• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem solving approach

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Analysis on the Principles for Teaching Algebra Revealed in Clairaut's (Clairaut의 <대수학 원론>에 나타난 대수 지도 원리에 대한 분석)

  • Chang, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.253-270
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    • 2007
  • by A.C. Clairaut was written based on the historico-genetic principle such as his . In this paper, by analyzing his we can induce six principles that Clairaut adopted to teach algebra: necessity and curiosity as a motive of studying algebra, harmony of discovery and proof, complementarity of generalization and specialization, connection of knowledge to be learned with already known facts, semantic approaches to procedural knowledge of mathematics, reversible approach. These can be considered as strategies for teaching algebra accorded with beginner's mind. Some of them correspond with characteristics of , but the others are unique in the domain of algebra. And by comparing Clairaut's approaches with school algebra, we discuss about some mathematical subjects: setting equations in relation to problem situations, operations and signs of letters, rule of signs in multiplication, solving quadratic equations, and general relationship between roots and coefficients of equations.

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QI Activities for Promotion of Patient's Satisfaction (환자 만족도 조사를 통한 QI활동의 효과 평가 - 일개 병원을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Yon-Ok;Kim, Mi-Soug;Ko, Eun-Geong;Kim, Yeon-Jung;Hong, Chang-Ho
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.312-323
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    • 1998
  • Background : Evaluation of patient's satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of quality improvement. If the patient highly satisfies with the medical service provided in the hospital, he/she will be likely to visit the same hospital again. Patient's satisfaction of a particular hospital is directly correlated with hospital profits as well as reputation in the community. For this reason, various kinds of survey measuring satisfaction level have been performed and many kind of QI activities for enhancing the profits as well as reputation in the community. For this reason, various kinds of survey measuring satisfaction level have been performed and many kind of QI activities for enhancing the patient's satisfaction. This study is to find the effect of hospital QI activities on the patent's satisfaction level. Methods: After questionnares were developed, survey of measuring satisfaction level was performed in August, 1998. On the basis of survey results, QI activities were carried out to attain the target point of 4.0 and subsequent survey was done in November, 1998. Results: With three main principles of "problem solving approach with kindness". "helping patient to participate in medical procedure with sufficient information", and "putting employees into practice of attitude with human respect", the average level of satisfaction was enhanced from 3.45 to 3.55 level. Also kindness level of employees was increased from 3.71 to 3.82. Level of dissatisfaction about insufficient explanation and unkind attitude was dropped from 69% to 48% and from 82% to 46% respectively. Conclusion: With the result of this study overall satisfaction level was enhanced. In order to keep these advantages a operation of Quality Improvement Task Force Team in each subject will be required.

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Analysis of cable structures through energy minimization

  • Toklu, Yusuf Cengiz;Bekdas, Gebrail;Temur, Rasim
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.62 no.6
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    • pp.749-758
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    • 2017
  • In structural mechanics, traditional analyses methods usually employ matrix operations for obtaining displacement and internal forces of the structure under the external effects, such as distributed loads, earthquake or wind excitations, and temperature changing inter alia. These matrices are derived from the well-known principle of mechanics called minimum potential energy. According to this principle, a system can be in the equilibrium state only in case when the total potential energy of system is minimum. A close examination of the expression of the well-known equilibrium condition for linear problems, $P=K{\Delta}$, where P is the load vector, K is the stiffness matrix and ${\Delta}$ is the displacement vector, it is seen that, basically this principle searches the displacement set (or deformed shape) for a system that minimizes the total potential energy of it. Instead of using mathematical operations used in the conventional methods, with a different formulation, meta-heuristic algorithms can also be used for solving this minimization problem by defining total potential energy as objective function and displacements as design variables. Based on this idea the technique called Total Potential Optimization using Meta-heuristic Algorithms (TPO/MA) is proposed. The method has been successfully applied for linear and non-linear analyses of trusses and truss-like structures, and the results have shown that the approach is much more successful than conventional methods, especially for analyses of non-linear systems. In this study, the application of TPO/MA, with Harmony Search as the selected meta-heuristic algorithm, to cables net system is presented. The results have shown that the method is robust, powerful and accurate.

A Transfer Learning Method for Solving Imbalance Data of Abusive Sentence Classification (욕설문장 분류의 불균형 데이터 해결을 위한 전이학습 방법)

  • Seo, Suin;Cho, Sung-Bae
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1275-1281
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    • 2017
  • The supervised learning approach is suitable for classification of insulting sentences, but pre-decided training sentences are necessary. Since a Character-level Convolution Neural Network is robust for each character, so is appropriate for classifying abusive sentences, however, has a drawback that demanding a lot of training sentences. In this paper, we propose transfer learning method that reusing the trained filters in the real classification process after the filters get the characteristics of offensive words by generated abusive/normal pair of sentences. We got higher performances of the classifier by decreasing the effects of data shortage and class imbalance. We executed experiments and evaluations for three datasets and got higher F1-score of character-level CNN classifier when applying transfer learning in all datasets.

An Effect of Storytelling-based Robot Programming Class (스토리텔링을 활용한 로봇 프로그래밍 수업의 효과)

  • Park, Jung-Ho;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.211-222
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    • 2012
  • 21C future learners are required to have creative thinking and problem-solving capability to address an issue wisely by integrating and applying knowledge and functions. The robot education that has recently been studied in primary and secondary schools was reported to be effective in satisfying the requirements. The robot education varies ranging from the existing after-school education to an integrated approach used for regular curriculums, and has actively been studied. Nevertheless, aside from positive study results, any studies on the environment where primary school students can learn robot and programming knowledge more friendly is still insufficient. Therefore, this study was intended to give students a robot class with the use of storytelling friendly to students in order for primary school students to learn robot and programming knowledge with ease. The study result showed that acquirement of programming knowledge was improved, and that the students had a positive learning attitude. In addition, it was found that the storytelling of the robot class helped provide the entire learning context and continuous learning motivation for the students.

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A Grounded Theory Approach to the Process of Conflict between Early Childhood Teacher and Parent on the Perspectives of Teachers (유아교사의 관점에서 본 교사와 학부모의 갈등과정 : 근거이론적 접근)

  • Kim, Young Ju;Lee, Kyeong Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.237-260
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    • 2015
  • This study sought to explain the process of conflict between early childhood teacher and parent (T-P conflict) and was guided by the following three questions: (a) how does a T-P conflict begin? (b) how does a T-P conflict develop over time? and (c) how does a T-P conflict end? One hundred cases were provided by private kindergarten teachers with experiences of T-P conflict. A qualitative grounded theory design was used for analysis of the data. Open coding and axial coding resulted in six categories: (a) "causes of conflict" (b) "conditional context of conflict" (c) "state of conflict" (d) "amplification of conflict" (e) "problem solving strategies of conflict", and (f) "cease of conflict". The stage of selective coding drew out three core categories: (a) "prelude with tuneless instruments" (b) "duet for discords and concords, and (c) "splendid finale vs. unplanned intermission". Additionally the study raised the doubts about current early childhood education policies based on neo-liberalism and their impacts on relationships between teachers and parents.

A Qualitative Study on the Self-determination Experience of Youth with Disabilities (장애청소년의 자기결정 경험에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Kim, Kyo-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.63 no.4
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    • pp.5-31
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    • 2011
  • This study explored how young people with disabilities experience self-determination in their lives. This study employed a grounded theory approach involving 10 undergraduate students with cerebral palsy or physical disabilities, in their early 20's, and individual interviews. The experience relating self-determination of the participants seemed to start with "wanting to do things at their will as they grow up". The participants reported experiencing "yearning to attain self-actualization overcoming disabilities" in the context of "disability-related social limitation", "divided opinions between the participants and their parents", and "limitation in financial and psychological resources". The emerging strategies to attain self-actualization included "active coping", "avoiding confrontation", and "conditional acceptance". Intervening conditions to formation of the strategies included ”challenging spirits towards prejudice about disability", "autonomous tendencies", "taking the most of social support" and "parenting attitudes of their parents". In the process of seeking to attain self-actualization, these participants experienced "self-maturation" and "the sense of guilt towards their parents". The findings emerged from the study was that there are three stages in the process young people went through in self-determination. The stages consist of "perceiving their needs and obstacles for self-determination", "problem solving", and "perceiving their growth". In addition, four self-determination patterns are derived from this data: "breaking through", "multi-strategic", "moderate", and "acceptive". This study suggested some theoretical and prctical implications needed to facilitate self-determination of youth with disabilities.

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The Effects of Imagery Therapy on Coping Mechanism and Type C Personality in the Women with Mastectomy (심상치료가 유방 절제 여성의 성격특성과 대처전략에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Eun-Sim;Pai, Hang-Ja
    • Asian Oncology Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of imagery therapy on "coping mechanism and type C personality of the women with mastectomy. To achieve this purpose, 2 hours sessions of imagery therapy were given to the patients with breast cancer twice a week for 6 weeks. The period of data collection was from July, 7th to August, 12th 2002. The participants were 30 patients, 15 experimental group, 15 control group who were treated at the G University hospital in J City. This study was designed using a quasi-experimental approach with non-equivalent Pre test-Post test Design. The themes for the Imagery Therapy Program were composed of Leuner's(1969) 12 Imagery Themes: flower, green-field, stream, mountain, house, woods, significant figures, rose, lion, ideal self-image, cave and volcano. The data were analyzed with ${\chi}2-test$ and MANOVA using the SPSS program. The course of image change of the 12 imagery themes was analyzed by content analysis. The results of this study are as follows: First Hypothesis, 'The score of type C personality in the women with mastectomy who received imagery therapy will be significantly lower than that of the control group' was supported(p<.05). Second Hypothesis, 'The score of coping mechanism' in the women with mastectomy who received imagery therapy will be significantly higher than that of the control group' was rejected. In conclusion, imagery therapy is suggested as an effective nursing intervention to change type C personality of the women with mastectomy, but not effective to improve coping mechanism. Therefore, the program for the women with mastectomy should be developed to change their coping mechanism, method of problem solving and Quality of life.

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Quasi-Economic Integration in the Broiler Industry (브로일러산업의 유사경제통합)

  • 박영인
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1984
  • The pattern of economic integration in the broiler industry can be grouped into three categories; 1) non-integration, 2) quasi-integration and 3) complete-integration. It is general to see that the non-integration is quite common under the market conditions of perfect competition, whereas the complete integration is more preferable in the imperfect competition. The quasi-integration, however, exists at all phases where the complete integration is not fully formed and implemented, but the non-integration has begun to alter its nature into integrated structure. The broiler industry in Korea has been characterized with the typically non-integrated independent operation, resulting in considerable price fluctuation and unstable industry as a whole. As a means of solving out the problem stemed from the non-integrated, growers and agribusinessmen involved in broiler industry have tended to develope the regular customer relationship prevailed between two parties. In fact, it has been practiced for years that most growers have been dealt with factor suppliers or processors on a regular basis for advantages of better price and quality, useful information, management help and so forth. Under the customary transaction, no formal contract has been made due to simple buyers and sellers relations, not like the one used to be performed in the form of contractual agreement. The broiler industry realizes the direction to go ahead toward the formal arrangement of integrated system from current regular transactions. As more Vowers, suppliers and processors recognize the necessity of it, the non-integrated industry appears to become the partially integrated by developing the existing customer relationship in such a way that functions of integrators are. further expanded and better organized. As a result, a type of quasi-integration started to show up by an integrator dominated in the field of hatching, feedmilling, dressing and by a grower's coop, It is concluded, therefore, that the evolution of quasi-integration in Korea's broiler industry is continuously taking place, implying the close approach to the completely integrated broiler production and marketing system.

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Estimating the Regularizing Parameters for Belief Propagation Based Stereo Matching Algorithm (Belief Propagation 기반 스테레오 정합을 위한 정합 파라미터의 추정방식 제안)

  • Oh, Kwang-Hee;Lim, Sun-Young;Hahn, Hee-Il
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 2010
  • This paper defines the probability models for determining the disparity map given stereo images and derives the methods for solving the problem, which is proven to be equivalent to an energy-based stereo matching. Under the assumptions the difference between the pixel on the left image and the corresponding pixel on the right image and the difference between the disparities of the neighboring pixels are exponentially distributed, a recursive approach for estimating the MRF regularizing parameter is proposed. Usually energy-based stereo matching methods are so sensitive to the parameter that it should be carefully determined. The proposed method alternates between estimating the parameter with the intermediate disparity map and estimating the disparity map with the estimated parameter, after computing it with random initial parameter. It is shown that the parameter estimated by the proposed method converges to the optimum and its performance can be improved significantly by adjusting the parameter and modifying the energy term.