• Title/Summary/Keyword: quality improvement measures

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Suggestion of Japanese nursing staff supply and demand plan policy (일본 간호인력 수급방안정책의 시사점)

  • Kwon, Ju-Young
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to seek out effective policy measures for improving the working environment and improving the supply and demand of nursing manpower in Korea, thereby improving the quality of nursing and creating a high-quality work environment to present a plan to secure adequate supply and demand for nursing manpower. To this end, we have looked at ways to secure effective nursing manpower through literature related to Japanese nursing manpower policy, which has similar health systems to Korea. Japan has established a nursing manpower supply policy since 1974, and is making efforts to improve the working environment and re-employment of idle nursing personnel due to frequent turnover and retirement. As a result of these efforts, the turnover rate of new nurses less than one year in Japan decreased to 7.5%, while the rate of new nurses in Korea was 33.9%. In addition, it is possible to consider ways to encourage medical institutions that have actively promoted and hired idle personnel through various incentives and financial support at the central and local levels.

Luzhong mutton sheep: inbreeding and selection signatures

  • Tao, Lin;He, Xiaoyun;Wang, Fengyan;Zhong, Yingjie;Pan, Linxiang;Wang, Xiangyu;Gan, Shangquan;Di, Ran;Chu, Mingxing
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.777-789
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    • 2020
  • Intense artificial selection has been imposed to Luzhong mutton sheep population in the past years. Improvements on growth and reproductive performance are two breeding goals in the present herd. Although some progresses were phenotypically observed possibly due to inbreeding induced by strong selection in terms of these traits, the genomic evaluation was poorly understood. Therefore, a high-density SNP array was used to characterize the pattern of runs of homozygosity (ROH), estimate inbreeding and inbreeding depressions on early growth performance and litter size based upon ROH, and scan positive selection signatures of recent population. Consequently, a low inbreeding level was observed which had negative effects on litter size, but not on early growth performance. And 160 genes were under selection, of which some were reported to be linked to several traits of sheep including body weight, litter size, carcass and meat quality, milk yield and composition, fiber quality and health, and the top genes were associated with growth (growth hormone [GH]- growth hormone receptor [GHR]- Insulin-like growth factor 1 [IGF1] axis) and litter size (bone morphogenic proteins [BMPs]-associated). The effectiveness of previous breeding measures was highlighted, but purging selection was proposed to alleviate the inbreeding depression on litter size, providing some genomic insights to breeding management of Luzhong mutton sheep.

A Study on the Analysis of the Walking Environment in the Residential Area for the Elderly in Busan Using Spatial Analysis (공간 분석 기법을 적용한 부산 노인 주거지의 보행환경 분석에 대한 연구)

  • Whiho LEE;Jihyun KIM
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.251-265
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to deduce key indicators in evaluating the pedestrian environment for the elderly in Busan, which has entered an aging society, and to propose policy improvement measures. The key indicators were selected based on prior research and surveys, and the effectiveness of those indicators were measured through evaluations conducted on three places which have the highest proportion of the elderly population in Busan. The summaries of analysis are as follow. First, the three places are hillslide residential areas, and areas of activity that the elderly have were very narrow due to the restrictions on their movement caused by slope. Second, the areas were filled with a number of illegally parked vehicles. And the degree of segregation of pedestrian and vehicle and the level of safety were very low. Third, the streets with steep slopes of the target site force the elderly to move vertically, and for this reason, the elderly are expressing difficulties in outdoor activities. Fourth, it was found that the target site lacked a space for relaxation during outdoor activities. The poor walking environment not only limit the essential and social activities of the elderly, but also adversely affects the health and quality of life of the elderly. In order to maintain the health of the elderly and improve the quality of life, actions should be taken to improve the walking factors that affect the movement and external activities of the elderly.

Exploring College Space Restructuring Plans for Nursing Education: Focusing on the Perceptions and needs of Users at A College (간호교육을 위한 대학 공간 재구조화 방안 탐색 : A대학교 사용자 인식과 요구를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Ji-Young;Kim, Bo-Kyung;Kim, Sun-Hee
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to identify users' perceptions and needs to improve college teaching spaces in nursing education, and thus derive improvement measures. Therefore, group interviews (three to five participants per category) were conducted with professors (7), students (9), and administrative staff (8) at a college of nursing located in Seoul. All interviews were conducted face-to-face, with each interview taking approximately 60-90 min. The interview results were analyzed for professors, students, and administrative staff separately. The following implications were drawn by synthesizing the interview results for each group: (1) the physical environment and quality of interaction between professors and students need to be improved in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning; (2) a well-designed practice environment that allows students to practice various skills with confidence needs to be provided; (3) classrooms need to be configured and arranged in a way that is appropriate the nursing curriculum and educational activities to maximize learning effectiveness; (4) spatial restructuring is necessary in terms of living and resting spaces to help nursing students manage stress and provide them with psychological stability; and (5) administrative support reflecting the nursing curriculum is needed in establishing classroom assignment criteria and space use regulations. Finally, the limitations of this study and suggestions for further research were discussed.

Correlates of Subjective Well-being in Korean Culture (한국문화에서 주관안녕에 영향을 미치는 사회심리 요인들)

  • Hahn, Doug-Woong
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.12 no.5_spc
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    • pp.45-79
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper was to review the results of the subjective well-being(swb) studies performed by Hahn and coworkers in Korean culture. As the correlates of swb, we dealt with demographic/individual difference variables, intrapersonal variables, interpersonal process variables, and Korean cultural variables. We proposed that the components of swb were consisted of quality of life(cognitive swb) and overall happy feelings about one's own life(emotional swb). It was also assumed that a measure of total swb could be calculated by summated mean of cognitive swb and emotional swb measures. The data of the swb studies were analyzed and interpreted according to the above three measures of swb. The results of a nationwide survey(Hahn, 2004) from age of 19 to 75 years ald(n=2,230) showed significant simple correlation coefficients between the following demographic/individual difference variables and swb: Gender difference in swb was found(total swb r=.08, p<.001; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.001; overall emotional swb r=.05, p<.05). Men were happier than women in terms of all three measures of swb. It was also found that women appeared to experience greater positive and negative emotions. Correlation between age and emotional swb(r=.09, p<.001) was significant, but life satisfaction was not significant(r=.04, n.s). Correlations between economic status and swb were also significant(total swb r =.23, p<.001; life satisfaction r=.15 p<.001; overall emotional swb r=.15, p<.001l). Although existence of father was negatively related to emotional swb(r=-.05, p<.05), the existence of mother was not related to any of swb measures. Similarly existence of brothers was related positively to overall emotional swb, but existence of sisters was not. Though existence of son was not related to swb, daughter contributed negatively to swb(total swb -.12, p<.01; life satisfaction -.09, p<.05; emotional swb r=-.12, p<.01). We assumed that family member-in-Iaw also contributed to swb because the extended dose social networks were important in Korean culture. The results showed that the following family member-in-law variables were related to swb: Parents-in-law(total swb r=.11, p<.01; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.01; emotional swb r=.10, p<.01), father-in-law(total swb r=.11, p<.01; life satisfaction r=.11, p<.01; emotional swb r=.06, n.s). The result suggested that especially father-in-law contributed to swb through financial and social support. Correlations between emotional experiences in everyday life and swb were also presented. The range of correlation coefficients between the positive emotion measures and swb were r=.30~.48(p<.001) when the above two measures obtained at same time. But the range decreased to r=.19~32(p<.001) when the swb measure was obtained 9 month later longitudinally. Intercorrelations between positive emotional experience; and life satisfaction were r=.37~58(p<.001) when two measures were obtained at same time. We also examined the effects of the intrapersonal cognitive responses to the most stressful life event upon swb. The results of nationwide survey(n=1,021) showed that self-disclosure(total swb r=.09, p<.010; life satisfaction r=.10, p<.01; emotional swb r=.07, p<.01), rumination(total swb r=-.17, p<.001), thought avoidance(total swb r=.12, p<.001; life satisfaction r=-.08; emotional swb r=-.12, p<.001) and suppression(total swb r=-.13, p<.001; life satisfaction r=-.08, p<.05: emotional swb r=-.13, p<.001) contributed to swb. It was also suggested that mismatch between self-guide and regulatory focus contributed negatively to emotional swb. It was also found that social comparison motives and fulfillment of the motives contributed to swb. The results of a survey research(n=363 college students) revealed that the higher the general social comparison motive, the lower the swb(total swb r=-.15, P<.01: life satisfaction r=-.17. p<.01; emotional swb r=-.10, p<.05). It was also found that satisfaction level of self-evalution motive contributed positively to swb(total swb r=-.14. p<.01: life satisfaction r=-.12, p<.05; emotional swb r=.15, p<.001). Both of self-improvement motive(r=.13, p<.05) and satisfaction level of self-improvement motive(r=.12, p<.05) contributed positively to emotional swb, respectively. The above results suggested that swb was depended upon the interaction effect of social comparison motive; and level of fulfillment of the motives. We also reported the significant multiple predictors of swb in a sample of age from 60years to 89years olds. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the significant multiple predictors of swb were past illness(β=.174, p<.001), economic status(β=.418, p<.001), marital satisfaction(β=.0841, p<.001), satisfaction of offsprins(β=.065, p<.01), expectation level of social support from offsprings(β=-.049, p<.001), and negative emotions(β=-.454. p<.001) among 16 social psychological factors. It was also found that swb was an important multiple predictors of physical health. This finding was replicated in a longitudinal study. Both of positive and negative emotional experiences were significant multiple predictors of physical health one year later. The results of the discriminant analysis showed both of total swb and positive emotional experiences contributed to discriminate the happy and healthy olds from unhappy and unhealthy olds. We paper also examined the effects of the nonnative social behaviors upon swb in Korean culture. The main hypotheses of the study(Hahn, 2006, in press) was that the important nonnative behaviors would influence on swb through both of the mediation processes of adjustment to social relationships and psychological stress. The survey data were collected from 2,129 adults age of 19 to 75, from 7 regional areas in Korea. The results of the study revealed that almost all of correlation coefficients between 15 normative social behaviors and the above three criteria w-ere significant. The fitness test results of the covariance structural equation model showed that all of the fitness indices were satisfactory (GFI=.974, AGFI=.909, NNFI=.922, NFI=.973, CFI=.974. RMR=.049, RMSEA=.073). The results of the analysis revealed that the following five path coeffi6ents from behaviors to social adjustment were significant; behavior tor family and family members(t=5.87, p<.001), courteous behavior(t=4.39, p<.001), faithful behavior (t=2.15. p<.05). collectivistic behavior(t=8.31, p<.001). Seven path coefficients from the normative behaviors to psychological stress were significant; behavior for family and family members (t=-4.63, p<.001), faithful behavior(t=-3.86, p<.001). suppression of emotional expression(t=3.99, p<.001), trustworthy and dependable behavior(t=-2.21, p<.05), collectivistic behavior(t=3.72, p<.001), effortful and diligent behavior(t=2.94, p<.001), husbandry and saving behavior(t=3.40, p<.001). The above results suggested that four normative behaviors among seven behaviors contributed negatively to psychological stress in current Korean society. The results abo confirmed the hypothesized paths from social adjustment (t=10.40, p<.001) to swb and from psychological stress(t=-19.74, p<.001) to swb. The important results of the study were discussed in terms of the Confucian traditions and recent social changes in Korean culture. Finally limitations of this review paper were discussed and the suggestions for the future study were also proposed.

A Study on the Water Exchange Plan with Disaster Prevention Facilities in Masan Bay (마산만 재해방지시설을 이용한 해수교환 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gweon-Su;Ryu, Ha-Sang;Kim, Kang-Min
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.37 no.6
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    • pp.637-645
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    • 2013
  • Masan bay with a semi-enclosed waters has serious water quality problems due to the low flow and river pollution load from land, and shows the vulnerable locational characteristics to storm surge. We are seeking the way of both operating disaster prevention facilities and water quality improvement measures in the bay. That is, the water was exchanged using the head difference occurred by operating disaster prevention facilities. The location of disaster prevention facilities was assumed to be in the inlet of the bay, in the vicinity of Machang bridge, and in the vicinity of Dot island and the operation time was assumed to be early morning hours(01~05) considering the number of shipping passage and annual tide, and spring tide of the largest head difference. In addition, the experiment case of water exchange including the in-outflow feeder pipe was tested. According to the simulation results, water exchange rate in all experiments has shown a steady increase. Water exchange rate of the whole of Masan bay in the case of present is 38.62%. The water exchange rate of the inside of Masan bay compared with the inlet of bay, appeared to be very low. Thus, we judged that the characteristics of semi-enclosed waters were well reproduced. On the results of the experiment of disaster prevention facilities and in-outflow feeder pipe, the case of the operation of disaster prevention facilities, water exchage rate is high compared with the case of present. And, the higer the operating frequency, the more water exchange is appeared. The cases of water exchange prevention facilities through the in-outflow feeder pipe caused by the head difference, also showed the higest improvement of the water quality. Compared with the south of Machang bridge, the effect of water exchange was better in the inlet of Masan bay and Dot island. On the other hand, the inlet of Masan bay is higer than Dot island as for water exchange of the whole of Masan bay, but opposite, water change rate including Masan inside was higher in the case of Dot island.

Analysis and Improvement Measures on the Status of the Installation and Operation of Facilities for Recycling Food Waste into Compost (음식물쓰레기 퇴비화시설의 설치 및 운영 현황분석 및 개선방안)

  • Ryu, Ji-Young;Kong, Kyu-Sik;Shin, Dae-Yewn;Phae, Chae-Gun
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.95-111
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    • 2004
  • This research sought to determine the status of the installation and operation of composting facilities of domestic public resource-making facilities and come up with corresponding improvement measures. The composting facilities were the most extensively installed of related facilities with over a 0.5 ton treated volume per day. The monthly and yearly carry-in volume of food waste were found to stand at 1,101.7 tons per day and 930.9 tons per day, thus falling short of the average planned volume of 1,270.9 tons. Many composting facilities, which were installed in areas for which factory registration were not approved, did not get approvals. Composting facilities underwent operation stoppage mainly due to faulty fermentation and crushing equipment. Mainly metals contained in food waste caused faults to the crushing equipment, thus requiring a facility designing against faults and corrosion. The initial water content was found to stand at 50-60%, thus complying with the requirement. However, since the composting food waste had an appropriate mixture of sawdust, food waste, and returned compost, it should meet the initial conditions. For fermentation facilities, the duration time for fermentation was 15 days, and post-fermentation tanks required 21 days of duration time, thus establishing the minimum criteria. However, some facilities did not meet the requirements, taking more time in decomposition, thus suggesting a need to determine the duration time according to facilities. In composting food waste, microorganism-based thermal oxidizer-operated fermentation tanks should be used to ensure an economic operation. On the contrary, 14 out of 25 survey targets heated fermentation tanks in any form. These thermal facilities contain the growth of bacteria, lowering chemical reaction in composting; thus composting facilities should be basically designed to use microorganism-based thermal oxidizers in drying water. An average daily volume of food waste and supplementary materials that was injected in producing compost was 22.8 tons. This volume produced 7.3 tons of compost per day, decreasing 68%. Properties of produced compost were analyzed by its color, absence or presence of remaining decomposition heat, and smell, to assess the quality. As a result, the composting process was not properly installed nor operated in about 50% of composting facilities. Compost should be produced to be soil-friendly.

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A Study on the Current Status of Prescribed Drugs in Oriental Health Insurance and their Improvement (한방건강보험 약제 투약 실태 및 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Yong-Chan;Yoo, Wang-Keun;Seo, Bu-Il
    • The Korea Journal of Herbology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2012
  • Objective : To investigate the current status of prescription drugs in Oriental medical institutes and to draw up a future plan for the revitalization of Oriental medical health insurance, this survey has been performed. Method : The survey has been made with 321 doctors working at Oriental medical institutes in Daegu and Kyungbuk areas for a period of 3 month from June 1, 2010 until September 1, 2010. Result : 1. When it comes to the current status of the use of herbal drugs in Oriental Health insurance, most of doctors surveyed prescribe insurance drugs, and they prescribe insurance drugs to patients, who are less than 20% of total patients visiting their clinics. 2. The awareness of Herbal Health Care Drugs is investigated. When it comes to the understanding of the difference between insurance drugs(powder type drugs) and granular type drugs, doctors admit that they differ only in one aspect, whether or not their being covered by health insurance. Based on the survey results on the understanding of insurance coverage of granular type drugs, doctors, even though they long for granular type drugs to be accepted as insurance drugs, are worrying whether the number of outpatients might dwindle due to increased insurance co-payments. They also point out that the biggest obstacles in the expansion of the granular type drugs as insurance drugs are the lack of understanding of the government and the objection of the Health Insurance Review and Assesment service (HIRA) for fear of increased insurance claims. 3. Upon investigation on Oriental medicine doctors' understandings of herbal pharmaceutical industry, it is found that doctors' responses on pharmaceutical industry are not all positive ones('new product development and neglect of R&D infrastructure' and 'smallness of industry'). When it is investigated what area needs the greatest improvement in herbal pharmaceutical industry, 'securing sufficient capital, good manufacturing, and strengthening quality control', is the highest. 4. When it is asked what are the most needed in order to improve herbal health insurance medicine, responses such as 'the increase in the accessibility to and the utilization of Oriental medical clinics through the diversification of the means of prescriptions', 'the improvement of insurance benefits(cap adjustments)', 'increase the proportion of high quality medicinal plants', 'the ceiling of co-payments(deductible) at 20,000 won or more', 'expansion of the choices of formulations', 'formulational expansions of tablets and pills', and finally 'admittance and expansion of granular type drug as insurance drug' are the highest. 5. Upon investigating the general characteristics of the current status of the usage of Oriental health care herbal drugs, the followings are observed. First, the frequency of use of health insurance drugs by the doctors who use health insurance with general characteristics shows similar differences in case of total monthly sales amount (p<0.001), average number of daily patients (p<0.05). Secondly, as to the willingness of the expanded usage of insurance drugs, similar differences are observed in case of total monthly sales amount (p<0.05). 6. Upon investigating the general characteristics of the perception of Herbal health care drugs, the followings are observed. First, inspecting general characteristics and insurance claims due to increased co-payments(deductible amount) reveals similar differences in case of working period (p<0.01) and in case of total monthly sales amount (p <0.01). Secondly, inspecting general characteristics and the obstacles that hinder granular type drugs from being accepted as health care insurance drugs shows similar differences in case of working period (p<0.05). 7. Upon investigating the general characteristics of the understanding of Oriental Herbal pharmaceutical companies, the followings are observed. First, opinions on the general characteristics of pharmaceutical companies, when examined with variance analysis, shows similar differences in case of total monthly sales amount (p<0.05). Secondly, when opinions are examined on general characteristics and the problems of herbal pharmaceutical companies, similar differences are found in case of working period (p<0.01) and in case of total monthly sales amount (p<0.001). Lastly, opinions on the general characteristics and reforms of pharmaceutical companies, similar differences are observed in case of working period (p<0.001). 8. Upon investigating the general characteristics of the improvement of insurance Herbal drugs, the followings are observed. First, regarding general characteristics and insurance benefits, similar differences are observed in case of working period (p<0.05), in case of total monthly sales amount (p<0.05), and in case of average number of daily patients (p<0.01). Secondly, opinions on the general characteristics and the needs for the improvement of Herbal insurance drugs are examined in 5 different aspects, which are the approval of granular type drugs as insurance drugs, the expanded practices of the number of prescription insurance drugs, the needs of a variety of formulations, the needs of TFT of which numbers of Oriental medical doctors are members for the revision of the existing system, and the needs of adjusting the current ceiling of the fixed amount and the fixed rate. When processed by the analysis of variance, the results show similar differences in case of average number of daily patients (p<0.01). Conclusion : From the results of this study the first measures to take are, to reform overall insurance benefit system, including insurance co-payment system(fixed rate cap adjustment), to expand the number of the herbal drugs to be prescribed matching with insurance benefit accordingly, and to revitalize herbal medicine insurance system through the change of various formulations. In addition, it is recommended to improve the effectiveness of herbal medicine by making plans to enhance the efficacy of herbal medicine and by enabling small pharmaceutical companies to outgrow themselves.

A Function and Weight Selection of Ecosystem Service Function for the Eco-friendly Protected Horticulture Complex in Agricultural Landscape (시설원예단지의 친환경적 조성을 위한 생태계서비스 기능 및 가중치 산정)

  • SON, Jinkwan;KONG, Minjae;SHIN, Yukung;YUN, Sungwook;KANG, Donghyeon;Park, Minjung;LEE, Siyoung
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.533-541
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    • 2017
  • Agricultural landscape has many ecosystem service functions. However, the development of the horticulture complex has no consideration for environmental conservation. Therefore, we analyzed the priorities of ecosystem service functions required for the composition. The study was conducted in three stages. As a result of the first survey, 17 functions were selected to be improved. In the second survey, 12 functions were selected excluding 5 functions. Finally, 1. Measures for water purification, 2. Groundwater recharge plan, 3. Surface water storage space, 4. Flood control measures, 5. Vegetation diversity space, 6. Carbon emission reduction plan, 7. Aquatic insect habitat space, 8. Amphibian reptiles 9. Landscape and Waste Management, 10. Bird Species Space, 11. Heat Island Mitigation Plan, 12. Experience / Ecological Education Plan. We proposed the structure, capacity, flow rate, arrangement and form of the water treatment facility to improve water quality by improving the function. We proposed a reservoir space of 7-10% for groundwater recharge. The development of reservoir and storage facilities suitable for the Korean situation is suggested for the surface water storage and flood control measures. And proposed to secure a green space for the climate cycle. Proposed habitat and nutrient discharge management for biodiversity. We propose green area development and wetland development to improve the landscape, and put into the facilities for experiential education. The results of the research can be utilized for the development and improvement of the horticultural complex.

A Sustainable Operation Plan for School Gardens - Based on a Survey of Elementary School Gardens in Seoul (학교 텃밭의 지속적인 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 서울특별시 초등학교의 학교 텃밭 실태조사를 바탕으로 -)

  • Choi, I-Jin;Lee, Jae Jung;Cho, Sang Tae;Jang, Yoon Ah;Heo, Joo Nyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2018
  • This study surveyed 599 elementary schools in Seoul to provide measures for the quantitative expansion and sustainable operation of environmentally-friendly school garden. Of all schools, 161 schools had formed and were operating school gardens. The total area of school gardens was $166,901m^2$ and the mean area was $131.2m^2$ in elementary, junior high and high schools in Seoul. Meanwhile, the total area of school gardens was $65,493m^2$ and the mean area was $363m^2$ in 161 schools that participated in the survey, indicating $1.15m^2$ per student. Of these schools, 11.8% were operating gardens themselves, while 50.3% were operating gardens that had been newly renovated or environmentally improved by institutional support projects after initially managing gardens themselves. According to the locations of school gardens, mixed-type gardening (a combination of school gardening and container vegetable gardening) accounted for 34.8%, followed by school gardening at 32.9%, container vegetable gardening at 29.2%, and suburb community gardening at 3.1%. Those in charge of garden operations were teachers at 51.6%, comprising the largest percentage. Facilities built when forming the garden included storage facilities for small-scale greenhouses and farming equipment at 26.1%, accounting for the largest percentage. No additional facilities constructed accounted for 21.7%. The greatest difficulty in operating gardens was garden management at 34.2%. The most needed elements for the sustainable operation of gardens were improvement in physical environment and the need for hiring a paid garden, each accounting for 32%. The most important purpose for school gardening was creating educational environments (81.6%). The major source for gaining information on garden management was consultation from acquaintances (67.8%). Schools that utilize plant waste from gardens as natural fertilizers accounted for 45.8% of all schools. Responses to the impact of operating school gardens for educational purpose were positive in all schools as 'very effective' in 63.2% and 'effective' in 36.8%. This study was meaningful in that it intended to identify the current status of the operation of school gardens in elementary schools in Seoul, support the formation of school gardens appropriate for each school with sustainable operation measures, implement a high-quality education program, develop teaching materials, expand job training opportunities for teachers in charge, devise measures to support specialized instructors, and propose the need for a garden management organization.