• 제목/요약/키워드: red ginseng extract

검색결과 622건 처리시간 0.019초

New Method for Simultaneous Quantification of 12 Ginsenosides in Red Ginseng Powder and Extract: In-house Method Validation

  • In, Gyo;Ahn, Nam-Geun;Bae, Bong-Seok;Han, Sung-Tai;Noh, Kil-Bong;Kim, Cheon-Suk
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.205-210
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    • 2012
  • For quality control of components in Korean red ginseng powder and extract, a new method for simultaneous quantification of 12 ginsenosides ($Rg_1$, Re, Rf, $Rh_1$, $Rg_2$[S], $Rg_2$[R], $Rb_1$, Rc, $Rb_2$, Rd, $Rg_3$[S], and $Rg_3$[R]) was studied. Compared to the official method for quantification of marker substances (ginsenosides $Rg_1$ and $Rb_1$), the proposed methods were guaranteed by in-house method validation. Several criteria such as linearity, specificity, precision and accuracy were evaluated. For red ginseng powder, recovery (averaging 95% to 105%) was calculated, and analysis of variance was carried out to estimate the relative standard deviation (0.20% to 2.12%). For red ginseng extract, the average recovery rate was 90% to 99% and the relative standard deviation was 0.39% to 2.40%. These results indicate that the proposed method could be used in the laboratory for determination of 12 ginsenosides in red ginseng powder and extract. In addition, this method was found to be suitable for quality control of ginseng products and potentially offer time and cost benefits.

사람 혈소판으로부터 serotonin 방출반응 대한 홍삼의 물 추출물 및 petroleum ether 추출물의 억제 효과 (Inhibititory Effect of Water- or petroleum Ether-extract from Red Ginseng on Serotonin Release from Human Platelets (Comparative Study Between 6-year and 4-year Old of Red Ginseng))

  • 박화진;고성룡
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.140-146
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    • 1998
  • It was founded that an X-compound is contained in extracts from the root of old red ginseng (6RG) compared with that from the root of 4-year old red ginseng(4RG). Both water extract and petroleum ether extract (PEII) from 6RG or 4RG inhibited the release of [$^{3}H$]-serotonin induced by platelet activating factor (PAF; 40 ng/ml). Water extract and PEll from 6RG Inhibited potently PAF-induced [$^{3}H$]-serotonin release compared with those from 4RG. X-compound out of both water extract and PEll from 6RG inhibited the release of [$^{3}H$]-serotonin inducted by collagen (100 $\mu\textrm{g}$/ml) or thrombin(20 U/ml). X-compound had a synergistic effect with water extract from 4RG on collagen-and thrombin-induced [3H] -serotonin release out of human platelets. The concentration(IC50) of X-compound that require to inhibit 50% of [$^{3}H$]-serotonin-release was 3.25 $\mu\textrm{g}$/ml, and it is inferred that maximum concentration of X-compound that inhibits the release of [$^{3}H$]-serotonin is 10 $\mu\textrm{g}$/ml. Because thrombosis is resulted mainly from the irreversible aggregations which are intimately related with the serotonin release and migraine is also caused when serotonin is released, it is inferred that water extract, PEII and X-compound from 6RG have antithrombosis and antimigrainous functions by inhibiting the release of serotonin from human platelets.

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벤조피렌으로 유도된 마우스 폐선종에 대한 인삼분말의 연근별 항발암효과(II) (Anticarcinogenic Effect of Ginseng Extracts Depending on the Types and Ages Using Yun's Anticarcinogenicity Test(II))

  • Yun, Taik-Koo;Lee, Yun-Sil
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.160-164
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    • 1994
  • In this study, we investigeated the anticarcinogenicity of various types and ages of ginseng extracts as an extended study using Yun's anticarcinogenicity test. Fresh ginseng at 1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years was dried and powdered. And white ginseng was processed in the same way that of fresh ginseng after removal fo the ginseng cortex and fine root. For red ginsneg, fresh ginseng was steamed and dried. Each ginseng powder was extracted and extracts was freeze dried. Newborn N:GP(S) mice were given a single subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mg of benzo(a)pyrene(BP). Various types and ages of ginseng extracts at 2.5mg/ml were orally administered. All the mice were sacrificed at the 9th week. The following results were obtained. In the dried fresh ginseng extract treated group, the incidence of lung adenoma induced by BP was 63.9% and its incidence was reduced to 48.3%, 52.5%, 51.8%, 47.5% and 44.1% after co-treatment with 1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year-dried fresh ginseng, respectively. The incidence of lung adenoma induced by BP on the white ginseng extract treated group was 41.3% and decreased to 31.0%, 46.0%, 44.0% and 26.5% after co-treatment with 3, 4, 5 and 6 year-white ginseng, respectively. In the red ginseng extract treated group, the incidence of lung adenoma induced by BP was 47.5% and its incidence diminished to 40.7%, 35.0%, 30.1%, 30.0% and 26.3% after co-treatment with 1.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6 year-red ginseng, respectively. From the above results, we concluded that a statistically significant anticarcinogenic effect was observed in extracts of 6 year-dried fresh ginseng, 6 year-white ginseng, and 4, 5 and 6 year-red ginseng and it is suggested that the anticarcinogenicity of ginseng varies according to the types and ages Key words Ginseng extract, types and ages. anticarcinogenic, newborn mice, lung tumor.

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홍미삼과 홍삼정박의 건열처리가 Fusarium owsporum의 균사 생장과 승홍에 대한 내성에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Dry Heat Treatment of Red Ginseng and Red Ginseng Residue on Mycelial Growth and on Induced Tolerance of Fusarium oxysporum to Mercury Chloride)

  • 김영호;박명한;이종원
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1992
  • Korean red ginseng and water extract residue of red ginseng roots were treated with dry heat and incorporated in PDA medium to examine the effect of the materials on induced tolerance against mercury chloride and mycelial growth of Fusarium oxysporum. Ginseng residue was not effective in the inducement of tolerance to mercury chloride regardless of dry heat treatment. However, the heat treatment of ginseng and ginseng residues stimulated the mycelial growth of the fungus. The materials responsible for the detoxification appeared to be water-soluble. The stimulation of the fungal mycelial growth on the media by the heat treatment was highest in the water extract of ginseng. Due to the heat treatment, the mycelial growth was also slightly increased in n-hexane and methanol extracts of ginseng, compared with the ginseng fractions without dry heat treatment.

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비타민 B군이 함유된 홍삼 추출물이 학습 및 기억에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Red Ginseng Extract Including Vitamin B Groups on Learning and Memory in Mice)

  • 김학성;장춘곤
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.226-232
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    • 1996
  • This study was performed to investigate the effect of red ginseng extract including some vitamin B groups as test drug on learning and memory in mice. Single and repeated administrations of the test drug improved the acquisition and the process of consolidation in the tests using step-through and step-down apparatus, indicating this test drug improved learning and memory. However, the test drug did not improve scopolamine-induced amnesia. These results suggest that test drug may be useful as a nootropic agent.

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추출조건이 홍삼엑기스의 당과 유리당의 조성에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Extracting Conditions on Some Factors Affecting the Sugar Composition of Red Ginseng Extract)

  • 성형순;김나미
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.104-111
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    • 1985
  • The quality of concentrated red ginseng extract, which was prepared from Korean red ginseng tails, was studied with respect to the changes in the ethanol concentration in the range of 0-90% and temperature of 70-10$0^{\circ}C$ during 1-5 times of extraction. Each extraction time was taken 8 hours at given temperature. The ratio of free sugars to total sugar changed significantly with the number of extraction and ethanol concentrations. An increase in reducing sugar and free sugars and a decrease in extracted soluble starch were fond as ethanol concentration increased. Extraction temperature was found little effect on extractability of sugars and their ratios. Analysis of free sugars in red ginseng extract identified 6 frdd sugars such as rhamnose, xylose, fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose, including sucrose to be major.

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홍삼의 지용성 성분을 이용한 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이의 흡습방지 효과 (Moisture Adsorption Preventative Effect of Fermented Red Ginseng Extract Spherical Granules by Using Hydrophobic Compounds)

  • 신명곤
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제45권8호
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    • pp.1153-1161
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    • 2016
  • 흡습이 방지된 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이를 제조하기 위해 홍삼의 지용성 추출액인 PSE(perfect soluble part in 70% ethanol)와 NSHW(not soluble part in hot water)를 70% 주정에 고형분 함량이 10%가 되도록 한 후 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이를 유동하면서 이들을 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이의 5%가 되도록 코팅하였다. PSE로 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이를 코팅할 때 가장 중요한 인자는 feeding rate(FR)였고, NSHW는 FR${\times}$atomization air pressure(AP)임을 알 수 있었다. PSE와 NSHW를 이용하여 코팅된 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이 제조 방법의 최적화 조건은 각각 FR 0.49 mL/min, AP 2.14 bar, product temperature(PT) $48.96^{\circ}C$에서 수율이 96.39%, FR 0.61 mL/min, AP 2.75 bar, PT $46.30^{\circ}C$에서 수율이 95.36%였다. 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이의 용해성은 NSHW와 PSE로 코팅한 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이가 코팅하지 않은 것보다 낮음을 알 수 있었다. 홍삼의 지용성 성분의 코팅이 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이의 흐름성(편리성)에 크게 영향을 미치지 않았으나 흡습성은 방지되는 것을 알 수 있었으며 PSE보다 NSHW가 더 흡습방지에 효율적이었다. 총진세노사이드 함량은 홍삼의 지용성 성분으로 코팅하였을 때와 하지 않았을 때 통계적으로 차이가 없었지만, 지용성 성분을 코팅한 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이의 진세노사이드 함량이 코팅하지 않은 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이보다 진세노사이드 Rb1 함량은 높고 진세노사이드 Rg1의 함량은 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 관능특성 분석 결과 홍삼에서 분획된 지용성 추출물의 코팅은 손에 잘 묻지 않고 입안에서 잘 안 녹으며, 쓴맛이 오래가는 특징을 갖는 것을 알 수 있었다. 기호도 평가 결과 홍삼에서 분획된 지용성 추출물로 코팅한 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이를 선호하지 않음을 알 수 있었다. 홍삼의 지용성 성분을 분획하여 제조한 PSE와 NSHW로 발효홍삼 농축액 알갱이를 코팅하였을 때 소비자들의 선호도는 낮았지만 흡습방지 효과는 높은 것을 알 수 있었다.

Characterization of Korean Red Ginseng (Panax ginseng Meyer): History, preparation method, and chemical composition

  • Lee, Sang Myung;Bae, Bong-Seok;Park, Hee-Weon;Ahn, Nam-Geun;Cho, Byung-Gu;Cho, Yong-Lae;Kwak, Yi-Seong
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.384-391
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    • 2015
  • It has been reported that Korean Red Ginseng has been manufactured for 1,123 y as described in the GoRyeoDoGyeong record. The Korean Red Ginseng manufactured by the traditional preparation method has its own chemical component characteristics. The ginsenoside content of the red ginseng is shown as Rg1: 3.3 mg/g, Re: 2.0 mg/g, Rb1: 5.8 mg/g, Rc:1.7 mg/g, Rb2: 2.3 mg/g, and Rd: 0.4 mg/g, respectively. It is known that Korean ginseng generally consists of the main root and the lateral or fine roots at a ratio of about 75:25. Therefore, the red ginseng extract is prepared by using this same ratio of the main root and lateral or fine roots and processed by the historical traditional medicine prescription. The red ginseng extract is prepared through a water extraction ($90^{\circ}C$ for 14-16 h) and concentration process (until its final concentration is 70-73 Brix at $50-60^{\circ}C$). The ginsenoside contents of the red ginseng extract are shown as Rg1: 1.3 mg/g, Re: 1.3 mg/g, Rb1: 6.4 mg/g, Rc:2.5 mg/g, Rb2: 2.3 mg/g, and Rd: 0.9 mg/g, respectively. Arginine-fructose-glucose (AFG) is a specific amino-sugar that can be produced by chemical reaction of the process when the fresh ginseng is converted to red ginseng. The content of AFG is 1.0-1.5% in red ginseng. Acidic polysaccharide, which has been known as an immune activator, is at levels of 4.5-7.5% in red ginseng. Therefore, we recommended that the chemical profiles of Korean Red Ginseng made through the defined traditional method should be well preserved and it has had its own chemical characteristics since its traditional development.

인삼박으로부터 수용성 산성다당체의 추출 조건 분석 (Analysis of the Extraction Condition of Soluble Acidic Polysaccharides from Ginseng Marc)

  • 최유진;황금희
    • 생약학회지
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.82-88
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to investigate the optimum conditions for extraction of soluble acidic polysaccharides from ginseng marc. Method of carbazole-sulfuric acid was applied to determine the amount of acidic polysaccharides in ginseng marc. The amounts of soluble acidic polysaccharides in water extract of ginseng marc were increased with increasing extraction temperature. The contents of acidic polysaccharides were not significantly different despite the extraction time increasing from 0.5 hours to 6 hours. To estimate the rehydration rate of the freeze dried polysaccharide, the extracted acidic polysaccharide fraction powder was determined the amount of soluble acidic polysaccharides by carbazole-sulfuric acid method again. The rehydration rate of acidic polysaccharides from water-extract of red ginseng marc at room temperature was 100%. On the other hand, the rehydration rate of acidic polysaccharide of red ginseng marc at boiling temperature was about 50%. The rehydration rate of acidic polysaccharides from water-extract of white ginseng marc at room temperature was 50%. The rehydration rate of acidic polysaccharide of red ginseng marc at boiling temperature was about 40%. The rate of soluble acidic polysaccharide of Red Ginseng is higher than that of White Ginseng. We can find out the maximum extraction method of soluble acidic polysaccharide from ginseng marc.

추출방법에 따른 홍삼추출액의 사포닌 조성과 품질특성 (Ginsenoside Composition and Quality Characteristics of Red Ginseng Extracts prepared with Different Extracting Methods)

  • 이강선;남기열;최재을
    • 한국약용작물학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.276-281
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to compare the contents of ginsenoside according the water extract conditions of red ginseng. In method A, red ginseng extract was prepared at $75^{\circ}C$ for 18 hours by 1 time extraction, and method B, the preparation was done at $85^{\circ}C$ for 18 hours by 1 time extraction. In method C, the primary extract prepared at $75^{\circ}C$ for 9 hours was blended with the secondary extract prepared by re-extracting the red ginseng residue obtained after the primary extraction, at $85^{\circ}C$ for 9 hours. Method D was the same procedure as method C but the extraction temperature for the primary extraction was $85^{\circ}C$ and that for the secondary extraction was $95^{\circ}C$. The contents of total and $Rb_1$, $Rg_1$ and $Rg_3$ ginsenoside were highest in Method C. The content of prosapogenin (ginsenoside $Rg_2$, $Rg_3$, $Rb_1$ and $Rb_2$) was highest in Method B. There was no consistent tendency in Brix, pH, Hue value and absorbance among extraction methods.