• Title/Summary/Keyword: purchasing power

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Design and Implementation of a Comparative Shopping Agent for E-Commerce (비교쇼핑 에이전트의 설계와 구현)

  • Choi, Moo-Jin;Hwang, Jin-Yeol
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.97-113
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    • 2005
  • This paper designed and implemented(programmed) a comparative shopping agent that helps consumers to shop at on-line shopping malls over Internet. At offline stores, as consumers usually tell a sales clerk about a manufacturer, functions and price range of an item they want to purchase, the sales clerk will show the products or relevant catalogues. Then the consumer will compare functions, design and prices of the product and buy it with the lowest price. PriceMeter, a comparative shopping agent, introduced in this paper, is designed best geared to this consumers' buying behavior. Basically, as consumers enter a manufacturer's name, price, features and etc. at a search window, PriceMeter will search the web and provide a list of product informations such as features and prices that meet the search conditions. Consumers can see the information in either a form of catalogue or a printing format. As consumers click specific items to examine closely, it will show prices and information about shopping malls that sell the requested items. Clicking a 'Buy' icon, the consumers will be transferred to the right web page at the linked shopping mall. The emergence of the comparative shopping agent will expedite a consumer-centered retailing economy in the age of e-commerce. As consumers are provided with a better set of product and shopping mall information, they can make better purchasing decisions and gain more bargaining power shifted from manufacturers(sellers). The presentation of this comparative shopping agent is intended to promote the consumer-centered B2C e-commerce.

The successful advance strategy through chinese online game market pertinent data analysis (중국 온라인게임시장 관련 자료 분석을 통한 '성공적인 진출 전략'에 관한 연굴)

  • Lee, Ji-Won;Seo, Mi-Ra;Kyung, Byung-Pyo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2004
  • Domestic On-line game market becomes keen competition gradually. So, work which advance into the new market is very important work which it takes future of Korean on-line industry. Recently, Chinese on-line game population is soaring by development of on-line infrastructure and elevation of the Intern et speed. Also, growth of China economy improved purchasing power. So, international market is desiring China market. Because China on-line game market has High potential energy, no one is opposed to truth that China market's advance gives opportunity of great success. So, this China market's charm advanced many domestic companies to China market. Also, many domestic companies are preparing for China advance. However, we did not understand perfectly circumstance of China market, and advanced impatiently without thorough preparation. So, occasion that the latest domestic companies fail greatly is increasing. Finally, we can know that China market's advance is difficulty. Therefore, we must analyze circumstance of China game market systematically, and do thoroughpreparation and preparatory audit that is enough with wider visual field. So, we must think investment about the future more than that think in a short time profit.

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Discovering Customer Service Cool Trends in e-Commerce: Using Social Network Analysis with NodeXL (e-커머스 기업의 고객서비스 쿨트랜드 발견: 사회네트워크분석 NodeXL 활용)

  • Lee, Chang-Gyun;Sung, Min-June;Lee, Yun-Bae
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2011
  • This research uses coolhunting to predict the future trend of e-Commerce industry. Coolhunting is a method to take Cool Trends which are the future trend through social network analysis for discovering the trendsetter and its collective intelligence. Coolhunting is generally carried out by social network analysis while this research uses NodeXL of social network analysis tools. We designed industrial network research model for relation among e-Commerce corporation, product, the types of customer service and customer service employee to discover the Cool Trends of e-Commerce industry. According to the result of this research, e-Commerce industrial network was being changed from chaos to collective intelligence form. As a analysis result for network influences, we found that Cool Trends of e-Commerce industry invigorate social commerce industry through the collective intelligence focusing intelligence VIP, Excellence, grade of Administrating for women customers(trendsetter) and it promotes semantic consumption from customers and purchasing power will be concentrated on cosmetic, beauty, perfume product categories in social commerce. We propose the strategic direction for e-Commerce corporation and hope that domestic e-Commerce corporation continues to grow and high-quality services are provided for customers.

Variation of Determinant Factor for Seoul Metropolitan Area's Housing and Rent Price in Korea (수도권 주택가격 결정요인 변화 연구)

  • Lee, Kyung-Ae;Park, Sang-Hak;Kim, Yong-Soon
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2013
  • This This paper investigates the variation of the factors to determinate housing price in Seoul metropolitan area after sub-prime financial crisis, in Korea, using a VAR model. The model includes housing price and housing rent (Jeonse) in Seoul metropolitan area from 1999 to 2011, and uses interest rate, real GDP, KOSPI, Producer Price Index and practices to impulse response and variance decomposition analysis to grasp the dynamic relation between a variable of macro economy and and a variable of housing price. Data is classified to 2 groups before and after the 3rd quater of 2008, when sub-prime crisis occurred; one is from the 1st quater of 1999 to the 3rd quater of 2008, and the other is from the 2nd quater of 1999 and the 4th quater of 2011. As a result, comparing before and after sub-prime crisis, housing price is more influenced by its own variation or Jeonse price's variation instead of interest rate and KOSPI. Both before and after sub-prime financial crisis, Jeonse price is also influenced by its own variation and housing price. While after sub-prime financial crisis, influences of Producer Price Index, KOSPI and interest rate were weakened, influence of real GDP is expanded. As housing price and housing rent are more influenced by real economy factors such as GDP, its own variation than before sub-prime financial crisis, the recent trend that the house prices is declined is difficult to be converted, considering domestic economic recession and uncertainty, continued by Europe financial crisis. In the future to activate the housing business, it ia necessary to promote purchasing power rather than relaxation of financial and supply regulation.

A Study on the Marketing System Construction and Merchandising of Tongyoung Marine Ranching (통영바다목장의 유통체제 구축과 상품화계획에 관한 연구)

  • 강종호;류정곤
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.91-107
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    • 2003
  • Distribution of fish products from Tongyoung Marine ranching can be classified by three routes such as street-stall, live fish transportation vehicles, and wholesale markets neighboring unloading ports. These methods of distribution, however, have been restricted by limited distribution right, difficulties to differentiate fish prices from other surfaces, simple marketing channels. The ratio of cultured live fish circulated in market is increasing while naturally caught live fish is decreasing and the fresh fish shows a little of increasing rate. Consumers purchasing routes mainly depend on the live fish transportation merchants. For fresh fish traditional market plays an important role in trade. Convenience for consumers and quality of products are main factors in making decision of purchases. Bargaining power, however, belongs to the live fish transportation merchants. The demand of special markets for live fish was very strong, and the convenience and quality are relatively important required factors. Catch from Tongyoung Marine ranching has very good reputation as the possibility of being a good brand. Expecting possibility of quality differentiation was higher than price differentiation specially. The possible conclusion of a contract of a supply was suspicious however. Preliminary quality evaluation revealed that the catch is better than the cultured but worse than naturally grown fish. A merchandising is to be in a better position in the formation of prices by giving $\ulcorner$brand image$\lrcorner$ to potential consumers. The target markets are retail stores such as restaurants for raw fish and final consumers. The staple markets are retail stores. Possible items of products are live fish, fresh fish for cook, and fresh fish for raw fish. It is necessary for the catch to be informed as new functional products that have been improved in safety and quality, since the product positioning is similar but not well known to consumers. To secure a brand it is required to register a trademark, eco-label product design or packing, use real name in tranction, introduce recall system, and put label. Price higher than naturally grown live fish should be targeted. Establishing broad distribution channel, wholesale market, franchise are required. To secure enough catch and control shipment of products facilities of containing live fish are necessary. Instead of dealing with live fish only, it would be better to. sell fresh fish and live fish simultaneous. Strategically promotion focuses on advertisement of Marin ranching at first and then focuses on the catch from the marine ranching.

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Market Imperfections as an Explanation for Higher Premiums in Foreign Takeovers of U.S. Companies (외국기업(外國企業)이 미국기업(美國企業)을 인수(引受)할 때 지불(支拂)하는 높은 프레미엄에 대한 설명(說明)으로서의 시장불완전성(市場不完全性))

  • Jung, Hyung-Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.209-255
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    • 1991
  • This paper develops a simple model to explain the reasons why foreign acquirers pay significantly higher premiums for U.S. target firms than do U.S. buyers. We also provide empirical work on the valuation effect of foreign takeovers and the determinants of the wealth gains of U.S. target shareholders involved in foreign takeovers. The results indicate that target wealth gains are significantly higher in foreign takeovers than in domestic takeovers, after controlling for the wealth effects of payment method, acquisition type, tax status, size and time period of bids. This confirms the valuation effect of foreign takeovers. Furthermore, the results of cross-sectional regression analysis show that the variation in U.S. target wealth gains is explained by extra tax benefits stemming from double tax deductions for acquisition-related interest expenses incurred by foreign acquirers. These findings imply that differential taxation across tax jurisdictions is the main source of the valuation effect of foreign takeovers. In addition, we find that there exists a valuation effect of the nationality of the foreign acquirers. Japanese companies pay significantly higher premiums than do non-Japanese acquirers. The finding also indicates that competition among bidders increases the abnormal returns to U.S. target shareholders in foreign takeovers.

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Comparative study on Dental fees of Korea, Japan, Germany and United States (국내외 치과 의료수가 비교현황 : 한국, 일본, 독일, 미국을 중심으로)

  • Ryu, Jae-In;Kim, Chul-Shin;Jung, Se-Hwan;Shin, Bo-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.266-274
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    • 2015
  • The price for health service are decided by very complicated process because many of factors are related with them. The RBRVS(resource-based relative value scale) were used to calculate the Korean health service fees including dental fees. This study aimed to compare dental fees of Korea with other countries, such as Japan, Germany, and the US for evaluating the adequacy. Dental fees were categorized as oral evaluation and imaging, dental treatment including restorative, periodontal, and surgical work, and preventive treatment and compared by each country. The official documents about dental fees were collected from Korea, Japan, Germany, and the US. Each fee was presented as their own currency at first. Then they were converted into Korean won (KRW) by applying the market exchange rates at a specific point of time. Finally the fees were adjusted by purchasing power parities (PPPs) which equalize the different currencies. In general, the level of Korean fees were markedly low compared to those of Japan, Germany, and the US. German fees were similar or higher than that of Japan, and the US. The Korean fees were lower than three other countries 1.2~4.1 times for oral evaluation and 2.2~7.3 times lower for panoramic radiography. The endodontic fees of Japan, Germany, and the US were higher 1.8~15.3 times and 4.0~35.9 times for the deciduous teeth extraction compared to the Korean. In Japan the prophylaxis was 3.2 times more priced than the Korean fee. Exceptionally, the fees for re-evaluation, amalgam filling, and scaling were lower priced in Japan than other countries. This study has limitations on the items in definition and contents of dental practices units which were not exactly comparable and differently determined by countries. However, this study is meaningful because it surveyed the price levels to compare four different countries and then applied PPPs adjustment. This finding can be used to develop the dental RBRVs of Korean national health insurance and will contribute to improving the payment systems of health care.

A survey study of farmers' recognition on reality of Hanwoo raising and improving quality : Focused on Gyeongsangbuk-Do (한우 사육실태 및 육종개량에 대한 농가인식도 조사 분석 - 경북지역 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Byung-Ki;Oh, Dong-Yep;Jung, Dae-Jin;Lee, Jea-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.533-545
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    • 2014
  • Farmers' perception on actual raising conditions and breeding improvement for Hanwoo were surveyed and analyzed in order to utilize such data as basic resources for further development of courses of Hanwoo improvement and instructions on raising techniques. The survey was held based on Hanwoo farmers in Gyeongbuk region and the results for the analysis were as follow. Candidate cattle for breeding was selected in consideration of 'appearance, body shape, and pedigree-registration' (39.0%) and 'artificial insemination' (38.6%) was the most frequently used breeding method for the breeding cattle. 'Body length' was revealed to be the most considered factor while purchasing fattening calves and the castration for the fattening calves were mostly performed when '6~7 months after the birth'. The farmers also responded that they 'try to comply with over 80% of items specified in program for production of high quality beef' in order to produce high quality beef. However, the farmers believed that '12 months after the birth' was the most economic market month. Although the results differed by each items surveyed, majority of those results showed statistically significant differences with significance level of 0.05 upon the surveyees' general characteristics and demographic factors including level of education, age, occupation, and family man power. Most surveyees responded 'around 30% of shipping heads' (22.1%) for the prevalence of beef graded better than 1++ grade when shipping, however, no significant differences in between general characteristics of surveyees were observed.

A Study on the status analysis and revitalization of traditional market - With a focus on the support for improvement projects in Daejeon and Chungcheong - (재래시장 현황 분석 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 - 대전.충청지역의 개선 지원 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Hyung-Keun;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1682-1694
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    • 2007
  • There are a lot of factors working to facilitate the decline of Korea's traditional markets including large-scale discount stores, convenience stores, businesses of new types such as non-store retailing, and fiercer competitions among retail shops. The changes to the business environment are never favorable to them, either; the consumers have developed more diverse tastes and altered their purchasing styles; and the trading areas around traditional markets have withdrawn in size and power as new towns attract more businesses. In a word, every factor and situation seems to push traditional markets down the slope. Reacting to the problems, the Korean government enacted and enforced the "Special Law for the Promotion of Traditional Markets and Shopping Streets" to provide proper financial and management support. The shop owners of traditional markets formed merchants and prosperity associations and took various initiatives to increase the competitive edge of their traditional markets. All those efforts on the part of the government and the merchants, however, do not seem to be enough to revive traditional markets. This study set out to compare and analyze the management of shop owners of traditional markets based on the support projects by the government, to conduct an empirical research and analysis of their management conditions, and to suggest a better policy model by making improvements for the government's support system and making revisions to the current directions.

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Apartment Price Prediction Using Deep Learning and Machine Learning (딥러닝과 머신러닝을 이용한 아파트 실거래가 예측)

  • Hakhyun Kim;Hwankyu Yoo;Hayoung Oh
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2023
  • Since the COVID-19 era, the rise in apartment prices has been unconventional. In this uncertain real estate market, price prediction research is very important. In this paper, a model is created to predict the actual transaction price of future apartments after building a vast data set of 870,000 from 2015 to 2020 through data collection and crawling on various real estate sites and collecting as many variables as possible. This study first solved the multicollinearity problem by removing and combining variables. After that, a total of five variable selection algorithms were used to extract meaningful independent variables, such as Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, Stepwise Selection, L1 Regulation, and Principal Component Analysis(PCA). In addition, a total of four machine learning and deep learning algorithms were used for deep neural network(DNN), XGBoost, CatBoost, and Linear Regression to learn the model after hyperparameter optimization and compare predictive power between models. In the additional experiment, the experiment was conducted while changing the number of nodes and layers of the DNN to find the most appropriate number of nodes and layers. In conclusion, as a model with the best performance, the actual transaction price of apartments in 2021 was predicted and compared with the actual data in 2021. Through this, I am confident that machine learning and deep learning will help investors make the right decisions when purchasing homes in various economic situations.