• Title/Summary/Keyword: planetary gears

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Influence of Flexible Pin for Planets on Service Life of Wind Turbine Gearboxes (풍력 발전기용 증속기의 유연 핀이 수명에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Park, Young-Jun;Lee, Geun-Ho;Nam, Yong-Yun;Kim, Jeong-Kil
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.953-960
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    • 2012
  • An overhung mounted carrier with flexible pins is applied to the planetary gear train of a wind turbine gearbox to investigate the influence of the self-aligning effect by means of the deflection of the planet spindle and the flexible pin on the lifetime of the planet gear for a wind turbine gearbox. To analyze the load distribution of planet gears, both Euler theory and commercial software are employed. By applying an overhung mounted carrier with flexible pins in the wind turbine gearbox, we can improve the misalignment performance, face load factor, and service life of the planet gears. In particular, it was confirmed that a service life of more than 20 years could be realized for wind turbine gearboxes by applying a flexible pin to the overhung mounted carrier.

Strength Analysis of Complex Gear Train for Transmission of 21-Ton Grade Wheel Excavator (21톤급 휠 굴착기용 트랜스미션의 기어 트레인에 대한 강도 해석)

  • Lee, JunHee;Bae, MyungHo;Cho, YonSang
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2022
  • The power train of transmission for 21-ton grade wheel excavator makes use of a complex gear train composed of a planetary and helical gear system to drive the wheel excavator by transmitting power to the axle. The complex gear train with a shift mode is an important part of the transmission because of strength problems in an extreme environment. To calculate the specifications of the complex gear train and analyze the gear bending and compressive stresses of the complex gear train, this study analyzes gear bending and compressive stresses accurately for the optimal design of the complex gear train with respect to cost and reliability. In this article, the gear bending and compressive stresses of the complex gear train are calculated using the Lewes and Hertz equation. Evaluating the results with the data of the allowable bending and compressive stress from the stress and number of cycles curves of the gears verified the calculated specifications of the complex gear train. A computer structure analysis is performed with the 3D model of the planetary and helical gears to analyze the structure strength of the complex gear train. The results demonstrate that the durability and strength of the complex gear train are safe, because the safety factors of the bending and compressive stresses are more than 1.0.

Development of the Transfer Case for Power Distribution (동력분배용 중간변속기 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Sim, Ki-Joong;Moon, Hong-Ju;Lee, Youngchoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents the development of the transfer case for a 3.5-ton commercial vehicle. A transfer case is composed of many parts, including helical gear, shaft, bearing, planetary gear, and others. Helical gears are currently used as power transmitting gears due to their relatively smooth and silent operation, large load carrying capacity, and operation at higher speeds. The key parameter in transfer case development is the bending stress at the root of a tooth in the helical gear. The bending stress of the helical gear has been studied through theoretical calculation and finite element method (FEM) analysis. Major factors of the bending stress calculation are determined according to American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) standards, and FEM model analysis of the helical gear is conducted. FEM results are compared with theoretical calculations and the difference of the bending stress is described.

A Study on Components Load of 5MW Wind Turbine Pitch Drive (5MW 풍력용 Pitch Drive 구성품의 부하에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Young;Lee, In-Bum;Liang, Long-Jun;Lyu, Sung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.115-120
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    • 2014
  • Wind power is a type of clean energy source which does not produce carbon dioxide. The wind turbine industry is considered as a major growth industry in many countries. The main cause of wind turbine failure arises in the wind turbine gearbox, and the main type of damage occurs in the bearings and gears. Therefore, predictions of gear and bearing damage are very important to ensure the reliability of the wind turbine reducers used in these systems. In this research, in order to optimize the wind turbine reducer, a series of simulations and redesigns was done using the tool RomaxDesigner. The RomaxDesigner model was used to analyze the bearing life of the duty cycle for a 5 MW wind-turbine pitch drive and to calculate the load in operating states. The reducer was designed to satisfy the life requirement by analyzing bearing damage and calculating the stress values of the main parts of the reducer.

Accelerating Ability Optimization for Dual Mode Hybrid Vehicle Using Complex Planetary Gears (복합 유성기어를 이용한 듀얼모드 하이브리드 자동차의 가속성능 최적화)

  • Yang, Si-U;Kim, Nam-Wook;Yang, Ho-Rim;Park, Yoeng-Il;Cha, Suk-Won
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 2006
  • Accelerating ability is one of the most important performance of the vehicle. Unlike conventional internal combustion vehicles and power-assist hybrid vehicles, the maximized acceleration of dual mode hybrid vehicles is not simply. achieved by maximizing engine or motor torque Because of the dynamic stability of planetary gear, speeds and torques control of engine, motor 1 and motor 2 is essential and according to control value, acceleration performance is changed There are two control values which are velocity and torque for each component totalling six. These six values can be variables for an objective function. However, because three velocity variables can be regarded as only one variable speed ratio and the remaining three torque variables can be solved analytically, without complicated numerical algorithm the solution for the objective function can be obtained. This optimized solution shows the best performance possible to the specified dual mode system.

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A Study on Tooth Micro-geometry Optimization of Planetary Gear for 5MW Wind Turbine Pitch Drive (5MW 풍력용 피치드라이브의 유성기어 Micro-geometry 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Bum;Kim, Dong-Young;Xu, Zhe-Zhu;Lee, Do-Young;Lyu, Sung-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2014
  • The rotation of a spindle unit must be accurate for high-quality machining and to improve the quality of the machine tools. Therefore, the proper measurement of the rotation accuracy and ensuring a proper analysis are very important. Separate processes are necessary because spindle errors and roundness errors associated with the test balls can both factor into the measured rotation error values. We used three methods to discern test ball errors and analyzed which could be deemed as the most proper technique in a test of the rotation accuracy of the main spindle of a machine tool.

Double Actuator Unit based on the Planetary Gear Train Capable of Position/Force Control (위치/힘 제어가 가능한 유성기어 기반의 더블 액츄에이터 유닛)

  • Kim, Byeong-Sang;Park, Jung-Jun;Song, Jae-Bok;Kim, Hong-Seok
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2006
  • Control of a robot manipulator in contact with the environment is usually conducted by the direct feedback control using a force-torque sensor or the indirect impedance control. In these methods, however, the control algorithms become complicated and the performance of position and force control cannot be improved because of the mechanical properties of the passive components. To cope with such problems, redundant actuation has been used to enhance the performance of position control and force control. In this research, a Double Actuator Unit (DAU) is proposed, with which the force control algorithm can be simplified and can make the robot ensure the safety during the external collision. The DAU is composed of two actuators; one controls the position and the other modulates the joint stiffness. Using this unit, it is possible to independently control the position and stiffness. The DAU based on the planetary gears is investigated in this paper. Performance using the DAU is also verified by various experiments. It is shown that the manipulator using this mechanism provides better safety during the impact with the environment by reducing the joint stiffness appropriately on detecting the collision of a manipulator.

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Formal Verification of Twin Clutch Gear Control System

  • Muhammad Zaman;Amina Mahmood;Muhammad Atif;Muhammad Adnan Hashmi;Muhammad Kashif;Mudassar Naseer
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2024
  • Twin clutch model enables the power-shifts as conventional planetary automatic transmission and eradicates the disadvantages of single clutch trans- mission. The automatic control of the dual clutches is a problem. Particularly to control the clutching component that engages when running in one direction of revolution and disengages when running the other direction, which exchange the torque smoothly during torque phase of the gearshifts on planetary-type automatic transmissions, seemed for quite a while hard to compensate through clutch control. Another problem is to skip gears during multiple gearshifts. However, the twin clutch gear control described in ["M Goetz, M C Levesley and D A Crolla. Dynamics and control of gearshifts on twin clutch transmissions, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 2005"], a significant improvement in twin clutch gear control system is discussed. In this research our objective is to formally specify the twin clutch gear control system and verify it with the help of formal methods. Formal methods have a high potential to give correctness estimating techniques. We use UPPAAL for formal specification and verification. Our results show that the twin clutch gear control model partially fulfills its functional requirements.

A study on the analysis and identification of error motion in planetary gear system (유성치차장치의 회전오차 해석과 그 진단에 관한 연구)

  • 박천경;박동삼
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 1990
  • The manufacturing errors such as pitch error and run-out error in planetary gear system bring about the irregular displacement of the center of each gear, which cause the torqe variation, vibration and noise. In this study, the relation between manufacturing errors and error motions of the center of gear was analyzed, and it can be applied to identyfy the errors of gears by investigating the measured locus of the center of each gear. Also, another identification method of power spectrum estimation using FFT algorithm was introduced, which analyze the frequency of the measured error motions. The results show that the error of each gear had a corresponding unique frequency, therefore, this method proved to be more effective.

The Development of Walking Tractors for Asian Agriculture

  • Phongsupasamit, Surin;Sakai, Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.1102-1109
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    • 1993
  • This paper describes the research and development of Walking Tractors and Tillage Implements for Phase I (1991-1992) . The project consists of : (1) the study and need for the development of the walking tractors for Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries ; (2) the comparison in the use of the walking tractors and their transmission systems that are made in Thailand and aborad : and (3) the design of future walking tractors for Asian farmers in developing countries. The design of the walking tractors is concentrated to provide the ease to farmers, especially the elderly and female which will play an important role in the future agriculture of Thailand due to the lack of manpower. In addition , the design of the walking tractors is also aiming for small-scale farmers, the majority that have limited land capital. The walking tractors consist of several components but the most important one is the " Transmission System" . Thus, the research is concentrated in the devel pment an design of the a new transmission system. The new machine , currently developed, is named after the Chulalongkron University as " Chular Walking Tractor " , model SPJS -60. The tractor uses a 6-7 horsepower diesel engine with three forward gears and one reverse gear. The tractor also uses the latest gearing technology so called planetary gearing system with steering clutches system that never been used in any earlier model. The advantages of the planetary gearing system are : (1) the final drive gear can be small, and can be designed to provide higher strength with less wearing resistance, (2) the system eliminates a shaft which is used in other systems, thus reduces the weight and the manufacturing cost . Furthermore, the Chular Walking Tractor has an additional power take off shaft that can be used or linked with other standard agricultural implements.

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