• Title/Summary/Keyword: primary school teachers

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Mathematical Task Types to Enhance Creativity (창의성 신장을 위한 초등수학 과제의 유형)

  • Park, Man-Goo
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-134
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research was to analyze mathematical task types to enhance creativity. Creativity is increasingly important in every field of disciplines and industries. To be excel in the 21st century, students need to have habits to think creatively in mathematics learning. The method of the research was to collect the previous research and papers concerning creativity and mathematics. To search the materials, the researcher used the search engines such as the GIL and the KISTI. The mathematical task types to enhance creativity were categorized 16 different types according to their forms and characteristics. The types of tasks include (1) requiring various strategies, (2) requiring preferences on strategies, (3) making word problems, (4) making parallel problems, (5) requiring transforming problems, (6) finding patterns and making generalization, (7) using open-ended problems, (8) asking intuition for final answers, (9) asking patterns and generalization (10) requiring role plays, (11) using literature, (12) using mathematical puzzles and games, (13) using various materials, (14) breaking patterned thinking, (15) integrating among disciplines, and (16) encouraging to change our lives. To enhance students' creativity in mathematics teaching and learning, the researcher recommended the followings: reshaping perspectives toward teaching and learning, developing and providing creativity-rich tasks, applying every day life, using open-ended tasks, using various types of tasks, having assessment ability, changing assessment system, and showing and doing creative thinking and behaviors of teachers and parents.

Pedagogical Approach of the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art and Nam Byung Gil's GuJangSulHae (<구장산술九章算術>과 남병길의 <구장술해九章術解>의 교육적 활용 방안)

  • Jung, Hae-Nam
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.103-116
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    • 2011
  • 'The nine chapters on the mathematical art' has dominated the history of Chinese mathematics. It contains 246 problems and their solutions, which fall into nine categories that are firmly based on practical needs. But it has been greatly by improved by the commentary given Liu Hui and it was transformed from arithmetic text to mathematics. The improved book served as important textbook in China but also the East Asian countries for the past 2000 years. Also It is comparable in significance to Euclid's Elements in the West. In the middle of 19th century, Chosun mathematicians Nam Byung Gil(南秉吉) and Lee Sang Hyuk(李尙爀) studied mathematical structures developed in Song(宋) and Yuan(元) eras on top of their early on 'The nine chapters' and 'ShuLiJingYun(數理精蘊)'. Their studies gave rise to a momentum for a prominent development of Choson mathematics in the century. Nam Byung Gil is also commentator on 'The Nine Chapters'. His commentary is 'GuJangSulHae(九章術解)'. This book provides figures and explanations of how the algorithms work. These are very helpful for prospective elementary teachers. We try to plan programs of elementary teacher education on the basis of 'The Nine Chapters' and 'GuJangSulHae'.

An Analysis Study of SW·AI elements of Primary Textbooks based on the 2015 Revised National Curriculum (2015 개정교육과정에 따른 초등학교 교과서의 SW·AI 요소 분석 연구)

  • Park, SunJu
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the degree of reflection of SW·AI elements and CT elements was investigated and analyzed for a total of 44 textbooks of Korean, social, moral, mathematics and science textbooks based on the 2015 revised curriculum. As a result of the analysis, most of the activities of data collection, data analysis, and data presentation, which are ICT elements, were not reflected, and algorithm and programming elements were not reflected among SW·AI content elements, and there were no abstraction, automation, and generalization elements among CT elements. Therefore, in order to effectively implement SW·AI convergence education in elementary school subjects, we will expand ICT utilization activities to SW·AI utilization activities. Training on the understanding of SW·AI convergence education and improvement of teaching and learning methods using SW·AI is needed for teachers. In addition, it is necessary to establish an information curriculum and secure separate class hours for substantial SW·AI education.

Transition from Church School-Centered Education to Family-Centered Christian Faith Education (교회학교 중심의 교육에서 가정중심의 기독교 신앙교육으로의 전환)

  • Lee, Jeung Gwan
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.69
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    • pp.9-44
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to restore religious education at home. Currently, Korean church education is facing a crisis. First, there is a decrease in the number of children in the church due to the problem of the low fertility rate. Second, the number of young people leaving the church is increasing. As a result, Maneun Church and church schools are being reduced or closed. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to change from church school-centered education to family-centered faith education. This is because the restoration of faith education is also connected with the restoration of the Korean church in crisis. As an alternative to overcome the current crisis of church education, it is necessary to return to the original form of religious education. In other words, we must return to the way God commanded religious education through parents at home. The most important thing is to overcome and recover from the absence of religious education at home. A Christian home becomes a place of education that fulfills the primary responsibility of religious education for children. God has given his parents the primary authority and responsibility for the religious education of their children. However, amid changes in society and home, the educational function of the home was entrusted to other educational institutions or specialized teachers. Parents of Christian families tend to delegate their children's religious education to church schools by neglecting their educational authority and responsibility. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reinforce that parents should have a Christian view of faith education and become the main agents of their children's faith education. Parents have the authority, responsibility, and duty as teachers for religious education given by God. The educational authority and responsibility of parents originate from God. God has commanded his parents to bring up their children in faith. Therefore, for parents to become the main agents of their children's religious education, restoration is needed in Christian home education. Therefore, the task of restoring the Christian family as a place of effective Christian education and fulfilling the educational mission of faith that God has given to parents is, first, that parents and the church must recognize the importance of Christian home education anew. Second, parents must have the correct awareness and mission in the Christian view of children. The mission of parents in a Christian home is to teach, train, and admonish their children in the Lord so that they can live with Christian values. Third, the church should actively support home education and form a deep bond between church education and home education.

The Effect of Science Experiments in Collaboration with Art Activities for Students' Self-directed Learning Skills and the Creative Personality in Elementary School (미술활동과 연계한 과학실험활동이 초등학생의 자기주도학습능력과 창의적 성격에 미치는 영향)

  • Son, Jeongwoo;Heo, Minyoung
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2013
  • Until now, research to integrate art activities and science education have been making steady progress in the field of primary education and early childhood education that are directly involved in the art education of students. However, some science educators were interested in visualizing the artifacts by using design principles and experimental results through STEAM education. So, when conducting lessons for integrating science education with art activities, research is needed on the changing of the students' ability. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of science experiments in collaboration with art activities for students' self-directed learning skills and creative personality in elementary school. This study was applied to 30 students(16 male, 14 female) of 4th grade in Changwon C elementary school. The teaching materials of this study was extracted some of the experiments from the 2007 revised national curriculum in elementary science textbook and 'Teachers for Exciting Science'. Experimental treatment was performed over a total of 10 class 5 subjects and a pre-post test was conducted through G-TAGAS. As a result, science experiments in collaboration with art activities have improved significantly students' self-directed learning skills and creative personality.

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The Analysis of Proportional Reasoning Tasks in Elementary School Mathematics Textbooks (초등학교 수학 교과서에 제시된 비례추론 과제의 분석)

  • Song, Dong Hyun;Park, Young Hee
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.57-79
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    • 2022
  • Current mathematics It is necessary to ensure that ratio and proportion concept is not distorted or broken while being treated as if they were easy to teach and learn in school. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the activities presented in the textbook. Based on prior work, this study reinterpreted the proportional reasoning task from the proportional perspective of Beckmann and Izsak(2015) to the multiplicative structure of Vergnaud(1996) in four ways. This compared how they interpreted the multiplicative structure and relationships between two measurement spaces of ratio and rate units and proportional expression and proportional distribution units presented in the revised textbooks of 2007, 2009, and 2015 curriculum. First, the study found that the proportional reasoning task presented in the ratio and rate section varied by increasing both the ratio structure type and the proportional reasoning activity during the 2009 curriculum, but simplified the content by decreasing both the percentage structure type and the proportional reasoning activity. In addition, during the 2015 curriculum, the content was simplified by decreasing both the type of multiplicative structure of ratio and rate and the type of proportional reasoning, but both the type of multiplicative structure of percentage and the content varied. Second, the study found that, the proportional reasoning task presented in the proportional expression and proportional distribute sections was similar to the previous one, as both the type of multiplicative structure and the type of proportional reasoning strategy increased during the 2009 curriculum. In addition, during the 2015 curriculum, both the type of multiplicative structure and the activity of proportional reasoning increased, but the proportional distribution were similar to the previous one as there was no significant change in the type of multiplicative structure and proportional reasoning. Therefore, teachers need to make efforts to analyze the multiplicative structure and proportional reasoning strategies of the activities presented in the textbook and reconstruct them according to the concepts to teach them so that students can experience proportional reasoning in various situations.

A Study on the School Health Education Programs Performed by School Nurses in Seoul Area (서울 시내 일부 국민학교에서 양호교사가 실시하고 있는 보건교육의 실태조사. (교실 수업을 중심으로))

  • 방에스터
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.26-40
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    • 1988
  • This survey was conducted to find out the present status of health education program being provided in primary schools focusing its planning, operation, contents and attitude of school nurses in September, 1988. Total 413 school nurses who are presently working in Seoul city was surveyed by mail and 167 school nurses who responded to the questionnaire were finally ana lysed. The following results were obtained. 1. The general charcteristics of the school nurses′ surveyed. As for age distribution, 30-40 age group was 60.4% the highest and the mean age was 30. 13. As for educational attainment, junior nursing college was 71.9%. 68.3% of the surveyed was married and 43.1% of them has 5-10 years of working experiences. As for schools where school nurses are presently working, 31.7% has 2,000-3,000 students, 22.8% has 50-60 classes and 5 schools have more than 80 classes. 2. Planning of a school health education School health education was planned every semester in 55.7%, which was the highest. As for utilization status of the materials for planning of a school health education as a referance, 86.8% of the total respondants utilized the guidelines published by Seoul city School nurses′ Association, and the administrative guidelines for school health, textbooks, school health statistics and articles related to school health in order. It was tried whether the number of referances being utilized was related to the working experiences. It was found that the shorter the experiances, the more materials were utilized. It was answered that teaching plan for health education was prepared by school-nurses themselves (95.2%), and was differentiated as three levels as the first and second grades, the third and fourth grades, and the fifth and sixth grades 3. The contents of the school health education 16 subjects offered to 6 grades of students were surveyed as follows. As for fifth and sixth grades, contents on growth and development was most widely provided as 54.5%, and 68.9%, respectively. And the next to this subject, dental health education was also frequently offered to the second, third and fourth grades as 50.9%, 68.9%, and 47.3%, respctively. 4. The operation of school health education Health education provided by school nurses was conducted formallu in 36.6%, and formally of informally accordin to grades in 43.9%. It was answered that 50.3% of the surveyed school had started health education from 1987, when the plan for activation of school health was ordered from. Educational Committee. Teaching hours of school nurses was 6 in 32.9%, which was the highest. The lesson was provided for class unit in 77.2%, and sex education was sometimes offered to male and female students separately. As for support of health personnels out of school for health education, 79.0% did not receive any support. If there were any aids out of school, 62.9% received them from other related agencies and 74.3% anwered that it was once in a semester. As for expenses for health education, 57.3% did not input any expenses alloted to school health program as a whole. As audio-visual materials, slides were utulized most frequently and models, and charts in order. 5. Awareness of school nurses on the operation of school health education School nurses evaluated their educational quality as a health educator subjectively, 60-70% of them answered to be average in 4 domains such as knowledge, educational skill, ability to prepare teaching plan, and cooperation. As for the awareness on the support and cooperation of the higher institutions, 46.4% -61.8% answered that "so and so" toward Ministry of Education and Ministry of Affairs, and 13-37% "not supportive" Teachers of the corresponding schools were answered to be "so and so" in 55.9%-56.7%, and "very supportive" in 33.34%. There was a significant difference in formality of the lesson according to the support of the superintendent.

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The Development of STEAM Project Learning Program for Creative Problem-solving of the Science Gifted in Elementary School (초등과학영재의 창의적 문제해결력 향상을 위한 융합인재교육(STEAM) 프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Ho-Kam;Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.1025-1038
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study the creative problem-solving of gifted children for elementary school science in order to improve and develop learning programs and STEAM projects by applying that effect would be to provide. To develop this STEAM program, we utilized the steps of the Project Learning method and the KOrea Foundation for the Advancement of science and Creativity(KOFAC) proposed STEAM program, learning the principles and criteria in configuration, the methodology. In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed STEAM program Elementary Science for gifted students with creative problemsolving Questionnaire were used. The program was developed a total of 18 classes, consists of first project to create a solar car, second project to create elastic car. The primary project was selected as one of the topics with the students and selected topics related to previous activities in accordance with articles examining the actual quest, consultation, representation activities in class and finishing with the deliverables and evaluation consisted of 12 classes. The second project is the first project based on a given problem to generate a deliverable by outlining a solution which consists of 6 classes. All of this project was composed by teachers and students to select a common topic on the subject of themselves through a process of problematization, the student-led science, technology, engineering and arts of the area so that the content can be made convergence. The results of the study indicate that this developed STEAM program has a positive effection creative problem solving in a gifted students.

Types of Mathematical Thinking that Appeared in Challenge Math in the 5th and 6th Grade Math Teacher's Guidebooks (5, 6학년 수학 교사용 지도서의 도전 수학에 나타난 수학적 사고의 유형)

  • Yim, Youngbin
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.143-160
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to discuss educational implications by analyzing the types of mathematical thinking that appeared in challenge math in 5th and 6th grade math teacher's guidebooks. To this end, mathematical thinking types that can be evaluated and nurtured based on teaching and learning contents were organized, a framework for analyzing mathematical thinking was devised, and mathematical thinking appearing in Challenge Math in the 5th and 6th grade math teachers' guidebooks was analyzed. As a result of the analysis, first, 'challenge mathematics' in the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school in Korea consists of various problems that can guide various mathematical thinking at the stage of planning and implementation. However, it is feared that only the intended mathematical thinking will be expressed due to detailed auxiliary questions, and it is unclear whether it can cause mathematical thinking on its own. Second, it is difficult to induce various mathematical thinking at that stage because the questionnaire of the teacher's guidebooks understanding stage and the questionnaire of the reflection stage are presented very typically. Third, the teacher's guidebooks lacks an explicit explanation of mathematical thinking, and it will be necessary to supplement the explicit explanation of mathematical thinking in the future teacher's guidebooks.

An Analysis on the Contents of the Food Sanitation in the Primary, Middle and High School Textbooks (초, 중, 고교 교과서의 식품위생 내용 분석 연구)

  • 남철현;변부형;노병의;남원계
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 1994
  • A study on food sanitation in school textbooks was performed for 7 months from October 1, 1992 through may 31, 1993. A total of 243 textbooks (77 from elementary school level, 52 from junior high school level and 114 from senior high school level) were reviewed and analyzed. This study was performed in order to develop better method for teaching the subjet of food sanitation to students effectively. The results are as follows: 1) A total number of pages of textbooks dealing with food sanitation were 48 pages (0.53%) in elementary level textbooks, 38.05 pages (0.31%) in junior high school level and 105.05 pages (0.34%) in senior high school level. 2) 104.05 pages were allocated for the subject of food storage, 33 pages for insect and rodent control, 32 pages for food poisoning, 15 pages for food contamination and 7 pages for kitchen hygiene. 3) Of the four categories of textbooks, the numbr of pages dealing with food sanitation were 145 in home economics, 31 in physical education, 12 in social studies and 3.0 in science. 4) Home economics and physical education textbooks allocated many pages in dealing with food sanitation. Home economics textbooks had 88 pages for food storage, 26.05 pages for food poisoning, 7 pages for food contamination, and 2 pages for kitchen hygiene. Physical education textbooks had 15 pages about food storage, 4 pages for food poisoning, 5 pages for food contamination, and 1 page for kitchen hygiene. 5) Social studies textbooks had 5 pages for food storage, 4 pages for insect and rodent control, 3 pages for food contamination. 6) The number of pages dealing with food sanitation in elementary school level textbooks were 20 in physical education, 13 in home economics, 12 in social studies, 3 in science respectively. 7) The number of pages dealing with food sanitation in junior high school level textbooks were 31.05 in home economics, and 7.00 in physical education textbooks. 31.50 pages were about food storage, 6 pages about food poisoning, 13 pages about insect and rodent control, and 1 page about kitchen hygiene. 8) The number of pages dealing with food sanitation in senior high school level textbooks were 101.05 in home economics and 4 in physical education textbooks. 64 pages were about food storage, 21.05 about food poisoning, 13 about insect and rodent control, 4 about kitchen hygiene, and 3 about food contamination. 9) Pictures, drawings and tables were used in explaining food sanitation in the textbooks, 32 drawings of a total of 38 cuts in elementary school level textbooks, 8 pictures of 10 cuts in junior high school level and 13 tables of 14 cuts in senior high school level were used. 10) 5th grade textbooks of elementary school did not have a subject on food poisoning. Other grade textbooks in elementary school level did not contain a subject on food contamination and insect and rodent control. It's recommended that these subjects be contained in the textbooks. 11) It is necessary to teach a subject on health or health and environment independently and contain food sanitation in the subject. It is recommended that a textbook on health or health and environment be published and taught to students. 12) It is recommended that teachers specialized in health education be assigened to schools to teach health related subjects. 13) It is recommended that book publishers use the latest information in the textbooks and technical terms be unified.

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