a competitive substitution between the next generation mobile service and the traditional mobile service.

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A Study on a Forecasting the Demand for the Future Mobile Communication Service by Integrating the Mobile Communication Technology (이동통신기술과의 연관성을 고려한 차세대 이동통신서비스의 수요예측에 관한 연구)

  • 주영진;김선재
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we have developed a technology-service relationship model which describes the diffusion process of a group of services and relevant technologies, and have applied the developed model to the prediction of the number of subscribers to the next generation mobile service. The technology-service relationship model developed in this paper incorporates the developing process of relevant technologies, a supply-side factor, into the diffusion process of specific services, while many diffusion models and multi-generation diffusion models in previous researches are mainly reflect the demand-side factors. So, the proposed model could effectively applied to the telecommunication services where the developing of the relevant technologies are very essential to the service Penetration. In our application, the Proposed model provides a competitive substitution between the next generation mobile service and the traditional mobile service.

Exploring White Preservice Mathematics Teachers' Racial Identity and Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices

  • Cho, Eunhye;Albert, Lillie R.;Hwang, Sunghwan
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.29-47
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to examine what factors affect the construction of preservice white mathematics teachers' racial identities and the relationship between their racial identities and Culturally Relevant Teaching (CRT) practices. We examined five white female preservice teachers who enrolled in an elementary mathematics methods course at a private university in the US. We collected data consisting of lesson plans, semi-structured interviews, and reflection of a taught lesson in the 2018 fall term and examined them using qualitative research methods. We found that preservice teachers' racial identities were affected by their backgrounds, K-12 school experiences, and practicum school environment. We also found a relationship between teachers' sensitivity to racial issues and their endorsement of CRT strategies. The findings also revealed that the relationships were mediated by practicum school contexts. Based on the findings, we provided practical implications for the teacher education programs.

Worldwide national intervention of developmental screening programs in infant and early childhood

  • Kim, Seunghyo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.65 no.1
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    • pp.10-20
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    • 2022
  • The prevalence of developmental disabilities is increasing worldwide over time. Developmental issues in infancy or early childhood may cause learning difficulties or behavioral problem in school age, further adversely affecting adolescent quality of life, which finally lead to low socioeconomic status in family, increase in medical expenses, and other relevant issues in various ways. Early childhood has brain plasticity, which means there is a high chance of recovering from developmental issues by early detection and timely intervention. Pediatricians are placed an ideal position to meet with young children till 6 years of age, of which age range is the time applicable to early intervention. Determining child's developmental status can be made by 2 pathways such as developmental surveillance and developmental screening tests. For better results, pediatricians should update their knowledge about developmental issues, risk factors, and screening techniques through varying educational program or other relevant educating materials. This paper will update reports on the prevalence of developmental disabilities and review the recent results of the Korean developmental screening test and discuss relevant issues. Finally, it will be addressed the pediatrician's role in early detecting developmental issues and timely intervention.


  • Ahmed Abdallah
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents the possible effects and restrictions that may arise in the field of industrial construction due to compliance with relevant construction codes and regulations, as well as the ways they can be favorably handled in the design of industrial buildings. Designs should be based primarily on human design factors, while considering the human as the centre of the work environment. Design parameters should be described as a function of both the physical and psychosocial attributes of a person as well as the technical and economical aspects on the design of industrial construction. This paper is an examination of the connection that exists between design law (codes and regulations) and industrial construction. The relevant construction laws and regulations are described, including standards and codes of practice that designing and supervising engineers are obliged to observe. Possible solutions and consequences of development in the production, constructional, and ergonomic field of design are also discussed.

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