• Title/Summary/Keyword: pipeline health monitoring

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A Study on the Advanced Impedance Converter for Pipeline Health Monitoring (배관 안전진단을 위한 향상된 임피던스 컨버터 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-Min;Lee, Hyung-Su;Song, Byung-Hun
    • Journal of The Institute of Information and Telecommunication Facilities Engineering
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2011
  • The Underground pipeline facility is a general but most important facility in modern world, but its maintainability has been left behind. An automated and intelligent management technology is needed to prevent the wast of social resource and security. In this paper, we introduce Pipeline Health Monitoring(PHM) with Ubiquitous Sensor Network(USN) for inexpensive structure safety monitoring system, and improve its utility by inventing the advanced impedance converter.

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An Overview of New Progresses in Understanding Pipeline Corrosion

  • Tan, M. YJ;Varela, F.;Huo, Y.;Gupta, R.;Abreu, D.;Mahdavi, F.;Hinton, B.;Forsyth, M.
    • Corrosion Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2016
  • An approach to achieving the ambitious goal of cost effectively extending the safe operation life of energy pipeline to 100 years is the application of health monitoring and life prediction tools that are able to provide both long-term remnant pipeline life prediction and in-situ pipeline condition monitoring. A critical step is the enhancement of technological capabilities that are required for understanding and quantifying the effects of key factors influencing buried steel pipeline corrosion and environmentally assisted materials degradation, and the development of condition monitoring technologies that are able to provide in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline damage. This paper provides an overview of our current research aimed at developing new sensors and electrochemical cells for monitoring, categorising and quantifying the level and nature of external pipeline and coating damages under the combined effects of various inter-related variables and processes such as localised corrosion, coating cracking and disbondment, cathodic shielding, transit loss of cathodic protection.

Parametric density concept for long-range pipeline health monitoring

  • Na, Won-Bae;Yoon, Han-Sam
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.357-372
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    • 2007
  • Parametric density concept is proposed for a long-range pipeline health monitoring. This concept is designed to obtain the attenuation of ultrasonic guided waves propagating in underwater pipelines without complicated calculation of attenuation dispersion curves. For the study, three different pipe materials such as aluminum, cast iron, and steel are considered, ten different transporting fluids are assumed, and four different geometric pipe dimensions are adopted. It is shown that the attenuation values based on the parametric density concept reasonably match with the attenuation values obtained from dispersion curves; hence, its efficiency is proved. With this concept, field engineers or inspectors associated with long-range pipeline health monitoring would take the advantage of easier capturing wave attenuation value, which is a critical variable to decide sensor location or sensors interval.

A review on vibration-based structural pipeline health monitoring method for seismic response (지진 재해 대응을 위한 진동 기반 구조적 관로 상태 감시 시스템에 대한 고찰)

  • Shin, Dong-Hyup;Lee, Jeung-Hoon;Jang, Yongsun;Jung, Donghwi;Park, Hee-Deung;Ahn, Chang-Hoon;Byun, Yuck-Kun;Kim, Young-Jun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.335-349
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    • 2021
  • As the frequency of seismic disasters in Korea has increased rapidly since 2016, interest in systematic maintenance and crisis response technologies for structures has been increasing. A data-based leading management system of Lifeline facilities is important for rapid disaster response. In particular, the water supply network, one of the major Lifeline facilities, must be operated by a systematic maintenance and emergency response system for stable water supply. As one of the methods for this, the importance of the structural health monitoring(SHM) technology has emerged as the recent continuous development of sensor and signal processing technology. Among the various types of SHM, because all machines generate vibration, research and application on the efficiency of a vibration-based SHM are expanding. This paper reviews a vibration-based pipeline SHM system for seismic disaster response of water supply pipelines including types of vibration sensors, the current status of vibration signal processing technology and domestic major research on structural pipeline health monitoring, additionally with application plan for existing pipeline operation system.

Acoustic Wave Propagation Characteristics Corresponding to the Cut-off Frequency in Gas Pipeline (가스 배관의 차단 주파수에 따른 음파전달특성 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Soo;Lee, Sang-Kwon;Jang, Sang-Yup;Koh, Jae-Pil
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.693-700
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    • 2008
  • High-Pressure gas Pipeline which is buried in underground has the Possibility that will be exposed to unexpected dangerous impact of construction equipment. To protect from this kind of danger, the real-time health monitoring system of the high-pressure gas pipeline is necessary. First of all, to make the real-time health monitoring system clearly, the acoustic wave propagation characteristics which are made from various construction equipment impacts must be identified. In link of technical development that prevents the damage of high-pressure gas pipeline, this paper gives FEM(finite element method) and BEM(boundary element method) solutions to identify the acoustic wave propagation characteristic of the various impact input signals which consist of Direc delta function and convolution signal of 45 Hz square signal and random signal.

Real-time Health Monitoring of Pipeline Structures Using Piezoelectric Sensors (압전센서를 사용한 배관 구조물의 실시간 건전성 평가)

  • Kim, Ju-Won;Lee, Chang-Gil;Park, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2010
  • Pipeline structure is one of core underground infrastructure which transports primary sources. Since the almost pipeline structures are placed underground and connected each other complexly, it is difficult to monitor their structural health condition continuously. In order to overcome this limitation of recent monitoring technique, recently, a Ubiquitous Sensor Network (USN) system based on on-line and real-time monitoring system is being developed by the authors' research group. In this study, real-time pipeline health monitoring (PHM) methodology is presented based on electromechanical impedance methods using USN. Two types of damages including loosened bolts and notches are artificially inflicted on the pipeline structures, PZT and MFC sensors that have piezoelectric characteristics are employed to detect these damages. For objective evaluation of pipeline conditions, Damage metric such as Root Mean Square Deviation (RMSD) value was computed from the impedance signals to quantify the level of the damage. Optimal threshold levels for decision making are estimated by generalized extreme value(GEV) based statistical method. Throughout a series of experimental studies, it was reviewed the effectiveness and robustness of proposed PHM system.

Health monitoring of pressurized pipelines by finite element method using meta-heuristic algorithms along with error sensitivity assessment

  • Amirmohammad Jahan;Mahdi Mollazadeh;Abolfazl Akbarpour;Mohsen Khatibinia
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2023
  • The structural health of a pipeline is usually assessed by visual inspection. In addition to the fact that this method is expensive and time consuming, inspection of the whole structure is not possible due to limited access to some points. Therefore, adopting a damage detection method without the mentioned limitations is important in order to increase the safety of the structure. In recent years, vibration-based methods have been used to detect damage. These methods detect structural defects based on the fact that the dynamic responses of the structure will change due to damage existence. Therefore, the location and extent of damage, before and after the damage, are determined. In this study, fuzzy genetic algorithm has been used to monitor the structural health of the pipeline to create a fuzzy automated system and all kinds of possible failure scenarios that can occur for the structure. For this purpose, the results of an experimental model have been used. Its numerical model is generated in ABAQUS software and the results of the analysis are used in the fuzzy genetic algorithm. Results show that the system is more accurate in detecting high-intensity damages, and the use of higher frequency modes helps to increase accuracy. Moreover, the system considers the damage in symmetric regions with the same degree of membership. To deal with the uncertainties, some error values are added, which are observed to be negligible up to 10% of the error.

Active monitoring of pipeline tapered thread connection based on time reversal using piezoceramic transducers

  • Hong, Xiaobin;Song, Gangbing;Ruan, Jiaobiao;Zhang, Zhimin;Wu, Sidong;Liu, Guixiong
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.643-662
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    • 2016
  • The monitoring of structural integrity of pipeline tapered thread connections is of great significance in terms of safe operation in the industry. In order to detect effectively the loosening degree of tapered thread connection, an active sensing method using piezoceramic transducers was developed based on time reversal technique in this paper. As the piezoeramic transducers can be either as actuators or sensors to generate or detect stress waves, the energy transmission for tapered thread connection was analyzed. Subsequently, the detection principle for tapered thread connection based on time reversal was introduced. Finally, the inherent relationship between the contact area and tightness degree of tapered thread connection for the pipe structural model was investigated. Seven different contact area scenarios were tested. Each scenario was created by loosening connectors ranging from 3 turns to 4.5 turns in the right tapered threads when the contact area in the left tapered threads were 4.5 turns. The experiments were separately conducted with a highly noisy environment and various excitation signal amplitudes. The results show the focused peaks based on time reversal have the monotonously rising trend with the increase of the contact areas of tapered threads within an acceptable monitoring resolution for metal pipes. Compared with the energy method, the proposed time reversal based method to monitor tapered threads loosening demonstrates to be more robust in rejecting noise in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications.

Application of Fiber Optic Sensors for Monitoring Deflection and Deformation of a Pipeline (배관 변형 및 처짐 감시를 위한 광섬유 센서의 활용)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyuk;Kim, Dae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.460-465
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    • 2016
  • Long pipe structures are usually installed in fixtures located with regular intervals or laid underground. Therefore, deflection and deformation could easily occur due to their weight or ground activity. A shape monitoring technique can be used effectively to evaluate the integrity of the pipe structures. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, which have an advantage of multiplexing could be used to measure strains at multiple-points of a long structure. In this study, to evaluate the integrity of a pipeline, a shape estimation technique based on strain information was proposed. Furthermore, different experiments were conducted to verify the performance of the proposed technique. Thus, the proposed shape estimation technique can represent the shape according to the deformation of the specimen using the FBGs. Moreover, calculated deflection of the pipeline using the estimation technique showed a good agreement with the actual deflection of the pipeline.

The Development of Real-Time Leak Monitoring System for Management of Hazardous Material Pipeline (유해물질 이송관로 파손누출 실시간 예방 및 감시 기술개발)

  • Chae, Sookwon;Seo, Jaesoon;Kim, Joonseok
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.122-129
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a dual structured pipe for a preventive monitoring on a accident damage, a smartphone app program for a survey and a construction data collection and a server program for a real-time monitoring were developed. A pilot system was installed in the test field to analyze effects of a system developed in this study. The data for a damage prevention was detected by the attached sensors on the pipe. Exclusion was tested by the pressure sensors to be installed at regular intervals. The app and server programs was enabled to the real-time data collection and real-time monitoring linked by VRS survey equipments and a smartphone.