• Title/Summary/Keyword: pursuit image

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Synthetic Study on Environmental Factors for the Identity Formation of Adolescents (청소년의 주체형성을 위한 환경요소들에 관한 종합적 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Hee;Na, Young-Joo;Hwang, Jin-Sook;Koh, Seon-Joo;Park, Sook-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.3 s.217
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated the integrated effects of family, school, internet, and mass culture factors on the identity formation of adolescents. Specifically, the purposes of this study were to categorize adolescents into groups by what they do during the time except the life in school and to investigate differences among the groups regarding the identity information(body image, self-esteem, self-identity) and the influences of environmental factors on identity formation of adolescent. The study distributed questionnaires to middle and high school adolescents of five representative cities in South Korea. The total respondents were 2240(960 from Seoul/Kyongki, and 320 each from Taegu, Pusan, Kwangju, and Taejon). The response rate was 98.7%. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, cluster analysis, ANOVA, Duncan test, and multiple regression. The results showed that Korean adolescents were segmented into five groups : TV preference group, computer preference group, friends and family involvement group, homework and study preference group, and study institute involvement group). The five groups were significantly different in regard to body image pursuit, self-esteem, and self-identity. The body image pursuit, self-esteem, and self-identity of adolescents were significantly different in regard to each environmental factors, in each adolescent group.

A Study on the Aesthetic Value Featured in the Body Decoration in Contemporary Fashion (현대 패션에 나타난 신체장식 표현의 미적 가치에 관한 연구)

  • 이정혜;김순자
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.721-736
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    • 2004
  • The aim of this study is to clarify aesthetic values and sociocultural meanings that reappears in contemporary fashion. In order to analyze aesthetic values and symbolic meanings of body decoration, I examined the concepts and expression methods of the body decoration. Also, analyzed external characteristics of expression and its internal meanings that applied in modern fashion. The expressions of body decoration represented in contemporary fashion are classified into direct and indirect methods. The direct method is expressed by tattoos, piercing, henna, make-up and body painting. And, indirect method is expressed by see-through look, body-conscious look and accessories that were utilized its patterns and the material adaptation methods. Such expression of body decoration in the modern fashion was represented into grotesque images and erotic images. The characteristics of grotesque images are abnormal state, hateful animal image and distorted or transformed body and the internal meanings are the pursuit of primitive, exoticism, the pursuit of playfulness, and resistance. The characteristics of erotic images are an exposure of body, see through, body-conscious and androgynous look and the internal meanings are the self-intoxication, naturalism and sexual pleasure.

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Trend Image and Major Trend of Fashion Since 2000 (2000년 이후 패션의 주요 트렌드와 트렌드 이미지)

  • Ryu, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to help understanding of fashion trend since 2000 years, to play a guideline's role in the development on fashion designs study. The methods of this study are the study of academic literatures as well as practical study through expert investigation and analysis of case studies about actual works. Fashion trends since 2000 years are summarized classic, sporty, elegance, ethnic, natural, romantic, vintage, futurism by expert investigation and analysis of case studies about actual works. Image of fashion trends are abstracted that Classic image is harmony, moderation, accuracy, completeness, neatness, manish from keep an archetype to eliminate additional things, Sporty image is daily, active, enjoyment by the pursuit of a movement and freedom, Elegance image is feminine, grace from the tender moderated and feminity, Ethnic image is folkway, handicraft, vernacular to keep national character, local folkways and traditional ways. Natural image is nature, peaceful, purity, pastoral to the exclusion of artificiality and revert to natural, Romantic image is sensibility, fantastic, ornament, splendid from facing ideal world getting out of the reality, Vintage image is cozy, old, disorder, faden, freedom by expressing the flow of time and the mature beauty, Futurism image is future, experimental, avant-garde, man-made from positive perspective on future.

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A Study on the Design Characteries based on the Brand's image Distinction Strategies of Korean Cosmetic Brand Shop - Through the of case studies from 2000 to present - (우리나라 화장품 브랜드숍의 브랜드 이미지 차별화 전략에 따른 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 - 2000년대 이후 현재까지 사례분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyun-Ho;Choi, Sang-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.100-105
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    • 2005
  • Recently cosmetic enterprises make rapid progress try to make well-known brands to perceive an image marketing. As the result, the brand's reliability continues to grow, beyond a medium of expression in two-dimensional, but through tridimensional, on brand's image runs strategies. In a strategic point suchlike visual as a shop's image give a stimulus to customers for increase invalue in corporate image and value of commodities. In the strategy of increase in sales, it is on the rise immediate constituent to consumers. Through cosmetic brand shops, cosmetic industries are provide personalized services and cultural facilities, rather than just selling products and to help revitalization of the cosmetic markets, and the pursuit of customer-oriented segmentation strategy to make changes for the better image for the shops. Each cosmetic brand shops' image of segmentation strategy has an effect on individual organizations and designs. As of today in Korea, cosmetic brand shop's designs, start to appear in the late 2000,will try to fine segmentation strategy for strengthen shop's image and research about unique quality of cosmetic brand shops into consumer orientation space, and make the best of significant prepare on the basis of directions for cosmetic brand shop which have ability to function as cultural facilities.

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Improvement of Bandwidth Efficiency for High Transmission Capacity of Contents Streaming Data using Compressive Sensing Technique (컨텐츠 스트리밍 데이터의 전송효율 증대를 위한 압축센싱기반 전송채널 대역폭 절감기술 연구)

  • Jung, Eui-Suk;Lee, Yong-Tae;Han, Sang-Kook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.2141-2145
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    • 2015
  • A new broadcasting signal transmission, which can save its channel bandwidth using compressive sensing(CS), is proposed in this paper. A new compression technique, which uses two dimensional discrete wavelet transform technique, is proposed to get high sparsity of multimedia image. A L1 minimization technique based on orthogonal matching pursuit is also introduced in order to reconstruct the compressed multimedia image. The CS enables us to save the channel bandwidth of wired and wireless broadcasting signal because various transmitted data are compressed using it. A $256{\times}256$ gray-scale image with compression rato of 20 %, which is sampled by 10 Gs/s, was transmitted to an optical receiver through 20-km optical transmission and then was reconstructed successfully using L1 minimization (bit error rate of $10^{-12}$ at the received optical power of -12.2 dB).

The influence of women's underwear attitude on image-making efficacy and appearance management attitude (여성의 속옷태도가 이미지메이킹 효능감과 외모관리태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Ku, Yang-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this study was to determine the influence of women's attitudes toward women's underwear on image-creation efficacy and appearance management attitude. A total of 405 surveys of women working at an industrial complex in the Daegu-Kyoungbuk area were used for data analysis. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis were used for data analysis. The findings were as follows. The sub-factors of women's attitudes regarding women's underwear were found to be 'aesthetics/body-style compensation', 'ostentation', 'functionality', and 'manner estimation' and the sub-factors of image-making efficacy were 'display confidence', 'face-image confidence' and 'display ability'. Appearance management attitude had factors such as total coordination, weight management, skin management, and pursuit of change. Aesthetics/body-style compensation, functionality, and ostentation, which were sub-variables of attitudes toward underwear, had a significant influence on image-creation efficacy. Aesthetics/body-style compensation and ostentation had significant influences on appearance management attitude. Aesthetics/body-style compensation was found to have a significant influence on all sub-variables of both image-creation efficacy and appearance management attitude.

A Qualitative Approach of Appearance-Enhancement Seeking Behavior (외모향상추구행동에 관한 질적 연구)

  • Lee, Soo-Gyoung;Koh, Ae-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.30 no.1 s.149
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2006
  • This study has analyzed females' motives and psychological experiences related to appearance-enhancement seeking behavior(weight control practice and cosmetic surgery). In this study, in-depth interviews were carried out to 11 females who had experienced weight control practices and cosmetic surgery in June 2001. There is social standard in ideal body image. One perceive a physical idea and own body through society(mass media, reference group), others and clothing, and recognize the ideal body and internalize the social standard as own worth. The discrepancies between ideal body image internalized as standards of own worth and real body image became a setup for body dissatisfaction. Increasing in body dissatisfaction, rejection of own body grow, furthermore body is perceived with distortion. In order to remove a negative body image and to reach ideal body image, appearance-enhancement seeking behavior such as weight control and cosmetic surgery is made. By appearance enhancing, one come to closer to ideal image of which one pursuit oneself. Therefore body satisfaction feeling increase, self·esteem rise, manner of life and character change to with affirmation. Otherwise, strengthening of appearance-concern and of appearance enhancement seeking desire has the possibility of developing into bulimia and cosmetic surgery addiction. Also, the standard of beauty in appearance rise by degrees, and that produces motives of appearance-enhancement seeking behavior.

A Study on the Design Characteristics of Athleisure Look in Image-based SNS (이미지 기반 SNS에 나타난 애슬레저 룩의 디자인 특성 연구)

  • Kwon, Suehee;Park, Minjung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2021
  • The pursuit of a healthier life has created life style changes through exercise; in addition, an athleisure look as well as a combination of everyday clothes and sportswear has rapidly spread through sharing based on image-based SNS. Fashion related images shown in an image-based SNS are considered important resources for grasping micro-needs with regard to the sensibility of consumers. Therefore, this study analyzes the design characteristics of an athleisure look shown in image-based SNS. In order to analyze the athleisure look, images of the entire garment were collected and classified to enable content analysis methods that analyzed the design characteristics of each type. As a result, types were classified as sporty-athleisure, modern-athleisure, high-end athleisure, retro-athleisure, and romantic-athleisure. Looking at the characteristics of the athleisure look, it was shown that the design characteristics of each type were well expressed through differences in the direction, material, and details by matching between the items used. This study can be used in design development processes by deriving the characteristics of athleisure looks through an analysis of fashion images that appear in image-based SNS.

Effect of Sustainable Luxury Message Framing on Brand Evaluations

  • Eun-Jung Lee
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • The current study examined the causal relations among sustainable luxury campaigns' message framing types (negative vs. positive), sustainable brand image and perceived consumer effectiveness. The study tested the moderation of perceived brand luxury about the message framing types, sustainable brand image, and perceived consumer effectiveness. An online survey adopting luxury product is conducted with a total of 194 Korean consumers, testing the hypotheses. In the results, the message framing type is found to significantly affect perceived consumer effectiveness but not sustainable brand image. Perceived brand luxury significantly negatively moderates the relationship between the message framing type and perceived consumer effectiveness but not between the type and sustainable brand image. The results supported the positive influence of perceived consumer effectiveness on sustainable brand image. The moderation of perceived brand luxury was confirmed only for the relationship between the message framing type and perceived consumer effectiveness. The results empirically confirm that the message frame of luxury marketing could positively affect consumers' attitude formation, such as perceived consumer effectiveness, which is consistent with previous studies' research results. The results document that luxury brands using a negative message frame type had a more significant effect on perceived consumer effectiveness than the positive frame type. The findings contribute to the literature of new media-based sustainable marketing of luxury products as to how it affects consumers' brand evaluation and purchase intention, focusing on the causal relationships among the message-framing type of sustainable luxury marketing, sustainable brand image, and perceived consumer effectiveness. Given the increasing pursuit of sustainability in the luxury industry, the results contribute to deriving implications for sustainable marketing of efficient luxury brands.

The Representation of Feminization in Men's Fashion in Korea Since the 1990's (1990년대 이후 국내 남성복의 여성화경향)

  • 박옥련;이현지
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.364-375
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the men's fashion with the representation of Feminization which has appeared on our specialized fashion magazine from 1990 though 2003. Firstly, the factor which exposed the representation of Feminization in men's fashion were the change of conventional sex role, the change of ideal beauty, the variety of information, the pursuit of personality and the polycentrism of thought. Secondly, the formative characteristics of Feminization in men's fashion represented fitted silhouettes which distinctively show the body line, elastic fabric and see-through fabric of androgynous image, accessory and wave hair which expressed in gentle image. In colors, it represented vivid tone, pastel tone, red colors and yellow colors. Fitted silhouttes and elastic fabric has a effect of minimalism of the last 1990's fashion, and wave hair of gentle image has a effect of change of ideal beauty since 2000. Therefore, elements of representation of Feminization in men's fashion were silhoutte, fabric, color, accessory, hairstyle and the representation of feminity in men's fashion has referance to fashion.