• Title/Summary/Keyword: recreational water

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Forestry Administration and Forestry Research in Korea

  • Shim, Sang Yung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.295-302
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    • 1987
  • Korea is a small country with extremely high population density. Industrialization of the nation resulted GNP per capita of over 2,000$ in 1986 with an inevitable by-product, high level of pollution in many areas. Forest land is now acknowledged as not only a wood production site but also an origin of much more important intangible values, water and clean air, soil conservation, and recreational and scenic values. Mostly devastated forest land from Korean War has been recovered under the strong afforestation drive from the government. The first Forest Development Plan was mostly reforestation phase and the second Forest Development Plan is foundation establishment phase. The third and later Plans are to enlarge economical forest and to maintain sustatined yield phase. Forestry administration as well as forest research certainly played a great role in successful accomplishment of two Forest Development Plans. For effective planning and accomplishment of the third Forest Development Plan close cooperation among policy makers, forest managers and research workers are mostly required.

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  • Yi-Juin Kuan;Hsien-Kuo Chang;Yi-yu Kuo;Shao-Tsai Cheng
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.615-620
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    • 2005
  • The aim of this study is to evaluate the public preference to the breakwaters of fishing harbors in Taiwan, so that the results could be applied to the successive study of breakwater landscape improvement. Among the breakwaters' photographs those took on the fishing harbors, this study picked up 4 photos for demonstration and 60 for questionnaire according to their spatial types configured with crest of breakwater, crown wall, and armoring blocks) and other landscape factors. The preference evaluation was conducted by questionnaire to the public, 385 effective questionnaires were taken into analysis. Results reveals: (1) the open, colorful, recreational and water-intimate breakwaters are preferred. (2) The combination types and visual elements (shapes, colors, textures, lines and scales) of breakwaters are also influence the public preference.

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Possible Uses of Reclaimed Wastewater Effluent Treated Using Birm Filtration Along UF, and Analysis on Membrane Fouling (하수방류수 재이용을 위한 Birm filter + UF 적용시 용도별 사용 가능성 및 막오염 특성)

  • Jung, Jin-Hee;Lee, Seung-Chul;Sung, Nak-Chang;Choi, Young-Ik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.1467-1474
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    • 2016
  • In response to the water shortage problem, continued attempts are being made to secure consistent and reliable water sources. Among various solutions to this problem, wastewater effluent is an easy way to secure the necessary supply, since its annual output is consistent. Furthermore, wastewater effluent has the advantage of being able to serve various purposes, such as cleaning, sprinkling, landscaping, river management, irrigation, and industrial applications. Therefore, this study presents the possible use of reclaimed industrial wastewater treated with Birm filters and a UF membrane, along with an analysis on membrane fouling. The preprocessing stage, part of the reclamation process, used Birm filters to minimize membrane fouling. Since this study did not consider heavy metal levels in the treated water, the analyses did not include the criterion for irrigation water quality. However, the wastewater reclaimed by using Birm filters and a UF membrane met every other requirement for reclaimed water quality standards. This indicated that the treated water could be used for cleaning, channel flow for maintenance, recreational purposes, and industrial applications. The analysis on the fouling of the Birm filter and UF membrane required the study of the composition and recovery rate of the membrane. According to SEM and EDX analyses of the UF membrane, carbon and oxygen ion composition amounted to approximately 57%, whereas inorganic matter was not detected. Furthermore, the difference in the recovery rates of the distressed membrane between acidic and alkaline cleaning was more than ~78%, which indicated that organic rather than inorganic matter contributed to membrane fouling.

Comparative Analysis of Multi-functional Public Values of Paddy Fields in Korea and Japan (한일간(韓日間) 논의 공익적(公益的) 기능별(機能別) 가치평가(價値評價) 비교분석(比較分析))

  • Lim, Jae Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.70-76
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    • 1999
  • Rice farming is not only the most important income resources of Korean farmers but also the roots of Korean traditional culture. Paddy fields have acted as an food supply base but also have contributed to the public multi-functions such as flood control, water conservation, controlling soil erosion, providing recreational and resting spaces, water purification, air cleaning, oxygen supply and air cooling and so on. The public multi-functions of paddy except rice production have not been evaluated before UR negotiation and starting WTO system. Under the drastic changes of rice economic settings as price decrease of rice and downward decrease of farm income, Korean and Japanese farmers might have lost their intention to grow rice in paddy fields without the direct payment system to compensate rice income decrease. To adapt the direct payment system, the total public value of multi-function of paddy should be identified in terms of money. According to the research results, the total value of multi-functional value of paddy in Korea were estimated 21,596thousand won which is higher than rice production value by 2.1 times. On the other hand the total value of Japanese paddy were amounted to 21,390 Yen which is more than that of Korea by 10times outstandingly. Likewise Japanese have evaluated the paddy field very important enterprise from the view point of food security and multi -functions of paddy to their socio-economic life and environmental sustainability in Japan.

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Isolation and Genotyping of Acanthamoeba spp. as Neglected Parasites in North of Iran

  • Shokri, Azar;Sarvi, Shahabeddin;Daryani, Ahmad;Sharif, Mehdi
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2016
  • Acanthamoeba, a free-living amoeba, is widely distributed in the environment, water sources, soil, dust, and air. It can cause keratitis in contact lens wearers with poor hygiene and also fatal granulomatous amebic encephalitis (GAE) in immunocompromised hosts. The aim of this study was to gain some insights into the distribution and genotypes of the potentially pathogenic species of Acanthamoeba present in water sources in north of Iran. Total 43 Acanthamoeba species were isolated from 77 water samples taken from different water sources within the Mazandaran province in Northern Iran (Sari city and suburbs). Isolates were identified based on cyst and trophozoite morphological characteristics as well genetics. PCR fragments corresponding to the small-subunit 18S rRNA gene were sequenced for 20 of 43 positive isolates. The results revealed that 83.3% of sequenced isolates belonged to the T4 genotype and the rest belonged to the T2 genotype. Our results indicated that Acanthamoeba is widely distributed in Sari city. As the incidence in Iran of amoebic keratitis has increased in recent years, the exact estimation of the prevalence of this amoeba and its predominant genotype may play a crucial role in prevention of the disease. Sari city has several rivers, seashores, and natural recreational amenities, which attract visitors during the year. This is the first report of Acanthamoeba genotypes from water sources in Sari city, Mazandaran province of Iran, and the results suggest that more attention is needed to protect the visiting population and immunocompromised individuals.

Hydraulic Characteristics of Train Carriage Artificial Reef in Wave and Current Field Conditions (파랑.흐름 공존장에서의 철도차량 인공어초의 수리학적 특성)

  • Sohn, Byung-Kyu;Yi, Byung-Ho;Yoon, Han-Sam
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2011
  • Old train carriages have been used to create artificial reefs (AR) as part of programs to enhance ocean fisheries and recreational resources. This study conducted hydraulic modeling experiments to estimate the structural stability of a train carriage AR. By applying fixed- and movable-bed conditions and Froude similitude, theoretical and hydraulic experiments revealed major design forces(e.g., water waves and currents). The results of this study showed that some dimensionless design parameters (e.g., surf similarity parameters, water particle velocity, scouring, and deposition) also affect the stability of an AR under various wave and current field conditions. In the fixed-bed condition, movement of the AR occurred when dimensionless water particle velocity based on the surf similarity parameter was larger than about 0.32. In the moveable-bed condition, the settlement depth (field values) of the AR ranged from 6 to 30 cm. The results indicated that characteristics of the sediment/bed condition and the direction of external forces acting on an AR should be considered when selecting AR sites.

Ecological Risk Assessment based on Watershed System Assimilative Capacity in take Texoma, Texas-Oklahoma, USA (유역시스템 정화력을 고려한 생태위해성평가 사례연구: Lake Texoma Watershed (TX&OK, USA)를 대상으로)

  • An, Youn-Joo;Donald H. Kampbell;Guy W. Sewell
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Toocicology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.27-27
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    • 2003
  • Lake Texoma is located on the border of southern Oklahoma and northern Texas. It has 93,000 surface acres, and is a focus of the recreation, and farming industries in the region. There are potential stressors around the Lake Texoma watershed that may cause adverse ecological effects in the lake. System assimilative capacity (SAC) is the ability of abiotic and biotic processes to atteuniate the stressors. SAC Exceeded indicates potential of occuring adverse eco-effects. A number of representative chemical release sites and stressor sources in the surrounding watershed were characterized, and several impact sites having stressors sources, such as being near agriculture, landfills, housing areas, oil production fields and heavy use recreational activity, were selected for surface water, sediment, and groundwater monitoring. A paired reference site, having similar physical characteristics as its impact site, was also chosen based on its proximity to the impact site. Lake water samples were collected at locations identified as marina entrance, gasoline filling station, and boat dock at five marinas selected on Lake Texoma from September 1999 to December 2001. Paired water and sediment samples were also collected. Groundwater samples were collected at about 70 producing monitoring wells. Water quality parameters measured were inorganics (nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate, ammonia, sulfate, and chloride), dissolved methane, total organic carbon (TOC) (or DOC), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) and BTEX, and a suite of metals. Biotic communities were evaluated at impact and reference sites. Five basic components were measured; two terrestirial components (plants and bird comminitires) and three aquatic components (benthic inverbrates, litteral-zone fishes, ecosystem attribures). Potential impacts to these comminites were evaluated.

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A Study on NSW's Guide Book for the Boat Driver's Licence (호주 NSW 주 수상레저 선박의 면허지침에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Choi Ah-Ok;Noh Chang-Kyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2006.06b
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    • pp.247-253
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    • 2006
  • NSW in Australia is famous for beautiful beaches and water activities. There are now almost 450,000 people who hold a NSW power boat driving licence and 200.000 registered boat owners. The popularity of boating continues to grow with licence and registration figures increasing by 3-4 per cent each year. This is a survey about the guide book for boating licence in NSW. This study outlines the essential information such as the types of licence, registration of vessels, choosing the right boat, maintain vessel, safety equipment and preparing for a safe boating trip. In addition, it touches the technical side like boat handling, water traffic rules, navigation markers, emergency and the ways to avoid them. Recently, more and more people are interested in boating. It forms an important part of recreational and tourism activities. To manage these demands effectively and to provide the orderly and safe leisure hours, it is necessary to induce more organizational and serviceable boating licence system.

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Characterization of Water Pollution Load in an Artificial Lake Irregularly Receiving River Water (유지용수 공급형 인공저수지의 수질오염부하 특성 연구)

  • Cho, Woong-Hyun;Jeong, Byung-Gon;Jeong, Seung-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2011
  • The first objective of this study was to investigate water pollution status of Meejae Reservoir, Kunsan, irregularly receiving river water for agricultural and recreational purposes. The second objective of the study was to compare nutrient pollution loads of three nutrient sources: sediment leaching, non-point sources and the receiving water. Water analysis results showed that eutrophication was a concern especially in summer and the calculated TSI (secchi depth), TSI (chlorophyll-a), and TSI (TP) were 53.6, 57.7 and 56.7, respectively. Although there was no significant difference in seasonal mean values of sediment T-N, sediment T-P and sediment organic content, mean differences were found for sampling points. However, T-N and T-P sediment release flux showed seasonal mean differences, while showing no mean difference for sampling points. Water T-N data proportionally correlated with sediment T-N and sediment organic content data, while no statistical correlation was found for water T-P data. Comparison of nutrient loads calculated from three sources showed that the highest T-N load was occurred from the receiving (pumped) water while T-P loads of the receiving water and sediment release flux were similar. The first solution would be considered for the receiving water to improve the water quality of Meejae Reservoir. Reduction of nutrient flux from the sediment would be then tried as the second alternative solution.

A study on section design proposals of rural stream based on the adjacent land use and residents' preference (주변 토지이용과 주민 이용 선호도를 고려한 농촌마을 소하천 표준 횡단면 설계)

  • Im, Seung-Bin;Lee, Chun-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.6 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to propose section designs for the ecological improvement of streams in rural villages in Korea. According to the survey about ecological conditions of rural streams of 10 selected rural villages (sep., 1996), the streams could be classified into three divisions(upstream, inner village, downstream), and the average width of streams was 9m, and the height of banks 3.1m. The slopes of basin were 7.33%, 2.67%, 1.39% at upstream, inner village, downstream respectively. The survey about the residents' usage of stream and the preferred activities(jun., 1997) showed that the streams were most frequently used for the supply of agricultural water use(39%), for the washing(15%) and for the recreation and rippling(10%), etc.. Three standard designs were presented for upstream, inner village, and downstream, and three standard sections were made by each designs. For the upstream division, it was designed to be used for the recreational activities in summer and the major stream bank materials were base rock and existing boulders with least artificiality. As the streams in the residential area were expected to be frequent access and used by the residents, most facilities for the streamside activity such as waterfront, water holes, shallows, walk were concentrated in this part with some artificiality. The downstream was designed for the agricultural activities such as water supply, space for the preparation of work and some break during the work.

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