A Study on the Marketing Strategy of Environment-friendly Agricultural Products

친환경.유기농산물 생산.유통.소비시장 현황 분석 -가격경쟁력 제고 방안을 중심으로-

  • 황재현 (동국대학교 식품산업시스템학과)
  • Published : 2009.09.30


Environment-friendly agricultural products market has been experiencing various change through the quantitative growth in Korea. The food safety is considered seriously and the interest of the consumer is increasing about environment-friendly agricultural products and organic agricultural products. Environment-friendly agricultural products is encouraged in the link of the counter-measure which follows in the market opening. This research aims at making shorter the distance between the productive person and the consumer and to improve the income for organic farm and the price competitiveness for Environment-friendly agricultural products through the present condition analysis for organic produce's production, distribution and consumption market. To solve the problems above, the development of strategies for the establishment of distribution system for the organic produce's stable supply and the improvement of price competitiveness, the establishment of the cooperating system on the produce's demand and supply, the improvement of consumer's reliability by reinforcement with connectivity and transparency of the process, and the vitalization of regional economy and the exchange of rural and city area are needed.



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