• Title/Summary/Keyword: paired Comparison method

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Comparison of NIOSH Method 7400 A and B Counting Rules for Airborne Man-Made Vitreous Fibers (인조광물섬유에 대한 NIOSH 7400 방법의 A 및 B 계수규칙비교)

  • Sin, Yong Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2006
  • There are many counting rules for analyzing man-made mineral fibers. The representatives are the NIOSH Method 7400 A and B counting rules. The two rules have different rules of length-to-width ratio(aspect ratio) and diameter. The A rule counts only fibers $>5{\mu}m$ in length, and only fibers with aspect ratio >3:1. The B rule counts only ends of fibers $>5{\mu}m$ in length and $<3{\mu}m$ in diameter, and only fibers with aspect ratio ${\geq}5:1$. The A counting rule had been used before the B counting rule was introduced. The purpose of this study is to compare the A and B counting rules for airborne fibers from various man-made mineral fibers(glass wool fibers, rock wool fibers, refractory ceramic fibers, and continuous filament glass fibers) industries. There were significantly differences between the paired counts of A and B rules in all types of fibers(p<0.05). A rule counts/B rule counts(A/B ratios) were 1.52 for glass fibers, 1.53 for rock wool fibers, 1.19 for RCF, and 1.82 for continuous filament glass fibers. The counting results by A and B counting rules were highly correlated in glass wool fibers, rock wool fibers and refractory ceramic fibers(RCF) samples (r=0.96 for all types of fibers) except continuous filament glass fibers(r=0.82). Regression equations to correct for the differences between counting rules were presented in this paper.

Psycho-acoustical analysis of program feature of Symphonie Fantastique using Zwicker's sound quality parameters (쯔비커의 음질 파라메터를 이용한 환상교향곡 표제성의 심리음향학적 분석)

  • Chung, Haewook;Jeong, Soo-Ran;Cheong, Cheolung
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.78-87
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    • 2017
  • The goal of the present paper is to objectify the intrinsic subjectivity of sound as a media of music by applying psycho-acoustical methodology to the analysis of a musical work. First, 18 sound samples are extracted from "Symponie Fantastique" written by Hector Berlioz, which is a piece of program music, and then the objective Zwicher's sound quality parameters such as: Loudness, Sharpness, Roughness and Fluctuation Strength are evaluated for each of these sound samples. For subjective sound quality evaluation, 9 representative sound quality adjectives are extracted on a basis of program feature of Symponie Fantastique and the first jury test is carried out by using the numeric rating method and the paired comparison method. Three sound quality adjectives, "bright", "noisy", and "realistic" are extracted from the factor analysis of the first jury test result. On a basis of the computed sound metrics and the second jury test result for the three sound quality adjectives, three sound quality indexes are developed to represent the sound qualities of "Symponie Fantastique".

Comparison of Muscular Activity in Method with the Application of 3D Printer Maded Instrument Assistant Soft Tissue Mobilization(IASTM) Tools (3D 프린터로 제작된 도구를 이용한 연부조직가동술(IASTM) 적용방법에 따른 근활성도 비교)

  • Tae, Won-Kyu;Kang, Jong-Ho;Park, Tae-Sung
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2022
  • This study aim to verify the difference in muscle activity due to difference in the direction of the stroking method for the stroke direction of the muscles using a tool made by a 3D printer. The subjects were conducted with 20 healthy adults in their 20s, and IASTM applied the intervention of the perpendicular stroking on the direction of muscle driving and intervention of the pararell stroking on the direction of muscle driving, with 10 each deployed. All subjects measured the muscle activity before intervention, and the muscle activity was measured and compared with the independent T test and the paired T test. The results of this study showed a significant increase in muscle activity in vertical groups, although the muscle activity in horizontal groups decreased. It was that differences in direction are significant in the application of IASTM.

Analysis of Objective Sound Quality Features for Vacuum Cleaner Noise (청소기 소음 측정을 위한 객관적 음질 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Cho, Youn;Park, Jong-Geun;Hwang, Dae-Sun;Song, Chi-Mun;Lee, Chul-Hee
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose an objective quality feature which is based on the human auditory system to measure vacuum cleaner noise. It is observed that some frequency bands are more sensitive to the human auditory system. Therefore, we divided the audible frequency range of vacuum cleaner noise into a number of frequency bands and the average energy of these bands was calculated. Among a number of average energies, an average energy of a frequency band was selected as the proposed feature. In order to test the performance of the proposed feature, fourteen vacuum cleaners were chosen and the noise was recorded in an anechoic-chamber. Then we performed subjective tests to obtain subjective scores of the noise data using the PCM (paired comparison method) and ACR (absolute category rating) subjective methods. The proposed objective quality feature shows high correlation with the subjective scores.

The Effect of Mulligan Treatment and PNF on the Patients with Frozen Shoulder (Mulligan 치료법과 고유수용성 신경근 촉진법이 동결견 환자의 치료에 미친 효과)

  • Yang, Jung-Ae;Yoon, Hong-Il;Park, Huyn-Sik;Shin, Young-Il;Jeon, Beom-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of Mulligan method and PNF method on the pain and limitation of range of motion in patients with frozen shoulder. The subjects of this study were 20 patients, 10(50%) males and 10(50%) females. They visited clinic for physical treatment within 6 months after onset of shoulder pain and limitation of range of motion with frozen shoulder. One group was applied with Mulligan method and other group was with PNF method. The patient were treated 5 times session weekly for 6 weeks from March 4th, 2002. And each treatment session was 15min. with physiotherapy. The pain was measured by visual analogue scale (V AS) and rage of motion (ROM) of flexion, abduction, external rotation, internal rotation were measured by goniometer. The data was analysed by paired T-test and independent T-test. The results of this study were summarized as follow : 1. The ROM of Mulligan method group increase in after treatment in comparison with ROM in before treatment, it is significant increase. Although the V AS of MMG decrease in before than after treatment, it is significant difference. 2. There is significant difference in before and after treatment of ROM of shoulder flexion, abduction, internal rotation, external rotation between PNF method group. The V AS of PMG is decreasing in before than after treatment, it is significant difference. 3. There is significant difference in before movement and after movement ROM of flexion, abduction, internal rotation, external rotation and VAS between Mulligan method session and PNF method session then the scale which measured by Mulligan method was more increased than that of PNF method. The results showed that both Mulligan method and PNF method were effective in pain reduce and ROM increase, but Mulligan method was superior to PNF method in ROM increase and pain reduce.

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Comparison of Three Kinds of Methods on Estimation of Forest Carbon Stocks Distribution Using National Forest Inventory DB and Forest Type Map (국가산림자원조사 DB와 임상도를 이용한 산림탄소저장량 공간분포 추정방법 비교)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Min;Roh, Young-Hee;Kim, Eun-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2014
  • Carbon stocks of NFI plots can be accurately estimated using field survey information. However, an accurate estimation of carbon stocks in other unsurveyed sites is very difficult. In order to fill this gap, various spatial information can be used as an ancillary data. In South Korea, there is the 1:5,000 forest type map that was produced by digital air-photo interpretation and field survey. Because this map contains very detailed forest information, it can be used as the high-quality spatial data for estimating carbon stocks. In this study, we compared three upscaling methods based on the 1:5,000 forest type map and 5th national forest inventory data. Map algebra(method 1), RK(Regression Kriging)(method 2), and GWR(Geographically Weighted Regression)(method 3) were applied to estimate forest carbon stock in Chungcheong-nam Do and Daejeon metropolitan city. The range of carbon stocks from method 2(1.39~138.80 tonC/ha) and method 3(1.28~149.98 tonC/ha) were more similar to that of previous method(1.56~156.40 tonC/ha) than that of method 1(0.00~93.37 tonC/ha). This result shows that RK and GWR considering spatial autocorrelation can show spatial heterogeneity of carbon stocks. We carried out paired t-test for carbon stock data using 186 sample points to assess estimation accuracy. As a result, the average carbon stocks of method 2 and field survey method were not significantly different at p=0.05 using paired t-test. And the result of method 2 showed the lowest RMSE. Therefore regression kriging method is useful to consider spatial variations of carbon stocks distribution in rugged terrain and complex forest stand.

Comparison of landmark positions between Cone-Beam Computed Tomogram (CBCT) and Adjusted 2D lateral cephalogram (Cone-Beam Computed Tomogram (CBCT)과 Adjusted 2D lateral cephalogram의 계측점 차이에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Son, Soo-Jung;Chun, Youn-Sic;Kim, Minji
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.222-232
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study aims to investigate if 2D analysis method is applicable to analysis of CBCT by comparing measuring points of CBCT with those of Adjusted 2D Lateral Cephalogram (Adj-Ceph) with magnification adjusted to 100% and finding out at which landmarks the difference in position appear. Materials and methods: CBCT data and Adj-Ceph (100% magnification) data from 50 adult patients have been extracted as research objects, and the horizontal (Y axis) and vertical (Z axis) coordinates of landmarks were compared. Landmarks have been categorized into 4 groups by the position and whether they are bilaterally overlapped. Paired t-test was used to compare differences between Adj-Ceph and CBCT. Results: Significant difference was found at 11 landmarks including Group B (S, Ar, Ba, PNS), Group C (Po, Or, Hinge axis, Go) and Group D (U1RP, U6CP, L6CP) in the horizontal (Y) axis while all the landmarks in vertical (Z) axis showed significant difference (P<.05). As a result of landmark difference analysis, a meaningful difference with more than 1 mm at 13 landmarks were indentifed in the horizontal axis. In the vertical axis, significant difference over 1 mm was detected from every landmark except Sella. Conclusion: Using the conventional lateral cephalometric measurements on CBCT is insufficient. A new 3D analysis or a modified 2D analysis adjusted on 19 landmarks of the vertical axis and 13 of the horizontal axis are needed when implementing CBCT diagnosis.

The Odd Pair Family's Health management in rural, Korea -Comparison with the Pair Family- (농촌거주 외짝가족의 건강관리-부부가족과의 비교)

  • Rhie Seung Gyo;Cho Young Sook;Won Hyang Rye
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2005
  • Family has emerged as a key concept for health, and it has been identified as one of the most important conditions. The relationship between health habit and its management is different depending on family. The odd pair family, mostly rural lower income class, worry to have poor health because of no spouse and small family size. One thousand eight hundred and seventy(1870) subjects were collected in 9 provinces through the sampling of Probability Proportional to Size (PPS). Questionnaire method was conducted on health checking, bath states, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and the prevalence of farmer's health related problems. The main results were as follows: 1) The characteristics of odd pair families are that the head of household is female(77% ), the size of family is small(1.76 persons), the education level is low(7.5 years for male, 3.1 years for female) and the age group is old (male: 89.78 year old, female: 73.69 year old). 2) For the odd pair family, the frequency of health checking is quite low with one or two times per year(l0.2%) and the rate of no-health checking is much higher(35.8%) .3) Bathing utility is not available 29.6% of the odd pair family and only cold water is supplied at home for the 11.5 % of them. However, for the paired family, 9.8 % of them has no bathing utility and the rate of the family supplied with only cold water is just 7.9%. 4) The bathing frequency score of odd pair family is l.74points for male and 1.25 points for female. 5) The rate of smoking habits for odd pair family is 68.5 % and specially it is 7.6% for female, which is higher comparing with that of pair family. 6) The smoking frequency score of odd pair family is 1.57 points. 7) Alcohol drinking frequency score of odd pair family is 1.79 points for male, and 3.24points for female. 8) Farmers' syndrome(FS) revealed 38.7% of odd pair family and it is lower than that of pair family(57.3%). Special pain of FS was huckle bone and muscle(28.4%) and articular pain(24.l %). The pain rate of huckle bone and muscle(43.l %) and articular pain(33.5%) were higher in a year in odd pair family were lower than those of pair family: farming machine caused accidents(6.5%) and pesticide poisoning(5.7%). l0) The odd pair family use more frequently medical clinic or public health center for the treatment of FS(74.7%) and pesticide poisoning(62.5%) than the pair family for FS(69.0%) and for pesticide poisoning(.53.6%). The score of FS treatment is 5.70 points for odd pair family and it is not significantly different from 5.62 points of the paired family. The result of pesticide poisoning treatment score is as same as that of FS.

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Comparison of the Dose of the Normal Tissues among Various Conventional Techniques for Whole Brain Radiotherapy (여러 통상적인 전뇌방사선치료 기법에서의 정상조직의 조사선량 비교)

  • Kang, Min-Kyu
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.99-105
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To compare radiation dose of the brain and lens among various conventional whole brain radiotherapy (WBRT) techniques. Materials and Methods: Treatment plans for WBRT were generated with planning computed tomography scans of 11 patients. A traditional plan with an isocenter located at the field center and a parallel anterior margin at the lateral bony canthus was generated (P1). Blocks were automatically generated with a 1 cm margin on the brain (5 mm for the lens). Subsequently, the isocenter was moved to the lateral bony canthus (P2), and the blocks were replaced into the multileaf collimator (MLC) with a 5 mm leaf width in the craniocaudal direction (P3). For each patient plan, 30 Gy was prescribed at the isocenter of P1. Dose volume histogram (DVH) parameters of the brain and lens were compared by way of a paired t-test. Results: Mean values of $D_{max}$ and $V_{105}$ of the brain in P1 were 111.9% and 23.6%, respectively. In P2 and P3, $D_{max}$ and $V_{105}$ of the brain were significantly reduced to 107.2% and 4.5~4.6%, respectively (p<0.001). The mean value of $D_{mean}$ of the lens was 3.1 Gy in P1 and 2.4~2.9 Gy in P2 and P3 (p<0.001). Conclusion: WBRT treatment plans with an isocenter located at the lateral bony canthus have dosimetric advantages for both the brain and lens without any complex method changes.

Experience of Aging Simulation Clothes among Undergraduate Nursing Students (간호대학생의 노인체험복 착용경험에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hyesun;Kim, Eungjong;Kim, Junghee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.141-157
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    • 2010
  • This quasi-experimental study examined the experience of simulation clothes and its effects among undergraduate nursing students. Method: The experimental group consisted of 44 sophomore students in a diploma nursing program, while 41 students comprised the comparison group. Only the experimental group experienced the functional decline of aging after taking on simulation clothes. Homogeneity between the groups was analyzed using t-test, and Fisher's exact test. Paired t-test and t-test were adopted for testing changes of attitudes and awareness of supporting elders. In addition, contents of students' reports of the aging simulation experience were analyzed. Results: No significant quantitative effect was observed in attitudes toward elders and awareness of supporting elders. However, the simulation experience seemed to have enhanced students' understanding of elders and of basic elder care as well. Furthermore, the students could think of preparing for their later lives. Conclusion: The experience of simulation clothes is a meaningful learning opportunity in gerontological nursing curriculum. Students' experiences need to be shared and reinforced in a discussion session. Safety should be secured in the process of the experience. The simulation experience can be further developed to raise its quality.