• Title/Summary/Keyword: peripheral blood mononuclear cell

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Effects of SPDJTK(SoPungDoJeokTangKami) and Concurrent Administration of AJ (Atopy cream, Jawoongo) Plus SPDJTK on Atopic Dermatitis-like Skin Lesions in NC/Nga Mouse Induced by BMAC (아토피양(樣) 피부염 NC/Nga 생쥐에서 소풍도적탕가미(消風導赤湯加味)와 아토피크림, 자운고(紫雲膏) 및 소풍도적탕가미(消風導赤湯加味)의 병용투여가 피부염에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Dal-Soo;Han, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.9-35
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    • 2010
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of SPDJTK(SoPungDoJeokTangKami) and concurrent administration of AJ(Atopy cream, Jawoongo)+SPDJTK on atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions by using in NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse induced by BMAC-induced mice. Methods Clinical skin score, hematology and Serum total IgE and IgG1 of NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mice were evaluated. Moreover, the cytokine level, total cell number, Immunohistochemical staining and Histological features of axillary lymph node(ALN), draining lymph node(DLN), peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) and dorsal skin tissue were used in NC/Nga mice. Results Orally administrated SPDJTK with concurrent administration of SPDJTK and AJ decreased the clinical skin score, total cell number of WBC, eosinophils in blood, serum total IgE & IgG1, IL-5, IL-13, IFN-$\gamma$. Also, total cell number of ALN and dorsal skin tissue, absolute cell number of CD4+, CD8+, CD3+CD69+, CD3+CCR3+, CCR3+, CD4+CXCR5+ in ALN, absolute cell number of CD3+CCR3+, CCR3+ in DLN, granulocytes in PBMCs, activation cell number of CD3+CD69+, CCR3+, total cell number of CD3+ T cell in dorsal skin tissue were significantly decreased. Furthermore, thickness of epidermis, infiltrated inflammatory immune cell and mast cell in dermis, amount of Eotaxin2 mRNA, CCR3 mRNA in dorsal skin tissue, gene expression of IL-5, IL-13 mRNA in ALN, CD4+ Th cell in dorsal skin tissue and CCR3+ eosinophils in ALN were all significantly decreased. However, total number of DLN, absolute number of CD3e+ T cell and CD19+ B cell, absolute number of CD4+, number of Th cell in DLN and gene expression of foxp3 mRNA were significantly increased significantly. Conclusions Concurrent administration of SPDJTK and AJ on atopic dermatitis in NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse was very effective treatment for atopic dermatitis.

Effects of Concurrent Administration of JaUmJeSeupTangKaKam(JUJSTK) and Atopy Cream, Jawoongo(AJ) on Atopic Dermatitis-like Skin Lesions in NC/Nga Mouse (아토피양(樣)피부염 NC/Nga 생쥐에서 자음제습탕가감(滋陰除濕湯加減)과 아토피 크림-자운고(紫雲膏)의 병용투여가 피부염에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Nam-Yerl;Kim, Yun-Hee;Han, Jae-Kyung
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.9-36
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    • 2009
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a concurrent administration of JUJSTK and AJ on atopic dermatitis in an in-vivo experiment. Thus, this study is expressed by using NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mice which have histological and clinical similarities to that of humans have been used. Methods Clinical skin score, hematology, serum total IgE and IgG1 of the mouse was evaluated, and cytokine levels, total number of the cells, immunohistochemical staining, histological features of axillary lymph node(ALN), peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs), and a dorsal skin tissue of the mouse were analyzed. Results Oral administration of JUJSTK and concurrent administration of JUJSTK and AJ lowered the clinical skin score, total cell number of WBC, eosinophils in blood, and serum total of IgE & IgG1, IFN-$\gamma$, IL-5, IL-13, IL-17. In addition, total cell number of ALN and dorsal skin tissue, absolute cell number of $CD3e^+$ T cell, $CD4^+$ Th cell, $CD8^+$ c/sT cell, $CD3^+CCR3^+$ cell, $CCR3^+$ cell, $CD3^+CD69^+$, $CD4^+CXCR5^+$ in ALN, PBMCs, absolute cell number of $CCR3^+$, $CD3^+/CD69^+$, $CD11b^+/Gr-1^+$, $CD11b^+/Gr-1^+$ in dorsal skin tissue, Eotaxin2 mRNA, CCR3 mRNA in dorsal skin tissue and gene expression of IL-5 mRNA, IL-13 mRNA in ALN were significantly decreased. Furthermore, thickness of epidermis infiltrated inflammatory immune cell & mast cell in dermis, histological infiltration of mast cell, the size of inflammatory lymphocytes cells & plasma cells in ALN and histological infiltration of $CD4^+$ & $CCR3^+$ in ALN and dorsal skin tissue were significantly decreased as well. Conclusions Concurrent administration of JUJSTK and AJ on atopic dermatitis in an in-vivoexperiment by using an NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse was very effective as an atopic dermatitis treatment.

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Effects of Concurrent Administration of KKSDU and AJ on Atopic Dermatitis-like Skin Lesions in NC/Nga Mouse (아토피양(樣) 피부염 NC/Nga생쥐에서 가감소독음(加減消毒飮)과 아토피크림-자운고(紫雲膏)의 병용투여가 피부염에 미치는 영향)

  • Song, Hyun-Jee;Han, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.51-85
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of concurrent administration of KKSDU and AJ on atopic dermatitis in an in-vivo experiment using an NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse, which has histological and clinical similarities to the condition in humans. Methods : We evaluated clinical skin score, hematology, serum total IgE and IgG1 of NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse and analyzed the cytoline level, total cell number, immunohistochemical staining, histological features of axillary lymph node(ALN), draining lymph node(DLN), peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) and dorsal skin tissue in NC/Nga mouse. Results : Orally administration of KKSDU and concurrent administration of KKSDU and AJ decreased the clinical skin score, total cell number of WBC, platelet, neutrophils, eosinophils in blood, serum total IgE & IgG1, IL-5, IL-13. Also, total cell number of ALN and dorsal skin tissue, absolute cell number of CD3e+&CD19+, CD4+&CD8+, CD3+/CCR3+, CCR3+, CD3+/CD69+, CD3+/CXCR5+ in ALN, PBMCs, absolute cell number of CCR3+, CD3+/CD69+, CD11b+/Gr-1+ in dorsal skin tissue, Eotaxin2 mRNA, CCR3 mRNA in dorsal skin tissue and gene expression of IL-5 mRNA, IL-13 mRNA in ALN are significantly decreased. Furthermore, thickness of epidermis, infiltrated inflammatory immune cell & mast cell in dermis, histologic infiltration of mast cell, the size of inflammatory lymphocytes cells & plasma cells in ALN and histologic infiltration of CD4+ & CCR3+ in ALN and dorsal skin tissue are significantly decreased. However, total cell number of DLN, absolute cell number of CD3+&CD19+, CD4+&CD8+, B220+/CD23+, CD3+/CD69+ in DLN and CD4+CD25+foxp3+Treg cell, foxp3 mRNA in dersal skin tissue are increased significantly. Conclusions : Concurrent administration of KKSDU and AJ on atopic dermatitis in an in-vivo experiment using an NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse was very effective to the atopic detmatitis treatment.

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Effects of Atopy Cream-combined with Jawoongo Ointment on the Development of Atopic Dermatitis-like Skin Lesions in NC/Nga Mouse (아토피 피부염 동물 모델에서 아토피 크림과 자운고(紫雲膏)의 병용도포가 피부염에 미치는 영향)

  • Yeo, Eui-Ju;Han, Jae-Kyung;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.37-72
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    • 2009
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate the suppressive effects of Atopy cream-combined with Jawoongo ointment (A-J), on the development of atopic dermatitis-like skinlesions in NC/Nga mouse. Methods We evaluated clinical skin score, hematology and Serum total IgE and IgG1 of NC/Nga atopic dermatitis mouse, analyzed the cytokine level, total cell number, Immunohistochemical staining and Histological features of axillary lymph node(ALN), draining lymph node(DLN), peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMCs) and dorsal skin tissue in NC/Nga mouse. Results A-J decreased the clinical skin score, total cell number of WBC, platelet, neutrophils, eosinophils in blood, Serum total IgE & IgG1, IL-5, IL-13. Also, total cell number of ALN and dorsal skin tissue, Absolute cell number of $CD3e^+$&$CD19^+$, $CD4^+$&$CD8^+$, $CD3^+/CCR3^+$, $CCR3^+$, $CD3^+/CD69^+$, $CD3^+/CXCR5^+$ in ALN, PBMCs, Absolute cell number of $CCR3^+$, $CD3^+/CD69^+$, $CD11b^+/Gr-1^+$ in dorsalskin tissue, Eotaxin2 mRNA, CCR3 mRNA in dorsal skin tissue and gene expression of IL-5 mRNA, IL-13 mRNA in ALN decreased significantly. Furthermore, thickness of epidermis, infiltrated inflammatory immune cell and mast cell in dermis, histologic infiltration of mast cell, the size of inflammatory lymphocytes cells and plasma cells in ALN and histologic infiltration of CD4+ & CCR3+ in ALN and dorsal skin tissue decreased significantly. However, total cell number of DLN, absolute cell number of $CD3e^+$&$CD19^+$, $CD4^+$&$CD8^+$, $B220^+/CD23^+$, $CD3^+/CD69^+$ increased significantly. Conclusions A-J was the successful treatment of atopic dermatitis in a NC/Nga mouse model.

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Overexpressed Ostepontin-c as a Potential Biomarker for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

  • Zhang, Mei-Xiang;Xu, Yi-Jun;Zhu, Ming-Chen;Yan, Feng
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.7315-7319
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    • 2013
  • Background: The metastasis gene osteopontin (OPN) is subject to alternative splicing, which yields three messages, osteopontin-a, osteopontin-b and osteopontin-c. Osteopontin-c is selectively expressed in invasive, but not in noninvasive tumors. In the present study, we examined the expression of OPN-c in esophageal squamous cell carcinomas (ESCCs) and assessed its value as a diagnostic biomarker. Methods: OPN-c expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in 63 ESCC samples and correlated with clinicopathologic factors. Expression was also examined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 120 ESCC patients and 30 healthy subjects. The role of OPN-c mRNA as a tumor marker was investigated by receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis. Results: Immunohistochemistry showed that OPN-c was expressed in 30 of 63 cancer lesions (48%)and significantly associated with pathological T stage (P=0.038) and overall stage (P=0.023). Real time PCR showed that OPN-c mRNA was expressed at higher levels in the PBMCs of ESCC patients than in those of healthy subjects (P<0.0001) with a sensitivity as an ESCC biomarker of 86.7%. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that expression of OPN-c is significantly elevated in ESCCs and this upregulation could be a potential diagnostic marker.

Adoptive Immunotherapy for Small Cell Lung Cancer by Expanded Activated Autologous Lymphocytes: a Retrospective Clinical Analysis

  • Zhang, Guo-Qing;Li, Fang;Sun, Sheng-Jie;Hu, Yi;Wang, Gang;Wang, Yu;Cui, Xiao-Xia;Jiao, Shun-Chang
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1487-1494
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    • 2015
  • Background: To investigate the clinical efficacy of expanded activated autologous lymphocytes (EAAL) in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Materials and Methods: A total of 32 SCLC patients were selected and randomly divided into EAAL treatment and control groups, 16 cases in each. EAAL were obtained by proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of patients followed by phenotype determination. Clinical data of all patients were recorded. Patients of both groups were followed up and the overall survival (OS) were compared retrospectively. Results: After culture and proliferation in vitro, the percentages of $CD3^+$, $CD3^+CD8^+$, $CD45RO^+$, $CD28^+$, $CD29^+$, $CD8^+CD28^+$ and $CD3^+CD16^+/CD56^+$ cells increased markedly (p<0.05). The OS of the EAAL treatment group was longer than that of control group, but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.060, HR=0.487, 95%CI 0.228~1.037). 1- to 3-year survival rates in EAAL treatment group were longer than those in control group, but there was still no significant difference (p>0.05). COX multivariate regression analysis showed that the number of chemotherapy cycles and the application of EAAL immunotherapy were independent prognostic factors for SCLC patients. The OS in females and chemotherapy${\leq}6$ cycles were obviously prolonged after EAAL immunotherapy. Conclusions: In vitro induction and proliferation of EAAL is easy and biologically safe. Generally, EAAL adoptive immunotherapy can evidently prolong the OS of SCLC patients.

Modulation of Humoral and Cell-Mediated Immunity Against Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease Vaccines by Oral Administration of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Expressing Chicken Interleukin-18

  • Rahman, Md Masudur;Uyangaa, Erdenebileg;Eo, Seong Kug
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2013
  • Interleukin-18 (IL-18) has been known to induce interferon-${\gamma}$ (IFN-${\gamma}$) production and promote Th1 immunity. Although mammalian IL-18 has been characterized in great detail, the properties and application of chicken IL-18 remain largely uninvestigated as of yet. In this study, we evaluated the immunomodulatory properties of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing chicken interleukin-18 (chIL-18) on immune responses induced by avian influenza (AI) and Newcastle disease (ND) vaccines. After oral administration of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing chIL-18, chickens were vaccinated intramuscularly with the recommended dose of either inactivated AI H9N2 vaccine or ND (B1 strain) vaccine. Chickens receiving a primary vaccination were boosted using the same protocol 7 days later. Humoral and cell-mediated immune responses were evaluated in terms of HI antibody titers and proliferation and mRNA expression of IFN-${\gamma}$ and IL-4 of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in response to specific antigen stimulation. According to our results, oral administration of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing chIL-18 induced enhanced humoral and Th1-biased cell-mediated immunity against AI and ND vaccines, compared to that of chickens received S. enterica serovar Typhimurium harboring empty vector. Therefore, we conclude that our proposed vaccination regimen using inactivated AI and ND viruses along with oral administration of S. enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing chIL-18 may provide a novel approach in protecting chicken from currently circulating AI and ND virus strains.

Immune Regulatory Function of Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

  • Hyewon Lee;Mina Hwang;Seonae Jang;Sang-Won Um
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.86 no.4
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    • pp.304-318
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    • 2023
  • Background: Cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are key components of the tumor microenvironment and significantly contribute to immune evasion. We investigated the effects of CAFs on the immune function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: We isolated CAFs and normal fibroblasts (NFs) from tumors and normal lung tissues of NSCLC patients, respectively. CAFs were co-cultured with activated T cells to evaluate their immune regulatory function. We investigated the effect of CAF conditioned medium (CAF-CM) on the cytotoxicity of T cells. CAFs were also co-cultured with activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells and further incubated with cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) inhibitors to investigate the potential role of COX2 in immune evasion. Results: CAFs and NFs were isolated from the lung tissues (n=8) and lymph nodes (n=3) of NSCLC patients. Immune suppressive markers, such as COX2 and programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), were increased in CAFs after co-culture with activated T cells. Interestingly, CAFs promoted the expression of programmed death-1 in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and strongly inhibited T cell proliferation in allogenic and autologous pairs of CAFs and T cells. CAF-CM decreased the cytotoxicity of T cells. COX2 inhibitors partially restored the proliferation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and downregulated the expression of COX2, prostaglandin E synthase, prostaglandin E2, and PD-L1 in CAFs. Conclusion: CAFs promote immune evasion by suppressing the function of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells via their effects on COX2 and PD-L1 in NSCLC. The immunosuppressive function of CAFs could be alleviated by COX2 inhibitors.

Comparison of Overall Immunity Levels among Workers at Grape Orchard, Rose Greenhouse, and Open-Field Onion Farm

  • Maharjan, Anju;Gautam, Ravi;Jo, JiHun;Acharya, Manju;Lee, DaEun;Pramod, Bahadur KC;Gim, Jin;Sin, Sojung;Kim, Hyocher;Kim, ChangYul;Lee, SooYeon;Lee, SooJin;Heo, Yong;Kim, HyoungAh
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.248-254
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    • 2022
  • Background: Occupational hazards in crop farms vary diversely based on different field operations as soil management, harvesting processes, pesticide, or fertilizer application. We aimed at evaluating the immunological status of crop farmers, as limited systematic investigations on immune alteration involved with crop farming have been reported yet. Methods: Immunological parameters including plasma immunoglobulin level, major peripheral immune cells distribution, and level of cytokine production from activated T cell were conducted. Nineteen grape orchard, 48 onion open-field, and 21 rose greenhouse farmers were participated. Results: Significantly low proportion of natural killer (NK) cell, a core cell for innate immunity, was revealed in the grape farmers (19.8±3.3%) in comparison to the onion farmers (26.4±3.1%) and the rose farmers (26.9±2.5%), whereas cytotoxic T lymphocyte proportion was lower in the grape and the onion farmers than the rose farmers. The proportion of NKT cell, an immune cell implicated with allergic response, was significantly higher in the grape (2.3±0.3%) and the onion (1.6±0.8%) farmers compared with the rose farmers (1.0±0.4%). A significantly decreased interferon-gamma:interleukin-13 ratio was observed from ex vivo stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells of grape farmers compared with the other two groups. The grape farmers revealed the lowest levels of plasma IgG1 and IgG4, and their plasma IgE level was not significantly different from that of the onion or the rose farmers. Conclusion: Our finding suggests the high vulnerability of workplace-mediated allergic immunity in grape orchard farmers followed by open-field onion farmers and then the rose greenhouse farmers.

Comparison for immunophysiological responses of Jeju and Thoroughbred horses after exercise

  • Khummuang, Saichit;Lee, Hyo Gun;Joo, Sang Seok;Park, Jeong-Woong;Choi, Jae-Young;Oh, Jin Hyeog;Kim, Kyoung Hwan;Youn, Hyun-Hee;Kim, Myunghoo;Cho, Byung-Wook
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.424-435
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The study was conducted to investigate variations in the immunophysiological responses to exercise-induced stress in Jeju and Thoroughbred horses. Methods: Blood samples were collected from the jugular veins of adult Jeju (n = 5) and Thoroughbred (n = 5) horses before and after 30 min of exercise. The hematological, biochemical, and immunological profiles of the blood samples were analyzed. Blood smears were stained and observed under a microscope. The concentration of cell-free (cf) DNA in the plasma was determined using real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and polymorphonuclear cells were separated using Polymorphprep, and the expression of various stress-related and chemokine receptor genes was measured using reverse transcriptase (RT) and real-time PCR. Results: After exercise, Jeju and Thoroughbred horses displayed stress responses with significantly increased rectal temperatures, cortisol levels, and muscle catabolism-associated metabolites. Red blood cell indices were significantly higher in Thoroughbred horses than in Jeju horses after exercise. In addition, exercise-induced stress triggered the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and reduced platelet counts in Jeju horses but not in Thoroughbred horses. Heat shock protein 72 and heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 6 expression is rapidly modulated in response to exercise-induced stress in the PBMCs of Jeju horses. The expression of CXC chemokine receptor 4 in PBMCs was higher in Thoroughbred horses than in Jeju horses after exercise. Conclusion: In summary, the different immunophysiological responses of Jeju and Thoroughbred horses explain the differences in the physiological and anatomical properties of the two breeds. The physiology of Thoroughbred horses makes them suitable for racing as they are less sensitive to exercise-induced stress compared to that of Jeju horses. This study provides a basis for investigating the link between exercise-induced stresses and the physiological alteration of horses. Hence, our findings show that some of assessed parameters could be used to determine the endurance performance of horses.