• Title/Summary/Keyword: plant engineering

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Components and Pharmaceutical Effect of Beverage Extracted from Sugar-treated Tartary buckwheat (타타리메밀 당절임 추출음료의 성분 및 약리효능)

  • Park, J.J.;Chang, K.J.;Seo, G.S.;Lee, H.S.;Lee, G.S.;Park, C.H.;Lee, M.H.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2008
  • Tartary buckwheat is one of specialized plants in Pyeongchang county, Korea and contains rutin much more than common buckwheat. Rutin is a kind of flavonoid (polyphenol compound) that has effects on blood vascular disease, strengthen capillary, and anti-inflammatory effect. This study was conducted to determine the possibility of development of beverage extracted from sugar-treated plants and sprouts of tartary buckwheat. By using two types of undiluted solution extracted from plant and sprouts of tartary buckwheat, we analyzed their nutrition components and did experiment on mice to find out pharmaceutical effects. In an experiment on mice, we administered various concentration of buckwheat to induced diabetic mellitus mice for 1 weeks. As a result, the buckwheat effected finely on lowering blood sugar and decreased LDL-cholesterol and total lipid level but increased HDL-cholesterol level.

Current and Long Wave Influenced Plume Rise and Initial Dilution Determination for Ocean Outfall (해양 배출구에서 해류와 장파에 의한 플룸 상승과 초기 희석도 결정)

  • Kwon, S.J.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 1997
  • In the United States, a number of ocean outfalls discharge primary treated effluent into deep sea water and contribute for more efficient wastewater treatment. The long multiport diffuser connected by long pipe from a treatment plant discharge wastewater into deep water due to the steep slope of the sea bed. However, Plume discharged from the diffuser can have significant impacts on coastal communities and possibly immediate consequence on public health. Therefore, there have been growing interests about the dynamics of plume in the vicinity of the ocean outfalls. It is expected that the ocean outfall should be considered for more efficient and reliable wastewater treatments as soon as possible around coastal area in South Korea. A number of studies of plume ynamics have used various models to predict plume behavior. However, in many cases, the calculated values of plume behavior are in significantly poor agreement with realistic values. Therefore, in this study, it is recommended that improvements should be made in the application of the plume model to more simulate the actual discharge characteristics and ocean conditions. It should be noted that input parameters in plume models reflect realistic ocean conditions like waves as well as currents. In this study, as one of the new parameters, current and long wave-influenced plume rise and initial dilution have been taken into account by using simple linear wave theory under some specific assumptions for more reliable plume behavior description. Among the improved plume models approved by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the RSB(Roberts-Snyder-Baurngartner) and UM(Updated Merge) models were chosen for the calculation of plume behavior, and the variation calculated by both models on the basis of long period wave was compared in terms of plume rise and initial dilution.

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Possibility of Using Landfill Coal Ash as CLSM Material for Emergency Restoration of Ground and Road Joint Parts (지반 및 도로 공동부의 긴급복구용 CLSM 재료로 매립 석탄저회 활용 가능성)

  • Jin-Man Kim;Sang-Chul Shin;Kyoung-Nam Min;Ha-Seog Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to develop CLSM fill material for emergency restoration using landfill coal ash. As a result of examining physical properties such as particle size distribution and fines content of landfill coal ash, bottom ash, fly ash, and general soil were mixed, and SP was found to have a density of 2.03 and a residual particle pass rate of 7.8 %. CLSM materials that secure fluidity in unit quantities without using chemical admixtures such as glidants and water reducing agents have a high risk of material separation due to bleeding. As a result of this experiment, it was found that the bleeding ratio did not satisfy the standard in the case of the specimen with a large amount of fly ash and a lot of addition of mixing water. As a result of the compressive strength test, the strength development of 0.5 MPa or more for 4 hours was found to be satisfactory for the specimens using hemihydrate gypsum with a unit binder amount of 200 or more, and the remaining gypsum showed poor strength development. Although it is judged that landfill coal ash can be used as a CLSM material, it is necessary to identify and apply the physical and chemical characteristics of coal ash buried in the ash treatment plant of each power generation company.

Analysis and Evaluation of CPC / COLSS Related Test Result During YGN 3 Initial Startup (영광 3호기 초기 시운전 동안 CPC / COLSS 관련시험 결과 분석 및 평가)

  • Chi, S.G.;Yu, S.S.;In, W.K.;Auh, G.S.;Doo, J.Y.;Kim, D.K.
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.877-887
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    • 1995
  • YGN 3 is the first nuclear power plant to use the Core Protection Calculator (CPC) as the core protection system and the Core Operating Limit Supervisory System (COLSS) as the core monitor-ing system in Korea. The CPC is designed to provide on-line calculations of Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) and Local Power Density (LPD) and to initiate reactor trip if the core conditions exceed the DNBR or LPD design limit. The COLSS is designed to assist the operator in implementing the Limiting Conditions for Operation (LCOs) in Technical Specifications for DNBR/Linear Heat Rate (LHR) margin, azimuthal tilt, and axial shape index and to provide alarm when the LCOs are reached. During YGN 3 initial startup testing, extensive CPC/COLSS related tests ore peformed to ver-ify the CPC/COLSS performance and to obtain optimum CPC/COLSS calibration constants at var, -ious core conditions. Most of test results met their specific acceptance criteria. In the case of missing the acceptance criteria, the test results ore analyzed, evaluated, and justified. Through the analysis and evaluation of each of the CPC/COLSS related test results, it can be concluded that the CPC/COLSS are successfully Implemented as designed at YGN 3.

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Transfer of Arsenic from Soilsto Rice Grains through Reducing the Thickness of Soil Covering in Soil Reclamation in an Abandoned Coal Mine Area (폐석탄광산 농경지(논) 토양개량복원 시 복토두께 조정에 따른 비소의 벼 전이효과 현장실증)

  • Il-Ha Koh;Yo Seb Kwon;Ju In Ko;Won Hyun Ji
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2023
  • In Korea, a major contaminant of farmland soils in the vicinity of abandoned mines is arsenic, for which the general soil reclamation method is contaminated soil stabilization and cover the stabilized soil with clean soil at a thickness of 40 cm. In a previous pot experiment study we confirmed the feasibility of a lower thickness (20 cm) of covering soil for such reclamation in abandoned coal mines, where arsenic contamination levels are generally lower than in metal mines. In this subsequent study a field experiment including rice plant cultivation in field test plots was conducted. For over 4 months, the transfer of arsenic from the contaminated soil to the unpolished rice grains was reduced by 44% when a clean soil covering with a thickness of 20 cm was applied. The maximum decrease (56%) was shown when the stabilization process was performed before the covering. These results reveal a lower thickness of clean soil covering has a high feasibility and it can increase cost-efficiency in the reclamation of an abandoned coal mine.

Energy Consumption Analysis of Batch Type Heating Process for Energy Savings in Food Processing Plants (식품가공공장의 에너지 절감을 위한 batch식 가열 공정 에너지 소비 분석 : 사례 연구)

  • Chae-Eun Yeo;Woo-jin Cho;Jae-Hoi Gu;Chae-Young Lim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.817-823
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    • 2023
  • Manufacturing plants face the challenge of reducing energy use in response to climate change. Reducing energy consumption can be seen as one of the most important issues, such as reducing production costs and improving efficiency. Among manufacturing industries, the increase in energy consumption in the food industry is gradually increasing along with the improvement of the standard of living and the increase in population. In order to save energy in food processing plants, it is important to identify and analyze energy consumption characteristics in energy-consuming processes. Prior to this, it is necessary to monitor and analyze existing energy consumption to derive reduction measures. In this study, a small and medium-sized food processing plant producing processed meat products was used as a case study to identify and analyze the energy consumption structure at typical cycle/stage level of the batch heating process. From this, we tried to establish realistic and quantitative goals that can be obtained under individual process operating conditions. The results of this study will be used as basic data for the development of diffusion and pervasive energy saving FEMS technology for common core processes of food factories of small and medium-sized enterprises in the future.

Preparation of cobalt oxide(Co3O4·CoO) ultra fine particles using cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate and crystalline cellulose as a starting materials (Cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate와 결정성 셀룰로오스를 출발물질로 사용한 산화코발트(Co3O4·CoO) 초미세입자의 합성)

  • Soo-Jong Kim
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.587-592
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    • 2023
  • Cobalt oxide (Co3O4·CoO) ultra fine particles were synthesized by liquid phase precursor method. cobalt(II) chloride hexahydrate (CoCl2·6H2O) was as a starting material. A plant-derived crystalline cellulose was used as impregnating materials. A impregnated precursor was calcined at a temperature of 350 to 900℃ to obtain cobalt oxide particles having a particle size of 1 to 10㎛. The crystallization process and morphology according to the calcination temperature were examined, and the properties of the synthesized powder were evaluated using SEM and XRD. It was confirmed that a crystal phase of Co3O4 began to form around 350℃ and crystal growth occurred up to 900℃. At a temperature above 500℃, the Co3O4 crystal was changed to another crystal phase CoO.

Evaluation of Bio-Chemical Restoration Index at the Creation Site of Ecological Environmental Zone in Coastal Area (연안생태환경공간 조성지의 생물-화학적 복원지수 평가)

  • Lee, In-Cheol;Yi, Byung Ho;Park, So Young;Ryu, Cheong Ro
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1B
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    • pp.161-168
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    • 2008
  • The ecological environmental zones in coastal area, like tidal flat and salt marsh, were gradually decreased due to large scale of coastal development projects, reclamation and so on. Therefore, the development of artificial tidal flat and salt marsh has been emphasized in coastal area as mitigation concept and studies on related this background has performed. But studies on the quantitative evaluation for degree of restoration were insufficient. In this paper, as a fundamental study for evaluation of restoration on the creation of ecological environmental zones in coastal area, it was conducted that the monitoring and experiment for bio-chemical factors (bio-diversity, population and biomass of macro-benthos, survival ratio of reed, the number of heterotrophic bacteria and physico-chemical characteristics such as COD, IL, TN, TP and pH) using a in-situ pilot plant of tidal flat (Zone. P1) and salt marsh (Zone. P2), which was distinguished by content of dredged soil, in Jinudo, Nakdong estuary. From results of this study, the restoration index (RI), for evaluation concerning degree of restoration on the creation of ecological environmental zones in coastal area, was suggested and quantitative evaluation was performed using a restoration index (RI).

Evaluation of Local Effect Prediction Formulas for RC Slabs Subjected to Impact Loading (충격하중이 작용하는 RC 슬래브의 국부손상 산정식에 대한 고찰)

  • Chung, Chul-Hun;Choi, Hyun;Lee, Jung Whee;Choi, Kang Ryong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.6A
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    • pp.543-560
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    • 2010
  • Safety-related concrete structures in a nuclear power plant must be protected against the impact of flying objects, referred to in the profession as missiles. In practice, the structural verification is usually carried out by means of empirical formulas, which relate the velocity of the impinging missile to the wall thickness needed to prevent scabbing or perforation. The purpose of this study is to reevaluate the predictability of the local effect prediction formulas for the penetration and scabbing depths and perforation thickness. Therefore, available formulas for predicting the penetration depth, scabbing thickness, and perforation thickness of concrete structures impacted by solid missiles are summarized, reviewed, and compared. A series of impact analyses is performed to predict the local effects of the projectile at impact velocities varing from 95 to 215 m/s. The results obtained from the numerical simulations have been compared with tests that were carried out at Kojima to validate numerical modelling. The simulation results show reasonable agreement with the Kojima test results for the overall impact response of the RC slabs. From these results, it seems that the Degen equation give a very good estimate of perforation thickness against a tornado projectile for test data. Finally, the results obtained from the impact analysis have been compared with Degen formula to determine the perforation thickness of the RC slab.

Ecological Characteristics and Their Implications for the Conservation in the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland, Ulsan, South Korea (울산 태화강하구습지의 생태적 특성 및 보전을 위한 제안)

  • Pyoungbeom Kim;Yeonhui Jang;Yeounsu Chu
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2023
  • Estuarine wetlands, which form a distinctive brackish water zone, serve as important habitats for organisms that have adapted to and thrive in this environment. Nonetheless, excessive development and utilization result in artificial disruptions that alter the distinctive functions and attributes of estuarine wetlands. To collect the basic data for the conservation of estuarine wetlands with excellent ecosystems, we investigated the vegetation distribution characteristics and biota status of the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland. Data from vegetation surveys have shown that 25 plant communities of six physiognomic vegetation types, including willow vegetation, lotic and lentic herbaceous vegetation, floating/submerged vegetation. In the upper reaches, where topographical diversity was high, various types of wetland vegetation were distributed. In terms of biodiversity, a total of 696 species, including 7 endangered wildlife species, were identified. Due to good ecological connectivity, tidal rivers are formed, brackish water species including various functional groups are distributed around this section. The inhabitation of various water birds, such as diving and dabbler ducks, were confirmed according to the aquatic environment of each river section. The collection of ecological information of the Taehwagang River Estuarine Wetland can be used as a framework for establishing the basis for conservation and management of the estuarine ecosystem and support policy establishment.