• Title/Summary/Keyword: relationship development

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The Effect of Customer Co-development on Firm Value (고객참여 제품개발이 기업 가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Jongkuk Lee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.25-41
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    • 2010
  • Customer participation is a strategic tool to facilitate the process of developing new products. This study distinguishes between two types of customer participation - customer codevelopment and contract development, and examines the benefits of customer codevelopment relative to contract development for firm value through an event study. The analysis of customer participation announcements in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries shows that the benefits of customer codevelopment relative to contract development on firm value are contingent upon firm- and relationship- level factors. Specifically, this study finds that the announcement of customer codveloplment contributes better to abnormal stock returns of a firm when the firm has a higher level of R&D relationship experience or when the customer codevelpment is complemented by formal contract terms, such as equity investment. The findings of this study provide important theoretical and managerial implications by revealing the boundary conditions for the benefits of customer codevelopment relative to contract development.

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Relationship between Maternal Conversational Function and Question Type and Early Language Development (어머니가 사용한 담화기능 및 질문유형과 영아의 언어발달과의 관계)

  • Lee Kwee-Ock
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.3-14
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between conversational function and question type in mothers' utterances and their infant's language development. The subjects were 20 infants from 1;07 to 1;11 years of age in Yanji, China. Each child's spontaneous natural speech during interaction with his/her mother was videotaped for about 30 minutes. The children and their mother's spontaneous utterances were transcribed and coded for the number of type and token of word, grammatical morpheme conversational function and type of question in mother's language input to her child. The result showed that mothers used questions as the most frequent conversational function with their infants. The number of questions in conversational function in mothers' utterances positively correlated with the type of word, type of morpheme and grammatical morpheme in infants' utterance. However, there was no correlation between mothers' language input and infant early language development.

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A Case Study on the Development of Farm Branding for Value-added Agricultural Products (스토리텔링 마케팅을 위한 농가 브랜드 개발 사례)

  • Kim, Kyung Hee;Park, Duk Byeong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.729-755
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    • 2012
  • The role of branding has been to differentiate products, but brands have been increasingly applied to organizational image too. The brand image holds a key position by the marketing system in this era. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the case for the development of farm brand. A in-depth interview was conducted to analyze the case for development of farm brand in connection with agricultural products and their business operation. The farms used various stories in the process of develop brand including farm history, cultivation process, product, management, relationship with consumers. The study present the findings divide into brand naming, image, positioning. The farms built trust by consumer relationship with the farm brand. The results of the study provide insights for agricultural marketers who intend to design brand stories that align with their produce.

The Relationship between the Type of New Product Idea Sources and the Rate of Success of NEW Product Development and Commercialization (신제품 아이디어 창출유형과 개발 및 사업화 성패에 관한 연구)

  • 홍종원;용세중
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.219-241
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    • 1994
  • This paper presents the results of an empirical study on the relationship between the type of new product idea sources and the rate of success of new product development and commercialization in Korean industries. The sample was taken from various Korean industries including telecommunication, electronics, chemical, machinery, textile, etc. and composed of 45 failure and 73 success cases. The findings are not much different from those of previous studies done in the developed countries, but show some typical characteristics of new product development activities and the idea sources, information acquisition methods, type of information , incentives for idea generation, etc. of the firms in developing country like Korea. Especially the survival rate curve and the accumulative investment curve from the idea generation to commercialization phase show a little different behavior from the previous study, which also reflect the manpower, duration of each phase of the new product development process in the Korean firms.

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Attraction Factors of Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Foreign Direct Investment(FDI) in African Countries (아프리카에 대한 공적개발원조 및 외국인직접투자의 유치요인)

  • Dong Geun Han;Byung Kyu Park
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2021
  • Developing countries are in competition to attract ODA and FDI in an effort to overcome poverty and development. This study tries to identify factors influencing the distribution of ODA and FDI resources and analyzes if ODA and FDI are in complementary relationship. We use a panel data for 53 African countries during early and middle of 2000 period. Factors affecting the ODA distribution include per capita GDP, physical infrastructure, good institutions of receiving countries. FDI was found to be positively affected by market size, trade openness, human capital accumulation, business-friendly regulatory environment. The impact of ODA is believed to be more effective and sustainable if it has a complementary relationship with FDI. Our result, however, did not confirmed the complementarity relation between the two.

Relationship Changes of Financial Markets with Financial Development (금융시장 발전에 따른 금융변수간의 관계변화)

  • Chang, Byoung-Ky
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.153-181
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    • 2004
  • This study is to explore whether the relationship among financial markets changed according to financial development. For this study, data analysis was conducted through analytic methods incorporated structural breaks such as Zivot and Andrews'(1992) unit root test Gregory and Hansen's(1996a,b) cointegration test, etc. In study results, it was found that dynamic relationship between stock price and interest rate was changed from negative to positive after the structural break(Oct 1999). It may be resulted from the fact that asset substitutability between stock and bond was increased since stock investment became popularized The negative relationship between stock price and exchange rate was reinforced after the structural break(the foreign currency crisis). Also, the negative relationship between interest rate and exchange rate was strengthened after the structural break(Oct. 1999).

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What Promotes International Sustainable Development of Green Ventures? The Joint Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Home Country-Based Networks

  • Dejin Su;Yeong-Gil Kim
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.39-62
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - Along with the growing awareness of environmental sustainability, international green entrepreneurship is expected to realize international sustainable development (ISD) by introducing ecological innovation results, using fewer resources consumption, and reducing negative environmental impacts. Building upon contingency theory and social network theory, this paper attempts to explore the role of home country-based networks (technology ties and business ties) as contingent factors that might impact the effectiveness of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in promoting ISD among green ventures. Design/methodology - Original data were collected from 127 green ventures in China based on the random sampling technique. These green ventures mainly focus on the lower use of energy or materials, lower CO2 emissions, and higher ecological benefits located in the Fujian province, which highlights green economic growth and economic cooperation with international markets. Moderated hierarchical linear regression analysis was conducted to test our hypotheses concerning the main relationship between EO (innovativeness, proactiveness, and risk-taking) and ISD as well as the moderating effects of home country-based networks (technology ties and business ties) on the main relationship. Findings - Empirical results indicate that: first, both innovativeness and proactiveness positively affect ISD; second, both technology ties and business ties at home might significantly strengthen the positive relationship between innovativeness (or proactiveness) and ISD. However, this study did not find significant moderating effects of technology ties or business ties at home on the relationship between risk-taking and ISD. Originality/value - Since previous literature often gives more focus on the host country context of social networks, this study shifts to a home country-based network context. Therefore, our research might enrich the international green entrepreneurship literature by empirically investigating the contingent value of home country-based networks in the relationship between EO and ISD in the context of an emerging economy such as China.

Analysis on the Relationship between Each of the Steps in the Complex Shopping Mall Development (복합쇼핑몰 개발과정에서 각 사업단계간의 관련성 분석)

  • Lee, Chan-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2015
  • In the process of complex shopping mall development, all the steps (business planning step, pre-sale & completion step, management & operations step) head towards a consistent ultimate goal in an overall business perspective. In this study, we analyze using a structural equation model if an appropriate relations between each of the steps are formed to achieve the ultimate goal. In this study, we find a positive relationship between business planning step and pre-sale & completion step, and also find that for success pre-sale & completion, a faithful business plan is necessary. But we find no statistically significant relationship under significant level 0.05 among business planning step and management & operations step and the level of success, pre-sale & completion step and management & operations step and the level of success, management & operations step and the level of success. This suggests that each of the steps does not form a close relationship to achieve the consistent goal in the complex shopping mall development and each one is doing a short-sighted work for its own profit.

Relationship between Intestinal Metaplasia and Neutrophilic Infiltration of Stomach Caused by Helicobacter pylori Infection (위 Helicobacter pylori 감염 및 중성구침윤과 장상피화생의 연관성)

  • Park, Kang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2005
  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is uncommon in developed countries, yet is common in underdeveloped and developing countries. Infection rate of H. pylori is minimally influenced by economic, environmental, and public health status and genetic factors. Korea is a developing country with a high incidence of H. pylori infection and gastric carcinoma, which is one of the leading causes of death. For this reason, accurate clinical and pathologic data on H. pylori-associated disease are very important. Intestinal metaplasia accompanies chronic gastritis and increases the risk of gastric carcinoma. For this reason, the relationship between H. pylori infection and intestinal metaplasia is very closely linked. Because of this, as the antecedent condition is guessed, it examines the relationship of the H. pylori and the intestinal metaplasia. Intestinal metaplasia is thought to be the basis in the development of intestinal type gastric carcinomas. Recent investigations showed that inflammatory reaction in the gastric fundus affect the development of gastric carcinogenesis. To verify neutrophilic activity in the gastric fundus and development of intestinal metaplasia in both gastric fundus and antral mucosa, their relationship was studied using 159 healthy patients who had undergone gastric endoscopic biopsies without any identifiable pathologic disesaes. When neutrophilic activity accompanied, incidence of intestinal metaplasia was significantly increased (p<0.05). H. pylori infection was statistically and significantly associated with the presence of intestinal metaplasia (p<0.05). These results suggest that H. pylori infection affected the development of intestinal metaplasia in the stomach. These results will help our understanding of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of intestinal metaplasia, a preneoplastic condition of the stomach. To reduce the incidence of gastric adenocarcinoma, eradication treatment of H. pylori is recommended when there's a neutrophilic activity in the gastric fundus.

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