The Representation of Feminization in Men's Fashion in Korea Since the 1990's

1990년대 이후 국내 남성복의 여성화경향

  • Published : 2004.02.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze how the men's fashion with the representation of Feminization which has appeared on our specialized fashion magazine from 1990 though 2003. Firstly, the factor which exposed the representation of Feminization in men's fashion were the change of conventional sex role, the change of ideal beauty, the variety of information, the pursuit of personality and the polycentrism of thought. Secondly, the formative characteristics of Feminization in men's fashion represented fitted silhouettes which distinctively show the body line, elastic fabric and see-through fabric of androgynous image, accessory and wave hair which expressed in gentle image. In colors, it represented vivid tone, pastel tone, red colors and yellow colors. Fitted silhouttes and elastic fabric has a effect of minimalism of the last 1990's fashion, and wave hair of gentle image has a effect of change of ideal beauty since 2000. Therefore, elements of representation of Feminization in men's fashion were silhoutte, fabric, color, accessory, hairstyle and the representation of feminity in men's fashion has referance to fashion.



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