• Title/Summary/Keyword: problem solving approach

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An Approach for Optimal Dispatch Scheduling Incorporating Transmission Security Constraints (송전계통 안전도 제약조건을 반영한 급전계획 알고리즘 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Koo-Hyung;Kim, Bal-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.54 no.12
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    • pp.597-602
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    • 2005
  • The introduction of competition in electricity market emphasizes the importance of sufficient transmission capacities to guarantee various electricity transactions. Therefore, when dispatch scheduling, transmission security constraints should be considered for the economic and stable electric power system operation. In this paper, we propose an optimal dispatch scheduling algorithm incorporating transmission security constraints. For solving these constraints, the dispatch scheduling problem is decomposed into a master problem to calculate a general optimal power flow (OPF) without transmission security constraints and several subproblems to inspect the feasibility of OPF solution under various transmission line contingencies. If a dispatch schedule given by the master problem violates transmission security constraints, then an additional constraint is imposed to the master problem. Through these iteration processes between the master problem and subproblems, an optimal dispatch schedule reflecting the post-contingency rescheduling is derived. Moreover, since interruptible loads can positively participate as generators in the competitive electricity market, we consider these interruptible loads active control variables. Numerical example demonstrates efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

Factors Affecting the Self-Directed Learning Ability of Dental Hygiene Students (치위생과 학생의 자기 주도적 학습능력에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Hyun-Sook, Kang;Mi-Hyun, So;Younyoung, Cho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: This study aimed to provide the measures for improving the self-directed learning ability and the reference data for substantializing the educational programs by verifying the main factors affecting the self-directed learning ability of dental hygiene students in reality when the learners' autonomy is emphasized than ever. Methods: From June 20 to July 4, 2022, an online survey was conducted targeting total 218 dental hygiene students. The collected data was analyzed by using the SPSS Program Version 22.0. Results: First, in the results of analyzing differences in detailed items of self-directed learning ability according to the general characteristics, the 'students who entered the department of dental hygiene by considering their aptitude and interest' showed higher results than the 'students who entered the department by considering their high school record'. Second, when the academic efficacy, study immersion, and problem-solving ability of dental hygiene students were higher, their self-directed learning ability was also high. Third, the factor that had the greatest effect on self-directed learning ability of dental hygiene students was problem-solving ability, which was followed by academic efficacy and study immersion. Conclusion: Putting together the results above, in order to cultivate the problem-solving ability of dental hygiene students, it would be necessary to operate the problem-solving-centered simulation course that could foster critical thinking, interactions with others, and creative approach and solution to problems in dental medical site. It would be also possible to improve their academic efficacy by applying the learning mentoring & one-to-one learning counseling program, and also strengthening proper feedbacks for learners. Moreover, the study immersion could be strengthened by developing and operating the emotion-based learning motivation program & learning coaching program through the process of verifying the potential and growth needs of learners, exploring one's own resources through learning diagnosis/introspection, and exploring the career-related vision for strengthening the learning motivation, which could have positive effects on the improvement of self-directed learning ability.

Accurate periodic solution for non-linear vibration of dynamical equations

  • Pakar, Iman;Bayat, Mahmoud;Bayat, Mahdi
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2014
  • In this paper we consider three different cases and we apply Variational Approach (VA) to solve the non-natural vibrations and oscillations. The method variational approach does not demand small perturbation and with only one iteration can lead to high accurate solution of the problem. Some patterns are presented for these three different cease to show the accuracy and effectiveness of the method. The results are compared with numerical solution using Runge-kutta's algorithm and another approximate method using energy balance method. It has been established that the variational approach can be an effective mathematical tool for solving conservative nonlinear dynamical equations.

Offsetting Inventory Cycle of Items Sharing Storage using Mixed Integer Programming & Genetic Algorithm (혼합정수계획법 및 유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 다품목 재고 시스템의 주문 주기 상쇄에 관한 연구)

  • 문일경;차병철;김선권
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.81-84
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    • 2003
  • The ability to determine the optimal frequencies and offsets for independent and unrestricted ordering cycles for multiple items can be very valuable for managing storage capacity constrained facilities in a supply chain. The complexity of this problem has resulted in researchers focusing on more tractable surrogate problems that are special cases of the base problem. Murthy et al. (European Journal of Operation Research 2003) developed insights leading to solution of the original problem and present a heuristic for offsetting independent and unrestricted ordering cycles for items to minimize their joint storage requirements. However, their study cannot find optimal solution due to the Greedy Heuristic solution procedure. In this paper, we present a complete procedure to find the optimal solution for the model with a integer programming optimization approach and genetic algorithm. Numerical examples are included to compare each model with that of Murthy et at. Research of this type may prove useful in solving the more general problem of selecting order policies to minimize combined holding, ordering, and storage costs.

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An Application of a Parallel Algorithm on an Image Recognition

  • Baik, Ran
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.219-224
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    • 2017
  • This paper is to introduce an application of face recognition algorithm in parallel. We have experiments of 25 images with different motions and simulated the image recognitions; grouping of the image vectors, image normalization, calculating average image vectors, etc. We also discuss an analysis of the related eigen-image vectors and a parallel algorithm. To develop the parallel algorithm, we propose a new type of initial matrices for eigenvalue problem. If A is a symmetric matrix, initial matrices for eigen value problem are investigated: the "optimal" one, which minimize CAF and the "super optimal", which minimize IC1AF. In this paper, we present a general new approach to the design of an initial matrices to solving eigenvalue problem based on the new optimal investigating C with preserving the characteristic of the given matrix A. Fast all resulting can be inverted via fast transform algorithms with O(N log N) operations.

GENIIS, a New Hybrid Algorithm for Solving the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem

  • Choi, Myeong-Gil;Thangi, Nguyen-Manh;Hwang, Won-Joo
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.39-58
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    • 2008
  • Mixed Chinese Postman Problem (MCPP) is a practical generalization of the classical Chinese Postman Problem (CPP) and it could be applied in many real world. Although MCPP is useful in terms of reality, MCPP has been proved to be a NP-complete problem. To find optimal solutions efficiently in MCPP, we can reduce searching space to be small effective searching space containing optimal solutions. We propose GENIIS methodology, which is a kind of hybrid algorithm combines the approximate algorithms and genetic algorithm. To get good solutions in the effective searching space, GENIIS uses approximate algorithm and genetic algorithm. This paper validates the usefulness of the proposed approach in a simulation. The results of our paper could be utilized to increase the efficiencies of network and transportation in business.

On the Direction of the Computer Algorithm Education Based on Conceptual Algorithms (개념적 알고리즘에 기반 한 컴퓨터 알고리즘 교육의 방향)

  • Moon, Gyo-Sik
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2007
  • Computer programming in computer education draws much attention recently. Encouraged by the increased tendency of acquiring logical ability and creativity through learning, various attempts have been made to develop them through learning computer programming in the area of computer education as well. The fact that a computer program is the representation of a computer algorithm expressed in a computer language makes us realize that the devise of a logical method for a solution - i.e., the design of an algorithm - is the key to the solution of a problem. Recognizing the importance of computer algorithm would lead us to such a point that systematic investigations for directional establishment for algorithm education are necessary. We observe that researches on teaching computer algorithm have concentrated mostly on specific problems such as sorting and searching, which can be characterized as problem-dependent and individual. In this paper, the idea of conceptual algorithm is stated from the standpoint of conceptual types of problem-solving methods which are considered as problem-independent and collective. A novice approach to algorithm education based on the characteristics of types of conceptual algorithms is proposed for the purpose of developing systematic, problem-independent, algorithmic problem-solving capabilities of learners, which is widely different from the current methods of individual and problem-dependent algorithm education.

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A Study on the Problem-Based Learning with Industry Co-operative Program for Effective PLM Education (문제중심학습과 신업체 현장실습 연계를 통한 효과적인 PLM 교육에 관한 연구)

  • Chae, Su-Jin;Noh, Sang-Do
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 2008
  • Generally, a PLM education program in university consists of lectures of theory, software lab and software development raining as an advanced subject. Most industries want more than these, such as practical problem solving capabilities, teamwork skills and engineering communications including human relationship, rhetoric, technical writing, presentation and etc. Problem-Based Learning is a problem-stimulated and student-centered teaming method, and an innovative education strategy for collaborative and self-directed learning by applying real world problems. Education paradigm changes from "teaching" to "learning" accomplished by team working, and students are encouraged to develop, present, explain and defense their ideas, suggestions or solutions of a problem, and the "cooperative teaming" proceeds spontaneously during team operations. Co-operative education program is an into-grated academic model and a structured educational program combining classroom learning with productive work experience in a field related to a student's academic or career goals. Based on the partnership between academic institutions and industries, students are engaged in real and productive "work" in the industry, in contrast with merely observing. In this paper, PBL with Co-op program is suggested as an effective approach for PLM education, and we made and operated a PBL-based education course with industry co-op program. The Co-op education in industry accompanied with the PBL course in university can improve practical problem solving capabilities of students, including modeling and management of P3R(Product, Process, resource and Plant) using commercial PLM software tools. By the result, we found this to be an effective strategy for helping students, professors and industries succeed in engineering education, especially PLM area.

Derivation of response spectrum compatible non-stationary stochastic processes relying on Monte Carlo-based peak factor estimation

  • Giaralis, Agathoklis;Spanos, Pol D.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.3 no.5
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    • pp.719-747
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    • 2012
  • In this paper a novel approach is proposed to address the problem of deriving non-stationary stochastic processes which are compatible in the mean sense with a given (target) response (uniform hazard) spectrum (UHS) as commonly desired in the aseismic structural design regulated by contemporary codes of practice. The appealing feature of the approach is that it is non-iterative and "one-step". This is accomplished by solving a standard over-determined minimization problem in conjunction with appropriate median peak factors. These factors are determined by a plethora of reported new Monte Carlo studies which on their own possess considerable stochastic dynamics merit. In the proposed approach, generation and treatment of samples of the processes individually on a deterministic basis is not required as is the case with the various "two-step" approaches found in the literature addressing the herein considered task. The applicability and usefulness of the approach is demonstrated by furnishing extensive numerical data associated with the elastic design UHS of the current European (EC8) and the Chinese (GB 50011) aseismic code provisions. Purposely, simple and thus attractive from a practical viewpoint, uniformly modulated processes assuming either the Kanai-Tajimi (K-T) or the Clough-Penzien (C-P) spectral form are employed. The Monte Carlo studies yield damping and duration dependent median peak factor spectra, given in a polynomial form, associated with the first passage problem for UHS compatible K-T and C-P uniformly modulated stochastic processes. Hopefully, the herein derived stochastic processes and median peak factor spectra can be used to facilitate the aseismic design of structures regulated by contemporary code provisions in a Monte Carlo simulation-based or stochastic dynamics-based context of analysis.

Effects of Teaching of Limit Using GeoGebra to High School Students' Mathematics Learning (GeoGebra를 활용한 극한 지도가 고등학생들의 수학 학습에 미치는 영향)

  • Kong, Min Sook;Kang, Yun Soo
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.697-716
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate high school students' learning characteristics which revealed in their learning process of limit using GeoGebra. And we are going to analyze effects of teaching of limit using GeoGebra to high school students' interesting and attitudes for mathematics learning. To do this, we selected three high school students as participants and ask them performing limit learning using GeoGebra. We recorded their problem solving process. Through analyzing their problem solving process relate to their solution, we found the followings: First, students did not logically approach based on mathematical properties or given materials, rather showing tendency decide with self-conscious and intuition. Second, it is possible that former reasoning strategies disturb following reasoning in the process of high school students' mathematics learning. Third, learning process of limit using GeoGebra help high school students to identify and correct their errors relate to limit learning. Forth, learning process of limit using GeoGebra positively effects to high school students' interesting and attitudes for mathematics learning.

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