• Title/Summary/Keyword: regional competitiveness

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Regional Industrial Cluster Policy in Germany: A Case Study of the State Bavaria (독일의 지역산업 클러스터 정책: 바이에른주의 사례 연구)

  • Young-Jin Ahn;Ji-Yeung Gu
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.514-530
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    • 2022
  • Industrial clusters are being promoted in various ways to enhance industrial competitiveness around the world. This study aims to examine the formation and development process of regional industrial clusters in Bavaria, which are strengthening the competitiveness of local industrial enterprises and leading the continuous development of related industries in Germany, which shows stable industrial growth amidst global competition. To this end, this study first theoretically overviews the regional industrial clusters, followed by a case study of the development process and characteristics of cluster promotion policy in Bavaria, Germany. In particular, this study seeks to identify the formation and organization system of industrial clusters in Bavaria. Based on these analysis results, this study examines the main characteristics and success factors of regional industrial clusters in Bavaria, Germany, and tries to derive policy implications for creating and fostering industrial clusters in the future.

Networks of the Machinery and Metal Industries in Busan Region and the Strategies for Raising the industrial Competitiveness (부산지역 기계.금속산업의 네트워크분석과 경쟁력 제고방안)

  • Kwon, O-Hyeok;Yun, Yeong-Sam;Choi, Hong-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.543-558
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    • 2005
  • This paper is to research the present conditions and characteristics of the machinery and metal industries in Busan region from industrial cluster and network point of view. The result of this study is as follows. First, a independent machinery and metal industrial cluster has been shaped in Busan region although it is not so large. Second, the technological level and the competitiveness of the machinery and metal industries in Busan region is still low. The companies in Busan area are interacted by local network with low-tech and low competitiveness. Third, we need to invite the technological leading companies to Busan region for this industrial cluster's technological competitiveness is raised.

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Institution for Regional Innovation System: The Korean case

  • Kang, Byung-Joo;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.46-61
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    • 2015
  • There is an implicit assumption in most regional innovation policy studies that once a policy has been made the policy will be implemented. This assumption is not valid for regional innovation policies formulated in many countries. This assumption rests upon certain political and organization conditions. It is frequently said that regional innovation system in Korea is one of the successful cases because of properly established institution for the implementation of innovation policies. The components of institution for innovation are defined in this article. For the analysis of institution for regional innovation system in Korea, three aspects such as organization, policies & programs, and governance structure were taken into account. Institution for regional innovation system in Korea is analyzed with three aspects: (1) organization for policy implementation, (2) innovation policy, and (3) governance structure. Firstly, organizations for innovation in Korea are composed of three categories such as organizations for policy formulation, organizations for policy implementation and agencies for coordination. Secondly, there are two categories of policies for innovation: (1) policies for the enhancement of national competitiveness and policies for the regional innovation capacity building, and (2) policies for fostering manpower and policy for regulatory reform. Thirdly, innovation governance in Korea is composed of three layer structure: (1) top level governance which is composed of two committee, three ministries and two agencies, (2) local level governance such as one innovation related offices and one center for regulatory reform, and (3) one category of agency for coordination as a regional platform.

A Study on the Marketing Strategy of Environment-friendly Agricultural Products (친환경.유기농산물 생산.유통.소비시장 현황 분석 -가격경쟁력 제고 방안을 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Jae-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.327-345
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    • 2009
  • Environment-friendly agricultural products market has been experiencing various change through the quantitative growth in Korea. The food safety is considered seriously and the interest of the consumer is increasing about environment-friendly agricultural products and organic agricultural products. Environment-friendly agricultural products is encouraged in the link of the counter-measure which follows in the market opening. This research aims at making shorter the distance between the productive person and the consumer and to improve the income for organic farm and the price competitiveness for Environment-friendly agricultural products through the present condition analysis for organic produce's production, distribution and consumption market. To solve the problems above, the development of strategies for the establishment of distribution system for the organic produce's stable supply and the improvement of price competitiveness, the establishment of the cooperating system on the produce's demand and supply, the improvement of consumer's reliability by reinforcement with connectivity and transparency of the process, and the vitalization of regional economy and the exchange of rural and city area are needed.

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A Suggestion for the Strategic Choice of Seoul to be a Network Center in Northeast Asia

  • Ahn, Kun-Hyuck;Ohn, Yeong-Te
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-187
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    • 1999
  • The East Asian Region has experienced remarkable economic growth and transformation of interurban networking over the past three decades, and urban competiti veness for a networking hub in this region has become a critical issue confronting cities. Competitiveness of the Seoul capital region for a networking hub in Northeast Asia is outstripped by other competing cities in East Asia, notwithstanding its geo-politically and geo-economically advantageous location in this region. In this paper, we aim to appraise the Seoul capital region's competitiveness in terms of logistics distribution, financial function and logistics distribution, financial function and agglomeration of transnational corporations (especially of RHOs and other managerial functions), and to advance the networking strategies of the region for a Northeast Asia hyb. As a result of analysis, we suggest that the Seoul capital region be developed as a Northeast Asian center for regional headquarters or leading global corporations and financial services for being a strategic nodal point in Northeast Asia in the 21st century. A recent survey shows that where to locate an RHQ is influenced by various factors, such as potential market and manufacturing site in the city's hinterland, quality of life, such things as culture, health, safety, education, a well-educated, English-speaking population, reliable air transport, state-of-the-art communications, and an active policy to offer foreign companies generous incentives. The Seoul capital region, which is located at a strategic nodal point advantageous as a springboard for its Northeast Asian hinterland, cannot meet the other conditions mentioned above. To overcome these drawbacks in attracting transnational capital and to create competitiveness as a strategic hub of RHQs in Northeast Asia, it is urgent to initiate a structural reform of the Korean economy, politics, and overall society, to minimize the regulation of FDI, and to provide various incentives for foreign investment. Moreover, we propose the construction of an 'International Business Town' in the Seoul capital region, as a medium to intermediate these strategies and to shape them in a spatial scale. The projected 'International Business Town(IBT)' will be a 'free city' open to international business in which liberal economic activities are guaranteed by special legislation and administration, infrastructures needed for international and improved accessibility to the airport are furnished, and the preference of foreign high-income investors for cultural and living environment are satisfactorily met. IBT is conspicuously differentiated from a raft of other cities' incentives in that it combines deregulation and incentive programs to attract the investment of transnational capital, with a spatial program of offering an urban environment preferred by the high-income investors for cultural and living environment are satisfactorily met. IBT is conspicuously differentiated from a raft of other cities' incentives in that it combines deregulation and incentive programs to attract the investment of transnational capita, with a spatial program of offering an urban environment preferred by the high-income and managerial class. Furthermore, it can be an excellent way of overcoming the xenophobia that has spread among the Korean population by concentrating foreign businesses and their lifestyles in a specific foreign businesses and their lifestyles in a specific zone. In conclusion, 'International Business Town', in line with other legislative and administrative incentive programs, will function as a driving force to make the Seoul capital regional more competitive as a regional business hub in Northeast Asia.

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A Study on Regional Competitiveness of the Part Material Industry (소재·부품산업의 지역경쟁력 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung;Ko, Kyoung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study to analyze the regional competitiveness of the part material industry in Korea. According to the analysis, there was an empirical regional difference in the part material industry in Korea: in the Seoul Metropolitan Area, the industrial scale was found to be relatively small, although many companies were observed to be in the growing stage; in the Chungcheong region, it was estimated that the industrial scale is large, and many companies were found to have already reached the maturation stage with high growth rates; and in Honam and Jeju, Daekyung and Gangwon, and Dongnam, although the scale of the part material industry was found to be large, many companies were observed to be in the declining stage with low growth rates. This study also conducted an analysis based on LQ (Location Quotient) and RLQ (Relative efficiency of Labor Quotient). The analysis showed that industrial policies regarding workforce planning and industrial restructuring should focus on improving the productivity of the entire part material industry. Lastly, this study examined the competitive part material industry for the five regions by analyzing the RCC (Regional Competition Component). The findings of this study will be helpful in exploring ways to support the domestic part material industries in each region.

Analyzing the economic impact of leading industry R&D for an economic region with regional input-output tables (지역산업연관표를 활용한 광역경제권 선도산업 R&D의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Choi, Seung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2514-2519
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    • 2012
  • The policy objective of leading industries for an economic region is to increase industrial competitiveness by regional cooperation and linkage and so the economic impact analysis of R&D by region is required. This research utilizes regional input-output tables of the Bank of Korea to analyze the economic impact of 'next-generation wireless communication devices' project in 'New IT' sector of Chungcheong economic region.

Development of Science and Technology Park (STP) in Indonesia to Support Innovation-Based Regional Economy: Concept and Early Stage Development

  • Soenarso, Wisnu S.;Nugraha, Dadan;Listyaningrum, Eryda
    • World Technopolis Review
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.32-42
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    • 2013
  • Science and Technology Park (STP) is perceived to be a vehicle in promoting innovation-based economic growth within the framework of regional and national innovation systems. STP is a tool to encourage regional innovation and competitiveness in increasing contribution of science and technology in economic development. STP can also be a leading sector in creating conducive environment for local community's technopreneurship. In relation to the vision outlined in the 2025 Indonesian Master Plan of Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic (MP3EI), STP is stated to be an important element in creating innovation within the framework of Special Economic Zone among six Economic Corridors. Hence, the government of Indonesia continues to encourage the development of STPs in Indonesia by involving local governments, universities, business players and stakeholders surround the area. Ultimately, STP is a platform in developing National Innovation System (NIS) and Regional Innovation System (RIS).

The Influence of Innovative Capacity on Regional Economic Performance (지역혁신역량이 지역경제 활성화에 미치는 영향)

  • Huh, Dongsuk
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.884-896
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to identify the factors that contribute to the regional innovative capacity and to analyze the effects on the regional economic development including newly-established corporation and job creation. The results are as follows. First, as a result of factor analysis, the 14 variables were grouped into 3 factors, i.e. innovative input, infrastructure, and linkage. Second, the panel models were developed using the above factor scores and economic performance variables such as the number of newly-established corporation and employees. As a result, innovative capacity factors positively contributed to the newlyestablished corporation and job creation. The innovative input was the most influential factor determining the regional economic performance, followed by linkage and infrastructure. This study suggests several policy implications for the reinforcement of innovative capacity and regional competitiveness.

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Korea-EU FTA and the Facing Theses of Regional Economy (한-EU FTA 추진에 따른 지역경제의 당면과제 - 강원경제의 대응을 위한 제언 -)

  • Yu, Won-Keun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.407-436
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the economic effects of the on going Korea-EU FTA negotiations upon the regional economy and to present some strategic economic countermeasures to deal with the forthcoming changes on the economic environments. In comparing with the industrial structure between Korea and EU, due to the different specific part of their industrial competitiveness both parts would have complementary cooperative transactions and trade as well. And also Korea and EU would have the similar understanding of the importance of the field of agriculture and service in accordance with the economic standpoint respectively. The level of degree and magnitude of the effect of Korea-EU FTA upon the regional economy would be decided in accordance with the industrial structure and the level of income of the regional economy. We are not to confirm and specify the economic influences of Korea-EU FTA negotiations on the economic conditions of Gangwon province but to prepare rational economic countermeasures fit to its structural character. One of the political strategies that might be feasible is the inflow of foreign direct investment from the developed European countries to the regional economy. This developing model would mean a new experiment to activate any regional economy and a new formation of the policy of economic growth.

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