• Title/Summary/Keyword: preventive behaviors

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A Study on the University Student's Consciousness about Sex and AIDS (대학생의 성 및 AIDS에 관한 의식 연구)

  • 강병우
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.43-56
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    • 1994
  • Although the officially confirmed incidence of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS) has remained low thus far in Korea, the progression of the pandemic has been rapid, concerned about an eventual increase in transmission. Until a vaccine or cure is found, public information and education remain an important weapon against AIDS. For the year 2000, the current WHO projection is that there will be a cumulative total of 40 million HIV infections in man, woman and children, of which more than 90% will be in the developing countries. The incerased mortality among adults and children has raised concerns that AIDS may become so devastaing as to reverse positive population growth rates and wipe out entire population. In order to plan for the rising incidence of patient with AIDS, an assessment of AIDS-related cognition and behavior, attitude of the recognized high-risk groups is necessary. Considering that undergraduates have sexuality active and more oriented toward sexual concerns than other ages. Adolescents today are more sexually involved than in the past: The media, including films, music, and television, reinforce sexual concerns by preseating images of highly sexual adolescents. Incidence of both petting and sexual intercourse in higher and occurs at earlier ages, they are important reservoir of AIDS infection. Hence, it has become important to emymerats and describe the knowledge, attitude and behavior of them, I want.. This information will eventually guide the direction of change in public policies and education programs to meet the challenges of AIDS. The objective of this study were to identity Knowledge, Attitude, Experience of Sex and AIDS in Korea. The data were collected by survey at Korean Federation for AIDS Affairs, INC. and J university, K junior college. After October in 1993, surveyed with 507 student during their's college days in Seoul. The questionnaire was designed to provide information on sex and AIDS-related knowledge and attitudes and experience. AIDS-related knowledge was measured by using 26 questions on mode of transmission and AIDS-related attitudes were measured by 7 questions, AIDS-related experience was measured by 5 questions. There were the main dependent variables in our study, In conclusion, students during their university day need to develop AIDS-preventive education programs. Clearly, the many AIDS-prevention educational effort need to be guided by well trained health agents. Financial supports from all sectors (i.e., public and private) of our society are required to achieve that end. Further researches on AIDS-related Knowledge and Attitude and behaviors of undergraduates are needed for the development of comprehensive AIDS prevention programs.

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A Study on Preschool Teachers' Oral Health Knowledge and Behaviors in Sung-nam City (성남시 어린이집 및 유치원 선생님의 유아구강보건의식과 행태에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Yong-Soon;Kim, Eun-Sook;Lim, Do-Seon;Jung, Se-Hwan;Kim, Mi-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.12-20
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to collect data about oral health to develop childrens' oral health programs in public centers. The questinnaire was mailed to 477 preschools in Sung-nam city. The returned 216 questinnaires were analyzed. The obtained results were as follows; (1) A majority of teachers knew the preventive probability of dental caries in deciduous teeth (86%) but the accuracy of the knowledge was not good. So, It is recommended that the preschool teachers' oral health knowledge should be improved. (2) Ninety-nine percent of responded teachers reported that the oral education program was needed and the right persons are the people whose worked at the department of oral health in public health centers. This means they agreed that the childrens' oral health program should be leaded by the public health centers. Therefore, public health centers should develop and supply the oral health education programs.

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A Study on the Occurrences and Preventive Strategies of Accident in Children (초등학생의 안전사고 실태 및 예방전략에 관한 조사 연구)

  • Bae Jeong-Yi
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.435-448
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    • 2002
  • Accidents are important causes of death and disability in children. They also have enormous financial implications. Young children become an victim of accidents easily because of their physical fragileness and their coping behavior being vulnerable to any actions taken by accidents. Once they have a accident, the children whose not fully developed, suffer from devastating long-term after-effects. Lee, Lee, Kang and Han(1995) reported that ninety percent of accidents can be prevented. But there is no national system to manage, evaluate and analyse the information about child accidents, even though it is necessary for accident prevention policies and health promotion of the general public. The purpose of the study was to determine how often children have accidents and define the accident prevention strategies in children. The investigator conducted a descriptive study by performing the surveys, interviews, and workshops for the 2,458 young children, 10 teachers, and 1,494 parents. The data collection for the study began on September 2000 and completed on April 20, 2001. The analysis of the data was done with Window SPSS 10.0 for descriptive statistics. Among those children, 1,298 children(52.8%) injured from accidents. The children who had accident answered that they injured from traffic accident(27.3%), inside the home(26.3%), on the playground(17.0%), during playtime(13.6%), in the school(5.9%) and food poisoning(7.1%). To define accident prevention strategies for the school children, the parents and the teachers who had a special interest in this topic formed a special task force under the guidance of the investigator. The team was charged to prepare the basis of content materials by identifying the problems, setting standards for the program, prioritizing the process, and selecting the methods of implementation and evaluation. Eight issues and concerns identified by the team were: 1)allowing young children to learn undesirable habits and behaviors that would bother others without knowing; 2) not guarding young children from car accident; 3)unattended accident at playground; 4) considering home places safe; 5)unattended accident at school. These issues were found to be coinciding with the actual child accident cases occurred recent years in Korea. Greater efforts are required to reduce unnecessary deaths and disability from childhood accidents. This study gave a very useful and important data to prepare accident prevention educational program and to prepare accident prevention strategies.

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Relationship Between Occupational Stress and Turnover Intention Among Call Center Counselors (콜센터 상담사의 직무스트레스와 이직의도와의 관련성)

  • Shin, Sam-Chul;Cho, Young-Chae;Kim, Jong-Soo;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1318-1327
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    • 2015
  • In this study, customer service representatives in call centers, the relevance of occupational stress, and turnover intention as well as the investigation of the relevance to that of demographic characteristics, health behaviors, and job-related characteristics is carried out. In particular, the relevance of occupational stress and turnover intention was attempted to be identified. From the response to the surveys of nine hospitals and five companies, there was a total of 158 people during the investigation. The collection of data was conducted by self-administered questionnaire in the period of February 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013. As the result of study, factors related to turnover intention involved age, sleep, job demands and job autonomy as significant variables. In particular, in the relevance of occupational stress and turnover intention, it was revealed that turnover intention decreases as job autonomy increases while turnover intention increases as job demands become higher. The ratio of danger of occupational stress on turnover intention eminently increased in the group of high job demands, low job autonomy, low support of supervisor and co-worker. Therefore, it is considered that efforts for improvement of occupational stress factors are required to decrease turnover intention.

Relationship Between Depressive Symptom and Social and Family Support Among the Elderly People in Urban Areas (일부 도시지역 노인들의 우울수준과 사회적지지 및 가족지지와의 관련성)

  • Lim, Hye-Sook;Cho, Young-Chae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1721-1731
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to determine the levels of depression symptoms among community elderlies and to reveal its related factors, specifically aimed at revealing social and family supports. The interviews were performed, during the period from July 1, to August 31, 2010, to 412 elderlies in urban areas. As a results, significantly higher level of depression symptoms was laid on those with lower social supports and family supports(p=0.000), and the subjects' depression was a negative correlation with social and family support. On multiple regression analysis, the level of depression symptoms was influenced by the variables of social and family support, with or without disability of visual acuity, sense of satisfaction in daily life, number of friends, educational level, with or without spouse, activity of hobbies and urinary incontinence. In conclusion, the level of depression symptoms was so complicatedly influenced by variable factors as well as socio-demographic characteristics, health-related behaviors, health status, social support net-work and social activities. Especially, the level of depression symptoms was more influenced by social supports and family supports.

Mediating Effect of Attitude toward Advertisement on the Relationship between COVID-19 Involvement and Behavioral Intention of Social Distancing in Loss versus Gain Advertising Context (손실과 이득 메시지 프레이밍 광고상황에서 COVID-19에 대한 관여와 사회적 거리두기 실천의도와의 관계에 영향을 미치는 광고태도의 매개효과)

  • Choi, Ja In;Choi, Ja Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.467-477
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    • 2021
  • Purposes of this study were to identify the relationship among involvement in COVID-19 (IiC), attitude toward advertisement (AtA), and behavioral Intention to social distancing (BItSD), and to investigate the mediating effect of AtA in a loss versus gain advertising context. The participants were 379 adults who have been consecutively living in Korea since January 2020. The participants were randomly assigned to one of two advertisements using an online survey system. We found that IiC affects BItSD since Korean adults recognize the risks and seriousness of COVID-19 infection or transmission through IiC. Induced positive attitudes or emotions through involvement in the COVID-19 preventive behaviors including social distancing and vaccination are helpful to increase the BItSD. Thus, health care and information providers should give an accurate message, which induces a positive attitude, to recognize that our world is a risk of the COVID-19.

Effects of Multiple Chronic Diseases on Periodontal Disease in Korean Adults (우리나라 성인에서 복합만성질환이 치주질환에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Ju-Hyun;Hwang, Tae-Yoon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.224-233
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the relations between multiple chronic diseases and peridontal diseases in Korean adults. Methods: A total of 4,142 cases was set for analysis, who aged 35 and over and finished with the third year health survey and oral health check-up of the fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(2012). Peridontal disease was defined if community periodontal index(CPI) was 3(formation of paradental cyst of more than 4mm) or 4(formation of paradental cyst of more than 6mm). Results: The subjects consisted of 48.5% male and 51.5% female. The prevalence rate of peridontal disease was found to be 30.1% in total. In peridontal disease the more the age increased, and the lower the education level and income level as well as the more where the residential area was rural, the higher the prevalence rate was(p<0.01). According to the number of multiple chronic conditions the prevalence rate of periodontal disease accounted for 27.8%, 31.9%, 33.1%, and 35.2% when there were 0, 1, 2, and 3 or more chronic diseases respectively. As a result of logistic regression analysis, gender, age, education level, residential area, current smoking, and use of oral hygienic products were found to be significant factors on peridontal disease. Conclusions: This research revealed the prevalence rate of peridontal disease was 30.1% in Korean adults and health behaviors affecting on periodontal disease were more significant.

A Study on the Kindergarten Teacher's Experience in the Child Violence (아동폭력에 대한 유치원 교사의 경험에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Young-Min;Shin, Nam-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to recognize kindergarten teachers' experiences of child violence for identifying the site's needs for the implementation of preventive education in early childhood and to provide basic data on child violence. To this end, nine teachers were interviewed in-depth. From the study results, first, child violence-related child behavior, which usually occurs in kindergartens, includes physical assault, aggression, verbal violence, threats and threats, and bullying. Second, teachers usually use direct intervention laws in cases of child violence, but were finding it difficult to intervene properly with many tasks or high teacher-to-child ratios. Teachers recognized the need for lower teacher-to-child ratios and placement of each class burden. Third, teachers were aware of the need for prevention education for child violence targeting infants, and instigated the following appropriate interactions immediately after problem behavior occurred: large group activities, specific multimedia education data and parent education. Fourth, teachers are concerned about the possibility of problem behavior being learned and imitated through education in the implementation of prevention education for children's violence. Therefore, this study proposed the need to develop various teaching methods that could be applied to infant education sites, focusing on the types of child violence-related problem behaviors that occur in kindergartens.

Policy Compliance and Smoking related Behavior Change in a Smoke-free Apartment (금연 공동주택 주민들의 정책 순응도와 흡연 관련 행태 변화)

  • Cho, Hoosun;Kim, Eunsu;Nam, Hae-Sung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the policy compliance according to the socio-demographic characteristics, stress, satisfaction of relationship, Health Belief Model and characteristics of smoking behaviors and knowledge related smoking of the residents living in the Smoke-free apartment and to investigate the change of the smoking related behavior before and after the implementation of the policy. Methods: The subjects of the survey were 293 residents aged 19 or older who reside in apartments six months after the designation of Smoke-free apartment located in Daejeon. All collected data were analyzed using T-test, ANOVA and Hierarchical multiple regression of SPSS for windows(ver 24.0) program. Results: The policy compliance was higher in women and those who lived for less than two years, and non-smokers were significantly higher. The policy compliance of the whole subjects was related to satisfaction with the surrounding relationship, perceived disability about smoking cessation, frequency of smoking and the amount of smoking. The policy compliance of the whole subjects was related to the satisfaction of the surrounding relationship, the perceived disability about smoking cessation, and the amount of smoking. In addition, after the implementation of the gold research station designation policy, it had a positive impact on smoker's smoking behavior and resulted in reducing the frequency of secondhand smoke among residents. Conclusions: In order to increase the compliance of the non-smoking policy It is necessary to continuously expand the indoor smoking cessation zone policy, develop policies and supplement the health belief model components.

Health Beliefs, Preventive Behaviors, and Influencing Factors on Sexually Transmitted Diseases of Vulnerable Groups of Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI) (성매개감염병 취약군의 성매개감염병에 대한 건강신념과 예방행동 및 영향요인)

  • Jeong, Ae-Suk;Jang, Keong-Sook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.346-356
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: This study was to identify the Health beliefs of the vulnerable group on the prevention of STI and to identify the factors that influence prevention behavior. Methods: The participants were 241 of persons vulnerable to STI. A total of 241 questionnaires were collected by mail or in person through relevant workplace, group members, and visitors to public health centers with structured questionnaires. The SPSS 21.0 program was used to perform descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression. Results: As a result, the level of perceived susceptibility was 2.70, perceived severity was 3.63, perceived benefits of condom use was 3.82, Perceived barriers of condom use was 2.45, self-efficacy of condom use 3.93 and prevention behavior of STI was 3.51 based on 5-point Likert scale. Condom use self-efficacy(��=.23, p=.003), perceived barriers of condom use(��=-.15, p=.035), and level of education(��=.16, p=.018) were important factors influencing STI prevention behavior and the regression model explained 17% of STI prevention. In conclusion, it is necessary to develop a systematic education program in consideration of factors influencing and improving awareness to prevent STI.