• 제목/요약/키워드: radioactive source

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Change of Fractured Rock Permeability due to Thermo-Mechanical Loading of a Deep Geological Repository for Nuclear Waste - a Study on a Candidate Site in Forsmark, Sweden

  • Min, Ki-Bok;Stephansson, Ove
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.187-187
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    • 2009
  • Opening of fractures induced by shear dilation or normal deformation can be a significant source of fracture permeability change in fractured rock, which is important for the performance assessment of geological repositories for spent nuclear fuel. As the repository generates heat and later cools the fluid-carrying ability of the rocks becomes a dynamic variable during the lifespan of the repository. Heating causes expansion of the rock close to the repository and, at the same time, contraction close to the surface. During the cooling phase of the repository, the opposite takes place. Heating and cooling together with the, virgin stress can induce shear dilation of fractures and deformation zones and change the flow field around the repository. The objectives of this work are to examine the contribution of thermal stress to the shear slip of fracture in mid- and far-field around a KBS-3 type of repository and to investigate the effect of evolution of stress on the rock mass permeability. In the first part of this study, zones of fracture shear slip were examined by conducting a three-dimensional, thermo-mechanical analysis of a spent fuel repository model in the size of 2 km $\times$ 2 km $\times$ 800 m. Stress evolutions of importance for fracture shear slip are: (1) comparatively high horizontal compressive thermal stress at the repository level, (2) generation of vertical tensile thermal stress right above the repository, (3) horizontal tensile stress near the surface, which can induce tensile failure, and generation of shear stresses at the comers of the repository. In the second part of the study, fracture data from Forsmark, Sweden is used to establish fracture network models (DFN). Stress paths obtained from the thermo-mechanical analysis were used as boundary conditions in DFN-DEM (Discrete Element Method) analysis of six DFN models at the repository level. Increases of permeability up to a factor of four were observed during thermal loading history and shear dilation of fractures was not recovered after cooling of the repository. An understanding of the stress path and potential areas of slip induced shear dilation and related permeability changes during the lifetime of a repository for spent nuclear fuel is of utmost importance for analysing long-term safety. The result of this study will assist in identifying critical areas around a repository where fracture shear slip is likely to develop. The presentation also includes a brief introduction to the ongoing site investigation on two candidate sites for geological repository in Sweden.

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Measurement of the Radiolysis Gases Generated in Several Waste Forms by External Irradiation (${\gamma}$-조사에 의한 방사성폐기물의 방사분해가스 발생량 평가)

  • Kwak, Kyung-Kil;Ryue, Young-Gerl;Kim, Ki-Hong;Je, Whan-Gyeong;Kim, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.345-352
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    • 2006
  • The cemented and paraffin wastes form which are incorporated the concentrated wastes, the cemented waste form which is incorporated the spent ion-exchange resins, and the miscellaneous waste(decontamination paper) were irradiated up to $10^{+8}$ rads at $5.43{\times}10^{+5}$ rads/hr with Co-60(72,023.9 Ci) as an external irradiation source. As a result, the radiolysis gases such as $H_2,\;CH_4,\;N_2,\;C_2H_6,\;O_2,\;CO\;and\;CO_2$, were measured in all the wastes. The major gas which was generated in all the wastes was hydrogen($H_2$). The volume of the generated gases showed a difference from $0.029{\sim}0.788\;cm^3.atm/1.1g$ according to the type of wastes, and more was generated in the cemented waste form incorporated a spent ion-exchange resin than in the other wastes. More hydrogen($H_2$) gas was generated in the decontamination paper waste than in the other wastes, and the G($H_2$) value was 0.12.

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Measurement Method of Final Residual Radioactivity of Radioactive Metallic Waste for Clearance (규제해제 대상 방사성 금속 폐기물 최종잔류방사능 측정법)

  • Seo, Bumkyoung;Ji, Youngyong;Hong, Sangbum;Lee, Keunwoo;Moon, Jeikwon
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.228-233
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    • 2013
  • It has been continuously generated the requirement for the replacement of the main components such as a steam generator due to the deterioration of the nuclear power plant all around the world. Also, a large amount of radioactive metal was generated during the decommissioning in a short period. It is required to make an accurate measurement of the residual radioactivity for recycling the metal waste for releasing from regulatory control. In planning the measurement procedures, the influence of geometry, self-absorption, density and other relevant factors on the representativeness of the measurements should be considered for the decommissioning metal waste. In this study, the method for measurement procedures, the source term evaluation, the ways to secure representative samples, the measurement device for wide area and the self-absorption correction factors for different density were evaluated. The metal samples for measurement were prepared for securing the simple geometry and representative by melting process. The developed correction method for measuring the radioactivity a variety density of metal waste could improve the reliability of the evaluation results for clearance.

A Comparison Study on Severe Accident Risks Between PWR and PHWR Plants (가압 경수로 및 가압중수로형 원자력 발전소의 중대사고 리스크 비교 평가)

  • Jeong, Jong-Tae;Kim, Tae-Woon;Ha, Jae-Joo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.187-196
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    • 2004
  • The health effects resulting from severe accidents of typical 1,000MWe KSNP(Korea Standard Nuclear Plant) PWR and typical 600MWe CANDU(CANada Deuterium Uranium) plants were estimated and compared. The population distribution of the site extending to 80km for both site were considered. The releaese fraction for various source term categories(STC) and core inventories were used in the estimation of the health effects risks by using the MACCS2(MELCOR Accident Consequence Code System2) code. Individuals are assumed to evacuate beyond 16km from the site. The health effects considered in this comparative study are early and cancer fatality risk, and the results are presented as CCDF(Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function) curves considering the occurrence probability of each STC's. According to the results, the early and cancer fatality risks of PHWR plants we lower than those of PWR plants. This is attributed the fact that the amount of radioactive mateials that released to the atmosphere resulting from the postulated severe accidents of PHWR plants are smaller than that of PWR plants. And, the dominating initiating event of STC that shows maximum early and cancer fatality risk is SGTR(Steam Generator Tube Rupture) for both plants. Therefore, the appropriated actions must be taken to reduce the occurrence probability and the amounts of radioactive materials released to the environment in order to protect the public for both PWR and PHWR plants.

A Study on the Radiation Dose Managements in the Nuclear Medicine Department (핵의학과에서 방사선 피폭관리 실태에 대한 조사 연구)

  • Lim, Chang-Seon;Kim, Se-Heon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.1760-1765
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    • 2009
  • After administration of a radiopharmaceutical, the patient remains radioactive for hours or even days, representing a source of potential radiation exposure. Thus, including the personnel who are occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation, radiation exposure must be managed for members of the public, in particular for people accompanying patients. In this study we investigated radiation exposure dose management in the nuclear medicine departments at seven general hospitals. Two of them had no radiation safety considerations for patient transporters, sanitation workers and the like. And they all were careless of radioprotection for people accompanying patients. The average dose rate to people accompanying patients from radioactive patients just before a bone scan was 25.60 ${\mu}$Sv h-1. This is higher than 20 ${\mu}$Sv $h^{-1}$which is the annual public dose limit for temporary use. Therefore radiation dose measurement and risk assessment of patient transporters, sanitation workers and the like should be performed. And the nuclear medicine technologist should provide advices on the radiation safety to patient transporters, sanitation workers, people accompanying patients and so on. To ensure the radiation safety for people accompanying patients, it is required to restrict the patient's access to his relatives, friends and other patients or isolate patients.

Microstructure Related to the Growth of Rare-earth Mineral in the Eoraesan Area, Chungju, Korea (충주 어래산 지역에서 희토류 광물의 성장과 관련된 미구조)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2019
  • The Eoraesan area, Chungju, which is located in the northwestern part of Ogcheon Metamorphic Zone, Korea, mainly consists of the Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation and the Mesozoic igneous rocks which intruded it. The metaacidic rocks (MAR) of the Gyemyeongsan Formation show a maximum radioactive value, and the Early Jurassic biotite granite is regionally distributed in this area. In this paper is researched the microstructure related to the growth of rare-earth mineral of allanite in the MAR, and is considered the source and occurrence time of rare-earth element (REE) mineralization. The MAR is mainly composed of alkalic feldspar (mainly microcline), quartz, iron-oxidizing mineral, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase, hornblende, allanite, zircon, epidote, fluorite, apatite, garnet, (clino)zoisite etc. The radioactive elements contained in the allanite cause a dark brown hale in the surrounding biotite, and the allinte also occurs as aggregate along the regional foliation. The deflection of regional foliation and the strain shadows, which are common to the pre-tectonic porphyroblast grown before the formation of regional foliation, can't be observed around most allanites (aggregates). The grain size and orientation of ironoxidizing mineral included in the allanite aggregate are the same as those in the matrix. It is recognized the hydrothermal conversion of hornblende to biotite due to the intrusion of igneous rock, and the secondary biotite occurs and contacts with allanite, zircon, epidote etc. These microstructures indicate that the rare-earth mineral of allanite (aggregate) grew by the hydrothermal alteration due to the intrusion of igneous rock after the formation of regional foliation. It is considered that the REE mineralization is closely related to the intrusion of Early Jurassic biotite granite which is regionally distributed in this area.

Assessment of Environmental Radioactivity Surveillance Results around Korean Nuclear Power Utilization Facilities in 2017

  • Kim, Cheol-Su;Lee, Sang-Kuk;Lee, Dong-Myung;Choi, Seok-Won
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.118-126
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    • 2019
  • Background: Government conducts environmental radioactivity surveillance for verification purpose around nuclear facilities based on the Nuclear Safety Law and issues a surveillance report every year. This study aims to evaluate the short and the long-term fluctuation of radionuclides detected above MDC and their origins using concentration ratios between these radionuclides. Materials and Methods: Sample media for verification surveillance are air, rainwater, groundwater, soil, and milk for terrestrial samples, and seawater, marine sediment, fish, and seaweed for marine samples. Gamma-emitting radionuclides including $^{137}Cs$, $^{90}Sr$, Pu, $^3H$, and $^{14}C$ are evaluated in these samples. Results and Discussion: According to the result of the environmental radioactivity verification surveillance in the vicinity of nuclear power facilities in 2017, the anthropogenic radionuclides were not detected in most of the environmental samples except for the detection of a trace level of $^{137}Cs$, $^{90}Sr$, Pu, and $^{131}I$ in some samples. Radioactivity concentration ratios between the anthropogenic radionuclides ($^{137}Cs/^{90}Sr$, $^{137}Cs/^{239+240}Pu$, $^{90}Sr/^{239+240}Pu$) were similar to those reported in the environmental samples, which were affected by the global fallout of the past nuclear weapon test, and Pu atomic ratios ($^{240}Pu/^{239}Pu$) in the terrestrial sample and marine sample showed significant differences due to the different input pathway and the Pu source. Radioactive iodine ($^{131}I$) was detected at the range of < $5.6-190mBq{\cdot}kg-fresh^{-1}$ in the gulfweed and sea trumpet collected from the area of Kori and Wolsong intake and discharge. A high level of $^3H$ was observed in the air (Sangbong: $0.688{\pm}0.841Bq{\cdot}m^{-3}$) and the precipitation (Meteorology Post: $199{\pm}126Bq{\cdot}L^{-1}$) samples of the Wolsong nuclear power plant (NPP). $^3H$ concentration in the precipitation and pine needle samples showed typical variation pattern with the distance and the wind direction from the stack due to the gaseous release of $^3H$ in Wolsong NPP. Conclusion: Except for the detection of a trace level of $^{137}Cs$, $^{90}Sr$, Pu, and $^{131}I$ in some samples, anthropogenic radionuclides were below MDC in most of the environmental samples. Overall, no unusual radionuclides and abnormal concentration were detected in the 2017's surveillance result for verification. This research will be available in the assessment of environment around nuclear facilities in the event of radioactive material release.

Statistical Analysis of Count Rate Data for On-line Seawater Radioactivity Monitoring

  • Lee, Dong-Myung;Cong, Binh Do;Lee, Jun-Ho;Yeo, In-Young;Kim, Cheol-Su
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 2019
  • Background: It is very difficult to distinguish between a radioactive contamination source and background radiation from natural radionuclides in the marine environment by means of online monitoring system. The objective of this study was to investigate a statistical process for triggering abnormal level of count rate data measured from our on-line seawater radioactivity monitoring. Materials and Methods: Count rate data sets in time series were collected from 9 monitoring posts. All of the count rate data were measured every 15 minutes from the region of interest (ROI) for $^{137}Cs$ ($E_{\gamma}=661.6keV$) on the gamma-ray energy spectrum. The Shewhart ($3{\sigma}$), CUSUM, and Bayesian S-R control chart methods were evaluated and the comparative analysis of determination methods for count rate data was carried out in terms of the false positive incidence rate. All statistical algorithms were developed using R Programming by the authors. Results and Discussion: The $3{\sigma}$, CUSUM, and S-R analyses resulted in the average false positive incidence rate of $0.164{\pm}0.047%$, $0.064{\pm}0.0367%$, and $0.030{\pm}0.018%$, respectively. The S-R method has a lower value than that of the $3{\sigma}$ and CUSUM method, because the Bayesian S-R method use the information to evaluate a posterior distribution, even though the CUSUM control chart accumulate information from recent data points. As the result of comparison between net count rate and gross count rate measured in time series all the year at a monitoring post using the $3{\sigma}$ control charts, the two methods resulted in the false positive incidence rate of 0.142% and 0.219%, respectively. Conclusion: Bayesian S-R and CUSUM control charts are better suited for on-line seawater radioactivity monitoring with an count rate data in time series than $3{\sigma}$ control chart. However, it requires a continuous increasing trend to differentiate between a false positive and actual radioactive contamination. For the determination of count rate, the net count method is better than the gross count method because of relatively a small variation in the data points.

A Comparative Study of Branching Ratio of 167Yb Radioactive Isotope from Gamma-ray Spectrum Produced by 169Tm(p,3n)167Yb Reaction with 100-MeV Proton Beam (100-MeV 양성자 빔을 이용하여 169Tm(p,3n)167Yb 반응에 의해 생성된 167Yb 방사성동위원소에서 방출되는 감마선 스펙트럼 비교 연구)

  • Sam-Yol, Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.953-960
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    • 2022
  • The measurement of branching ratio of 167Yb radioactive isotopes from gamma-ray spectrum of 169Tm(p,3n)167Yb reaction were performed by using a 100-MeV proton linear accelerator of the Korea Multi-purpose Accelerator Complex (KOMAC). The 167Yb isotope has a half-life of 17.5 minutes and decays to 169Tm. The gamma rays generated from the 167Yb isotope were measured using an HPGe detector gamma ray spectroscopy system. The energy calibration of the detector and the efficiency measurement of the detector were determined using a standard source. The gamma rays of known main energy (62.9, 106.2, 113.3, 143.5 and 176.3 keV) were measured. On the other hand, information about the intensity of the generated gamma rays is very inaccurate. Therefore, in this study, the decay strength of the main gamma rays was accurately measured. Overall, it was different from the previously known results, and in particular, it was found that the intensity of the main decay gamma ray, such as the 113.3 and 106.2 keV gamma ray, was overestimated, and it was found that the gamma ray, such as 62.9, 116.7 and 143.5 keV was underestimated. The present results are considered to be important information in the fields of nuclear fusion, astrophysics and nuclear physics in the future.

Source Term Characterization for Structural Components in $17{\times}17$ KOFA Spent Fuel Assembly ($17{\times}17$ KOFA 사용후핵연료집합체내 구조재의 방사선원항 특성 분석)

  • Cho, Dong-Keun;Kook, Dong-Hak;Choi, Heui-Joo;Choi, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.347-353
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    • 2010
  • Source terms of metal waste comprising a spent fuel assembly are relatively important when the spent fuel is pyroprocessed, because cesium, strontium, and transuranics are not a concern any more in the aspect of source term of permanent disposal. In this study, characteristics of radiation source terms for each structural component in spent fuel assembly was analyzed by using ORIGEN-S with a assumption that 10 metric tons of uranium is pyroprocessed. At first, mass and volume for each structural component of the fuel assembly were calculated in detail. Activation cross section library was generated by using KENO-VI/ORIGEN-S module for top-end piece and bottom-end piece, because those are located at outer core with different neutron spectrum compared to that of inner core. As a result, values of radioactivity, decay heat, and hazard index were reveled to be $1.40{\times}10^{15}$ Bequerels, 236 Watts, $4.34{\times}10^9m^3$-water, respectively, at 10 years after discharge. Those values correspond to 0.7 %, 1.1 %, 0.1 %, respectively, compared to that of spent fuel. Inconel 718 grid plate was shown to be the most important component in the all aspects of radioactivity, decay heat, and hazard index although the mass occupies only 1 % of the total. It was also shown that if the Inconel 718 grid plate is managed separately, the radioactivity and hazard index of metal waste could be decreased to 20~45 % and 30~45 %, respectively. As a whole, decay heat of metal waste was shown to be negligible in the aspect of disposal system design, while the radioactivity and hazard index are important.