• Title/Summary/Keyword: post-adolescent

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The Relationship between Anxiety and Depression Symptoms of Children with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Their Parents (외상 후 스트레스장애 아동의 정신병리와 부모의 우울불안 증상과의 관계)

  • Park, Subin;Kim, So Yoon;Kwon, Oh-Hyang;Bae, Jeong-Hoon;Yoo, Hee Jeong
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: The objective of this study is to examine the association between the children's psychopathology and age, intellectual quotient, and parental psychopathology in children with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Methods: The emotional and behavioral problems of 35 children with PTSD (23 boys, 12 girls, mean age, $10.26{\pm}2.47$ years) were investigated by retrospective chart review. Their parents' anxiety and depression symptoms were also investigated. We examined the correlations between children's psychopathology and their parents' anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as their age and IQ. Results: There were positive correlations between maternal trait anxiety and depression, and children's emotional problems. State and trait anxiety of children with PTSD were positively correlated with age, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms were negatively correlated with age. Conclusion: Our results suggest that psychiatric manifestation of children who experienced trauma could differ according to the development stage, and the treatment of children with PTSD should involve parental education about the effect of maternal emotional states on children.

A study on the change of alveolar crest height following orthodontic treatment (교정치료와 관련된 치조골 높이 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Kyung-Hwa;Lee, Kyung-Won;Kim, Sang-Cheol
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.30 no.5 s.82
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    • pp.599-611
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    • 2000
  • Alveolar crest is the section of interproximal alveolar bone which includes the free edge of the alveolar process. An increase of the normal forces within limits of tolerance leads to deposition of new bone. If forces are beyond the limits of tolerance, resorption of bone will result whether the force produces pressure or tension. This study was designed to evaluate changes of alveolar bone levels in mesial and distal surface of the left, right first molar, by using pre-treatment, post-treatment panorama films. Two hundreds sixteen subjects were divided into adolescent group of 104 subjects and adult group of 112 subjects, to which orthodontic treatment with a bicuspid extraction (adolescent group-50 subjects, adult group-50 subjects) or without a nonextraction (adolescent group-54 !subjects, adult group-62 subjects) was applied by fixed appliances. Pre- and post-treatment Panorama films were traced, and alveolar crest height was measured. Amounts of changes in alveolar crest height by treatment were calculated md compared in terms of side of tooth, extraction, age. The results were as follows ; 1. When pre-treatment alveolar crest bone levels were compared, levels of adult group were significantly lower than those of adolescent group. 2. Post-treatment alveolar crest bone levels were significantly lower than pre-treatment levels. 3. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, between adolescent and adult group were not significantly. 4. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, significantly larger changes were noticed in ex윤action than nonextraction cases. 5. When changes of alveolar crest height were compared, significantly larger changes were noticed in maxilla than mandible. 6. When mesio-distally compared, significantly larger changes were observed in the distal than mesial sides of adult group.

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Exploration on Risk and Protective Factors of Adolescent Runaway (청소년 가출의 위험요인과 보호요인 탐색)

  • Sang-chul Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.14 no.1_spc
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    • pp.273-298
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to explore a risk and a protective factors of adolescent runaway based on the previous researches. Runaway of adolescents is increasing, and it is longer and more habit gradually than past. The prevailance methods of runaway is no longer effects on the decrease of adolescent runaway. Now there is to accept adolescent runaway, and has to support the difficult life conditions and the emotional distress of adolescent post-runaway. This means that must be identify and treatment the protective factors having an buffering effect as well as the risk factors influencing on runaway. Although the worse factors related family are the highest risk factors of runaway, others factors including negative peer relation, a academic stress also an have significant influence on runaway. And the protective factors mediating the negative influence of risk factors are an monitoring and controlling of parent as authoritative rearing attitude, a social support, a positive coping strategies, a self-esteem, and a conventional peer group. Protective factors prevent from runaway behavior, as well as improve a resilience of adolescents in the poor environment. The tasks of follow study are to investigate empirically the mediating effects of the protective factors on the problem behavior of post-runaway and resilience of runaway adolescents based on the systematic research design.

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The Moderated Effect of Parent-Adolescent Communication Style and School Life Satisfaction on the Relationship between Depression and Suicidal Ideation among Adolescents (청소년의 우울과 자살생각과의 관계에 대한 부모-자녀 의사소통방식과 학교생활만족도의 중재효과)

  • Kim, Hye-Won;Cho, Song-Yon
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.127-142
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    • 2011
  • The present study examined the effect of parent-adolescent communication style and school life satisfaction on the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation among adolescents. The participants were 1,099 middle school and high school students in Chungnam province. The instruments used were the 'Parent-Adolescent Communication Inventory', 'The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale', 'Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire', and 'School Life Satisfaction Scale'. The collected data were analyzed by t test, F test, the Scheff$\'{e}$ test for a post hoc test, Pearson's productive correlation, hierachical multiple regression, and Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ for reliability by SPSS program(18.0 version). The results were as follows: First, there were significant differences in parent-adolescent open communication style, school life satisfaction, and suicidal ideation by school level, and in the relationship with the teacher in school life satisfaction by gender. Second, the more depressed they were, the more they had suicidal ideation by school level and gender. Also, the more they communicated openly with their parents and the more satisfied they were with their school life, the less depressed they were and the lower degree of suicidal ideation they had. Finally, there were significant effects of both parent-adolescent communication style and school life satisfaction on the relationship between depression and suicidal ideation among adolescents.

The influences of Adolescent’s Volunteer Service Activity on Perception toward the Elderly (청소년의 자원봉사활동이 노인 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • 김지형;장윤옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.83-99
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    • 2001
  • The propose of this study was to investigate the influences of adolescent’s volunteer service activity on perception toward the elderly. The subjects of this study were 556 students who were selected at random from the second grade of high school in the city of Daegu. A questionnaire was used as survey method. Factor analysis and ANOVA were employed for data analysis and Scheffe test for post-hoc analysis. The main findings were as follow: First Adolescent’s perception toward the elderly was hardly different according to the adolescent’s overall volunteer service activity. The participation attitude, the whole participation time, and the voluntary participation time of the adolescent’s overall volunteer service activity had no effect on the adolescent’s perception toward the elderly. But adolescents who were high in the degree of the participation satisfaction with overall volunteer service activities had a more positive perception on social aspect of the elderly than those who were low in it. Second, adolescent’s who participated in volunteer service activities for the elderly showed a noticeable difference in their perception toward the elderly. adolescents who participated in volunteer service activities for the elderly, those who had a enthusiastic participation attitude over volunteer service activities for the elderly had a more positive perception of the family-relationship and social aspects of the elderly than those who had a passive participation attitude in it. Futhermore, adolescents who were high in the degree of the participation satisfaction over volunteer service activities for the elderly had a more positive perception of the family-relational and social aspect of the elderly that those who were low in it. Also adolescents, who spent a lot of time in whole and voluntary participation over volunteer service activities for the elderly, had a more positive perception of the social aspect of the elderly than those who spentless time.

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Trends in Research on Adolescent Suicide Interventions (청소년 자살 중재연구 동향)

  • Cho, Hun Ha;Kang, Jung Mi;Kim, Won Soon
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.393-406
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study was designed to analyze recent trends in adolescent suicide intervention research in Korea and to suggest future research directions in this area. Methods: Studies Thirty-four studies selected from http://www.riss4u.net over the for last 20 years were analyzed by field and design of the study, study participants, and the outcome variables used in intervention studies. Results: Nineteen (55.9%) of the 34 studies were conducted in the fields of welfare (9), psychology (5) and nursing science (5). Ordinary adolescents were the most frequently studied participants. A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used in twenty one (61.7%) of the 34 studies. The most frequently measured outcome variables were depression, suicidal ideation and self-esteem. Conclusion: These results suggest that research on adolescent suicide intervention programs is expanding with a focus on ordinary adolescents as and subjects. In order to prevent suicide, research on family, teachers, and friends, who all are important parts of a teenager's support system, is needed. It is also necessary to develop a post-management intervention program to prevent recurrence in high-risk teenagers who have attempted suicide.

A Study on the Changes of Social Meaning of Aapparel Advertisements in Teenager's Magazines -Focus on appeals and consumption values- (청소년 잡지에 나타난 의류광고의 사회적 의미 변화에 관한 연구 - 의류광고의 시각적 소구유형 및 소비가치에 관한 연구-)

  • 황선진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.32
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    • pp.69-82
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to investgate the social meaning and consumption values expressed on apparel advertisements In Teena-ger's magazines from 1976 to 1996. The results of this study were as follows. 1. As the number of the model in apparel advertisements was more than two people it was closely related to conformity and peer ac-ceptance of adolecent's developmental task. Also There were increasing number of foreign models and attractive and famous signers and talents. 2. The trend of appeals showed changing time and society. Since 1990 post-modern ap-proach has increased whereas rational and emotional approach were dominated in 1970s and 1980s. 3, The major consumption values in apparel advertisements were social value emotional value. From 1990 there were variety in consumption values related to adolescent's ap-parel advertisements. This results represented the possibility that apparel advertisements in adolescent's maga-zines not only mirror but mold change of con-sumption values and life style in adolescent. Especially to understand and predict the new generation in Korea educators and practi-tioners in Junior Fashion Market must try to study the current adolescent's life style and consumption values systematically.

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Regional Brain Perfusion before and after Treatment with Methylphenidate According to the MspI Polymorphism of the Alpha-2A Adrenergic Receptor Gene in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동에서 α-2A 아드레날린 수용체 유전자의 MspI 유전자 다형성에 따른 메칠페니데이트 치료 전후 뇌관류 비교)

  • Park, Subin;Bae, Jeong-Hoon;Kim, Jae-Won;Yang, Young-Hui;Oh, Seungmin;Hong, Soon-Beom;Park, Min-Heyon;Kim, Boong-Nyun;Shin, Min-Sup;Yoo, Hee-Jeong;Cho, Soo-Churl
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : Dysregulation of the central noradrenergic system may be involved in the pathophysiology of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The aim of this study was to examine the differences in pre- and post-treatment cerebral perfusion according to the MspI polymorphisms of the alpha-2A-adrenergic receptor gene (ADRA2A) in children with ADHD. Methods : Thirty seven drug-naive ADHD children (8.9+1.8 years old, M=32, F=5) were genotyped. Baseline single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and clinical assessments were performed for ADHD children. After treatment with methylphenidate for eight weeks, SPECT and clinical assessment were repeated. Results : No differences in baseline clinical assessments or cerebral perfusion were observed according to the MspI genotype. However, after treatment, ADHD children with the G/G genotype at the MspI polymorphism showed hyperperfusion in the right cerebellar declive (p=.001, uncorrected) and hypoperfusion in the left lentiform nucleus and left cingulate gyrus (p<.001 and p=.001, uncorrected), compared to children without the G/G genotype. Conclusion : Although the results of this study should be interpreted cautiously, they suggest a possible role of the MspI polymorphisms of the ADRA2A gene in methylphenidate-induced changes in cerebral perfusion.

A case study of the person centered art therapy for improving sexual victimized adolescent's emotional stability, ego-resiliency, self-esteem (성폭력피해 청소년의 정서안정감, 자아탄력성, 자아존중감 향상을 위한 인간중심미술치료 사례연구)

  • Sug-Min, Lee;Soon, Song
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.385-402
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    • 2018
  • This study was to examine how Art Therapy affected improving Self-Esteem and Ego-Resiliency, Emotional Stability of Sexual Victimized Adolescent. The subject was the middle school student girl, 3th grades(15year old). She was suffered from sexual assault she was lack of self-confidence and suffered difficulty in daily life. Individual Art Therapy was performed once a week for 60 minutes and for 20 periods. Emotional Stability, Self-Resilience, Self-Esteem were performed pre-post test to verify the effectiveness of the program. The results obtained after Art Therapy were as follows. Firstly, The Self-Esteem score improved to post- 35 points from pre-16points. The Ego-Resiliency score improved to post-133points from pre- 63 points. The Emotional Stability score changed to a post-ex-post 96 score with a score of 110 as a positive effect. Secondly, the subject in the whole process of Art Therapy were formed intimacy with the researchers, able to heal painful scars while expressing inner feelings in a stable psychological state. Through the creative activities, she became confident and had positive thoughts about his future. Even though, this program focused to prevent PTSD. So the subjects needs to participate follow up program to treat depression, anxiety, nerveless be caused by sexual assault.

A Physiotherapy Program for Adolescent Baseball Players with Scapular Dyskinesis: Comparison of the effects of posterior shoulder stretching combined with scapular stabilization exercises (PSSE) (어깨뼈 운동 이상증을 가진 청소년기 야구선수들을 위한 물리치료적 프로그램: 어깨뼈 안정화 운동과 동반된 뒤쪽 어깨 스트레칭(PSSE) 중재 후 효과 비교)

  • Keon-Cheol, Lee;Hyeon-Su Kim;Yeon-Ki Choo
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.139-150
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    • 2024
  • Purpose : Scapular dyskinesis, it have been shown to be common in overhead athletes and has been associated with RC muscle strength. Posterior shoulder tightness (PST) has been suggested as an important factor causing scapular dyskinesis. Therefore, rehabilitation programs should focus on a posterior shoulder stretch combined with scapular stabilization exercise (PSSE) intervention. Determine the effects of posterior shoulder stretch combined with scapular stabilization exercise on the rotator cuff (RC) muscles strength, functional strength ratio (FSR), range of motion (ROM), and pain. Methods : 30 adolescent baseball players participated and subjects were allocated PSSE group (n=15) or the SSE group (n=15). Both group performed a 6-weeks intervention and measured of isokinetic peak torque/body weight (PT/BW) of concentric external rotator (CER), eccentric external rotator (EER), concentric internal rotator (CIR), eccentric internal rotator (EIR), FSR, ROM, and pain. Results : After 6 weeks PSSE, significant increase CER PT/BW (+6.02±4.76 %), EER PT/BW (+5.39±4.22 %), EER to CIR ratio (+.17±.16), and internal rotation ROM (+15.08±3.57 °). Whereas, significant decrease EIR to CER ratio (-.14±.18), external rotation ROM (-12.00±6.94 °), and GIRD (-17.41±2.84 °) compared with pre-intervention. No significant difference of isokinetic PT/BW of CIR and EER post-intervention. In the SSE group showed no significant difference all measurements for isokinetic PT/BW, FSR, and ROM post-intervention. The pain was significant improve both PSSE group (-3.25±1.60) and SSE group (-2.83±1.85) post-intervention. Conclusion : Both the PSSE and SSE interventions led to more pain relief. However, only the PSSE group showed ROM, CER, EER PT/BW, and FSR improvements. These results might suggest that the PSSE intervention is a more effective program for improving RC muscle strength and balance, in particular, concentric and eccentric ER muscle strength, FSR and can expect to prevent shoulder injuries in adolescent baseball players with scapular dyskinesis.