• Title/Summary/Keyword: positive and negative content

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Analysis of Middle School-Science Parts among the Products of Nation-Wide Science Exhibition (과학전람회 작품 중 중학교 과학분야의 분석)

  • Huh, Hong-Wook;Shon, Su-Ock;Huh, Man-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2003
  • The study is to analyze the middle school-science parts among the products of nation-wide science exhibition for eleven years recently and the results of compared to the content of science-textbooks of middle school. The number of observation in the student parts among the products of nation-wide science exhibition was the highest in all methods studied, whereas, most teachers surveyed experiments in their products. The mean Shannon's diversity index (DI) was same trend for students and teachers. There was a non-significant difference of the methods in students and teacher groups according to years and the association between students and teachers were closely connected with methods. The correlation between the content of students' products and texts of middle-school was highly positive for earth science, chemistry, and biology, whereas physics showed negative correlation.

Qualitative Content Approach: Impact of Organizational Climate on Employee Capability

  • KANG, Eungoo
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - The corporate culture's energy is recognized to go through the company and facilitate a new balance to realize success, which means that the culture in an environment of various organizations affects the performance of its employees. The purpose of the current research is to investigate the impact of organizational culture on employee performance. Research design, data, and methodology - The current research conducted a qualitative content analysis. The primary research approach applied by qualitative content analysis is an inductive methodology, and this approach is a type of reasoning that seeks the application of logic, which later helps develop a theory that will guide the future research. Result - Research findings of the present study indicated that five solutions to the problems encountered through the execution of culture are attached to how effective the organizational culture are when workers execute. Thus, culture is realized to boost structure, because the structure of an organization elevates the behavior of the organization. Conclusion - Workers will be aware of both the negative and positive implications of executing culture in the organization. Therefore, organization managers must learn that various employees are vital people in their vicinity, and creating a culture that would make a good rapport with them is vital.

Hydraulic Characteristics of Arable Fields in Korea and Applicability of Pedotransfer Functions

  • Jung, Kangho;Sonn, Yeonkyu;Hur, Seungoh;Han, Kyunghwa;Cho, Heerae;Seo, Mijin;Jung, Munho;Choi, Seyeong
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.655-661
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    • 2016
  • Relationships between saturated conductivity (Ks) and separate contents were evaluated from 44 soil series of arable lands: 18 for paddy fields and 26 for upland crop fields. Saturated hydraulic conductivities of A, B, and C horizons were determined with tension infiltrometer and Guelph permeameter in situ. Sand, silt, clay, and organic matter content of each horizon were analyzed. Based on correlation analysis, sand separate had a positive relationship with Ks for both paddy (r=0.27, p=0.017) and upland fields (r=0.24. p=0.030). Clay content had a negative relationship with Ks for paddy soils (r=-0.32, p=0.005) while significant correlation between them was not found for upland crop fields (r=-0.20, p=0.07). Organic matter content showed a positive relationship with Ks only for upland crop fields (r=0.33, p=0.002). Due to low correlation coefficients between separate contents and Ks, performance of pedotransfer functions was not enough to estimate Ks. It implies that hydraulic properties of arable lands were affected by other factors rather than particle characteristics. Platy structure and plow pan were suggested to limit Ks of paddy fields. Soil compaction and diversity of parent materials were proposed to influence Ks of upland crop fields. It suggests that genetic processes and artificial managements should be included in pedotransfer functions to estimate hydraulic properties appropriately.

Class Experience of the Students on 『Pregnancy, Delivery and Puerperium』 Nursing Course through Flipped Learning: Mixed Method Research (플립드 러닝을 적용한 '임신, 분만 및 산욕간호' 수업경험: 혼합연구)

  • Lee, Byeongju;Hwang, Seon Young
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the applicability of a flipped learning course in Women's Health Nursing for nursing students. Methods: A total of 200 senior nursing students participated in flipped learning class of pregnancy, delivery and postpartum area, which included team-based learning and self-reflection for 8 weeks. One group pre-post test design was adopted and the changes in learning motivation and satisfaction were examined. In addition, reflective journals of the students were analyzed by making a qualitative content analysis. Results: Students showed a significant increase in score of learning motivation in the posttest (t=-4.47, p<.001). They had a mean of 3.90 in learning satisfaction out of possible five points. As a result of content analysis, three themes were selected: 'Improved attitude toward active learning', 'Burden caused by excessive workload', and 'Valuing to the team-based activity' To be specific, six sub-themes were selected, with three positive and three negative categories: 'improved class attention and understanding', 'positive class participation by preparing lessons in advance', 'peer interactions through discussion', 'A lot of time and effort consuming', 'stress caused by the burden of preparing lessons', and 'difficulties in cooperative activities'. Conclusion: This study supports and confirms that the flipped learning can be a creative instructional model of positive teaching-learning strategy in clinical nursing courses to enhance students' learning motivation.

Does Social Distance Always Increase Content Performance in Online Distribution Channels? (온라인 유통 채널에서 컨텐츠의 성과는 사회적 거리에 의해 항상 증가하는가? YouTube의 문화별컨텐츠를 중심으로)

  • Son, Jung-Min;Kang, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - This study examines the positive impact of the social distance between producers and users of online content, investigating and analyzing the most popular Web content. In addition, it tries to elicit the matching effect that appears when the individuals'cultural background is consistent with social distance. Research design, data, and methodology - We collected and analyzed actual data about 4,981 videos clips on YouTube, looking at six countries in order to verify the content of this study. Based on the results of the data analysis, the study conducted behavioral measurements on popularity, social distance, culture, and user engagement. The unit of analysis was the content and we collected information about the content producers and the content records. We controlled the views, comments, likes, calendar dates, and ages in the empirical models. The data was collected in 2011, with the records coming from South Korea, Japan, China, U.S., German, and France. A total of 4,980 elements were analyzed in the model. The empirical model estimated is the bivariate negative binomial distribution (NBD) model. Results - It turns out that there is a possibility that the matching effect can be diminished by variables that reflect the psychological involvement of user engagement. This study proposes academic and practical implications based on these research results. This research shows the positive effect of social distance between users and producers on the increased performance of the online content. We find the effect of social distance to be a stronger tendency in collectivism. The collectivists follow their sense of friendship and intimacy in their culture and, the social congruence effect can be found there as well. The effect, however, could erode in a social case where users are motivated by strong intrinsic and psychological factors. In addition, user engagement complicates the process of user decision making regarding the information. Conclusions - This study examines how the differential effects of social distance caused by culture could disappear through user commitment as a complicated user motivation. Some potential implications are as follows. First, a firm in the collectivism culture has to communicate based on the social distance. In fact, most online channels do not have a function that indicates the social distance as measured by favorites or subscribers. This function could help increase the performance of the content in online channels, but this increasing effect can only be found in a collectivist culture. Based on this, the firms have to communicate and announce to users the actual social distance between users and producers. Second, firms should develop a system that discovers the social distance and culture and shows these measures to users and producers, since the congruence effect between social distance and culture is found only for low user engagement. The firms can take the advantage of the congruence effect only for the development of the social distance and culture visualized system.

Nursing Images Appearing in Elementary School Textbooks under the 7th National Curriculum (제7차 교육과정 초등학교 교과서에 나타난 간호 이미지)

  • Choi, Hyeong-Wook;Jung, Myun-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the nursing images appearing in elementary school textbooks. Method: This study targeted 130 textbooks of 13 subjects under the 7th national curriculum for elementary schools as of December 2005. Nursing-related texts, photographs, and illustrations in the textbooks were analyzed by using a content analysis method. As for the textbook analysis, two coders thoroughly read the textbooks to record nursing-related content per coding paper, respectively. Result: The total number of nursing-related content appearing in 130 textbooks of 13 subjects was 70. More nursing-related content was exhibited in the photograph and illustration domain(N=57, 81.4%) than in the text domain(N=13, 18.6%). Nursing-related content(N=70) appeared in the order of nursing activities with 56(80.0%), nursing as a job with 10(14.3%), and others with 4(5.7%). As for the nursing image of nursing-related content, positive images weremost with 30(42.9%), followed by negative images with 21(30.0%), and neutral images with 19(27.1%). Conclusion: Nursing-related content was dealt with too little, and dependent nursing activities such as medication, and assisting roles for doctor's examinations and treatments mainly appeared. Also, the main activity place was a hospital. To introduce proper and adequate nursing activities to the students, various types of nursing-related data and material should be distributed to front line schools, teachers, main authors, and publishing companies.

Distribution and Community Structure of Salix Species along the Environmental Gradients in the Nam-River Watershed (남강 유역에서 환경 구배에 따른 버드나무속의 분포와 생태적 지위)

  • Lee, In-Soon;Lee, Pal-Hong;Son, Sung-Gon;Kim, Cheol-Soo;Oh, Kyung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2001
  • Community structure of the Salix and physico-chemical properties of sediment were studied from July to September, 2000 in Nam-River watershed for the purpose of inquiring niche breadth, niche overlap and the environmental factors affecting the distribution of Salix species. Among eleven Salix species, the dominant species was Salix koreensis, while the rests were such order as S. nipponica, S. gracilistyla and S. glandulosa by the relative abundance based on the basal area. Mean values and the ranges of sediment properties such as pH, conductivity, water content, organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, clay, silt and sand were 5.3∼6.3, 14∼351 μmho/cm, 0.1∼3.4%, 0.5∼7.3%, 0.01∼0.2%, 0.1∼0.4 mg/100 g, 1.7∼22.0%, 0.2∼40.8%, 39.7∼98.0%, respectively. Altitude and annual mean temperature of each site were 20∼620 m and 9.3∼13.0℃, respectively. Niche breadth was estimated by considering the differences of the soil texture as the differences of state of source. S. glandulosa was the broadest at the level of 0.77, while the rests were such order as S. koreensis, S. nipponica were 0.69, 0.54, respectively. The niche overlap showing the level of interspecific competition was the largest as 0.94 between S. purpurea var. japonica and S. purpurea var multinervis, while S. graciliglans and S. purpurea var. japonica 0.92, S. graciliglans and S. purpurea var. multinervis 0.87, respectively. According to the analysis of the correlation between eleven species of Salix and eleven environmental factors, S. gracilistyla showed the negative correlation with conductivity, water content, total nitrogen, clay, silt and annual mean temperature, and showed the positive correlation with total nitrogen, sand and altitude. S. graciliglans showed the negative correlation with conductivity, water content, organic matter, clay, silt and annual mean temperature, and showed the positive correlation with total nitrogen, sand and altitude. S. nipponica showed the negative correlation with sand and altitude, and showed the positive correlation with water content, total nitrogen, clay, silt and annual mean temperature. S. nipponica showed the opposite results of S. gracilistyla. Soil texture, total nitrogen, water content, altitude and annual mean temperature were affecting the distribution of Salix species in Nam-River watershed.

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Evaluation of Preference by Bukhansan Dulegil Course Using Sentiment Analysis of Blog Data (블로그 데이터 감성분석을 통한 북한산둘레길 구간별 선호도 평가)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to evaluate preferences of Bukhansan dulegil using sentiment analysis, a natural language processing technique, to derive preferred and non-preferred factors. Therefore, we collected blog articles written in 2019 and produced sentimental scores by the derivation of positive and negative words in the texts for 21 dulegil courses. Then, content analysis was conducted to determine which factors led visitors to prefer or dislike each course. In blogs written about Bukhansan dulegil, positive words appeared in approximately 73% of the content, and the percentage of positive documents was significantly higher than that of negative documents for each course. Through this, it can be seen that visitors generally had positive sentiments toward Bukhansan dulegil. Nevertheless, according to the sentiment score analysis, all 21 dulegil courses belonged to both the preferred and non-preferred courses. Among courses, visitors preferred less difficult courses, in which they could walk without a burden, and in which various landscape elements (visual, auditory, olfactory, etc.) were harmonious yet distinct. Furthermore, they preferred courses with various landscapes and landscape sequences. Additionally, visitors appreciated the presence of viewpoints, such as observation decks, as a significant factor and preferred courses with excellent accessibility and information provisions, such as information boards. Conversely, the dissatisfaction with the dulegil courses was due to noise caused by adjacent roads, excessive urban areas, and the inequality or difficulty of the course which was primarily attributed to insufficient information on the landscape or section of the course. The results of this study can serve not only serve as a guide in national parks but also in the management of nearby forest green areas to formulate a plan to repair and improve dulegil. Further, the sentiment analysis used in this study is meaningful in that it can continuously monitor actual users' responses towards natural areas. However, since it was evaluated based on a predefined sentiment dictionary, continuous updates are needed. Additionally, since there is a tendency to share positive content rather than negative views due to the nature of social media, it is necessary to compare and review the results of analysis, such as with on-site surveys.

Seasonal Changes in Biochemical Components of the Adductor Muscle, Digestive Diverticula and the Ovary in Chlamys farreri in Relation to the Ovarian Developmental Phases (비단가리비, Chlamys farreri의 난소 발달단계에 따른 폐각근, 난소 및 소화맹낭의 생화학적 성분의 계절적 변화)

  • Chung, Ee-Yung;Koo, Jae-Geun;Park, Ki-Yeol;Lee, Chang-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2005
  • We investigated the reproductive cycle with ovarian development of Chlamys farreri by histological observations, and seasonal changes in biochemical components of the adductor muscle, digestive diverticula and ovary were studied by biochemical analysis. The reproductive cycle of this species can be classified into five successive stages: early active stage (January to March), late active stage (March to April), ripe stage (April to August), partially spawned stage (June to August) and spent/inactive stage (August to January). According to ANOVA test, there were significant differences (p < 0.05) in total protein, total lipid and glycogen contents among months for all of the adductor muscle, digestive diverticula and ovary. Total protein contents in ovary and digestive diverticula showed significant changes (ANOVA, p < 0.05) during the study period, while that in the adductor muscle did not. Total protein content was highest in the adductor muscle, followed by ovary, and lowest in digestive diverticula. There was no correlation in total protein content between the adductor muscle and digestive diverticula (p = 0.220). But strong positive correlation was found between adductor muscle and ovary (r = 0.450, p = 0.013). ANOVA showed that there were significant differences in total lipid and glycogen contents among months for all of the adductor muscle, ovary, and digestive diverticula (p < 0.05). The monthly changes in total lipid content were highly variable in ovary and digestive gland. High contents of total lipid were found during April and May-June in ovary, while March and June-July in digestive diverticula. There was a strong negative correlation in total lipid content between ovary and digestive diverticula (r = -0.397, p = 0.030). Unlike total protein or total lipid, glycogen content in the adductor muscle was most dynamic. It showed more than 36-fold changes in the adductor muscle (at most 3-fold change in ovary) during the study period. Glycogen content was higher during May-July in the adductor muscle, while it was higher in March and August in digestive diverticula. There was a strong negative correlation in glycogen content between the adductor muscle and digestive diverticula (r = -0.584, p = 0.001).

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Seasonal Changes in Biochemical Components of the Adductor Muscle, Digestive Diverticula and the Ovary in Female Chlamys farreri in Relation to the Ovarian Developmental Phases

  • Kim, Hyun-Jin;Chung, Ee-Yung;Park, Ki-Yeol;Kim, Eun-Jong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology Conference
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    • 2005.07a
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    • pp.51-51
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    • 2005
  • We inestigated the reproductive cycle with ovarian development of Chlamys farreri by histological observations, and seasonal changes in biochemical components of the adductor muscle, digestive diverticula and ovary were studied by biochemical analysis. The reproductive cycle of this species can be classified into five successive stages: early active stage (January to March), late active stage (March to April), ripe stage (April to August), partially spawned stage (June to August) and spent/inactive stage (August to January). According to ANOVA test, there were significant differences (p<0.05) in total protein, total lipid and glycogen contents among months for all of the adductor muscle, digestive diverticula and ovary. Total protein contents in ovary and digestive diverticula showed significant changes(ANOVA, p<0.05) during the study period, while that in the adductor muscle did not. Total protein content was highest in the adductor muscle, followed by ovary, and lowest in digestive diverticula. There was no correlation in total protein content between the adductor muscle and digestive diverticula (p=0.220). But strong positive correlation was found between adductor muscle and ovary (r=0.450, p=0.013). ANOVA showed that there were significant differences in total lipid and glycogen contents among months for all of the adductor muscle, ovary, and digestive diverticula (p<0.05). The monthly changes in total lipid content were highly variable in ovary and digestive gland. High contents of total lipid were foung during April and May-June in ovary, while March and June-July in digestive diverticula. There was a strong negative correlation in total lipid content between ovary and digestive diverticula (r=- 0.397, p=0.030). Unlike total protein of total lipid, glycogen content in the adductor muscle was most dynamic. It showed more than 36-fold changes in the adductor muscle (at most 3-fold change in ovary) during the study period. Glycogen content was higher during May-July in the adductor muscle, While it was higher in March and august in digestive diverticula. There was a strong negative correlation in glycogen content between the adductor muscle and digestive diverticula (r=-0.584, p=0.001).

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