• Title/Summary/Keyword: publicness

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Public Practice and Christian Education for Covid-Generation: Uncanny and Incarnational Solidarity (코로나세대 공적 기독교교육의 방향성 연구 : 언캐니(Uncanny)와 성육신적 연대)

  • Yunsoo Joo
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.74
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    • pp.33-55
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to explore the direction of Christian public practice in the post-COVID era, seeking to overcome the uncanny feeling caused by increased division and exclusion during the pandemic period. Firstly, we will investigate the unequal impact of COVID-19 on the labor market and examine ways to achieve economic justice in the post-COVID era. Subsequently, we will deliberate the role of Christianity in establishing publicness in the digital world and virtual spaces. Finally, viewing COVID-19 as a catastrophe caused by an anthropocentric worldview and exploitation driven by greed, we will explore the tasks of Christianity to overcome the crisis of the Anthropocene. Christian public practice should fulfill its mission of care and stewardship not only in social context but also in an ecological dimension. The author proposes "planetary citizenship education" for a harmonious relationship between human species and the Earth they inhabit.

Examining the Pilot Program for Non-Medical Healthcaer Services Certification and the Healthcare Privatization Debate: A Public Service Provision Lens (공공서비스 공급 관점에서 살펴본 비의료 건강관리서비스 인증 시범사업과 의료민영화 논쟁)

  • Suyeon Park;Hyejin Lee;Mankyu Choi
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.92-105
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    • 2024
  • In June 2022, the Ministry of Health and Welfare introduced a pilot program for the certification of non-medical health management services. This initiative, however, faced opposition due to concerns about potential healthcare privatization. This study aimed to examine whether the certification pilot program promotes healthcare privatization by utilizing a classification framework for public service provision. Contrary to initial concerns, it appears that the government sought to ensure publicness by acting as an intermediary between service beneficiaries and private providers, thereby incorporating the efficiency and accessibility of the private sector into the system. To address the potential exacerbation of health inequalities through technological monopolies and large-scale capital investment, continuous discussion and consensus among various social stakeholders surrounding this system will be necessary.

Rethinking the Role of Public Service Media in the Big Data Era: Focusing on data sharing cases of European Broadcasting (빅데이터 시대에 공공서비스 미디어의 역할 재고찰: 유럽 방송의 데이터 공유 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yun, Jang-Ryol
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.461-470
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    • 2024
  • This paper examines the crisis of public broadcasting and focuses on the European Innovation in Public Service Media Policies(InnoPSM). They define digital content as common goods and suggest the possibility of producing and sharing common goods in a non-commercial manner, rather than public broadcasting, which is represented by public service media, being privately owned as a commodity. The characteristics of the Internet and digital technology, namely connection, exchange, and cooperation, do not require any additional costs when reproducing knowledge and information once produced. This fact is supported by cases of public and private broadcasters in Europe producing and distributing digital content as common goods. In this respect, this paper critically examines the fact that restoration of publicness in public broadcasting requires establishing legal and institutional conditions for how our society can produce and distribute common goods, while also critically examining the fact that common goods can be commercialized and monopolized in the market.

Evaluation Factors for Exterior Space Planning from the Perspective of Each Major (전공별 관점에서 본 외부공간계획의 평가요소)

  • Lee, Lim-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2024
  • As the complexity and diversity of modern urban development increases, the importance of external space planning in urban development projects is growing. This study analyzes the importance and characteristics of each major to enhance the utility value of external space, which aims to improve the efficiency of external space planning and ultimately improve the quality of life of residents. To this end, we reviewed relevant literature, legal guidelines, checklists, and guidelines, and derived 17 external space indicators through expert surveys and FGIs, and organized them into five major categories: accessibility, connectivity, suitability, stability and locality, and landscape planning through FGIs with experts in architecture, urbanism, and landscape architecture. As a result of the analysis, urban planning and design majors prioritized planning that considers the hierarchy and characteristics of the landscape structure, securing public space through the connection of open spaces and pedestrian paths, and connecting organic and three-dimensional buildings, streets, and parks; architectural planning and design majors prioritized harmony with the surrounding environment, securing public space through the connection of open spaces and pedestrian paths, and connecting organic and three-dimensional buildings, streets, and parks; and landscape (environmental) and landscape majors prioritized harmony with the surrounding environment, connecting with adjacent buildings, streets, parks, and green spaces, and planning with integrated landholdings. This emphasizes that urban development projects should secure publicness and integration through harmonious connections with adjacent buildings, streets, parks, and green spaces. This study developed evaluation indicators for evaluating the external space planning of urban development projects and quantified them through the hierarchical analysis method (AHP), which will be useful for future policy formulation and practical application in the fields of urban planning and design, architectural planning and design, landscape (environment), and landscape architecture.

A Study on the Applicability of University Facilities to Future Higher Education (국내 국립대학시설의 미래교육 적용 가능성에 대한 실태조사 기초 연구)

  • Shin, Eun-Gyeong;Park, Sung-Chul
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2024
  • With the rapid advancement of the fourth industrial revolution, universities need to nurture talents that can lead and respond to the future society based on the demands of higher education and job changes. A huge change from lecture-centered learning to student-centered learning forces university facilities to be renovated depending on the diversity of teaching-learning methods. This research proposes design principles and government policies on renovation of the university facilities in Korea. Literature review found educational factors (i.e., individuality, diversity, convergence, community, and publicness) and architectural factors in higher education. A case study on floor plans of the universities in Korea showed that the facilities are not suitable for student-centered learning in terms of educational and architectural factors. This finding was confirmed in a field survey.

Landscape Assessment and Improvement of the View Area by Selecting the Landscape Control Point (조망점 선정을 통한 대상지의 경관가치 평가 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyo;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju;SaGong, Jung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to quantitatively measure the view target and the view area through the selection of landscape control point by selecting Jimyeong-dong Dong-gu and Yeongyeong-dong Buk-gu Daegu, which are planned as the large scale housing complex development area, as the target places. It is very meaningful that from the simulation based on this measurement, the improvement methods are attempted to be suggested at the project level. The results of this study are as follows. First, the total number of viewing targets derived from the literature analysis for the selection of the viewing targets was 24, and finally derived main viewing targets were 4 places. Second, the total number of selection criteria of the derived landscape control point was 15, and these were re-categorized as prospect, accessibility and publicness according to the common property. The preliminary LCPs were selected by measuring the publicness and accessibility, and because of the said measurement, a total of 43 preliminary LCPs were selected. The final LCPs were selected by estimating the prospect of the selected preliminary LCPs, and as a result of estimation, a total of 29 final LCPs were selected. Finally, the total number of evaluation indicators derived from literature analysis was 26. Because of the valuation by the landscape control point, it was found that the 2 view areas were the I grade, 3 areas were II grade and 3 areas were the V grade, the lowest grade among 29 view areas. From the analysis on problems for the improvement methods, 4 improvement-indicators including the diversity of land mosaic were selected for the view area-1 without considering the development project drawing. In addition, for the view area-2 with considering the development project drawing, the landscape as the scenery forests was well formed, and the arrangement of architectures for the security of view corridor was right angle arrangement, and their floor number was 10.

Extreme Job, How Will We Survive Since "Candlelight Protest"? -A Revival of Comic Mode and a Comedy Film in the Age of Self-Management (<극한직업>, '촛불혁명' 이후 어떻게 버티며 살아남을 것인가? -코믹 모드의 부활과 자기경영 시대의 코미디영화)

  • Chung, Young-Kwon
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.221-254
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    • 2020
  • This paper finds a solution in the social context which cannot be explained thoroughly by well-timed release date, revival of comedy films, and the attraction of Lee Byeong-heon's comedy etc. while it throws question of how the film, Extreme Job captivated 16 million audience. The incredible hits of Extreme Job cannot be explained by analyzing the text alone. After this essay investigates a function and a role of comedy as a public sphere, it examines people's desires and wishes in the comedy and other genres since 2008 when the conservative government has seized power. Since 2008 a series of dark tone's action thriller, social problem film, and disaster film have emerged, these genres showed absence of public security, crisis of democracy and criticism against rulling class. On the other hand, hit comedy films have showed escapism such as weepie, nostalgia, and fantasy at the same time, generally. Although Veteran (2015) is not full-blown comedy, after this film's big success, "comic mode" has gradually revived. A light tone's films which are truer to genre rules has started representing the wishes of people toward social reforms and changes. Meanwhile, "Candlelight Protest" served as a momentum to recover the democracy which has been in crisis, but it could not lead changes in economic and daily lives. Exreme Job can be read as a question how we will survive since "Candlight Protest." The lives of detectives as self-employed workers who has taken over a fried chicken restaurant for going undercover are appearances of ordinary persons who must survive in the edless conpetition. Furthermore, this film shows a dream of a "great success myth" which becomes well-known as a famous restaurant and a self-management such as brand-naming and an exapansion of franchise business. We can read ganster's chicken franchises as a huge distribution industry which disturbs market system by delivering drugs secretly. While applauses that we give to the police having identities of self-employed workers which sweeps the ganster are giving support to oridinary neighborhood like us, they are also wishes of people who long for the restoration of publicness of police in the market which is becoming increasingly privatized today. A significance of this essay is to examine Extreme Job in terms of the geography of film genres and the revival of comic mode sicne 2008 at the macro level, and is to read the film in the perspective of the problems of economic and daily lives which has been still unsolved since "Candlelight Protest" at the micro level.

Corporate Governance and Managerial Performance in Public Enterprises: Focusing on CEOs and Internal Auditors (공기업의 지배구조와 경영성과: CEO와 내부감사인을 중심으로)

  • Yu, Seung-Won
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.71-103
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    • 2009
  • Considering the expenditure size of public institutions centering on public enterprises, about 28% of Korea's GDP in 2007, public institutions have significant influence on the Korean economy. However, still in the new government, there are voices of criticism about the need of constant reform on public enterprises due to their irresponsible management impeding national competitiveness. Especially, political controversy over appointment of executives such as CEOs of public enterprises has caused the distrust of the people. As one of various reform measures for public enterprises, this study analyzes the effect of internal governance structure of public enterprises on their managerial performance, since, regardless of privatization of public enterprises, improving the governance structure of public enterprises is a matter of great importance. There are only a few prior researches focusing on the governance structure and managerial performance of public enterprises compared to those of private enterprises. Most of prior researches studied the relationship between parachuting employment of CEO and managerial performance, and concluded that parachuting produces negative effect on managerial performance. However, different from the results of such researches, recent studies suggest that there is no relationship between employment type of CEOs and managerial performance in public enterprises. This study is distinguished from prior researches in view of following. First, prior researches focused on the relationship between employment type of public enterprises' CEOs and managerial performance. However, in addition to this, this study analyzes the relationship of internal auditors and managerial performance. Second, unlike prior researches studying the relationship between employment type of public corporations' CEOs and managerial performance with an emphasis on parachuting employment, this study researches impact of employment type as well as expertise of CEOs and internal auditors on managerial performance. Third, prior researchers mainly used non-financial indicators from various samples. However, this study eliminated subjectivity of researchers by analyzing public enterprises designated by the government and their financial statements, which were externally audited and inspected. In this study, regression analysis is applied in analyzing the relationship of independence and expertise of public enterprises' CEOs and internal auditors and managerial performance in the same year. Financial information from 2003 to 2007 of 24 public enterprises, which are designated by the government, and their personnel information from the board of directors are used as samples. Independence of CEOs is identified by dividing CEOs into persons from the same public enterprise and persons from other organization, and independence of internal auditors is determined by classifying them into two groups, people from academic field, economic world, and civic groups, and people from political community, government ministries, and military. Also, expertise of CEOs and internal auditors is divided into business expertise and financial expertise. As control variables, this study applied foundation year, asset size, government subsidies as a proportion to corporate earnings, and dummy variables by year. Analysis showed that there is significantly positive relationship between independence and financial expertise of internal auditors and managerial performance. In addition, although business expertise and financial expertise of CEOs were not statistically significant, they have positive relationship with managerial performance. However, unlike a general idea, independence of CEOs is not statistically significant, but it is negatively related to managerial performance. Contrary to general concerns, it seems that the impact of independence of public enterprises' CEOs on managerial performance has slightly decreased. Instead, it explains that expertise of public enterprises' CEOs and internal auditors plays more important role in managerial performance rather than their independence. Meanwhile, there are limitations in this study as follows. First, in contrast to private enterprises, public enterprises simultaneously pursue publicness and entrepreneurship. However, this study focuses on entrepreneurship, excluding considerations on publicness of public enterprises. Second, public enterprises in this study are limited to those in the central government. Accordingly, it should be carefully considered when the result of this study is applied to public enterprises in local governments. Finally, this study excludes factors related to transparency and democracy issues which are raised in appointment process of executives of public enterprises, as it may cause the issue of subjectivity of researchers.

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Development Process of the 88 Seoul Olympic Park as Sculpture Park and Its Discourses (88올림픽공원 조각공원의 조성 과정 및 전후 담론의 해석)

  • Shin, Myungjin;Sung, Jong-Sang;Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2020
  • The 88 Olympic Park is a monumental urban park in Seoul, developed to commemorate South Korea's hosting of the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games. Initially conceived to emphasize the event slogan, 'Cultural Olympics,' which was driven by the Korean government, the park, already designed and constructed by 1986, was reconfigured into a sculpture park following two international outdoor sculpture Olympiads and an invitational sculpture exhibition. This study takes a look at the process of redesigning the park into sculpture park and the socio-political discussions surrounding such a process, in order to reconsider the significance of the 88 Seoul Olympic Park with regards to Korean landscape architectural history. Several discussions within Korean society arose during the redesign process. First, there were critiques on the artwork selection during the early phase of the project. Second, issues regarding the conservation of the national heritage site, Mongchon-tosung, located within the park, gave rise to a larger discourse on heritage preservation in Seoul. Third, discussions regarding the formation of the park identity, or lack thereof, prevalent. Through this study, the 88 Seoul Olympic Park presents itself as an example where large park construction in Seoul caused discussions regarding globalization, nationalism, publicness and art to be brought forth. This paper concludes that the 88 Seoul Olympic Park is a cultural landscape that requires further examination and exploration as it provides rich historical context for understanding the history of cultural and artistic practices in Korean urban landscapes.

Study of the Image Design Components of Urban Landscape Media Facade (도시경관 미디어파사드의 영상디자인 구성요소 연구)

  • Yu, Jung-Sun;Chung, Jean-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6478-6483
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    • 2014
  • Media facades project images on the external walls of a building as a screen. Such facades can recover the cultural emotions of users tired of a high level of market competition in urban spaces and develop into urban aesthetics and be reinterpreted as an image design as the city becomes a topic as well as the target projected. From a cultural perspective, the artistic possibility and strengthening of publicness of media facades are discussed. One of the considerations is that it should be the medium communicating with the building or surrounding of the projected target. Urban landscape media facades, such as 2014 Gwanghwamun media facade, 2014 Sejong Center for the Performing Arts media facade and 2013 Namsan media facade were compared and analyzed. As a result, four types of image design components could be derived such as motifs, concepts, stories and projection types. Media facade, which is establishing itself as a new technological genre beyond canvas and theater screens, should contain messages, themes and technological advances as a higher level of the urban symbolic art form in the future. This paper derived the components of image design through the comparative analysis of symbolic urban landscape media facade.