• Title/Summary/Keyword: porous silicon

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Preparation and Characterization of Porous Hydroxyapatite Containing Silicon Derived from Natural Coral (산호 유래 실리콘 함유 다공성 수산화아파타이트의 합성 및 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Soo-Ryong;Lee, Yoon-Joo;Song, Hee;Lee, Jong-Heon;Lee, Kang-Sik;Kim, Hae-Joong;Kim, Young-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.628-632
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    • 2004
  • A porous hydroxyapatite has been prepared using natural coral which resembles human cancellous bone in microstructure. To obtain a biomaterial having a good biocompatibility, substitution of silicon into the hydroxyapatite framework has been attempted. Si substituted hydroxyapatite has been prepared by hydrothermal treatment and solvothermal treatment of the natural coral repeatedly. Si concentration and phase of the Si substituted hydroxyapatite derived from coral have been characterized using a XRD, ICP, and EDS etc. EDS investigation confirmed the presence of silicon in the framework of hydroxyapatite structure.

Air-Bridge Interconnected Coplanar Waveguides Fabricated on Oxidized Porous Silicon(OPS) Substrate for MMIC Applications (산화된 다공질 실리콘 기판 위에 제작된 MMIC용 Air-Bridge Interconnected Coplanar Waveguides)

  • Sim, Jun-Hwan;Gwon, Jae-U;Park, Jeong-Yong;Lee, Dong-In;Kim, Jin-Yang;Lee, Hae-Yeong;Lee, Jong-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, to improve the characteristics of a transmission line on silicon substrate, we fabricated air-bridge interconnected CPW transmission line on a 10-${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$-thick oxidized porous silicon(OPS) substrate using surface micromachining. Air-bridge interconnected CPW of S-W-S = 30-80-30 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$has insertion loss of -0.25 ㏈ and return loss of -28.9 ㏈ at 4㎓ And return loss of CPW with stepped compensated air-bridge(S-W-S : 30-100-30 ${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$) is improved -0.98㏈ at 4㎓. The results indicate that the thick OPS provides an approach to incorporate high performance, low cost microwave and millimeter wave circuits in a high-resistivity silicon-based process.

Porous silicon-based chemical and biosensors (다공질 실리콘 구조를 이용한 화학 및 바이오 센서)

  • Kim, Yun-Ho;Park, Eun-Jin;Choi, Woo-Seok;Hong, Suk-In;Min, Nam-Ki
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.07c
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    • pp.2410-2412
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    • 2005
  • In this study, two types of PS substrate were fabricated for sensing of chemical and biological substances. For sensing of the humidity and chemical analyzes such as $CH_3OH$ or $C_2H_5OH$, PS layers are prepared by photoelectrochemical etching of silicon wafer in aqueous hydrofluoric acid solution. To evaluate their sensitivity, we measured the resistance variation of the PS diaphragm. As the amplitude of applied voltage increases from 2 to 6Vpp at constant frequency of 5kHz, the resistance variation for humidity sensor rises from 376.3 to $784.8{\Omega}$/%RH. And the sensitivities for $CH_3OH$ and $C_2H_5OH$ were 0.068 uA/% and 0.212 uA/%, respectively. For biological sensing application, amperometric urea sensors were fabricated based on porous silicon(PS), and planar silicon(PLS) electrode substrates by the electrochemical methods. Pt thin film was sputtered on these substrates which were previously formed by electrochemical anodization. Poly (3-methylthiophene) (P3MT) were used for electron transfer matrix between urease(Urs) and the electrode phase, and Urs also was by electrochemically immobilized. Effective working area of these electrodes was determined for the first time by using $Fe(CN)_6^{3-}/Fe(CN)_6^{4-}$ redox couple in which nearly reversible cyclic voltammograms were obtained. The $i_p$ vs $v^{1/2}$ plots show that effective working electrode area of the PS-based Pt thin film electrode was 1.6 times larger than the PLS-based one and we can readily expect the enlarged surface area of PS electrode would result in increased sensitivity by ca. 1.6 times. Actually, amperometric sensitivity of the Urs/P3MT/Pt/PS electrode was ca 0.91uA/$mM{\cdot}cm^2$, and that of the Urs/P3MT/Pt/PLS electrode was ca. 0.91uA/$mM{\cdot}cm^2$ in a linear range of 1mmol/L to 100mmol/L urea concentrations

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Microstructure and Permeability Property of Si Bonded Porous SiC with Variations in the Carbon Content (Si 결합 다공성 탄화규소의 미세구조 및 통기도 특성 -카본 함량 변화 중심)

  • Song, In-Hyuck;Park, Mi-Jung;Kim, Hai-Doo;Kim, Young-Wook;Bae, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.546-552
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    • 2010
  • The achievement of high gas permeability is a key factor in the development of porous SiC ceramics for applications of hot gas filter, vacuum chuck, and air spindle. However, few reports on the gas permeability of porous SiC ceramics can be found in the literature. In this paper, porous SiC ceramics were fabricated at temperatures ranging from $1600^{\circ}C$ to $1800^{\circ}C$ using the mixing powders of SiC, silicon, carbon and boron as starting materials. In some samples, expanded hollow microspheres as a pore former were used to make a cellular pore structure. It was possible to produce Si bonded SiC ceramics with porosities ranging from 42% to 55%. The maximum bending strength was 58MPa for the carbon content of 0.2 wt% and sintering temperature of $1700^{\circ}C$. The increase of air permeability was accelerated by addition of hollow microsphere as a pore former.

Effects of Porous Microstructure on the Electrochemical Properties of Si-Ge-Al Base Anode Materials for Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries (리튬이차전지용 다공성 Si-Ge-Al계 음극활물질의 전기화학적 특성)

  • Cho, Chung Rae;Kim, Myeong Geun;Sohn, Keun Yong;Park, Won-Wook
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-28
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    • 2017
  • Silicon alloys are considered promising anode active materials to replace Li-ion batteries by graphite powder, because they have a relatively high capacity of up to 4200 mAh/g, and are environmentally friendly and inexpensive ECO-materials. However, its poor charge/discharge properties, induced by cracking during cycles, constitute their most serious problem as anode electrode. In order to solve these problems, Si-Ge-Al alloys with porous structure are designed as anode alloy powders, to improve cycling stability. The alloys are melt-spun to obtain the rapidly solidified ribbons, and then ball-milled to make fine powders. The powders are etched using 1 M HCl solution, which gives the powders a porous structure by removing the element Al. Subsequently, in this study, the microstructures and the characteristics of the etched powders are evaluated for application as anode materials. As a result, the etched porous powder shows better electrochemical properties than as-milled Si-Ge-Al powder.

Room Temperature Preparation of Electrolytic Silicon Thin Film as an Anode in Rechargeable Lithium Battery (실리콘 상온 전해 도금 박막 제조 및 전기화학적 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Ji;Shin, Heon-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2012
  • Silicon-based thin film was prepared at room temperature by an electrochemical deposition method and a feasibility study was conducted for its use as an anode material in a rechargeable lithium battery. The growth of the electrodeposits was mainly concentrated on the surface defects of the Cu substrate while that growth was trivial on the defect-free surface region. Intentional formation of random defects on the substrate by chemical etching led to uniform formation of deposits throughout the surface. The morphology of the electrodeposits reflected first the roughened surface of the substrate, but it became flattened as the deposition time increased, due primarily to the concentration of reduction current on the convex region of the deposits. The electrodeposits proved to be amorphous and to contain chlorine and carbon, together with silicon, indicating that the electrolyte is captured in the deposits during the fabrication process. The silicon in the deposits readily reacted with lithium, but thick deposits resulted in significant reaction overvoltage. The charge efficiency of oxidation (lithiation) to reduction (delithiation) was higher in the relatively thick deposit. This abnormal behavior needs to clarified in view of the thickness dependence of the internal residual stress and the relaxation tendency of the reaction-induced stress due to the porous structure of the deposits and the deposit components other than silicon.

New Technology with Porous Materials: Progress in the Development of the Diesel Vehicle Business

  • Ohno, Kazushige
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.45 no.9
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2008
  • The long time of twenty years has passed since Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) was proposed before the practical use. The main factors that DPF has been put to practical use in this time, are the same time proposal of the evaluation method of SiC porous materials linked to he performance on the vehicle, and that the nature of thermal shock required for the soot regeneration (combustion of soot) in the DPF is different from the conventional requirement for the rather rapid thermal shock. For the requirements, these includ demonstrating utmost the characteristic of SiC's high thermal conductivity, and overcoming the difficulty of thermal expansion of SiC-DPF by dividing the filter into segments binding with the cement of lower Young's modulus, and the innovation of technology around the diesel exhaust system such as Common-Rail system. As the results of these, the cumulative shipments of SiC-DPF have reached about 5 million, and it goes at no claim in the market.

Raman scattering in porous silicon (다공질 규소의 라만 산란)

  • 조창호;김태균;서영석;나훈균;김영유
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.124-130
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    • 1998
  • The Raman scattering was studied from the porous silicons which were made by changing anodization current. As the current density was increased, it was observed that Raman was gradually far from the value of 520.5 $\textrm{cm}^{-1}$ and the full width half maximum increased. The decrease of radius of cylindrical porous crystal was calculated and the increase of its length was investigated through AFM.

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Fabrication of Cordierite Honeycomb from Fly Ash

  • Kim, Sung-Jin;Park, Sung-Jin;Bang, Hee-Gon;Park, Sang-Yeup
    • Proceedings of the Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute Conference
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    • 2006.09b
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    • pp.1009-1010
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    • 2006
  • In this study, we attempt to synthesize the cordierite from the reaction of fly-ash, alumina, silicon dioxide, and magnesia powders. For the purpose of air purification, the honeycomb filter with porous cordierite was fabricated from the combination of synthetic cordierite and pore forming agent. Fabricated porous cordierite honeycomb was prepared with high porosity (58%), and good compressive strength (69MPa).

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Dynamic characteristics of multi-phase crystalline porous shells with using strain gradient elasticity

  • Ahmed, Ridha A.;Al-Maliki, Ammar F.H.;Faleh, Nadhim M.
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2020
  • This paper studies forced vibrational behavior of porous nanocrystalline silicon nanoshells under radial dynamic loads using strain gradient theory (SGT). This type of material contains many pores inside it and also there are nano-size grains which define the material character. The formulation for nanocrystalline nanoshell is provided by first order shell theory and a numerical approach is used in order to solve nanoshell equations. SGT gives a scale factor related to stiffness hardening provided by nano-grains. For more accurate description of size effects due to nano-grains or nano-pore, their surface energy influences have been introduced. Surface energy of inclusion exhibit extraordinary influence on dynamic response of the nanoshell. Also, dynamic response of the nanoshell is affected by the scale of nano-grain and nano-pore.