• Title/Summary/Keyword: radioactive source

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Evaluation of Effects of Impurities in Nuclear Fuel and Assembly Hardware on Radiation Source Term and Shielding

  • Taekyung Lee;Dongjin Lee;Kwangsoon Choi;Hyeongjoon Yun
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2023
  • To ensure radiological safety margin in the transport and storage of spent nuclear fuel, it is crucial to perform source term and shielding analyses in advance from the perspective of conservation. When performing source term analysis on UO2 fuel, which is mostly used in commercial nuclear power plants, uranium and oxygen are basically considered to be the initial materials of the new fuel. However, the presence of impurities in the fuel and structural materials of the fuel assembly may influence the source term and shielding analyses. The impurities could be radioactive materials or the stable materials that are activated by irradiation during reactor power operation. As measuring the impurity concentration levels in the fuel and structural materials can be challenging, publicly available information on impurity concentration levels is used as a reference in this evaluation. To assess the effect of impurities, the results of the source term and shielding analyses were compared depending on whether the assumed impurity concentration is considered. For the shielding analysis, generic cask design data developed by KEPCO-E&C was utilized.

Source term inversion of nuclear accidents based on ISAO-SAELM model

  • Dong Xiao;Zixuan Zhang;Jianxin Li;Yanhua Fu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.9
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    • pp.3914-3924
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    • 2024
  • The release source term of radioactivity becomes a critical foundation for emergency response and accident consequence assessment after a nuclear accident Rapidly and accurately inverting the source term remains an urgent scientific challenge. Today source term inversion based on meteorological data and gamma dose rate measurements is a common method. But gamma dose rate actually includes all nuclides information, and the composition of radioactive nuclides is generally uncertain. This paper introduces a novel nuclear accident source term inversion model, which is Improve Snow Ablation Optimizer-Sensitivity Analysis Pruning Extreme Learning Machine (ISAO-SAELM) model. The model inverts the release rates of 11 radioactive nuclides (I-131, Xe-133, Cs-137, Kr-88, Sr-91, Te-132, Mo-99, Ba-140, La-140, Ce-144, Sb-129). It does not require the use of the physical field of the reactor to obtain prior information and establish a dispersion model. And the robustness is validated through noise analysis test. The mean absolute errors of the release rates of 11 nuclides are 15.52 %, 15.28 %, 15.70 %, 14.99 %, 14.85 %, 15.61 %, 15.96 %, 15.42 %, 15.84 %, 15.13 %, 17.72 %, which show the significant superiority of ISAO-SAELM. ISAO-SAELM model not only achieves notable advancements in accuracy but also receives validation in terms of practicality and feasibility.

Preliminary Post-closure Safety Assessment of Disposal System for Disused Sealed Radioactive Source (폐밀봉선원 처분시스템 예비 폐쇄후 안전성평가)

  • Lee, Seunghee;Kim, Juyoul
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2017
  • An optimum disposal plan of disused sealed radioactive sources (DSRSs) should be established to ensure long-term disposal safety at the low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste (LILW) disposal facility in Gyeongju. In this study, an optimum disposal system was suggested and preliminary post-closure safety assessment was performed. The DSRSs disposal system was composed of a rock cavern and near surface disposal facilities at the Gyeongju LILW disposal facility. The assessment was conducted using GoldSim program, and probabilistic assessment and sensitivity analysis were implemented to evaluate the uncertainties in the input parameters of natural barriers. Deterministic and probabilistic calculations indicated that the maximum dose was below the regulatory limits ($0.1mSvyr^{-1}$ for the normal scenario, $1mSvyr^{-1}$ for the well scenario). It was concluded that the DSRSs disposal system would maintain environmental safety over a long-time. Moreover, the partition coefficient of Np in host rock, Darcy velocity in host rock, and density of the host rock were the most sensitive parameters in predicting exposure dose in the safety assessment.

Radiation Activity of Safety-Related Fission Products of DUPIC Fuel

  • Ryu, Ho-Jin;Park, Chang-Je;Park, Hangbok;Song, Kee-Chan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2004.06a
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    • pp.397-398
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    • 2004
  • It is important to estimate the radiation activity of the nuclear fuel which is a source term of the loss of coolant accident. The purpose of this study is to identify the most important parameters of the source term calculation based on three fuel types: typical natural uranium CANDU fuel, slightly enriched uranium and DUPIC fuel. The characteristics of the radiation source term were analyzed through sensitivity calculations of the linear power, fuel turnup, and the power shape.(omitted)

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Application of a deep learning algorithm to Compton imaging of radioactive point sources with a single planar CdTe pixelated detector

  • Daniel, G.;Gutierrez, Y.;Limousin, O.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.1747-1753
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    • 2022
  • Compton imaging is the main method for locating radioactive hot spots emitting high-energy gamma-ray photons. In particular, this imaging method is crucial when the photon energy is too high for coded-mask aperture imaging methods to be effective or when a large field of view is required. Reconstruction of the photon source requires advanced Compton event processing algorithms to determine the exact position of the source. In this study, we introduce a novel method based on a Deep Learning algorithm with a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to perform Compton imaging. This algorithm is trained on simulated data and tested on real data acquired with Caliste, a single planar CdTe pixelated detector. We show that performance in terms of source location accuracy is equivalent to state-of-the-art algorithms, while computation time is significantly reduced and sensitivity is improved by a factor of ~5 in the Caliste configuration.

Response Analysis of the NE213-PSD System for Neutron Energy Spectreum Measurement (중성자 에너지 측정을 위한 NE213-PSD 장치의 감응 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ju
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.367-372
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    • 1992
  • In order to measure the energy spectrum of a radioactive neutron source, the pulse shape discrimination (PSD) system with organic scintillator, NE-213, was characterized by using some of the gamma ray sources and neutron source, Am-Be. The figure of merit of the rise time spectrum of AmBe source measured by this system was about 1.13. This value agrees well with the value of 1.3 which is measured for monoenergetic source, $^{12}C(d,\;n)^{13}N$. The results of present experiment for performance test of NE213-PSD system will provide the useful technique to measure the spectrum of neutron-gamma mixed field and to establish the neutron energy spectrum and flux density standards.

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Efficiency calibration and coincidence summing correction for a NaI(Tl) spherical detector

  • Noureddine, Salam F.;Abbas, Mahmoud I.;Badawi, Mohamed S.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.10
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    • pp.3421-3430
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    • 2021
  • Spherical NaI(Tl) detectors are used in gamma-ray spectrometry, where the gamma emissions come from the nuclei with energies in the range from a few keV up to 10 MeV. A spherical detector is aimed to give a good response to photons, which depends on their direction of travel concerning the detector center. Some distortions in the response of a gamma-ray detector with a different geometry can occur because of the non-uniform position of the source from the detector surface. The present work describes the calibration of a NaI(Tl) spherical detector using both an experimental technique and a numerical simulation method (NSM). The NSM is based on an efficiency transfer method (ETM, calculating the effective solid angle, the total efficiency, and the full-energy peak efficiency). Besides, there is a high probability for a source-to-detector distance less than 15 cm to have pulse coincidence summing (CS), which may occur when two successive photons of different energies from the same source are detected within a very short response time. Therefore, γ-γ ray CS factors are calculated numerically for a 152Eu radioactive cylindrical source. The CS factors obtained are applied to correct the measured efficiency values for the radioactive volumetric source at different energies. The results show a good agreement between the NSM and the experimental values (after correction with the CS factors).

A Method to Estimate the Burnup Using Initial Enrichment, Cooling Time, Total Neutron Source Intensity and Gamma Source Activities in Spent Fuels

  • Sohee Cha;Kwangheon Park;Mun-Oh Kim;Jae-Hun Ko;Jin-Hyun Sung
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2023
  • Spent fuels (SFs) are stored in a storage pool after discharge from nuclear power plants. They can be transferred to for the further processes such as dry storage sites, processing plants, or disposal sites. One of important measures of SF is the burnup. Since the radioactivity of SF is strongly dependent on its burnup, the burnup of SF should be well estimated for the safe management, storage, and final disposal. Published papers about the methodology for the burnup estimation from the known activities of important radioactive sources are somewhat rare. In this study, we analyzed the dependency of the burnup on the important radiation source activities using ORIGEN-ARP, and suggested simple correlations that relate the burnup and the important source activities directly. A burnup estimation equation is suggested for PWR fuels relating burnup with total neutron source intensity (TNSI), initial enrichment, and cooling time. And three burnup estimation equations for major gamma sources, 137Cs, 134Cs, and 154Eu are also suggested.

Review of the Acceptance Criteria of Very Low Level Radioactive Waste for the Disposal of Decommissioning Waste (극저준위 해체폐기물 처분을 위한 방사성폐기물 인수기준 분석)

  • Kim, Beomin;Kim, Chang-Lak
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.165-169
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    • 2014
  • In order to use the nuclear energy as the sustainable energy source, the safe and efficient management of radioactive wastes generated from the nuclear fuel cycle including NPP decommissioning is one of the most important factors. The establishment of acceptance criteria for very low level radioactive wastes generated from decommissioning of nuclear power plant in a large quantity is seemed to play a key role for developing a radioactive wastes disposal strategy as well as NPP decommissioning strategy. In this thesis, we want to review the acceptance criteria of low-and-intermediate-level radioactive wastes in this country through the analysis of other country's acceptance criteria.

A nuclear battery based on silicon p-i-n structures with electroplating 63Ni layer

  • Krasnov, Andrey;Legotin, Sergey;Kuzmina, Ksenia;Ershova, Nadezhda;Rogozev, Boris
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.8
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    • pp.1978-1982
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    • 2019
  • The paper presents the electrical performance measurements of a prototype nuclear battery and two types of betavoltaic cells. The electrical performance was assessed by measuring current-voltage properties (I-V) and determining the short-circuit current and the open-circuit voltage. With 63Ni as an irradiation source, the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current were determined as 1 V and 64 nA, respectively. The prototype consisted of 10 betavoltaic cells that were prepared using radioactive 63Ni. Electroplating of the radioactive 63Ni on an ohmic contact (Ti-Ni) was carried out at a current density of 20 mA/㎠. Two types of betavoltaic cells were studied: with an external 63Ni source and a 63Ni-covered source. Under irradiation of the 63Ni source with an activity of 10 mCi, the open-circuit voltage Voc of the fabricated cells reached 151 mV and 109 mV; the short-circuit current density Jsc was measured to be 72.9 nA/cm2 and 64.6 nA/㎠, respectively. The betavoltaic cells had the fill factor of 55% and 50%, respectively.