• Title/Summary/Keyword: power distribution system

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A Study on the Economical PQMS of the Utility Distribution Power System (전력회사 관점의 배전계통 경제형 PQM 시스템 구축방안)

  • Park, Yong-Up;Lee, Keon-Hang
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.9
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    • pp.1523-1529
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes the distribution power system econimical PQMS(Power quality monitoring system) of Utility. Recently, the korea power quality standard has been established based on the IEC Std. By IEC Std., the power quality assessment point is measured in PCC(Point of common coupling). In this case, the utility has to construct PQM system in all customer PCC point and the PQ meter cost would be very high in order to acquire the suitable data. Also the distribution system would be encounter the communication overload problem due to the huge data. Accordingly the utilities could not apply to PQM system in the distribution power system by the cost and communication problem. In this paper, the proposed economical PQMS has the voltage and current signal reiteration function and FFT operation function is transferred the server. Also the voltage and current measurement channels are minimized by a classified substation construction.

The Study on the Actual Examination of the Bidirectional Protection Device in the 22.9[kV] Distribution Power System Interconnected with the DG (분산전원이 연결된 22.9[kV] 배전계통의 양방향 보호기기 실증시험 연구)

  • Lee, Heung-Jae;Choi, Myeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2011
  • The existing power flow has a single direction to the line end but the bidirectional power flow will possibly occur depending on the output capacity in the 22.9[kV] distribution power system connected with the dispersed generation(DG). So these characteristics would influence the power system management. The DG have many advantages such as assistance source, Load share etc. So the utility must apply the bidirectional protection system so as to maximize an advantage of DG. This paper describes the field test case of bidirectional protective device in order to investigate the device performance when applied to bidirectional power system. We have tested in the power system test site of KEPCO and these tests provide the basis for performance verification test of bidirectional protective device in the power system.

Detection and Diagnosis of Power Distribution Supply Facilities Using Thermal Images (열화상 이미지를 이용한 배전 설비 검출 및 진단)

  • Kim, Joo-Sik;Choi, Kyu-Nam;Lee, Hyung-Geun;Kang, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Maintenance of power distribution facilities is a significant subject in the power supplies. Fault caused by deterioration in power distribution facilities may damage the entire power distribution system. However, current methods of diagnosing power distribution facilities have been manually diagnosed by the human inspector, resulting in continuous pole accidents. In order to improve the existing diagnostic methods, a thermal image analysis model is proposed in this work. Using a thermal image technique in diagnosis field is emerging in the various engineering field due to its non-contact, safe, and highly reliable energy detection technology. Deep learning object detection algorithms are trained with thermal images of a power distribution facility in order to automatically analyze its irregular energy status, hereby efficiently preventing fault of the system. The detected object is diagnosed through a thermal intensity area analysis. The proposed model in this work resulted 82% of accuracy of detecting an actual distribution system by analyzing more than 16,000 images of its thermal images.

A Study on Voltage Variation in KEPCO Distribution System by Introducing the Wind Power Plant (풍력발전단지가 도입되는 한전 실배전계통의 전압변동에 대한 분석)

  • Hwang, J.S.;Jung, W.J.;Kang, S.S.;Kim, B.S.;Kang, H.S.;Kim, J.E.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.16-18
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    • 2001
  • Recently, a study on operation in parallel between Distributed Generation(DG) unit and power distribution system has been growing interest in power distribution system. But, introducing the DG unit causes the problem due to rising the voltage variation on power distribution system. So, This paper presents the effect of introducing DG unit on distribution system. For this simulation, KEPCO distribution system is used.

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The comparison of distribution automation technology between foreign and domestic system (국내외 배전자동화 기술 비교분석)

  • Ha, Bok-Nam;Oh, Jae-Hyung;Cho, Nam-Hun;Bae, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Sung;Jung, Chang-Soo;Lee, Heung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.462-465
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    • 2002
  • KEPCO enforces the development about distribution automation technology continuously for 10 years and reached in fair level present. And distribution automation system was constructed actively meantime, its establishment will be completed 100% at late 2002s. Distribution automation system had been developed also in Japan, U.S.A and Europe etc. In japan, distribution automation system was established all business office to whole county. Lately, there is examining distribution automation expansion actively in developing country including China. Therefore, we try to analyze domestic and foreign technological variance as that examine foreign distribution automation trend and the development direction of domestic distribution automation technology forward.

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Unbalancing Voltage Control of LVDC Bipolar Distribution System for High Power Quality (전력 품질 향상을 위한 LVDC 양극성 배전 시스템의 불평형 전압 제어)

  • Lee, Hee-Jun;Shin, Soo-Choel;Kang, Jin-Wook;Won, Chung-Yuen
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.486-496
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    • 2016
  • The voltage unbalance of an LVDC bipolar distribution system was controlled for high power quality. Voltage unbalance may occur in a bipolar distribution system depending on the operation of the converter and load usage. Voltage unbalance can damage sensitive load and lead to converter accidents. The conditions that may cause voltage unbalance in a bipolar distribution system are as follows. First, three-level AC/DC converters in bipolar distribution systems can lead to voltage unbalance. Second, bipolar distribution systems can be at risk for voltage unbalance because of load usage. In this paper, the output DC link of a three-level AC/DC converter was analyzed for voltage unbalance, and the bipolar voltage was controlled with algorithms. In the case of additional voltage unbalance according to load usage, the bipolar voltage was controlled using the proposed converter. The proposed converter is a dual half-bridge converter, which was improved from the secondary circuit of a dual half-bridge converter. A control algorithm for bipolar voltage control without additional converters was proposed. The balancing control of the bipolar distribution system with distributed power was verified through experiments.

Renewable Power Generation Forecasting Method for Distribution System: A Review (배전시스템 운영계획을 위한 신재생에너지원 발전량 예측 방법)

  • Cho, Jintae;Kim, Hongjoo;Ryu, Hosung;Cho, Youngpyo
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.21-29
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    • 2022
  • Power generated from renewable energy has continuously increased recently. As the distributed generation begins to interconnect in the distribution system, an accurate generation forecasting has become important in efficient distribution planning. This paper explained method and current state of distributed power generation forecasting models. This paper presented selecting input and output variables for the forecasting model. In addition, this paper analyzed input variables and forecasting models that can use as mid-to long-term distributed power generation forecasting.

Specifications of 22.9kV HTS cables and FCLs considering protection systems in Korean power distribution system (국내계통 보호시스템을 고려한 22.9kV 초전도케이블/한류기 설계사양 제안)

  • Lee, Seung-Ryul;Park, Jong-Young;Yoon, Jae-Young;Lee, Byong-Jun;Yang, Byeong-Mo
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.50-54
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    • 2009
  • In Korea, 22.9kV 50MVA HTS (High Temperature Superconducting) cables and 630A/3kA hybrid SFCLs (Superconducting Fault Current Limiters) have been or are being developed by LS Cable, LS Industrial System, and Korea Electric Power Research Institute. They will be installed at Icheon 154kV Substation for real-power-distribution-system operation in 2010. This paper proposes specification of current limiting resistor/reactor for the SFCL and fault current condition of the HTS cable for applying the superconducting devices to Korean power distribution system, from the viewpoint of power system protection.

Current Limiting Characteristics due to Application Location of a Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in a Simulated Power Distribution System (모의배전계통에 초전도한류기의 도입위치에 따른 전류제한 특성)

  • You, Il-Kyoung;Kim, Jin-Seok;Kim, Myoung-Hoo;Kim, Jae-Chul;Lim, Sung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2009
  • The application of a large power transformer into a power distribution system was inevitable due to the increase of power demand and distributed generation. However, the decrease of the power transformer‘s impedance causes the short-circuit current of the power distribution system to increase and thus, the higher short-circuit current exceeds the cut-off ratings of the protective devices such as a circuit breaker. To solve these problems, several countermeasures have been proposed to protect the power system effectively from the higher fault current and the superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) has been expected to be the promising countermeasure. However, the current limiting effect of SFCL including its bus voltage drop compensation depends on SFCL's application location in a distributed power system. In this paper, the current limiting and the bus-voltage drop compensating characteristics of the SFCL applied into a power distribution system were studied. In addition, the quench and the recovery characteristics of the SFCLs in each location of the power distribution system were compared each other.

Method of Recloser-Fuse Coordination in Power Distribution System with SFCL (배전계통에 초전도 전류제한기 적용 시 Recloser-Fuse 협조 방법)

  • Kim, Myoung-Hoo;Kim, Jin-Seok;You, Il-Kyoung;Moon, Jong-Fil;Lim, Sung-Hun;Kim, Jae-Chul;Ahn, Jae-Min
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.8_9
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    • 2009
  • This paper shows us the analysis of the Recloser-Fuse coordination in power distribution system. Recloser has been installed with fuse to coordinate in power distribution system to protect against fault current efficiently. However, in power distribution system with SFCL, fault current couldn't be clear if occurred it as the operation of the Recloser-Fuse coordination couldn't be done. Therefore, this paper analysed the operation of the Recloser-Fuse coordination and found the method of the Recloser-Fuse coordination in power distribution system with SFCL using PSCAD/EMTDC.

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