• Title/Summary/Keyword: point spread function

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.175-192
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    • 2016
  • CCD photometric observations of the globular cluster (GC), M53 (NGC 5024), are performed using the 1.8 m telescope at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory in Korea on the same nights (2002 April and 2003 May) as the observations of the GC M92 (NGC 6341) reported by Cho and Lee using the same instrumental setup. The data for M53 is reduced using the same method as used for M92 by Cho and Lee, including preprocessing, point-spread function fitting photometry, and standardization etc. Therefore, M53 and M92 are on the same photometric system defined by Landolt, and the photometry of M53 and M92 is tied together as closely as possible. After complete photometric reduction, the V versus B − V , V versus V − I, and V versus B − I color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of M53 are produced to derive the relative ages of M53 and M92 and derive the various characteristics of its CMDs in future analysis. From the present analysis, the relative ages of M53 and M92 are derived using the Δ(B − V ) method reported by VandenBerg et al. The relative age of M53 is found to be 1.6 ± 0.85 Gyr younger than that of M92 if the absolute age of M92 is taken to be 14 Gyr. This relative age difference between M53 and M92 causes slight differences in the horizontal-branch morphology of these two GCs.

A Photomontage Expression and an Effect in Fashion Illustration (패션일러스트레이션에서의 포토몽타주 표현방법과 효과)

  • Kwon Ji-Young;Yoo Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.8
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a photomontage expression in order to express a characteristic personality and creativity of artists of effectively in fashion illustration. The results of this study were as follows : 1) Because of a fashion and a human body were the major subjects in fashion illustration, human body transformation and composition between a human body and heterogeneous objects by photomontage appeared with a lot of works. 2) Photomontage appeared with a parody in a truth recurrence differ from a visual art, a parody seemed to be a humor with recurrence image of the original and it appeared with the general public image and it is effective in message delivery. 3) It was a stopped screen. but photomontage was expressed through overlapping and reiteration was characteristic, and it appeared with movement. a direction, a speed and rhythm effectively. 4) One screen of general chapter was only to express limited meaning, but after screen of a lot of chapter, it was able to express that was borrowed and reconstructive with a lot of contents or different contents are more than before. 5) It is changed, and composited images have a multiple point of time, and it extend a space-time limit, visual limit and an expression enabled a multidimensional space-time. Moreover, photomontage neglects unique sincerity and fact of a photo by development and utilization of computer graphic. and it can get a screen effect to spread in the virtual world as abstraction and hyper-reality. Therefore, if various photomontage expression apply to fashion illustration works, it can overcome a limit of a visual expression. and it is able to become an important way for expanding a filed of expression and enhancement of a practical function gradually in fashion illustration

"Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time" (DIGIT) Herschel Observations of GSS30-IRS1 in Ophiuchus

  • Je, Hyerin;Lee, Jeong-Eun;Green, Joel D.;Evans, Neal J. II
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.63.2-63.2
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    • 2014
  • As a part of the "Dust, Ice, and Gas In Time" (DIGIT) key program on Herschel, we observed GSS30-IRS1, a Class I protostar located in Ophiuchus (d =125 pc), with Herschel/Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS). More than 70 lines were detected within a wavelength range from 50 ${\mu}m$ to 200 ${\mu}m$: CO lines from J = 14-13 to 41-40, several $H_2O$ lines of Eup = 100 K to 1500 K, 16 transitions of OH rotational lines, and two atomic [O I] lines at 63 and 145 ${\mu}m$. The [C II] line, known as a tracer of externally heated gas by the interstellar radiation field, is also detected at 158 ${\mu}m$. All lines, except [O I] and [C II], are detected only at the central spaxel of $9^{\prime\prime}.4{\times}9^{\prime\prime}.4$. The [O I] emission is extended along a NE-SW orientation, which is consistent with the known outflow direction, while the [C II] line is detected over all spaxels. One possible explanation of the detection of the [C II] line and no correlation of its spatial distribution with any other molecular emission is the existence of the enhanced ISRF nearby GSS30-IRS1. One interesting feature of GSS30-IRS1 is that the continuum emission is extended beyond the point-spread function (PSF), unlike the molecular line emission, indicative of significant external heating. The best-fit continuum model of GSS30-IRS1 with the physical structure including flared disk, envelope, and outflow shows that the internal luminosity is 11 $L_{\odot}$, and the region is also externally heated by a radiation field enhanced by a factor of 25 compared to the local standard interstellar field.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.89-95
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    • 2000
  • As an efficient method to detect blending of general gravitational microlensing events, it is proposed to measure the shift of source star image centroid caused by microlensing. The conventional method to detect blending by this method is measuring the difference between the positions of the source star image point spread function measured on the images taken before and during the event (the PSF centroid shift, ${\delta}{\theta}$c,PSF). In this paper, we investigate the difference between the centroid positions measured on the reference and the subtracted images obtained by using the difference image analysis method (DIA centroid shift, ${\delta}{\theta}$c.DIA), and evaluate its relative usefulness in detecting blending over the conventional method based on ${\delta}{\theta}$c,PSF measurements. From this investigation, we find that the DIA centroid shift of an event is always larger than the PSF centroid shift. We also find that while ${\delta}{\theta}$c,PSF becomes smaller as the event amplification decreases, ${\delta}{\theta}$c.DIA remains constant regardless of the amplification. In addition, while ${\delta}{\theta}$c,DIA linearly increases with the increasing value of the blended light fraction, ${\delta}{\theta}$c,PSF peaks at a certain value of the blended light fraction and then eventually decreases as the fraction further increases. Therefore, measurements of ${\delta}{\theta}$c,DIA instead of ${\delta}{\theta}$c,PSF will be an even more efficient method to detect the blending effect of especially of highly blended events, for which the uncertainties in the determined time scales are high, as well as of low amplification events, for which the current method is highly inefficient.

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The Enhancement of the Acoustic Image by Combining Bases of Support for SFR (Spatial Frequency Response) (공간주파수응답의 기저대역 확장에 의한 초음파영상의 개선)

  • Song, Dae-Geon;Oh, Tong-In;Kim, Hyun;Jun, Kye-Suk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we have studied the enhancement of the acoustic image by combining bases of support for SFR (Spatial Frequency Response) taken at multi-frequencies. The scanning acoustic microscope system have been constructed using the quadrature detector that is able to measure the amplitude and phase of the reflected signal simultaneously. Both real and quadrature components of reflected signal have been acquired at 4.4 ㎒ to 5.6 ㎒ reliably and accurately. In this experimental result, better depth resolution can be obtained by numerically combining images taken at several different frequencies. Image intensity have been better about 3.4 times at multi-frequency than one at a single frequency.

A Survey on Admission Control Mechanisms for providing QoS in the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (IEEE 802.11 무선랜에서 QoS 제공을 위한 허가 제어 연구)

  • Lee, Kye-Sang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.535-538
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    • 2005
  • Wireless LANs based on the IEEE 802.11 standard are widely spread for use nowadays. Traffic which are conveyed over the WLANs change rapidly from normal data such a Email and Web pages, to multimedia data of high resolution video and voice. To meet QoS (Quality of Service) required by these multimedia traffic, the IEEE 802 committee recently has developed a new standard, IEEE 802.11e. IEEe 802.11.e contains two MAC mechanisms for providing QoS: EDCA(Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) and HCCA (HCF Controlled Channel Access). Using these standardized MAC mechanisms as a building platform, various admission control mechanisms can be combined to offer QoS gurantees for multimedia traffic. This paper surveys these research efforts.

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Super-resolution Microscopy with Adaptive Optics for Volumetric Imaging

  • Park, Sangjun;Min, Cheol Hong;Han, Seokyoung;Choi, Eunjin;Cho, Kyung-Ok;Jang, Hyun-Jong;Kim, Moonseok
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.6 no.6
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    • pp.550-564
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    • 2022
  • Optical microscopy is a useful tool for study in the biological sciences. With an optical microscope, we can observe the micro world of life such as tissues, cells, and proteins. A fluorescent dye or a fluorescent protein provides an opportunity to mark a specific target in the crowd of biological samples, so that an image of a specific target can be observed by an optical microscope. The optical microscope, however, is constrained in resolution due to diffraction limit. Super-resolution microscopy made a breakthrough with this diffraction limit. Using a super-resolution microscope, many biomolecules are observed beyond the diffraction limit in cells. In the case of volumetric imaging, the super-resolution techniques are only applied to a limited area due to long imaging time, multiple scattering of photons, and sample-induced aberration in deep tissue. In this article, we review recent advances in super-resolution microscopy for volumetric imaging. The super-resolution techniques have been integrated with various modalities, such as a line-scan confocal microscope, a spinning disk confocal microscope, a light sheet microscope, and point spread function engineering. Super-resolution microscopy combined with adaptive optics by compensating for wave distortions is a promising method for deep tissue imaging and biomedical applications.

Confocal off-axis optical system with freeform mirror, application to Photon Simulator (PhoSim)

  • Kim, Dohoon;Lee, Sunwoo;Han, Jimin;Park, Woojin;Pak, Soojong;Yoo, Jaewon;Ko, Jongwan;Lee, Dae-Hee;Chang, Seunghyuk;Kim, Geon-Hee;Valls-Gabaud, David;Kim, Daewook
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.75.2-76
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    • 2021
  • MESSIER is a science satellite project to observe the Low Surface Brightness (LSB) sky at UV and optical wavelengths. The wide-field, optical system of MESSIER is optimized minimizing optical aberrations through the use of a Linear Astigmatism Free - Three Mirror System (LAF-TMS) combined with freeform mirrors. One of the key factors in observations of the LSB is the shape and spatial variability of the Point Spread Function (PSF) produced by scatterings and diffraction effects within the optical system and beyond (baffle). To assess the various factors affecting the PSF in this design, we use PhoSim, the Photon simulator, which is a fast photon Monte Carlo code designed to include all these effects, and also atmospheric effects (for ground-based telescopes) and phenomena occurring inside of the sensor. PhoSim provides very realistic simulations results and is suitable for simulations of very weak signals. Before the application to the MESSIER optics system, PhoSim had not been validated for confocal off-axis reflective optics (LAF-TMS). As a verification study for the LAF-TMS design, we apply Phosim sequentially. First, we use a single parabolic mirror system and compare the PSF results of the central field with the results from Zemax, CODE V, and the theoretical Airy pattern. We then test a confocal off-axis Cassegrain system and check PhoSim through cross-validation with CODE V. At the same time, we describe the shapes of the freeform mirrors with XY and Zernike polynomials. Finally, we will analyze the LAF-TMS design for the MESSIER optical system.

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Preparing for low-surface-brightness science with the Rubin Observatory: characterisation of LSB tidal features from mock images

  • Martin, Garreth W.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.40.3-41
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    • 2021
  • Minor mergers leave behind long lived, but extremely faint and extended tidal features including tails, streams, loops and plumes. These act as a fossil record for the host galaxy's past interactions, allowing us to infer recent accretion histories and place constraints on the properties and nature of a galaxy's dark matter halo. However, shallow imaging or small homogeneous samples of past surveys have resulted in weak observational constraints on the role of galaxy mergers and interactions in galaxy assembly. The Rubin Observatory, which is optimised to deliver fast, wide field-of-view imaging, will enable deep and unbiased observations over the 18,000 square degrees of the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), resulting in samples of potentially of millions of objects undergoing tidal interactions. Using realistic mock images produced with state-of-the-art cosmological simulations we perform a comprehensive theoretical investigation of the extended diffuse light around galaxies and galaxy groups down to low stellar mass densities. We consider the nature, frequency and visibility of tidal features and debris across a range of environments and stellar masses as well as their reliability as an indicator of galaxy accretion histories. We consider how observational biases such as projection effects, the point-spread-function and survey depth may effect the proper characterisation and measurement of tidal features, finding that LSST will be capable of recovering much of the flux found in the outskirts of L* galaxies at redshifts beyond local volume. In our simulated sample, tidal features are ubiquitous In L* galaxies and remain common even at significantly lower masses (M*>10^10 Msun). The fraction of stellar mass found in tidal features increases towards higher masses, rising to 5-10% for the most massive objects in our sample (M*~10^11.5 Msun). Such objects frequently exhibit many distinct tidal features often with complex morphologies, becoming increasingly numerous with increased depth. The interpretation and characterisation of such features can vary significantly with orientation and imaging depth. Our findings demonstrate the importance of accounting for the biases that arise from projection effects and surface-brightness limits and suggest that, even after the LSST is complete, much of the discovery space in low surface-brightness Universe will remain to be explored.

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Monte Carlo simulation of spatial resolution of lens-coupled LYSO scintillator for intense pulsed gamma-ray imaging system with large field of view

  • Guoguang Li;Liang Sheng;Baojun Duan;Yang Li;Dongwei Hei;Qingzi Xing
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.7
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    • pp.2650-2658
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we use a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation based on Geant4 to investigate the influence of four parameters on the spatial resolution of the lens-coupled lutetium yttrium orthosilicate (LYSO) scintillator, including the thickness of the LYSO scintillator, the F-number and minification factor of the lens, and the incident position of the gamma-rays. Simulation results show that when the gamma-rays are incident along the lens axis, the smaller the thickness, the larger the F-number, the larger the minification factor, the higher the spatial resolution, with an isotropic point spread function (PSF). As the incident position of the gamma-rays deviates from the lens axis, the spatial resolution decreases, and the PSF becomes anisotropic. In addition, by analyzing the whole physical process of the lens-coupled LYSO scintillator from gamma-rays to secondary electrons to fluorescence photons, we aim to provide a detailed analysis of the influence of each parameter on the spatial resolution. The results show that the PSF of the secondary electrons energy deposition is almost constant in the simulation, which determines the upper limit of the spatial resolution. Meanwhile, the dispersion process of the fluorescence photons can explain the reason why each parameter affects the spatial resolution.