• Title/Summary/Keyword: plant oil

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Variation of Fatty Acid Composition in Soybean'Pungsannamul' Mutation Population from EMS Treatment (EMS 처리에 의한 풍산나물 콩 돌연변이 집단에서 지방산 조성 변이)

  • Chae, Jong-Hyun;Dhakal, Krishna Hari;Asekova, Sovetgul;Song, Jong Tae;Lee, Jeong-Dong
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.45-50
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    • 2013
  • Mutagenesis is used to study gene function and obtain new genetic resources for plant breeding. Soybean is an important oil crop in the world. Thus, to find new genetic resources, a mutation population was developed from the soybean cultivar Pungsannamul using 0.3% ethyl methane sulfonate. The variation of fatty acids was then evaluated among 892 M4 generation mutant lines selected from 3,774 mutant lines. While the wild type Pungsannamul showed 11.6, 3.4, 23.8, 53.3, and 7.8% for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, respectively. the fatty acid variations in the mutant lines ranged from 7.4 to 19.7%, 2.2 to 13.0%, 14.7 to 49.0%, 31.8 to 63.9%, and 3.9 to 15.9% with an average of 10.8, 3.8, 25.3, 52.0, and 8.1% for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, respectively. Thus, two mutation lines with higher plamitic acid, PE1542 (17.1%) and PE3058 (17.0%), one line with lower stearic acid, PE2166 (1.9%), one line with higher stearic acid, PE977 (12.7%), two lines with higher oleic acid, PE450 (44.4%) and PE2742 (47.7%), and two lines with lower linolenic acid, PE594 (4.6%) and PE1690 (3.7%), were selected from this study. The newly selected fatty acid variants will be good genetic sources for gene function analyses and breeding soybean varieties with altered fatty acids for various industrial and human food applications.

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Effect of Planting Ratio of Male Sterility (MS) and Restorer Line (RL) on Fatty Acid Content and Composition during Seed Filling Period in $F_1$ Seed of Brassica napus L. (유채의 $F_1$ 종자 생산시 종자친과 화분친의 재식비 및 등숙시기별 종자의 지방산 분석)

  • Ku, Yang-Gyu;Yang, Sun-Young;Jung, Yong-Su;Kim, Hyun-Sung;Suh, Mi-Chung;Ahn, Sung-Ju
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.226-231
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this experiment was determined to investigate the effect of the planting ratio of Male Sterility (MS) to Restorer Line (RL) and harvesting time on fatty acid compositions under $F_1$ seed production of Brassica napus L. For rapeseed seed production, two experiments were conducted in the open fields. One experiment studied planting ratios of MS to RL (4:2, 10:2, or 10:1) were planted and investigated fatty acid composition at 40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 days after flowering, the other $F_2$ seeds were analyzed on fatty acid compositions of harvested seeds at five sequential stages. The results showed that fatty acid compositions of developing seeds were influenced by MS:RL planting ratios and $F_2$ hybrid treatments and contaminated level of fatty acid compositions, erucic acid, were unaffected by planting ratio of MS to RL. Fatty acid compositions such as palmitic acid (C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0) and linoleic acid (C18:2) contents decreased during seed maturation period in $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ experiments. In contrast, oleic acid (C18:1) content relatively increased up to 55days after flowering. At day 60 after flowering, oleic acid content was unaffected by MS:RL planting ratios and $F_2$ seeds treatments. Aspects of related gene expression of fatty acid synthesis such as SAD, FAD1 and FAD2 were followed exactly to changes of fatty acid composition during seed maturation. These results suggest that MS ratio may be enlarged and RL may be reduced, indicating this ratio will be useful for rape seed production.

Influence of Seed-filling Temperature on the Seed Quality and Water Soaking Properties of Soybean (등숙온도가 콩의 품질 및 수분흡수 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Gun-Ho;Kwon, Young-Up;Lee, Jae-Eun;Kim, Yul-Ho;Kim, Dae-Wook;Son, Beom-Young;Kim, Jung-Tae;Lee, Jin-Seok;Shin, Seong-Hyu;Baek, Seong-Bum;Lee, Byung-Moo;Chung, Ill-Min;Kim, Sun-Lim
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.308-318
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    • 2013
  • Korean soybean varieties, 'Seonyu' and 'Hwangkeum' were planted in 2012, and three temperature gradient, Tc($19.8^{\circ}C$, ambient temperatured), $Tc+1.7^{\circ}C$, and $Tc+2.5^{\circ}C$, were artificially created by controlling the green house system during seed filling period. Mature seeds that developed under these conditions were analyzed for variances in physicochemical properties. The 100-seed weight and seed-coat ratio of soybean were decreased, but small seed rate was increased by high temperature during seed filling period. Protein content was increased, but oil content was decreased significantly with increasing the seed filling temperature. The decrement of carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N), and the increment of monosaccharide, fructose and sucrose, in seeds explained that carbohydrate assimilation during seed filling was restricted by high temperature. Rapid increments of seed volume and weight were observed in the seeds of high seed filling temperature, but as soaking time increased the highest values were observed in the seeds of ambient seed filling temperature. The 100-seed weight and seed-coat ratio of soybean were closely related not only to the increment of soaking volume and weight, but also the increments of total dissolved solids (TDS) and electro conductivity (EC). Whereas protein content and C/N ratio showed less relationship with the soaking properties, but they had a positive correlation with TDS and EC. From the results, it was considered that high values of TDS and EC in the seeds of high temperature were mainly due to the incomplete conversion of assimilates into storage compounds. However, sugar content showed less influence on the soaking properties and the values of TDS and EC.

Agronomic Traits of Soybean Breeding Lines with Low Stachyose and Raffinose Contents (Stachyose 및 Raffinose 저함량 콩 선발계통의 농업적 형질)

  • Ha, Do Su;Moon, Jin Young;Choi, Sang Woo;Shim, Sang In;Kim, Min Chul;Chung, Jong Il
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.143-148
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    • 2017
  • Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] seed is an important dietary source of protein, oil, carbohydrates, isoflavones, and other nutrients for humans and animals. Raffinose and stachyose are the main antinutritional factors in soybean seed. They are carbohydrates belonging to the raffinose family of oligosaccharides, which are not readily digested in humans and cause flatulence or diarrhea. The genetic reduction of the raffinose and stachyose contents in mature soybean seeds will improve the nutritional value of soybean. The objective of this research was to evaluate agronomic traits with 10 $F_6$ strains selected from breeding populations derived from a cross among seven parents. The contents of raffinose and stachyose in mature seeds were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography. Agronomic traits such as flower color, flowering date, harvesting date, lodging, plant height, seed coat color, hilum color, 100 seed weight, and yield were evaluated. Ten intermediate parents showed low raffinose and stachyose contents. The intermediate parent 883-1 had a small seed size, six intermediate parents (15A1, 15D1, RS-5, RS-33, RS-64, and RS-70) had a medium seed size, and two intermediate parents (14G20 and RS-21) had a large seed size. The intermediate parent RS-21 had a black seed coat and a green cotyledon. Four intermediate parents (883-1, 14G20, RS-5, and RS-21) had elite agronomic traits. The new intermediate parents developed through this study will be used to develop improved soybean cultivars with low contents of raffinose and stachyose.

Antibacterial Activity of Sodium Phytate and Sodium Phosphates Against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Meats (식육에서 피틴산염과 인산염의 Escherichia coli O157:H7균에 대한 항균효과)

  • Hue, Jin-Joo;Li, Lan;Lee, Yea-Eun;Lee, Ki-Nam;Nam, Sang-Yoon;Yun, Young-Won;Jeong, Jae-Hwang;Lee, Sang-Hwa;Yoo, Han-Sang;Lee, Beom-Jun
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2007
  • The approval of use of certain food-grade phosphates as food additives in a wide variety of meat products greatly stimulated research on the applications of phosphates in foods. Although phosphates have never been classified as antimicrobial agents, a number of investigators have reported that phosphates have antimicrobial activities. Phytic acid is a natural plant inositol hexaphosphate constituting 1-5% of most cereals, nuts, legumes, oil seeds, pollen, and spores. In this study, we investigated antibacterial activities of sodium phytate(SPT), sodium pyrophosphate (SPP), sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) on Escherichia coli O157:H7 on tryptic soy broth and in beef, pork and chicken. In tryptic soy broth, SPT, SPP and STPP at the concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5% effectively inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a concentration-dependent manner. The bactericidal activity of SPT was the stronger than that of SPP or STPP at the same concentrations. In addition, the antibacterial effects of SPT, SPP and STPP at the concentrations of 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5% on Escherichia coli O157:H7 were also investigated in raw or cooked meats including beef, pork and chicken. SPT, SPP and STPP significantly inhibited the bacterial growth in a dose-dependant manner (p<0.05). The bactericidal effect of SPT was stronger than that of SPP or STPP. The addition of SPT, SPP and STPP in meats increased meat pHs. SPP and STPP also increased the levels of soluble orthophosphate in meats but STP did not. These results indicate that SPT is very effective for inhibition of bacterial growth and that can be used as a muscle food additive for increasing functions of meats.

Recent Progress in Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Research: A Review of Papers Published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering in 2008 (설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향: 2008년 학회지 논문에 대한 종합적 고찰)

  • Han, Hwa-Taik;Choi, Chang-Ho;Lee, Dae-Young;Kim, Seo-Young;Kwon, Yong-Il;Choi, Jong-Min
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.715-732
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    • 2009
  • This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2008. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) Research trends in thermal and fluid engineering have been surveyed in the categories of general fluid flow, fluid machinery and piping, new and renewable energy, and fire. Well-developed CFD technologies were widely applied in developing facilities and their systems. New research topics include fire, fuel cell, and solar energy. Research was mainly focused on flow distribution and optimization in the fields of fluid machinery and piping. Topics related to the development of fans and compressors had been popular, but were no longer investigated widely. Research papers on micro heat exchangers using nanofluids and micro pumps were also not presented during this period. There were some studies on thermal reliability and performance in the fields of new and renewable energy. Numerical simulations of smoke ventilation and the spread of fire were the main topics in the field of fire. (2) Research works on heat transfer presented in 2008 have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, industrial heat exchangers, and ground heat exchangers. Research on heat transfer characteristics included thermal transport in cryogenic vessels, dish solar collectors, radiative thermal reflectors, variable conductance heat pipes, and flow condensation and evaporation of refrigerants. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, examined are research on micro-channel plate heat exchangers, liquid cooled cold plates, fin-tube heat exchangers, and frost behavior of heat exchanger fins. Measurements on ground thermal conductivity and on the thermal diffusion characteristics of ground heat exchangers were reported. (3) In the field of refrigeration, many studies were presented on simultaneous heating and cooling heat pump systems. Switching between various operation modes and optimizing the refrigerant charge were considered in this research. Studies of heat pump systems using unutilized energy sources such as sewage water and river water were reported. Evaporative cooling was studied both theoretically and experimentally as a potential alternative to the conventional methods. (4) Research papers on building facilities have been reviewed and divided into studies on heat and cold sources, air conditioning and air cleaning, ventilation, automatic control of heat sources with piping systems, and sound reduction in hydraulic turbine dynamo rooms. In particular, considered were efficient and effective uses of energy resulting in reduced environmental pollution and operating costs. (5) In the field of building environments, many studies focused on health and comfort. Ventilation. system performance was considered to be important in improving indoor air conditions. Due to high oil prices, various tests were planned to examine building energy consumption and to cut life cycle costs.

A New Vegetable Soybean Cultivar, "Nokwon" with Large Seed and Lodging Resistance (풋콩용 내도복 대립 다수성 신품종 "녹원")

  • Ko, Jong-Min;Baek, In-Youl;Han, Won-Young;Kang, Sung-Taek;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Kang, Nam-Suk;Shin, Doo-Chull;Choung, Myoung-Gun;Oh, Sea-Kwan;Oh, Ki-Won;Shin, Sang-Ouk;Park, Keum-Yong;Suh, Duck-Yong;Yun, Hong-Tae;Oh, Young-Jin;Lee, Young-Soo;Son, Chang-Ki;Kim, Yong-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.318-323
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    • 2008
  • Nokwon, a new cultivar for vegetable soybean, was developed from the cross between Keunolkong and Hyangnam-1 and released in 2006. The pedigree of Nokwon, designated as Milyang 153 in 2003, was SS96425-2B-11-4-1-1-1. Nokwon, used as a vegetable soybean was characterized by dark green pod, large seed, very short plant height, and lodging resistance. Nokwon has determinate growth habit, white flowers, gray pubescence, oval leaf shape and brown pods at maturity. The mature seeds have a greenish yellow seed coat with brown hilum and yellow cotyledon. In Korea, Regional Yield Trials (RYT) for vegetable soybean from 2004 to 2006, Nokwon shows strong tolerance to soybean mosaic virus and lodging in fields. Fresh pods of Nokwon harvested at the beginning of August, and stem height was 11cm shorter than 45 cm of Hwaeomputkong. In the same tests, fresh pod of Nokwon (11.4 ton/ha) yielded 14% higher than Hwaeomputkong (10.0 ton/ha). Nokwon had 5.9 cm fresh pod length, 13.1 mm fresh pod width, 75.4 g seed weight per 100 green seed, 39.4% green seed protein content, and 17.3% green seed oil content.

A New Vegetable Soybean Cultivar, 'Sangwon' with Early Maturity and High Yield (풋콩용 조숙 다수성 신품종 '상원')

  • Ko, Jong-Min;Baek, In-Youl;Han, Won-Young;Kim, Hyun-Tae;Oh, Ki-Won;Shin, Sang-Ouk;Park, Keum-Yong;Ha, Tae-Jung;Shin, Doo-Chull;Chung, Myung-Geun;Kang, Sung-Taek;Yun, Hong-Tae;Oh, Young-Jin;Lee, Jong-Hyung;Son, Chang-Ki;Kim, Yong-Deuk
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.684-689
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    • 2010
  • 'Sangwon', a new cultivar for vegetable soybean, was developed from the cross between 'Keunolkong' and 'Oshimamidori', and was released at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2007. The goal to develop a vegetable soybean cultivar with green pod, early maturity, large seed size, high yield, lodging tolerance, and resistance to disease such as soybean mosaic virus (SMV). 'Sangwon' has light green pod, early maturity, large seed, short plant height, and lodging tolerance. 'Sangwon' has determinate growth habit, white flower, gray pubescence, and oval leaf shape. The matured seeds have a yellow seed coat with light brown hilum, and a yellow cotyledon. 'Sangwon' has 5.8 cm fresh pod length, 13.2mm fresh pod width, 69.5 g seed weight per 100 green seeds, 44.0% green seed protein content, and 14.8% green seed oil content. At the regional yield trials (RYT) for vegetable soybean from 2005 to 2007, 'Sangwon' shows strong resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and tolerance to lodging in fields. Fresh pods of 'Sangwon' were harvested at the beginning of August. In the same tests, fresh pod of 'Sangwon' (10.39ton/ha) yielded 5% higher than 'Hwaeomputkong' (9.90ton/ha).

Manufacturing Fermented Rapeseed Meal Compost using Two Microbial Agents and the Effect of Their Application (유용 미생물 제제 이용 발효 유채박 비료 제조 및 시용 효과)

  • Lee, Ji-Eun;Park, Won;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Lee, Yong-Hwa;Kwon, Da-Eun;Moon, Youn-Ho;Cha, Young-Lok;Kang, Yong-Ku
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    • v.64 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2019
  • Rapeseed meal, which is a byproduct of rapeseed oil extraction, improves crop productivity by supplying nutrients to the soil. The present study aimed to manufacture fermented rapeseed meal compost using two effective microbial agents and evaluate their efficiency as fertilizer. To types of fermented rapeseed meal, manufactured using either a bio-carrier or microbial agent, showed no differences in pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total nitrogen content. However, the contents of $NH_4-N$ and $NO_3-N$ as inorganic nitrogen were increased by 5.6 times and 1.5 times, respectively, after 5 d of fermentation. Rapeseed meal fermented for 5 d was applied to tomato a basal fertilizer and after eight weeks, the plant height increased in all fermented rapeseed treatments compared to that in the chemical fertilizer treatment, and also the quantum yield of photosystem II (PS II) showed the same trend. The total nitrogen content of tomato leaves treated with a microbial fermented rapeseed meal was twice as high as that of that treated with a chemical fertilizer. It was confirmed that the increase in the tomato height was an effect of the rapeseed meal containing inorganic nitrogen, which can easily be absorbed by plants. From these results, it is considered that fermented rapeseed meal manufactured with an effective microbial agent for 5 d showed the highest inorganic nutrient content and greatest growth enhancement in tomato.

Comparative Analysis of Functional Compounds in Perilla frutescens at Different Stages and Growth Times (들깨의 생육단계와 부위별 기능성화합물 함량 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Hae Eun;Yun, Hee Rang;Heo, Jae Bok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.511-519
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    • 2021
  • The Perilla frutescens var. japonica HARA is widely cultivated in Korea for vegetable leaves and oil seeds. Perilla species have been used for food and medicine and are known to contain many functional compounds. In this study, we investigated the functional compound contents of Perilla during its growth stages to analyze the optimal harvest time and conditions. The contents of the Perilla sprouts were analyzed according to culture environment and days of growth. Sprouts grown in soil under natural light conditions showed high rosmarinic acid (23.19±0.16 mg/g) and GABA (0.55±0.05 mg/g) content. Therefore, the results suggest that 6 to 8 days after sowing in soil under natural light conditions was the optimum harvest condition for sprouts. Also, the functional compounds of Perilla were analyzed according to growth stage and plant part. As a result, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid exhibited the highest content in the stage from vegetative growth to reproductive growth (0.28±0.03 ~ 0.30±0.07 mg/g rosmarinic acid and 20.60±7.02 ~ 19.37±3.18 mg/g caffeic acid), and luteolin and GABA showed the highest content in the reproductive growth stage and in the early stages of vegetative growth, respectively (31.11±2.98 ~ 22.35±1.64 ㎍/g luteolin and 0.42±0.09 ~ 0.37±0.04 mg/g GABA). It was confirmed that the content of caffeic acid (0.34±0.03 mg/g), rosmarinic acid (55.22±9.33 mg/g) and luteolin (1,044.89±6.72 ㎍/g) was the highest during the bolting stage. Overall, we identified the timing of the highest level of functional compounds in the sprouts and mature leaves of Perilla. These results suggest a suitable harvest time and conditions for sprouts and leaves for the use of Perilla as a functional material.