• Title/Summary/Keyword: photogrammetric technique

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The Deformation Measurement of Simulated Ground using Movable Orientation Board for Photogrammetry (사진측량용 이동식 표정판을 이용한 모형지반 변형량 측정)

  • Lee, Hyo-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 2008
  • Digital close-range photogrammetric technique can measure and describe 3D geometric form from 2D image. This technique is a growing applicability in the field of sciences. Nevertheless, civil and mechanical field, which need measurements as precise as possible, use expensive measuring instruments in general. In addition there are occasions for analysis by means of visual method, since appropriate measuring instruments have been not yet available. This study therefore developed digital close-range photogrammetric technique with a movable orientation board to quickly measure deformation before and after destruction from simulated ground model of reinforced-soil wall. Then the results are compared with the measurements obtained using digital theodolite.

Soil Volume Computation Technique at Slope Failure Using Photogrammetric Information (영상정보를 활용한 사면 붕괴 토사량 산정 기법)

  • Bibek, Tamang;Lim, Hyuntaek;Jin, Jihuan;Jang, Sukhyun;Kim, Yongseong
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2018
  • The uses of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) have been expanding in agriculture surveys, obtaining real time updates of dangerous facilities where human access is difficult, disaster monitoring, and 3D modeling. In reality, there is an upsurge in the application of UAVs in fields like, construction, infrastructure, imaging, surveying, surveillance and transportation. Especially, when the slope failure such as landslide occurs, the uses of UAVs are increasing. Since, the UAVs can fly in three dimensions, they are able to obtain spatial data in places where human access is nearly impossible. Despite of these advantages, however, the uses of UAVs are still limited during slope failure. In order to overcome these limitations, this study computes the soil volume change during slope failure through the computation technique using photogrammetric information obtained from UAV system. Through this study, it was found that photogrammetric information from UAV can be used to acquire information on amount of earthworks required for repair works when slope collapse occurs in mountainous areas, where human access in difficult.

Development of Low-Cost Data Acquisition Method for Close-range Digital Photogrammetric System (근거리 수치사진측량시스템을 위한 저가격 자료획득방법의 개발)

  • Park, Hong-Gi
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 1999
  • GIS have become easier to use and very popular. In recent year digital photogrammetric systems ire becoming cost-effective tools to build and update GIS databases. In close-range photogrammetry for the acquisition of geospatial data, the bundle adjustment needs both initial approximate values and control points to solve the exterior orientation parameters. This paper gives a review of applied and potential algorithms for estimating Initial approximate values before the bundle adjustment, develope new algorithms for determine the exterior orientation parameters, and gives a cost-effective methods for close-range digital photogrammetric system Modifications of existing DLT algorithm were made in this study for providing an efficient, economic, and more accurate photogrammetric data reduction technique. These modifications include robust approaches for automatic detection and elimination of all lands of gross errors in the measurement data, and incorporation of GPS to reduce the number of control points necessary for a DLT solution. Also, this paper derives a new method for space resection from a monocular image. A major advantage of proposed method is that the solution can be uniquely and analytically determined without initial approximate values of exterior orientation parameters and without iterative computation.

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Information Fusion of Photogrammetric Imagery and Lidar for Reliable Building Extraction (광학 영상과 Lidar의 정보 융합에 의한 신뢰성 있는 구조물 검출)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Lee, Kyoung-Mu;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2008
  • We propose a new building detection and description algorithm for Lidar data and photogrammetric imagery using color segmentation, line segments matching, perceptual grouping. Our algorithm consists of two steps. In the first step, from the initial building regions extracted from Lidar data and the color segmentation results from the photogrammetric imagery, we extract coarse building boundaries based on the Lidar results with split and merge technique from aerial imagery. In the secondstep, we extract precise building boundaries based on coarse building boundaries and edges from aerial imagery using line segments matching and perceptual grouping. The contribution of this algorithm is that color information in photogrammetric imagery is used to complement collapsed building boundaries obtained by Lidar. Moreover, linearity of the edges and construction of closed roof form are used to reflect the characteristic of man-made object. Experimental results on multisensor data demonstrate that the proposed algorithm produces more accurate and reliable results than Lidar sensor.

Precision of Digital Photogrammetry for the Roughness Measurement of Rock Surfaces

  • Lee, Hyo-Sung;Ahn, Ki-Won;Park, Byung-Uk;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the benefits of using close-range digital photogrammetric techniques for measuring the roughness of rock surfaces, using digital stereo images obtained from a Rolleiflex 6006 metric camera. To precisely measure surface roughness, we researched on how to use the flat and curved reference surface obtained from geometrically corrected digital images of the rock surface by using the least squares method. To test the precision of the proposed technique, the surface roughness has been measured between the reference surface and sample areas of very smooth-surfaced rock. Then the results were compared with the measurements obtained from a laser sensor profilometer.

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Utilizing Digital Close-Range Images for Road Slope Monitoring (도로사면의 모니터링을 위한 근거리 디지털 영상의 활용)

  • 이진덕;연상호;이호찬
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2004
  • This research addresses the experimental application of the digital close-range photogrammetric technique for 3D deformation measurement and visualization of road slope. The 3D displacements were extracted by the photo-triangulation based on the bundle adjustment method using the digital imagery. In addition, we produced the digital elevation models, the digital orthorectified images and the 3D perspective view images of the slope employing a digital photogrammetric workstation. Also the inclination map of the slope was generated as the data for monitoring and managing dangerous slopes.

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A Comparison Study on the Techniques for DEM Extraction from SAR Imagery (SAR 영상을 이용한 수치표고모형 추출기법의 비교 연구)

  • Seo, Byoung-Jun;Kim, Yong-Il;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jae-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.6 no.2 s.12
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 1998
  • SAR is an active imaging sensor emitting its own energy source and can be operated in all weather conditions. Thus SAR provides data which can not be obtained by an optical sensor. In this study, the potentials and problems of the techniques for DEM extraction from the SAR imagery were evaluated through theoretical researches and practical experiments. And then the accuracy was tested by RMS error between the digitized map contour and the results from this experiment. Here, two types of DEM extraction method were evaluated. One was an analytical photogrammetric technique, and the other was a SAR interferometric processing. From the experiment, we found that the photogrammetric technique is currently the most suitable method considering topographic conditions of Korea. In the SAR interferometry technique, we also conclude that the problems caused by decorrelations due to the temporal reasons and due to the scattering effects from vegetation should be solved.

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Optimal method of digital photogrammetry (수치항공사진측량의 최적화 방안 연구)

  • 이정화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2002
  • Digital photogrammetry is one of the powerful tools for surveying in more perceptual ways and exploiting the continuously developing computer technology. Nowadays, digital photogrammetry is being used for a number of industrial measurements and inspections but the automation aspect of this technique is not fully developed yet. Photogrammetric work, which is obtained through usual workflow, delays for a big amount of CGP surveying, interpretation and cadastral information. Therefore through studying ways of reducing the volume of photogrammetric works, financial opportunities for digital photogrammetry can be found. This research is focused on the development of the new workflow and study algorithm in digital photogrammetry. Using this result we can reduce financial expenses and improve technologies of topographic and cadastral plans creation.

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Construction of Information System for Building and Road Facility Using Photogrammetric Analysis (사진해석을 이용한 건물 및 도로시설물 정보시스템 구축)

  • 손덕재;이승환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2003
  • This study intended to extract the spatial data and attribute data from the images of terrestrial and aerial photographs and to compile the digital map from the images using various kinds of photograrmmetric analysis. Also this study aimed to develope the technique of constructing the Information System for Building and Road Facility (ISBRF) using the compiled digital maps and the extracted data. The spatial or attribute data for the facilities in the area was extracted using the single terrestial photographs and graphical method. And the Three Dimensional Frame Model was produced from multiple images of terrestial photographs. In addition, the spatial data base for the objective area was updated by the vectorizing procedures with small scale areal photos. It is concluded that the efficient techniques for constructing the ISBRF was suggested in this study.

Current status and application of Photogrammetry (사진측정기의 동향 및 응용사례)

  • Choi, Jung-Su;Park, Eung-Sik;Kim, Hyung-Wan;Yoon, Yong-Sik
    • Current Industrial and Technological Trends in Aerospace
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2008
  • Photogrammetry is a non-direct 3-dimensional coordinate measurement technique using 2-dimensional photographic images. For reconstruction 3-dimensional data from the 2-dimensional photos, photogrammetry uses the fundamental principle of triangulation. Digital photogrammetry solve for the camera location and coordinates simultaneously through the mapping, scaling and bundle processing in software processing. In this paper, several applications for photogrammetry measurement are introduced, such as 'photogrammetric measurement of the gravity deformation of a cassegrain type antenna', 'analysis of photogrammetry data from ISIM mockup', 'underwater photogrammetric verification of nuclear fuel assemblies', 'spacecraft optical bench measurement' and 'spacecraft ground support equipment measurement'.

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