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Comparison between effects of buying factors on two consumer segments by innovative behavior for digital convergence product  

Joo, Young-Jin (충북대학교 경영대학 경영학부)
Lee, Myung-Jong (충북대학교 대학원 경영학과)
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Korean Management Science Review / v.25, no.1, 2008 , pp. 169-191 More about this Journal
In this paper, we examined the difference of the effects of buying factors in two consumer segments divided by the innovative behavior for digital convergence products, and developed relevant managerial implications. As the digital convergence product could be understood as a innovative bundling product, the buying factors of the digital convergence products were clustered in 3 groups : common innovation-bundling factors, innovation factors and bundling factors. Tests for the difference of regression coefficients of the purchasing factors in the two markets show that (1) the early market is affected by both of the common innovation-bundling factors and the innovation factors, while the mainstream market is affected by all of the common innovation-bundling factors. the innovation factors and the bundling factors, (2) the early market is more affected by the technical benefit, while the mainstream market is more affected by the pragmatic benefit, and (3) both of the two markets are affected by the compatibility and the message communicability. The relevant managerial implications for the successive diffusion of the digital convergence products can include (1) in the entire period of the diffusion. enhancing the compatibility between consumer and product concept, performing constant and differentiated marketing communication activities, (2) in the early market of the diffusion, introducing unique innovative product which provides obvious and differential synergy through the convergence, appealing to the technical benefit, and (3) in the mainstream market of the diffusion, improving the qualities and features of individual products for the digital convergence product, appealing to the pragmatic benefit, reducing the complexity of product.
Digital Convergence Product; Innovation; Bundling;
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